#!/usr/bin/env bash # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This file is part of solidity. # # solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with solidity. If not, see # # (c) 2019 solidity contributors. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -e # Requires $REPO_ROOT to be defined and "${REPO_ROOT}/scripts/common.sh" to be included before. CURRENT_EVM_VERSION=london AVAILABLE_PRESETS=( legacy-no-optimize ir-no-optimize legacy-optimize-evm-only ir-optimize-evm-only legacy-optimize-evm+yul ir-optimize-evm+yul ) function print_presets_or_exit { local selected_presets="$1" [[ $selected_presets != "" ]] || { printWarning "No presets to run. Exiting."; exit 0; } printLog "Selected settings presets: ${selected_presets}" } function verify_input { local binary_type="$1" local binary_path="$2" local selected_presets="$3" (( $# >= 2 && $# <= 3 )) || fail "Usage: $0 native|solcjs [preset]" [[ $binary_type == native || $binary_type == solcjs ]] || fail "Invalid binary type: '${binary_type}'. Must be either 'native' or 'solcjs'." [[ -f "$binary_path" ]] || fail "The compiler binary does not exist at '${binary_path}'" if [[ $selected_presets != "" ]] then for preset in $selected_presets do if [[ " ${AVAILABLE_PRESETS[*]} " != *" $preset "* ]] then fail "Preset '${preset}' does not exist. Available presets: ${AVAILABLE_PRESETS[*]}." fi done fi } function setup_solc { local test_dir="$1" local binary_type="$2" local binary_path="$3" local solcjs_branch="${4:-master}" local install_dir="${5:-solc/}" local solcjs_dir="$6" [[ $binary_type == native || $binary_type == solcjs ]] || assertFail [[ $binary_type == solcjs || $solcjs_dir == "" ]] || assertFail cd "$test_dir" if [[ $binary_type == solcjs ]] then printLog "Setting up solc-js..." if [[ $solcjs_dir == "" ]]; then printLog "Cloning branch ${solcjs_branch}..." git clone --depth 1 -b "$solcjs_branch" https://github.com/ethereum/solc-js.git "$install_dir" else printLog "Using local solc-js from ${solcjs_dir}..." cp -ra "$solcjs_dir" solc fi pushd "$install_dir" npm install cp "$binary_path" soljson.js npm run build SOLCVERSION=$(dist/solc.js --version) popd else printLog "Setting up solc..." SOLCVERSION=$("$binary_path" --version | tail -n 1 | sed -n -E 's/^Version: (.*)$/\1/p') fi SOLCVERSION_SHORT=$(echo "$SOLCVERSION" | sed -En 's/^([0-9.]+).*\+commit\.[0-9a-f]+.*$/\1/p') printLog "Using compiler version $SOLCVERSION" } function download_project { local repo="$1" local ref_type="$2" local solcjs_ref="$3" local test_dir="$4" [[ $ref_type == commit || $ref_type == branch || $ref_type == tag ]] || assertFail printLog "Cloning ${ref_type} ${solcjs_ref} of ${repo}..." if [[ $ref_type == commit ]]; then mkdir ext cd ext git init git remote add origin "$repo" git fetch --depth 1 origin "$solcjs_ref" git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD else git clone --depth 1 "$repo" -b "$solcjs_ref" "$test_dir/ext" cd ext fi echo "Current commit hash: $(git rev-parse HEAD)" } function force_truffle_version { local version="$1" sed -i 's/"truffle":\s*".*"/"truffle": "'"$version"'"/g' package.json } function replace_version_pragmas { # Replace fixed-version pragmas (part of Consensys best practice). # Include all directories to also cover node dependencies. printLog "Replacing fixed-version pragmas..." find . test -name '*.sol' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -E -e 's/pragma solidity [^;]+;/pragma solidity >=0.0;/' } function neutralize_package_lock { # Remove lock files (if they exist) to prevent them from overriding our changes in package.json printLog "Removing package lock files..." rm --force --verbose yarn.lock rm --force --verbose package-lock.json } function neutralize_package_json_hooks { printLog "Disabling package.json hooks..." [[ -f package.json ]] || fail "package.json not found" sed -i 's|"prepublish": *".*"|"prepublish": ""|g' package.json sed -i 's|"prepare": *".*"|"prepare": ""|g' package.json } function neutralize_packaged_contracts { # Frameworks will build contracts from any package that contains a configuration file. # This is both unnecessary (any files imported from these packages will get compiled again as a # part of the main project anyway) and trips up our version check because it won't use our # custom compiler binary. printLog "Removing framework config and artifacts from npm packages..." find node_modules/ -type f '(' -name 'hardhat.config.*' -o -name 'truffle-config.*' ')' -delete # Some npm packages also come packaged with pre-built artifacts. find node_modules/ -path '*artifacts/build-info/*.json' -delete } function force_solc_modules { local custom_solcjs_path="${1:-solc/}" [[ -d node_modules/ ]] || assertFail printLog "Replacing all installed solc-js with a link to the latest version..." soljson_binaries=$(find node_modules -type f -path "*/solc/soljson.js") for soljson_binary in $soljson_binaries do local solc_module_path solc_module_path=$(dirname "$soljson_binary") printLog "Found and replaced solc-js in $solc_module_path" rm -r "$solc_module_path" ln -s "$custom_solcjs_path" "$solc_module_path" done } function force_truffle_compiler_settings { local config_file="$1" local binary_type="$2" local solc_path="$3" local preset="$4" local evm_version="${5:-"$CURRENT_EVM_VERSION"}" local extra_settings="$6" local extra_optimizer_settings="$7" [[ $binary_type == native || $binary_type == solcjs ]] || assertFail [[ $binary_type == native ]] && local solc_path="native" printLog "Forcing Truffle compiler settings..." echo "-------------------------------------" echo "Config file: $config_file" echo "Binary type: $binary_type" echo "Compiler path: $solc_path" echo "Settings preset: ${preset}" echo "Settings: $(settings_from_preset "$preset" "$evm_version" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings")" echo "EVM version: $evm_version" echo "Compiler version: ${SOLCVERSION_SHORT}" echo "Compiler version (full): ${SOLCVERSION}" echo "-------------------------------------" local compiler_settings gas_reporter_settings compiler_settings=$(truffle_compiler_settings "$solc_path" "$preset" "$evm_version" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings") gas_reporter_settings=$(eth_gas_reporter_settings "$preset") { echo "require('eth-gas-reporter');" echo "module.exports['mocha'] = {" echo " reporter: 'eth-gas-reporter'," echo " reporterOptions: ${gas_reporter_settings}" echo "};" echo "module.exports['compilers'] = ${compiler_settings};" } >> "$config_file" } function name_hardhat_default_export { local config_file="$1" local import="import {HardhatUserConfig} from 'hardhat/types';" local config="const config: HardhatUserConfig = {" sed -i "s|^\s*export\s*default\s*{|${import}\n${config}|g" "$config_file" echo "export default config;" >> "$config_file" } function force_hardhat_timeout { local config_file="$1" local config_var_name="$2" local new_timeout="$3" printLog "Configuring Hardhat..." echo "-------------------------------------" echo "Timeout: ${new_timeout}" echo "-------------------------------------" if [[ $config_file == *\.js ]]; then [[ $config_var_name == "" ]] || assertFail echo "module.exports.mocha = module.exports.mocha || {timeout: ${new_timeout}}" echo "module.exports.mocha.timeout = ${new_timeout}" else [[ $config_file == *\.ts ]] || assertFail [[ $config_var_name != "" ]] || assertFail echo "${config_var_name}.mocha = ${config_var_name}.mocha ?? {timeout: ${new_timeout}};" echo "${config_var_name}.mocha!.timeout = ${new_timeout}" fi >> "$config_file" } function force_hardhat_compiler_binary { local config_file="$1" local binary_type="$2" local solc_path="$3" printLog "Configuring Hardhat..." echo "-------------------------------------" echo "Config file: ${config_file}" echo "Binary type: ${binary_type}" echo "Compiler path: ${solc_path}" local language="${config_file##*.}" hardhat_solc_build_subtask "$SOLCVERSION_SHORT" "$SOLCVERSION" "$binary_type" "$solc_path" "$language" >> "$config_file" } function force_hardhat_unlimited_contract_size { local config_file="$1" local config_var_name="$2" printLog "Configuring Hardhat..." echo "-------------------------------------" echo "Allow unlimited contract size: true" echo "-------------------------------------" if [[ $config_file == *\.js ]]; then [[ $config_var_name == "" ]] || assertFail echo "module.exports.networks.hardhat = module.exports.networks.hardhat || {allowUnlimitedContractSize: undefined}" echo "module.exports.networks.hardhat.allowUnlimitedContractSize = true" else [[ $config_file == *\.ts ]] || assertFail [[ $config_var_name != "" ]] || assertFail echo "${config_var_name}.networks!.hardhat = ${config_var_name}.networks!.hardhat ?? {allowUnlimitedContractSize: undefined};" echo "${config_var_name}.networks!.hardhat!.allowUnlimitedContractSize = true" fi >> "$config_file" } function force_hardhat_compiler_settings { local config_file="$1" local preset="$2" local config_var_name="$3" local evm_version="${4:-"$CURRENT_EVM_VERSION"}" local extra_settings="$5" local extra_optimizer_settings="$6" printLog "Configuring Hardhat..." echo "-------------------------------------" echo "Config file: ${config_file}" echo "Settings preset: ${preset}" echo "Settings: $(settings_from_preset "$preset" "$evm_version" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings")" echo "EVM version: ${evm_version}" echo "Compiler version: ${SOLCVERSION_SHORT}" echo "Compiler version (full): ${SOLCVERSION}" echo "-------------------------------------" local compiler_settings gas_reporter_settings compiler_settings=$(hardhat_compiler_settings "$SOLCVERSION_SHORT" "$preset" "$evm_version" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings") gas_reporter_settings=$(eth_gas_reporter_settings "$preset") if [[ $config_file == *\.js ]]; then [[ $config_var_name == "" ]] || assertFail echo "require('hardhat-gas-reporter');" echo "module.exports.gasReporter = ${gas_reporter_settings};" echo "module.exports.solidity = ${compiler_settings};" else [[ $config_file == *\.ts ]] || assertFail [[ $config_var_name != "" ]] || assertFail echo 'import "hardhat-gas-reporter";' echo "${config_var_name}.gasReporter = ${gas_reporter_settings};" echo "${config_var_name}.solidity = {compilers: [${compiler_settings}]};" fi >> "$config_file" } function truffle_verify_compiler_version { local solc_version="$1" local full_solc_version="$2" printLog "Verify that the correct version (${solc_version}/${full_solc_version}) of the compiler was used to compile the contracts..." grep "$full_solc_version" --with-filename --recursive build/contracts || fail "Wrong compiler version detected." } function hardhat_verify_compiler_version { local solc_version="$1" local full_solc_version="$2" printLog "Verify that the correct version (${solc_version}/${full_solc_version}) of the compiler was used to compile the contracts..." local build_info_files build_info_files=$(find . -path '*artifacts/build-info/*.json') for build_info_file in $build_info_files; do grep '"solcVersion":[[:blank:]]*"'"${solc_version}"'"' --with-filename "$build_info_file" || fail "Wrong compiler version detected in ${build_info_file}." grep '"solcLongVersion":[[:blank:]]*"'"${full_solc_version}"'"' --with-filename "$build_info_file" || fail "Wrong compiler version detected in ${build_info_file}." done } function truffle_clean { rm -rf build/ } function hardhat_clean { rm -rf build/ artifacts/ cache/ } function settings_from_preset { local preset="$1" local evm_version="$2" local extra_settings="$3" local extra_optimizer_settings="$4" [[ " ${AVAILABLE_PRESETS[*]} " == *" $preset "* ]] || assertFail [[ $extra_settings == "" ]] || extra_settings="${extra_settings}, " [[ $extra_optimizer_settings == "" ]] || extra_optimizer_settings="${extra_optimizer_settings}, " case "$preset" in # NOTE: Remember to update `parallelism` of `t_ems_ext` job in CI config if you add/remove presets legacy-no-optimize) echo "{${extra_settings}evmVersion: '${evm_version}', viaIR: false, optimizer: {${extra_optimizer_settings}enabled: false}}" ;; ir-no-optimize) echo "{${extra_settings}evmVersion: '${evm_version}', viaIR: true, optimizer: {${extra_optimizer_settings}enabled: false}}" ;; legacy-optimize-evm-only) echo "{${extra_settings}evmVersion: '${evm_version}', viaIR: false, optimizer: {${extra_optimizer_settings}enabled: true, details: {yul: false}}}" ;; ir-optimize-evm-only) echo "{${extra_settings}evmVersion: '${evm_version}', viaIR: true, optimizer: {${extra_optimizer_settings}enabled: true, details: {yul: false}}}" ;; legacy-optimize-evm+yul) echo "{${extra_settings}evmVersion: '${evm_version}', viaIR: false, optimizer: {${extra_optimizer_settings}enabled: true, details: {yul: true}}}" ;; ir-optimize-evm+yul) echo "{${extra_settings}evmVersion: '${evm_version}', viaIR: true, optimizer: {${extra_optimizer_settings}enabled: true, details: {yul: true}}}" ;; *) fail "Unknown settings preset: '${preset}'." ;; esac } function replace_global_solc { local solc_path="$1" [[ ! -e solc ]] || fail "A file named 'solc' already exists in '${PWD}'." ln -s "$solc_path" solc export PATH="$PWD:$PATH" } function eth_gas_reporter_settings { local preset="$1" echo "{" echo " enabled: true," echo " gasPrice: 1," # Gas price does not matter to us at all. Set to whatever to avoid API call. echo " noColors: true," echo " showTimeSpent: false," # We're not interested in test timing echo " onlyCalledMethods: true," # Exclude entries with no gas for shorter report echo " showMethodSig: true," # Should make diffs more stable if there are overloaded functions echo " outputFile: \"$(gas_report_path "$preset")\"" echo "}" } function truffle_compiler_settings { local solc_path="$1" local preset="$2" local evm_version="$3" local extra_settings="$4" local extra_optimizer_settings="$5" echo "{" echo " solc: {" echo " version: \"${solc_path}\"," echo " settings: $(settings_from_preset "$preset" "$evm_version" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings")" echo " }" echo "}" } function hardhat_solc_build_subtask { local solc_version="$1" local full_solc_version="$2" local binary_type="$3" local solc_path="$4" local language="$5" [[ $binary_type == native || $binary_type == solcjs ]] || assertFail [[ $binary_type == native ]] && local is_solcjs=false [[ $binary_type == solcjs ]] && local is_solcjs=true if [[ $language == js ]]; then echo "const {TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_SOLC_BUILD} = require('hardhat/builtin-tasks/task-names');" echo "const assert = require('assert');" echo echo "subtask(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_SOLC_BUILD, async (args, hre, runSuper) => {" else [[ $language == ts ]] || assertFail echo "import {TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_SOLC_BUILD} from 'hardhat/builtin-tasks/task-names';" echo "import assert = require('assert');" echo "import {subtask} from 'hardhat/config';" echo echo "subtask(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_SOLC_BUILD, async (args: any, _hre: any, _runSuper: any) => {" fi echo " assert(args.solcVersion == '${solc_version}', 'Unexpected solc version: ' + args.solcVersion)" echo " return {" echo " compilerPath: '$(realpath "$solc_path")'," echo " isSolcJs: ${is_solcjs}," echo " version: args.solcVersion," echo " longVersion: '${full_solc_version}'" echo " }" echo "})" } function hardhat_compiler_settings { local solc_version="$1" local preset="$2" local evm_version="$3" local extra_settings="$4" local extra_optimizer_settings="$5" echo "{" echo " version: '${solc_version}'," echo " settings: $(settings_from_preset "$preset" "$evm_version" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings")" echo "}" } function compile_and_run_test { local compile_fn="$1" local test_fn="$2" local verify_fn="$3" local preset="$4" local compile_only_presets="$5" [[ $preset != *" "* ]] || assertFail "Preset names must not contain spaces." printLog "Running compile function..." time $compile_fn $verify_fn "$SOLCVERSION_SHORT" "$SOLCVERSION" if [[ "$COMPILE_ONLY" == 1 || " $compile_only_presets " == *" $preset "* ]]; then printLog "Skipping test function..." else printLog "Running test function..." $test_fn fi } function truffle_run_test { local config_file="$1" local binary_type="$2" local solc_path="$3" local preset="$4" local compile_only_presets="$5" local compile_fn="$6" local test_fn="$7" local extra_settings="$8" local extra_optimizer_settings="$9" truffle_clean force_truffle_compiler_settings "$config_file" "$binary_type" "$solc_path" "$preset" "$CURRENT_EVM_VERSION" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings" compile_and_run_test compile_fn test_fn truffle_verify_compiler_version "$preset" "$compile_only_presets" } function hardhat_run_test { local config_file="$1" local preset="$2" local compile_only_presets="$3" local compile_fn="$4" local test_fn="$5" local config_var_name="$6" local extra_settings="$7" local extra_optimizer_settings="$8" hardhat_clean force_hardhat_compiler_settings "$config_file" "$preset" "$config_var_name" "$CURRENT_EVM_VERSION" "$extra_settings" "$extra_optimizer_settings" compile_and_run_test compile_fn test_fn hardhat_verify_compiler_version "$preset" "$compile_only_presets" } function external_test { local name="$1" local main_fn="$2" printTask "Testing $name..." echo "===========================" DIR=$(mktemp -d -t "ext-test-${name}-XXXXXX") ( [[ "$main_fn" != "" ]] || fail "Test main function not defined." $main_fn ) rm -rf "$DIR" echo "Done." } function gas_report_path { local preset="$1" echo "${DIR}/gas-report-${preset}.rst" } function gas_report_to_json { cat - | "${REPO_ROOT}/scripts/externalTests/parse_eth_gas_report.py" | jq '{gas: .}' } function detect_hardhat_artifact_dir { if [[ -e build/ && -e artifacts/ ]]; then fail "Cannot determine Hardhat artifact location. Both build/ and artifacts/ exist" elif [[ -e build/ ]]; then echo -n build/artifacts elif [[ -e artifacts/ ]]; then echo -n artifacts else fail "Hardhat build artifacts not found." fi } function bytecode_size_json_from_truffle_artifacts { # NOTE: The output of this function is a series of concatenated JSON dicts rather than a list. for artifact in build/contracts/*.json; do if [[ $(jq '. | has("unlinked_binary")' "$artifact") == false ]]; then # Each artifact represents compilation output for a single contract. Some top-level keys contain # bits of Standard JSON output while others are generated by Truffle. Process it into a dict # of the form `{"": {"": }}`. # NOTE: The `bytecode` field starts with 0x, which is why we subtract 1 from size. jq '{ (.ast.absolutePath): { (.contractName): (.bytecode | length / 2 - 1) } }' "$artifact" fi done } function bytecode_size_json_from_hardhat_artifacts { # NOTE: The output of this function is a series of concatenated JSON dicts rather than a list. for artifact in "$(detect_hardhat_artifact_dir)"/build-info/*.json; do # Each artifact contains Standard JSON output under the `output` key. # Process it into a dict of the form `{"": {"": }}`, # Note that one Hardhat artifact often represents multiple input files. jq '.output.contracts | to_entries[] | { "\(.key)": .value | to_entries[] | { "\(.key)": (.value.evm.bytecode.object | length / 2) } }' "$artifact" done } function combine_artifact_json { # Combine all dicts into a list with `jq --slurp` and then use `reduce` to merge them into one # big dict with keys of the form `":"`. Then run jq again to filter out items # with zero size and put the rest under under a top-level `bytecode_size` key. Also add another # key with total bytecode size. # NOTE: The extra inner `bytecode_size` key is there only to make diffs more readable. cat - | jq --slurp 'reduce (.[] | to_entries[]) as {$key, $value} ({}; . + { ($key + ":" + ($value | to_entries[].key)): { bytecode_size: $value | to_entries[].value } })' | jq --indent 4 --sort-keys '{ bytecode_size: [. | to_entries[] | select(.value.bytecode_size > 0)] | from_entries, total_bytecode_size: (reduce (. | to_entries[]) as {$key, $value} (0; . + $value.bytecode_size)) }' } function project_info_json { local project_url="$1" echo "{" echo " \"project\": {" # NOTE: Given that we clone with `--depth 1`, we'll only get useful output out of `git describe` # if we directly check out a tag. Still better than nothing. echo " \"version\": \"$(git describe --always)\"," echo " \"commit\": \"$(git rev-parse HEAD)\"," echo " \"url\": \"${project_url}\"" echo " }" echo "}" } function store_benchmark_report { local framework="$1" local project_name="$2" local project_url="$3" local preset="$4" [[ $framework == truffle || $framework == hardhat ]] || assertFail [[ " ${AVAILABLE_PRESETS[*]} " == *" $preset "* ]] || assertFail local report_dir="${REPO_ROOT}/reports/externalTests" local output_file="${report_dir}/benchmark-${project_name}-${preset}.json" mkdir -p "$report_dir" { if [[ -e $(gas_report_path "$preset") ]]; then gas_report_to_json < "$(gas_report_path "$preset")" fi "bytecode_size_json_from_${framework}_artifacts" | combine_artifact_json project_info_json "$project_url" } | jq --slurp "{\"${project_name}\": {\"${preset}\": add}}" --indent 4 --sort-keys > "$output_file" }