/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * Utilities to handle the Contract ABI (https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/abi-spec.html) */ #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::solidity; namespace { bool anyDataStoredInStorage(TypePointers const& _pointers) { for (TypePointer const& pointer: _pointers) if (pointer->dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage)) return true; return false; } } Json::Value ABI::generate(ContractDefinition const& _contractDef) { auto compare = [](Json::Value const& _a, Json::Value const& _b) -> bool { return make_tuple(_a["type"], _a["name"]) < make_tuple(_b["type"], _b["name"]); }; multiset abi(compare); for (auto it: _contractDef.interfaceFunctions()) { if (_contractDef.isLibrary() && ( it.second->stateMutability() > StateMutability::View || anyDataStoredInStorage(it.second->parameterTypes() + it.second->returnParameterTypes()) )) continue; FunctionType const* externalFunctionType = it.second->interfaceFunctionType(); solAssert(!!externalFunctionType, ""); Json::Value method; method["type"] = "function"; method["name"] = it.second->declaration().name(); method["stateMutability"] = stateMutabilityToString(externalFunctionType->stateMutability()); method["inputs"] = formatTypeList( externalFunctionType->parameterNames(), externalFunctionType->parameterTypes(), it.second->parameterTypes(), _contractDef.isLibrary() ); method["outputs"] = formatTypeList( externalFunctionType->returnParameterNames(), externalFunctionType->returnParameterTypes(), it.second->returnParameterTypes(), _contractDef.isLibrary() ); abi.emplace(std::move(method)); } if (_contractDef.constructor()) { FunctionType constrType(*_contractDef.constructor(), false); FunctionType const* externalFunctionType = constrType.interfaceFunctionType(); solAssert(!!externalFunctionType, ""); Json::Value method; method["type"] = "constructor"; method["stateMutability"] = stateMutabilityToString(externalFunctionType->stateMutability()); method["inputs"] = formatTypeList( externalFunctionType->parameterNames(), externalFunctionType->parameterTypes(), constrType.parameterTypes(), _contractDef.isLibrary() ); abi.emplace(std::move(method)); } if (_contractDef.fallbackFunction()) { FunctionType const* externalFunctionType = FunctionType(*_contractDef.fallbackFunction(), false).interfaceFunctionType(); solAssert(!!externalFunctionType, ""); Json::Value method; method["type"] = "fallback"; method["stateMutability"] = stateMutabilityToString(externalFunctionType->stateMutability()); abi.emplace(std::move(method)); } for (auto const& it: _contractDef.interfaceEvents()) { Json::Value event; event["type"] = "event"; event["name"] = it->name(); event["anonymous"] = it->isAnonymous(); Json::Value params(Json::arrayValue); for (auto const& p: it->parameters()) { Type const* type = p->annotation().type->interfaceType(false); solAssert(type, ""); Json::Value input; auto param = formatType(p->name(), *type, *p->annotation().type, false); param["indexed"] = p->isIndexed(); params.append(std::move(param)); } event["inputs"] = std::move(params); abi.emplace(std::move(event)); } Json::Value abiJson{Json::arrayValue}; for (auto& f: abi) abiJson.append(std::move(f)); return abiJson; } Json::Value ABI::formatTypeList( vector const& _names, vector const& _encodingTypes, vector const& _solidityTypes, bool _forLibrary ) { Json::Value params(Json::arrayValue); solAssert(_names.size() == _encodingTypes.size(), "Names and types vector size does not match"); solAssert(_names.size() == _solidityTypes.size(), ""); for (unsigned i = 0; i < _names.size(); ++i) { solAssert(_encodingTypes[i], ""); params.append(formatType(_names[i], *_encodingTypes[i], *_solidityTypes[i], _forLibrary)); } return params; } Json::Value ABI::formatType( string const& _name, Type const& _encodingType, Type const& _solidityType, bool _forLibrary ) { Json::Value ret; ret["name"] = _name; ret["internalType"] = _solidityType.toString(true); string suffix = (_forLibrary && _encodingType.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage)) ? " storage" : ""; if (_encodingType.isValueType() || (_forLibrary && _encodingType.dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage))) ret["type"] = _encodingType.canonicalName() + suffix; else if (ArrayType const* arrayType = dynamic_cast(&_encodingType)) { if (arrayType->isByteArray()) ret["type"] = _encodingType.canonicalName() + suffix; else { string suffix; if (arrayType->isDynamicallySized()) suffix = "[]"; else suffix = string("[") + arrayType->length().str() + "]"; solAssert(arrayType->baseType(), ""); Json::Value subtype = formatType( "", *arrayType->baseType(), *dynamic_cast(_solidityType).baseType(), _forLibrary ); if (subtype.isMember("components")) { ret["type"] = subtype["type"].asString() + suffix; ret["components"] = subtype["components"]; } else ret["type"] = subtype["type"].asString() + suffix; } } else if (StructType const* structType = dynamic_cast(&_encodingType)) { ret["type"] = "tuple"; ret["components"] = Json::arrayValue; for (auto const& member: structType->members(nullptr)) { solAssert(member.type, ""); Type const* t = member.type->interfaceType(_forLibrary); solAssert(t, ""); ret["components"].append(formatType(member.name, *t, *member.type, _forLibrary)); } } else solAssert(false, "Invalid type."); return ret; }