/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include using namespace solidity::test::fuzzer; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace std; GeneratorBase::GeneratorBase(std::shared_ptr _mutator) { mutator = std::move(_mutator); state = mutator->testState(); uRandDist = mutator->uniformRandomDist(); } string GeneratorBase::visitChildren() { ostringstream os; // Randomise visit order vector randomisedChildren; for (auto const& child: generators) randomisedChildren.push_back(child); shuffle(randomisedChildren.begin(), randomisedChildren.end(), *uRandDist->randomEngine); for (auto child: randomisedChildren) os << std::visit(GenericVisitor{ [&](auto const& _item) { return _item->generate(); } }, child); return os.str(); } string TestState::randomPath(set const& _sourceUnitPaths) const { auto it = _sourceUnitPaths.begin(); /// Advance iterator by n where 0 <= n <= sourceUnitPaths.size() - 1 size_t increment = uRandDist->distributionOneToN(_sourceUnitPaths.size()) - 1; solAssert( increment >= 0 && increment < _sourceUnitPaths.size(), "Solc custom mutator: Invalid increment" ); advance(it, increment); return *it; } string TestState::randomPath() const { solAssert(!empty(), "Solc custom mutator: Null test state"); return randomPath(sourceUnitPaths); } void TestState::print(std::ostream& _os) const { _os << "Printing test state" << std::endl; for (auto const& item: sourceUnitPaths) _os << "Source path: " << item << std::endl; } string TestState::randomNonCurrentPath() const { /// To obtain a source path that is not the currently visited /// source unit itself, we require at least one other source /// unit to be previously visited. solAssert(size() >= 2, "Solc custom mutator: Invalid test state"); set filteredSourcePaths; string currentPath = currentSourceUnitPath; copy_if( sourceUnitPaths.begin(), sourceUnitPaths.end(), inserter(filteredSourcePaths, filteredSourcePaths.begin()), [currentPath](string const& _item) { return _item != currentPath; } ); return randomPath(filteredSourcePaths); } void TestCaseGenerator::setup() { addGenerators({ mutator->generator() }); } string TestCaseGenerator::visit() { ostringstream os; for (unsigned i = 0; i < uRandDist->distributionOneToN(s_maxSourceUnits); i++) { string sourcePath = path(); os << "\n" << "==== Source: " << sourcePath << " ====" << "\n"; updateSourcePath(sourcePath); m_numSourceUnits++; os << visitChildren(); } return os.str(); } void SourceUnitGenerator::setup() { addGenerators({ mutator->generator(), mutator->generator() }); } string SourceUnitGenerator::visit() { return visitChildren(); } string PragmaGenerator::visit() { static constexpr const char* preamble = R"( pragma solidity >= 0.0.0; pragma experimental SMTChecker; )"; // Choose equally at random from coder v1 and v2 string abiPragma = "pragma abicoder v" + to_string(uRandDist->distributionOneToN(2)) + ";\n"; return preamble + abiPragma; } string ImportGenerator::visit() { /* * Case 1: No source units defined * Case 2: One source unit defined * Case 3: At least two source units defined */ ostringstream os; // Self import with a small probability only if // there is one source unit present in test. if (state->size() == 1) { if (uRandDist->probable(s_selfImportInvProb)) os << "import " << "\"" << state->randomPath() << "\";"; } else { // Import a different source unit if at least // two source units available. os << "import " << "\"" << state->randomNonCurrentPath() << "\";"; } return os.str(); } template shared_ptr SolidityGenerator::generator() { for (auto& g: m_generators) if (holds_alternative>(g)) return get>(g); solAssert(false, ""); } SolidityGenerator::SolidityGenerator(unsigned _seed) { m_generators = {}; m_urd = make_shared(make_unique(_seed)); m_state = make_shared(m_urd); } template void SolidityGenerator::createGenerators() { if constexpr (I < std::variant_size_v) { createGenerator>(); createGenerators(); } } string SolidityGenerator::generateTestProgram() { createGenerators(); for (auto& g: m_generators) std::visit(GenericVisitor{ [&](auto const& _item) { return _item->setup(); } }, g); string program = generator()->generate(); destroyGenerators(); return program; }