/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity::frontend; using namespace solidity::util; CallGraph FunctionCallGraphBuilder::buildCreationGraph(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { FunctionCallGraphBuilder builder(_contract); solAssert(builder.m_currentNode == CallGraph::Node(CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry), ""); // Create graph for constructor, state vars, etc for (ContractDefinition const* base: _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts | ranges::views::reverse) { // The constructor and functions called in state variable initial assignments should have // an edge from Entry builder.m_currentNode = CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry; for (auto const* stateVar: base->stateVariables()) if (!stateVar->isConstant()) stateVar->accept(builder); if (base->constructor()) { builder.functionReferenced(*base->constructor()); // Constructors and functions called in state variable initializers have an edge either from // the previous class in linearized order or from Entry if there's no class before. builder.m_currentNode = base->constructor(); } // Functions called from the inheritance specifier should have an edge from the constructor // for consistency with functions called from constructor modifiers. for (auto const& inheritanceSpecifier: base->baseContracts()) inheritanceSpecifier->accept(builder); } builder.m_currentNode = CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry; builder.processQueue(); return move(builder.m_graph); } CallGraph FunctionCallGraphBuilder::buildDeployedGraph( ContractDefinition const& _contract, CallGraph const& _creationGraph ) { FunctionCallGraphBuilder builder(_contract); solAssert(builder.m_currentNode == CallGraph::Node(CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry), ""); auto getSecondElement = [](auto const& _tuple){ return get<1>(_tuple); }; // Create graph for all publicly reachable functions for (FunctionTypePointer functionType: _contract.interfaceFunctionList() | ranges::views::transform(getSecondElement)) { auto const* function = dynamic_cast(&functionType->declaration()); auto const* variable = dynamic_cast(&functionType->declaration()); if (function) builder.functionReferenced(*function); else // If it's not a function, it must be a getter of a public variable; we ignore those solAssert(variable, ""); } if (_contract.fallbackFunction()) builder.functionReferenced(*_contract.fallbackFunction()); if (_contract.receiveFunction()) builder.functionReferenced(*_contract.receiveFunction()); // All functions present in internal dispatch at creation time could potentially be pointers // assigned to state variables and as such may be reachable after deployment as well. builder.m_currentNode = CallGraph::SpecialNode::InternalDispatch; set defaultNode; for (CallGraph::Node const& dispatchTarget: valueOrDefault(_creationGraph.edges, CallGraph::SpecialNode::InternalDispatch, defaultNode)) { solAssert(!holds_alternative(dispatchTarget), ""); solAssert(get(dispatchTarget) != nullptr, ""); // Visit the callable to add not only it but also everything it calls too builder.functionReferenced(*get(dispatchTarget), false); } builder.m_currentNode = CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry; builder.processQueue(); return move(builder.m_graph); } bool FunctionCallGraphBuilder::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall) { if (*_functionCall.annotation().kind != FunctionCallKind::FunctionCall) return true; auto const* functionType = dynamic_cast(_functionCall.expression().annotation().type); solAssert(functionType, ""); if (functionType->kind() == FunctionType::Kind::Internal && !_functionCall.expression().annotation().calledDirectly) // If it's not a direct call, we don't really know which function will be called (it may even // change at runtime). All we can do is to add an edge to the dispatch which in turn has // edges to all functions could possibly be called. add(m_currentNode, CallGraph::SpecialNode::InternalDispatch); else if (functionType->kind() == FunctionType::Kind::Error) m_graph.usedErrors.insert(&dynamic_cast(functionType->declaration())); return true; } bool FunctionCallGraphBuilder::visit(EmitStatement const& _emitStatement) { auto const* functionType = dynamic_cast(_emitStatement.eventCall().expression().annotation().type); solAssert(functionType, ""); m_graph.emittedEvents.insert(&dynamic_cast(functionType->declaration())); return true; } bool FunctionCallGraphBuilder::visit(Identifier const& _identifier) { if (auto const* variable = dynamic_cast(_identifier.annotation().referencedDeclaration)) { if (variable->isConstant()) { solAssert(variable->isStateVariable() || variable->isFileLevelVariable(), ""); variable->accept(*this); } } else if (auto const* callable = dynamic_cast(_identifier.annotation().referencedDeclaration)) { solAssert(*_identifier.annotation().requiredLookup == VirtualLookup::Virtual, ""); auto funType = dynamic_cast(_identifier.annotation().type); // For events kind() == Event, so we have an extra check here if (funType && funType->kind() == FunctionType::Kind::Internal) functionReferenced(callable->resolveVirtual(m_contract), _identifier.annotation().calledDirectly); } return true; } bool FunctionCallGraphBuilder::visit(MemberAccess const& _memberAccess) { Type const* exprType = _memberAccess.expression().annotation().type; ASTString const& memberName = _memberAccess.memberName(); if (auto magicType = dynamic_cast(exprType)) if (magicType->kind() == MagicType::Kind::MetaType && ( memberName == "creationCode" || memberName == "runtimeCode" )) { ContractType const& accessedContractType = dynamic_cast(*magicType->typeArgument()); m_graph.bytecodeDependency.emplace(&accessedContractType.contractDefinition(), &_memberAccess); } auto functionType = dynamic_cast(_memberAccess.annotation().type); auto functionDef = dynamic_cast(_memberAccess.annotation().referencedDeclaration); if (!functionType || !functionDef || functionType->kind() != FunctionType::Kind::Internal) return true; // Super functions if (*_memberAccess.annotation().requiredLookup == VirtualLookup::Super) { if (auto const* typeType = dynamic_cast(exprType)) if (auto const contractType = dynamic_cast(typeType->actualType())) { solAssert(contractType->isSuper(), ""); functionDef = &functionDef->resolveVirtual( m_contract, contractType->contractDefinition().superContract(m_contract) ); } } else solAssert(*_memberAccess.annotation().requiredLookup == VirtualLookup::Static, ""); functionReferenced(*functionDef, _memberAccess.annotation().calledDirectly); return true; } bool FunctionCallGraphBuilder::visit(ModifierInvocation const& _modifierInvocation) { if (auto const* modifier = dynamic_cast(_modifierInvocation.name().annotation().referencedDeclaration)) { VirtualLookup const& requiredLookup = *_modifierInvocation.name().annotation().requiredLookup; if (requiredLookup == VirtualLookup::Virtual) functionReferenced(modifier->resolveVirtual(m_contract)); else { solAssert(requiredLookup == VirtualLookup::Static, ""); functionReferenced(*modifier); } } return true; } bool FunctionCallGraphBuilder::visit(NewExpression const& _newExpression) { if (ContractType const* contractType = dynamic_cast(_newExpression.typeName().annotation().type)) m_graph.bytecodeDependency.emplace(&contractType->contractDefinition(), &_newExpression); return true; } void FunctionCallGraphBuilder::enqueueCallable(CallableDeclaration const& _callable) { if (!m_graph.edges.count(&_callable)) { m_visitQueue.push_back(&_callable); // Insert the callable to the graph (with no edges coming out of it) to mark it as visited. m_graph.edges.insert({CallGraph::Node(&_callable), {}}); } } void FunctionCallGraphBuilder::processQueue() { solAssert(m_currentNode == CallGraph::Node(CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry), "Visit queue is already being processed."); while (!m_visitQueue.empty()) { m_currentNode = m_visitQueue.front(); solAssert(holds_alternative(m_currentNode), ""); m_visitQueue.pop_front(); get(m_currentNode)->accept(*this); } m_currentNode = CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry; } void FunctionCallGraphBuilder::add(CallGraph::Node _caller, CallGraph::Node _callee) { m_graph.edges[_caller].insert(_callee); } void FunctionCallGraphBuilder::functionReferenced(CallableDeclaration const& _callable, bool _calledDirectly) { if (_calledDirectly) { solAssert( holds_alternative(m_currentNode) || m_graph.edges.count(m_currentNode) > 0, "Adding an edge from a node that has not been visited yet." ); add(m_currentNode, &_callable); } else add(CallGraph::SpecialNode::InternalDispatch, &_callable); enqueueCallable(_callable); } ostream& solidity::frontend::operator<<(ostream& _out, CallGraph::Node const& _node) { if (holds_alternative(_node)) switch (get(_node)) { case CallGraph::SpecialNode::InternalDispatch: _out << "InternalDispatch"; break; case CallGraph::SpecialNode::Entry: _out << "Entry"; break; default: solAssert(false, "Invalid SpecialNode type"); } else { solAssert(holds_alternative(_node), ""); auto const* callableDeclaration = get(_node); solAssert(callableDeclaration, ""); auto const* function = dynamic_cast(callableDeclaration); auto const* event = dynamic_cast(callableDeclaration); auto const* modifier = dynamic_cast(callableDeclaration); auto typeToString = [](auto const& _var) -> string { return _var->type()->toString(true); }; vector parameters = callableDeclaration->parameters() | ranges::views::transform(typeToString) | ranges::to>(); string scopeName; if (!function || !function->isFree()) { solAssert(callableDeclaration->annotation().scope, ""); auto const* parentContract = dynamic_cast(callableDeclaration->annotation().scope); solAssert(parentContract, ""); scopeName = parentContract->name(); } if (function && function->isFree()) _out << "function " << function->name() << "(" << joinHumanReadable(parameters, ",") << ")"; else if (function && function->isConstructor()) _out << "constructor of " << scopeName; else if (function && function->isFallback()) _out << "fallback of " << scopeName; else if (function && function->isReceive()) _out << "receive of " << scopeName; else if (function) _out << "function " << scopeName << "." << function->name() << "(" << joinHumanReadable(parameters, ",") << ")"; else if (event) _out << "event " << scopeName << "." << event->name() << "(" << joinHumanReadable(parameters, ",") << ")"; else if (modifier) _out << "modifier " << scopeName << "." << modifier->name(); else solAssert(false, "Unexpected AST node type in function call graph"); } return _out; }