{ "SolidityTest" : { "env" : { "currentCoinbase" : "2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba", "currentDifficulty" : "45678256", "currentGasLimit" : "1000000000000000000000000", "currentNumber" : "120", "currentTimestamp" : 1, "previousHash" : "5e20a0453cecd065ea59c37ac63e079ee08998b6045136a8ce6635c7912ec0b6" }, "pre" : { "a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b" : { "balance" : "1000000000000000000", "code" : "", "nonce" : "0", "storage" : { } }, "d94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b" : { "balance" : "1000000", "//" : " ", "//" : "contract TestContract ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : " function testMethod() returns (int res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " return 225; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function destroy(address sendFoundsTo) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " suicide(sendFoundsTo); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : "} ", "//" : " ", "//" : "contract TestSolidityContracts ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : "struct StructTest ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " address addr; ", "//" : " int amount; ", "//" : " string32 str; ", "//" : " mapping (uint => address) funders; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " int globalValue; ", "//" : " StructTest globalData; ", "//" : " function runSolidityTests() returns (hash res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " //res is a mask of failing tests given the first byte is first test ", "//" : " res = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " createContractFromMethod(); ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (!testKeywords()) ", "//" : " res = hash(int(res) + int(0xf000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (!testContractInteraction()) ", "//" : " res = hash(int(res) + int(0x0f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (!testContractSuicide()) ", "//" : " res = hash(int(res) + int(0x00f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (!testBlockAndTransactionProperties()) ", "//" : " res = hash(int(res) + int(0x000f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); ", "//" : " ", "//" : " globalValue = 255; ", "//" : " globalData.addr = 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b; ", "//" : " globalData.amount = 255; ", "//" : " globalData.str = 'global data 32 length string'; ", "//" : " globalData.funders[0] = 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b; ", "//" : " if (!testStructuresAndVariabless()) ", "//" : " res = hash(int(res) + int(0x0000f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (!testCryptographicFunctions()) ", "//" : " res = hash(int(res) + int(0x00000f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); ", "//" : " ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testCryptographicFunctions() returns (bool res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " res = true; ", "//" : " if (sha3('teststring') != 0x43c4b4524adb81e4e9a5c4648a98e9d320e3908ac5b6c889144b642cd08ae16d) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (sha256('teststring') != 0x3c8727e019a42b444667a587b6001251becadabbb36bfed8087a92c18882d111) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (ripemd160('teststring') != 0xcd566972b5e50104011a92b59fa8e0b1234851ae) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " //ecrecover ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testStructuresAndVariabless() returns (bool res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " res = true; ", "//" : " if (globalValue != 255) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (globalValue != globalData.amount) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (globalData.addr != 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (globalData.str != 'global data 32 length string') ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (globalData.funders[0] != 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testBlockAndTransactionProperties() returns (bool res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " res = true; ", "//" : " if (block.coinbase != 0x2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (block.difficulty != 45678256) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " //for some reason does not work 27.01.2015 ", "//" : " if (block.gaslimit != 1000000000000000000000) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (block.number != 120) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " //try to call this ", "//" : " block.blockhash(120); ", "//" : " block.timestamp; ", "//" : " msg.gas; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (msg.sender != 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (msg.value != 100) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (tx.gasprice != 1) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (tx.origin != 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b) ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testContractSuicide() returns (bool res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " TestContract a = new TestContract(); ", "//" : " a.destroy(block.coinbase); ", "//" : " if (a.testMethod() == 225) //we should be able to call a contract ", "//" : " return true; ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testContractInteraction() returns (bool res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " TestContract a = new TestContract(); ", "//" : " if (a.testMethod() == 225) ", "//" : " return true; ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testKeywords() returns (bool res) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " //some simple checks for the if statemnt ", "//" : " //if, else, while, for, break, continue, return ", "//" : " int i = 0; ", "//" : " res = false; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (i == 0) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " if( i <= -25) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " else ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " while(i < 10) ", "//" : " i++; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (i == 10) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " for(var j=10; j>0; j--) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " i--; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " if (i == 0) ", "//" : " return true; ", "//" : " ", "//" : " return false; ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function createContractFromMethod() returns (TestContract a) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " a = new TestContract(); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : "} ", "code" : "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", "nonce" : "0", "storage" : { } } }, "transaction" : { "//" : "createContractFromMethod()", "data" : "0x7ee17e12", "//" : "runSolidityTests()", "data" : "0x0c4c9a80", "gasLimit" : "15000000", "gasPrice" : "1", "nonce" : "0", "secretKey" : "45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8", "to" : "d94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b", "value" : "100" } }, "CallLowLevelCreatesSolidity" : { "env" : { "currentCoinbase" : "2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba", "currentDifficulty" : "45678256", "currentGasLimit" : "100000000", "currentNumber" : "0", "currentTimestamp" : 1, "previousHash" : "5e20a0453cecd065ea59c37ac63e079ee08998b6045136a8ce6635c7912ec0b6" }, "pre" : { "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87" : { "balance" : "100000", "//": "contract subcaller ", "//": "{ ", "//": " function init(address a) ", "//": " { ", "//": " main(a).setdata(225); ", "//": " } ", "//": "} ", "//": " ", "//": "contract main ", "//": "{ ", "//": " uint data; ", "//": " address msgsender; ", "//": " function run() returns (uint) ", "//": " { ", "//": " data = 1; ", "//": " msgsender = 0x095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87; ", "//": " subcaller a = new subcaller(); ", "//": " a.init(msgsender); ", "//": " return data; ", "//": " } ", "//": " ", "//": " function setdata(uint _data) ", "//": " { ", "//": " data = _data; ", "//": " } ", "//": "}", "code" : "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", "nonce" : "0", "storage" : { } }, "a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b" : { "balance" : "1000000", "nonce" : "0", "code" : "", "storage": {} } }, "transaction" : { "//" : "run()", "data" : "0xc0406226", "gasLimit" : "350000", "gasPrice" : "1", "nonce" : "0", "secretKey" : "45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8", "to" : "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87", "value" : "1" } }, "CallRecursiveMethods" : { "env" : { "currentCoinbase" : "2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba", "currentDifficulty" : "45678256", "currentGasLimit" : "100000000", "currentNumber" : "0", "currentTimestamp" : 1, "previousHash" : "5e20a0453cecd065ea59c37ac63e079ee08998b6045136a8ce6635c7912ec0b6" }, "pre" : { "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87" : { "balance" : "100000", "//" : "contract recursiveMethods ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : " function testInfiniteLoop() ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " while(true){} ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testRecursiveMethods() ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " testRecursiveMethods2(); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testRecursiveMethods2() ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " testRecursiveMethods(); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : "}", "code" : "0x60003560e060020a90048063296df0df1460295780634893d88a146035578063981a316514604157005b602f604d565b60006000f35b603b6062565b60006000f35b6047605a565b60006000f35b5b600115605857604e565b565b60606062565b565b6068605a565b56", "nonce" : "0", "storage" : { } }, "a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b" : { "balance" : "500000", "nonce" : "0", "code" : "", "storage": {} } }, "transaction" : { "//" : "testRecursiveMethods()", "data" : "0x981a3165", "gasLimit" : "30000", "gasPrice" : "1", "nonce" : "0", "secretKey" : "45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8", "to" : "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87", "value" : "1" } }, "CallInfiniteLoop" : { "env" : { "currentCoinbase" : "2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba", "currentDifficulty" : "45678256", "currentGasLimit" : "100000000", "currentNumber" : "0", "currentTimestamp" : 1, "previousHash" : "5e20a0453cecd065ea59c37ac63e079ee08998b6045136a8ce6635c7912ec0b6" }, "pre" : { "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87" : { "balance" : "100000", "//" : "contract recursiveMethods ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : " function testInfiniteLoop() ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " while(true){} ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testRecursiveMethods() ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " testRecursiveMethods2(); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function testRecursiveMethods2() ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " testRecursiveMethods(); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : "}", "code" : "0x60003560e060020a90048063296df0df1460295780634893d88a146035578063981a316514604157005b602f604d565b60006000f35b603b6062565b60006000f35b6047605a565b60006000f35b5b600115605857604e565b565b60606062565b565b6068605a565b56", "nonce" : "0", "storage" : { } }, "a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b" : { "balance" : "500000", "nonce" : "0", "code" : "", "storage": {} } }, "transaction" : { "//" : "testInfiniteLoop()", "data" : "0x296df0df", "gasLimit" : "300000", "gasPrice" : "1", "nonce" : "0", "secretKey" : "45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8", "to" : "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87", "value" : "1" } }, "RecursiveCreateContractsCreate4Contracts" : { "env" : { "currentCoinbase" : "2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba", "currentDifficulty" : "45678256", "currentGasLimit" : "100000000", "currentNumber" : "0", "currentTimestamp" : 1, "previousHash" : "5e20a0453cecd065ea59c37ac63e079ee08998b6045136a8ce6635c7912ec0b6" }, "pre" : { "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87" : { "balance" : "1000000000000000000000000000000000", "//" : "contract recursiveCreate1 ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : " uint depp; ", "//" : " function recursiveCreate1(address a, uint depth) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " depth = depth - 1; ", "//" : " depp = depth; ", "//" : " if(depth > 0) ", "//" : " main(a).create2(depth); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : "} ", "//" : " ", "//" : "contract recursiveCreate2 ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : " uint depp; ", "//" : " function recursiveCreate2(address a, uint depth) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " depth = depth - 1; ", "//" : " depp = depth; ", "//" : " if(depth > 0) ", "//" : " recursiveCreate1 rec1 = new recursiveCreate1(a, depth); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : "} ", "//" : " ", "//" : "contract main ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : " address maincontract; ", "//" : " uint depp; ", "//" : " function run(uint depth) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " maincontract = 0x095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87; ", "//" : " depp = depth; ", "//" : " recursiveCreate1 rec1 = new recursiveCreate1(maincontract, depth); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : " ", "//" : " function create2(uint depth) ", "//" : " { ", "//" : " recursiveCreate2 rec2 = new recursiveCreate2(maincontract, depth); ", "//" : " address(rec2).send(2); ", "//" : " } ", "//" : "}", "code" : "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", "nonce" : "0", "storage" : { } }, "a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b" : { "balance" : "5000000", "nonce" : "0", "code" : "", "storage": {} } }, "transaction" : { "//" : "run(uint256)", "data" : "0xa444f5e90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004", "gasLimit" : "300000", "gasPrice" : "1", "nonce" : "0", "secretKey" : "45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8", "to" : "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87", "value" : "1" } }, "RecursiveCreateContracts" : { "env" : { "currentCoinbase" : "2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba", "currentDifficulty" : "45678256", "currentGasLimit" : "100000000", "currentNumber" : "0", "currentTimestamp" : 1, "previousHash" : "5e20a0453cecd065ea59c37ac63e079ee08998b6045136a8ce6635c7912ec0b6" }, "pre" : { "095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87" : { "balance" : "1000000000000000000000000000000000", "//" : "contract recursiveCreate1 ", "//" : "{ ", "//" : " uint depp; ", "//" : " function 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