object "A" { code { function main() { // TODO: support this // i64.drop(dataoffset("A")) // i64.drop(datasize("A")) i64.drop(dataoffset("B")) i64.drop(datasize("B")) // TODO: support sub-subobjects // i64.drop(dataoffset("B.C")) // i64.drop(datasize("B.C")) // i64.drop(dataoffset("B.E")) // i64.drop(datasize("B.E")) // i64.drop(dataoffset("B.C.D")) // i64.drop(datasize("B.C.D")) } } data "data1" "Hello, World!" object "B" { code { function main() { i64.drop(dataoffset("C")) i64.drop(datasize("C")) i64.drop(dataoffset("E")) i64.drop(datasize("E")) // i64.drop(dataoffset("C.D")) // i64.drop(datasize("C.D")) } } object "C" { code { function main() { i64.drop(dataoffset("D")) i64.drop(datasize("D")) } } object "D" { code { function main() { unreachable() } } } } object "E" { code { function main() { unreachable() } } } } } // ==== // wasm: true // ---- // Text: // (module // ;; sub-module "B" will be encoded as custom section in binary here, but is skipped in text mode. // ;; custom-section "data1" will be encoded as custom section in binary here, but is skipped in text mode. // (memory $memory (export "memory") 1) // (export "main" (func $main)) // // (func $main // (block $label_ // (drop (dataoffset "B")) // (drop (datasize "B")) // ) // ) // // ) // // Binary: // 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