/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** @file Whiskers.cpp * @author Chris <chis@ethereum.org> * @date 2017 * * Moustache-like templates. */ #include <libsolutil/Whiskers.h> #include <libsolutil/Assertions.h> #include <regex> using namespace std; using namespace solidity::util; Whiskers::Whiskers(string _template): m_template(move(_template)) { } Whiskers& Whiskers::operator()(string _parameter, string _value) { checkParameterValid(_parameter); checkParameterUnknown(_parameter); checkTemplateContainsTags(_parameter, {""}); m_parameters[move(_parameter)] = move(_value); return *this; } Whiskers& Whiskers::operator()(string _parameter, bool _value) { checkParameterValid(_parameter); checkParameterUnknown(_parameter); checkTemplateContainsTags(_parameter, {"?", "/"}); m_conditions[move(_parameter)] = _value; return *this; } Whiskers& Whiskers::operator()( string _listParameter, vector<map<string, string>> _values ) { checkParameterValid(_listParameter); checkParameterUnknown(_listParameter); checkTemplateContainsTags(_listParameter, {"#", "/"}); for (auto const& element: _values) for (auto const& val: element) checkParameterValid(val.first); m_listParameters[move(_listParameter)] = move(_values); return *this; } string Whiskers::render() const { return replace(m_template, m_parameters, m_conditions, m_listParameters); } void Whiskers::checkParameterValid(string const& _parameter) const { static regex validParam("^" + paramRegex() + "$"); assertThrow( regex_match(_parameter, validParam), WhiskersError, "Parameter" + _parameter + " contains invalid characters." ); } void Whiskers::checkParameterUnknown(string const& _parameter) const { assertThrow( !m_parameters.count(_parameter), WhiskersError, _parameter + " already set as value parameter." ); assertThrow( !m_conditions.count(_parameter), WhiskersError, _parameter + " already set as condition parameter." ); assertThrow( !m_listParameters.count(_parameter), WhiskersError, _parameter + " already set as list parameter." ); } void Whiskers::checkTemplateContainsTags(string const& _parameter, vector<string> const& _prefixes) const { for (auto const& prefix: _prefixes) { string tag{"<" + prefix + _parameter + ">"}; assertThrow( m_template.find(tag) != string::npos, WhiskersError, "Tag '" + tag + "' not found in template:\n" + m_template ); } } namespace { template<class ReplaceCallback> string regex_replace( string const& _source, regex const& _pattern, ReplaceCallback _replace, regex_constants::match_flag_type _flags = regex_constants::match_default ) { sregex_iterator curMatch(_source.begin(), _source.end(), _pattern, _flags); sregex_iterator matchEnd; string::const_iterator lastMatchedPos(_source.cbegin()); string result; while (curMatch != matchEnd) { result.append(curMatch->prefix().first, curMatch->prefix().second); result.append(_replace(*curMatch)); lastMatchedPos = (*curMatch)[0].second; ++curMatch; } result.append(lastMatchedPos, _source.cend()); return result; } } string Whiskers::replace( string const& _template, StringMap const& _parameters, map<string, bool> const& _conditions, map<string, vector<StringMap>> const& _listParameters ) { static regex listOrTag( "<(" + paramRegex() + ")>|" "<#(" + paramRegex() + ")>((?:.|\\r|\\n)*?)</\\2>|" "<\\?(\\+?" + paramRegex() + ")>((?:.|\\r|\\n)*?)(<!\\4>((?:.|\\r|\\n)*?))?</\\4>" ); return regex_replace(_template, listOrTag, [&](match_results<string::const_iterator> _match) -> string { string tagName(_match[1]); string listName(_match[2]); string conditionName(_match[4]); if (!tagName.empty()) { assertThrow( _parameters.count(tagName), WhiskersError, "Value for tag " + tagName + " not provided.\n" + "Template:\n" + _template ); return _parameters.at(tagName); } else if (!listName.empty()) { string templ(_match[3]); assertThrow( _listParameters.count(listName), WhiskersError, "List parameter " + listName + " not set." ); string replacement; for (auto const& parameters: _listParameters.at(listName)) replacement += replace(templ, joinMaps(_parameters, parameters), _conditions); return replacement; } else { assertThrow(!conditionName.empty(), WhiskersError, ""); bool conditionValue = false; if (conditionName[0] == '+') { string tag = conditionName.substr(1); if (_parameters.count(tag)) conditionValue = !_parameters.at(tag).empty(); else if (_listParameters.count(tag)) conditionValue = !_listParameters.at(tag).empty(); else assertThrow(false, WhiskersError, "Tag " + tag + " used as condition but was not set."); } else { assertThrow( _conditions.count(conditionName), WhiskersError, "Condition parameter " + conditionName + " not set." ); conditionValue = _conditions.at(conditionName); } return replace( conditionValue ? _match[5] : _match[7], _parameters, _conditions, _listParameters ); } }); } Whiskers::StringMap Whiskers::joinMaps( Whiskers::StringMap const& _a, Whiskers::StringMap const& _b ) { Whiskers::StringMap ret = _a; for (auto const& x: _b) assertThrow( ret.insert(x).second, WhiskersError, "Parameter collision" ); return ret; }