#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e ROOT_DIR=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/..) WORKDIR="${ROOT_DIR}/build/antlr" ANTLR_JAR="${ROOT_DIR}/build/deps/antlr4.jar" ANTLR_JAR_URI="https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.8-complete.jar" SGR_RESET="\033[0m" SGR_BOLD="\033[1m" SGR_GREEN="\033[32m" SGR_RED="\033[31m" SGR_BLUE="\033[34m" vt_cursor_up() { echo -ne "\033[A"; } vt_cursor_begin_of_line() { echo -ne "\r"; } download_antlr4() { if [[ ! -e "$ANTLR_JAR" ]] then curl -o "${ANTLR_JAR}" "${ANTLR_JAR_URI}" fi } prepare_workdir() { mkdir -p "${ROOT_DIR}/build/deps" mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}" mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/src" mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/target" } prepare_workdir download_antlr4 if [[ ! -f "${WORKDIR}/target/SolidityParser.class" ]] || \ [ "${GRAMMAR_FILE}" -nt "${WORKDIR}/target/SolidityParser.class" ] then echo "Creating parser" ( cd "${ROOT_DIR}"/docs/grammar # Create lexer/parser from grammar java -jar "${ANTLR_JAR}" Solidity.g4 SolidityLexer.g4 -o "${WORKDIR}/src/" # Compile lexer/parser sources javac -classpath "${ANTLR_JAR}" "${WORKDIR}/src/"*.java -d "${WORKDIR}/target/" ) fi # Run tests failed_count=0 test_file() { local SOL_FILE SOL_FILE="$(readlink -m "${1}")" local cur=${2} local max=${3} local solOrYul=${4} echo -e "${SGR_BLUE}[${cur}/${max}] Testing ${SOL_FILE}${SGR_RESET} ..." local output if [[ "${solOrYul}" == "sol" ]]; then output=$( java \ -classpath "${ANTLR_JAR}:${WORKDIR}/target/" \ "org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig" \ Solidity \ sourceUnit <"${SOL_FILE}" 2>&1 ) else output=$( echo "assembly $(cat "${SOL_FILE}")" | java \ -classpath "${ANTLR_JAR}:${WORKDIR}/target/" \ "org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig" \ Solidity \ assemblyStatement 2>&1 ) fi vt_cursor_up vt_cursor_begin_of_line if grep -qE "^\/\/ ParserError" "${SOL_FILE}"; then if [[ "${output}" != "" ]] then echo -e "${SGR_BLUE}[${cur}/${max}] Testing ${SOL_FILE}${SGR_RESET} ${SGR_BOLD}${SGR_GREEN}FAILED AS EXPECTED${SGR_RESET}" else echo -e "${SGR_BLUE}[${cur}/${max}] Testing ${SOL_FILE}${SGR_RESET} ${SGR_BOLD}${SGR_RED}SUCCEEDED DESPITE PARSER ERROR${SGR_RESET}" echo "${output}" failed_count=$((failed_count + 1)) exit 1 fi else if [[ "${output}" == "" ]] then echo -e "${SGR_BLUE}[${cur}/${max}] Testing ${SOL_FILE}${SGR_RESET} ${SGR_BOLD}${SGR_GREEN}OK${SGR_RESET}" else echo -e "${SGR_BLUE}[${cur}/${max}] Testing ${SOL_FILE}${SGR_RESET} ${SGR_BOLD}${SGR_RED}FAILED${SGR_RESET}" echo "${output}" failed_count=$((failed_count + 1)) exit 1 fi fi } # we only want to use files that do not contain excluded parser errors, analysis errors or multi-source files. SOL_FILES=() while IFS='' read -r line do SOL_FILES+=("$line") done < <( grep -riL -E \ "^\/\/ (Syntax|Type|Declaration)Error|^\/\/ ParserError (6275|3716|6281|2837|6933)|^==== Source:" \ "${ROOT_DIR}/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests" \ "${ROOT_DIR}/test/libsolidity/semanticTests" \ ) YUL_FILES=() # Add all yul optimizer tests without objects and types. while IFS='' read -r line do YUL_FILES+=("$line") done < <( grep -riL -E \ "object|\:[ ]*[uib]" \ "${ROOT_DIR}/test/libyul/yulOptimizerTests" ) num_tests=$((${#SOL_FILES[*]} + ${#YUL_FILES[*]})) test_count=0 for SOL_FILE in "${SOL_FILES[@]}" do test_count=$((test_count + 1)) test_file "${SOL_FILE}" ${test_count} $num_tests "sol" done for YUL_FILE in "${YUL_FILES[@]}" do test_count=$((test_count + 1)) test_file "${YUL_FILE}" ${test_count} $num_tests "yul" done echo "Summary: ${failed_count} of $num_tests sources failed." exit ${failed_count}