/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * @author Lefteris * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 * Solidity command line interface. */ #include #include "solidity/BuildInfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 // windows #include #define isatty _isatty #define fileno _fileno #else // unix #include #endif #include #if !defined(STDERR_FILENO) #define STDERR_FILENO 2 #endif using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::langutil; namespace solidity::frontend { ostream& CommandLineInterface::sout(bool _markAsUsed) { if (_markAsUsed) m_hasOutput = true; return m_sout; } ostream& CommandLineInterface::serr(bool _markAsUsed) { if (_markAsUsed) m_hasOutput = true; return m_serr; } #define cin #define cout #define cerr static string const g_stdinFileName = ""; static string const g_strAbi = "abi"; static string const g_strAsm = "asm"; static string const g_strAst = "ast"; static string const g_strBinary = "bin"; static string const g_strBinaryRuntime = "bin-runtime"; static string const g_strContracts = "contracts"; static string const g_strFunDebug = "function-debug"; static string const g_strFunDebugRuntime = "function-debug-runtime"; static string const g_strGeneratedSources = "generated-sources"; static string const g_strGeneratedSourcesRuntime = "generated-sources-runtime"; static string const g_strNatspecDev = "devdoc"; static string const g_strNatspecUser = "userdoc"; static string const g_strOpcodes = "opcodes"; static string const g_strSignatureHashes = "hashes"; static string const g_strSourceList = "sourceList"; static string const g_strSources = "sources"; static string const g_strSrcMap = "srcmap"; static string const g_strSrcMapRuntime = "srcmap-runtime"; static string const g_strStorageLayout = "storage-layout"; static string const g_strVersion = "version"; static bool needsHumanTargetedStdout(CommandLineOptions const& _options) { if (_options.compiler.estimateGas) return true; if (!_options.output.dir.empty()) return false; return _options.compiler.outputs.abi || _options.compiler.outputs.asm_ || _options.compiler.outputs.asmJson || _options.compiler.outputs.binary || _options.compiler.outputs.binaryRuntime || _options.compiler.outputs.metadata || _options.compiler.outputs.natspecUser || _options.compiler.outputs.natspecDev || _options.compiler.outputs.opcodes || _options.compiler.outputs.signatureHashes || _options.compiler.outputs.storageLayout; } static bool coloredOutput(CommandLineOptions const& _options) { return (!_options.formatting.coloredOutput.has_value() && isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) || (_options.formatting.coloredOutput.has_value() && _options.formatting.coloredOutput.value()); } void CommandLineInterface::handleBinary(string const& _contract) { if (m_options.compiler.outputs.binary) { if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + ".bin", objectWithLinkRefsHex(m_compiler->object(_contract))); else { sout() << "Binary:" << endl; sout() << objectWithLinkRefsHex(m_compiler->object(_contract)) << endl; } } if (m_options.compiler.outputs.binaryRuntime) { if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + ".bin-runtime", objectWithLinkRefsHex(m_compiler->runtimeObject(_contract))); else { sout() << "Binary of the runtime part:" << endl; sout() << objectWithLinkRefsHex(m_compiler->runtimeObject(_contract)) << endl; } } } void CommandLineInterface::handleOpcode(string const& _contract) { if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + ".opcode", evmasm::disassemble(m_compiler->object(_contract).bytecode)); else { sout() << "Opcodes:" << endl; sout() << std::uppercase << evmasm::disassemble(m_compiler->object(_contract).bytecode); sout() << endl; } } void CommandLineInterface::handleIR(string const& _contractName) { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.ir) return; if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contractName) + ".yul", m_compiler->yulIR(_contractName)); else { sout() << "IR:" << endl; sout() << m_compiler->yulIR(_contractName) << endl; } } void CommandLineInterface::handleIROptimized(string const& _contractName) { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.irOptimized) return; if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contractName) + "_opt.yul", m_compiler->yulIROptimized(_contractName)); else { sout() << "Optimized IR:" << endl; sout() << m_compiler->yulIROptimized(_contractName) << endl; } } void CommandLineInterface::handleEwasm(string const& _contractName) { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.ewasm) return; if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) { createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contractName) + ".wast", m_compiler->ewasm(_contractName)); createFile( m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contractName) + ".wasm", asString(m_compiler->ewasmObject(_contractName).bytecode) ); } else { sout() << "Ewasm text:" << endl; sout() << m_compiler->ewasm(_contractName) << endl; sout() << "Ewasm binary (hex): " << m_compiler->ewasmObject(_contractName).toHex() << endl; } } void CommandLineInterface::handleBytecode(string const& _contract) { if (m_options.compiler.outputs.opcodes) handleOpcode(_contract); if (m_options.compiler.outputs.binary || m_options.compiler.outputs.binaryRuntime) handleBinary(_contract); } void CommandLineInterface::handleSignatureHashes(string const& _contract) { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.signatureHashes) return; Json::Value methodIdentifiers = m_compiler->methodIdentifiers(_contract); string out; for (auto const& name: methodIdentifiers.getMemberNames()) out += methodIdentifiers[name].asString() + ": " + name + "\n"; if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + ".signatures", out); else sout() << "Function signatures:" << endl << out; } void CommandLineInterface::handleMetadata(string const& _contract) { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.metadata) return; string data = m_compiler->metadata(_contract); if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + "_meta.json", data); else sout() << "Metadata:" << endl << data << endl; } void CommandLineInterface::handleABI(string const& _contract) { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.abi) return; string data = jsonCompactPrint(removeNullMembers(m_compiler->contractABI(_contract))); if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + ".abi", data); else sout() << "Contract JSON ABI" << endl << data << endl; } void CommandLineInterface::handleStorageLayout(string const& _contract) { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.storageLayout) return; string data = jsonCompactPrint(removeNullMembers(m_compiler->storageLayout(_contract))); if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + "_storage.json", data); else sout() << "Contract Storage Layout:" << endl << data << endl; } void CommandLineInterface::handleNatspec(bool _natspecDev, string const& _contract) { bool enabled = false; std::string suffix; std::string title; if (_natspecDev) { enabled = m_options.compiler.outputs.natspecDev; suffix = ".docdev"; title = "Developer Documentation"; } else { enabled = m_options.compiler.outputs.natspecUser; suffix = ".docuser"; title = "User Documentation"; } if (enabled) { std::string output = jsonPrettyPrint( removeNullMembers( _natspecDev ? m_compiler->natspecDev(_contract) : m_compiler->natspecUser(_contract) ) ); if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(_contract) + suffix, output); else { sout() << title << endl; sout() << output << endl; } } } void CommandLineInterface::handleGasEstimation(string const& _contract) { Json::Value estimates = m_compiler->gasEstimates(_contract); sout() << "Gas estimation:" << endl; if (estimates["creation"].isObject()) { Json::Value creation = estimates["creation"]; sout() << "construction:" << endl; sout() << " " << creation["executionCost"].asString(); sout() << " + " << creation["codeDepositCost"].asString(); sout() << " = " << creation["totalCost"].asString() << endl; } if (estimates["external"].isObject()) { Json::Value externalFunctions = estimates["external"]; sout() << "external:" << endl; for (auto const& name: externalFunctions.getMemberNames()) { if (name.empty()) sout() << " fallback:\t"; else sout() << " " << name << ":\t"; sout() << externalFunctions[name].asString() << endl; } } if (estimates["internal"].isObject()) { Json::Value internalFunctions = estimates["internal"]; sout() << "internal:" << endl; for (auto const& name: internalFunctions.getMemberNames()) { sout() << " " << name << ":\t"; sout() << internalFunctions[name].asString() << endl; } } } bool CommandLineInterface::readInputFiles() { solAssert(!m_standardJsonInput.has_value(), ""); m_fileReader.setBasePath(m_options.input.basePath); if (m_fileReader.basePath() != "" && !boost::filesystem::is_directory(m_fileReader.basePath())) { serr() << "Base path must be a directory: " << m_fileReader.basePath() << endl; return false; } for (boost::filesystem::path const& allowedDirectory: m_options.input.allowedDirectories) m_fileReader.allowDirectory(allowedDirectory); for (boost::filesystem::path const& infile: m_options.input.paths) { if (!boost::filesystem::exists(infile)) { if (!m_options.input.ignoreMissingFiles) { serr() << infile << " is not found." << endl; return false; } else serr() << infile << " is not found. Skipping." << endl; continue; } if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(infile)) { if (!m_options.input.ignoreMissingFiles) { serr() << infile << " is not a valid file." << endl; return false; } else serr() << infile << " is not a valid file. Skipping." << endl; continue; } // NOTE: we ignore the FileNotFound exception as we manually check above string fileContent = readFileAsString(infile.string()); if (m_options.input.mode == InputMode::StandardJson) { solAssert(!m_standardJsonInput.has_value(), ""); m_standardJsonInput = move(fileContent); } else { m_fileReader.setSource(infile, move(fileContent)); m_fileReader.allowDirectory(boost::filesystem::canonical(infile).remove_filename()); } } if (m_options.input.addStdin) { if (m_options.input.mode == InputMode::StandardJson) { solAssert(!m_standardJsonInput.has_value(), ""); m_standardJsonInput = readUntilEnd(m_sin); } else m_fileReader.setSource(g_stdinFileName, readUntilEnd(m_sin)); } if (m_fileReader.sourceCodes().empty() && !m_standardJsonInput.has_value()) { serr() << "All specified input files either do not exist or are not regular files." << endl; return false; } return true; } map CommandLineInterface::parseAstFromInput() { map sourceJsons; map tmpSources; for (SourceCode const& sourceCode: m_fileReader.sourceCodes() | ranges::views::values) { Json::Value ast; astAssert(jsonParseStrict(sourceCode, ast), "Input file could not be parsed to JSON"); astAssert(ast.isMember("sources"), "Invalid Format for import-JSON: Must have 'sources'-object"); for (auto& src: ast["sources"].getMemberNames()) { std::string astKey = ast["sources"][src].isMember("ast") ? "ast" : "AST"; astAssert(ast["sources"][src].isMember(astKey), "astkey is not member"); astAssert(ast["sources"][src][astKey]["nodeType"].asString() == "SourceUnit", "Top-level node should be a 'SourceUnit'"); astAssert(sourceJsons.count(src) == 0, "All sources must have unique names"); sourceJsons.emplace(src, move(ast["sources"][src][astKey])); tmpSources[src] = util::jsonCompactPrint(ast); } } m_fileReader.setSources(tmpSources); return sourceJsons; } void CommandLineInterface::createFile(string const& _fileName, string const& _data) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; solAssert(!m_options.output.dir.empty(), ""); // NOTE: create_directories() raises an exception if the path consists solely of '.' or '..' // (or equivalent such as './././.'). Paths like 'a/b/.' and 'a/b/..' are fine though. // The simplest workaround is to use an absolute path. fs::create_directories(fs::absolute(m_options.output.dir)); string pathName = (m_options.output.dir / _fileName).string(); if (fs::exists(pathName) && !m_options.output.overwriteFiles) { serr() << "Refusing to overwrite existing file \"" << pathName << "\" (use --overwrite to force)." << endl; m_error = true; return; } ofstream outFile(pathName); outFile << _data; if (!outFile) { serr() << "Could not write to file \"" << pathName << "\"." << endl; m_error = true; return; } } void CommandLineInterface::createJson(string const& _fileName, string const& _json) { createFile(boost::filesystem::basename(_fileName) + string(".json"), _json); } bool CommandLineInterface::parseArguments(int _argc, char const* const* _argv) { CommandLineParser parser(sout(/* _markAsUsed */ false), serr(/* _markAsUsed */ false)); bool success = parser.parse(_argc, _argv, isatty(fileno(stdin))); if (!success) return false; m_hasOutput = m_hasOutput || parser.hasOutput(); m_options = parser.options(); return true; } bool CommandLineInterface::processInput() { switch (m_options.input.mode) { case InputMode::StandardJson: { solAssert(m_standardJsonInput.has_value(), ""); StandardCompiler compiler(m_fileReader.reader(), m_options.formatting.json); sout() << compiler.compile(move(m_standardJsonInput.value())) << endl; m_standardJsonInput.reset(); return true; } case InputMode::Assembler: { return assemble( m_options.assembly.inputLanguage, m_options.assembly.targetMachine, m_options.optimizer.enabled, m_options.optimizer.yulSteps ); } case InputMode::Linker: return link(); case InputMode::Compiler: case InputMode::CompilerWithASTImport: return compile(); } solAssert(false, ""); return false; } bool CommandLineInterface::compile() { solAssert(m_options.input.mode == InputMode::Compiler || m_options.input.mode == InputMode::CompilerWithASTImport, ""); m_compiler = make_unique(m_fileReader.reader()); SourceReferenceFormatter formatter(serr(false), *m_compiler, coloredOutput(m_options), m_options.formatting.withErrorIds); try { if (m_options.metadata.literalSources) m_compiler->useMetadataLiteralSources(true); m_compiler->setMetadataHash(m_options.metadata.hash); if (m_options.modelChecker.initialize) m_compiler->setModelCheckerSettings(m_options.modelChecker.settings); m_compiler->setRemappings(m_options.input.remappings); m_compiler->setLibraries(m_options.linker.libraries); m_compiler->setViaIR(m_options.output.experimentalViaIR); m_compiler->setEVMVersion(m_options.output.evmVersion); m_compiler->setRevertStringBehaviour(m_options.output.revertStrings); // TODO: Perhaps we should not compile unless requested m_compiler->enableIRGeneration(m_options.compiler.outputs.ir || m_options.compiler.outputs.irOptimized); m_compiler->enableEwasmGeneration(m_options.compiler.outputs.ewasm); OptimiserSettings settings = m_options.optimizer.enabled ? OptimiserSettings::standard() : OptimiserSettings::minimal(); settings.expectedExecutionsPerDeployment = m_options.optimizer.expectedExecutionsPerDeployment; if (m_options.optimizer.noOptimizeYul) settings.runYulOptimiser = false; if (m_options.optimizer.yulSteps.has_value()) settings.yulOptimiserSteps = m_options.optimizer.yulSteps.value(); settings.optimizeStackAllocation = settings.runYulOptimiser; m_compiler->setOptimiserSettings(settings); if (m_options.input.mode == InputMode::CompilerWithASTImport) { try { m_compiler->importASTs(parseAstFromInput()); if (!m_compiler->analyze()) { formatter.printErrorInformation(m_compiler->errors()); astAssert(false, "Analysis of the AST failed"); } } catch (Exception const& _exc) { serr() << string("Failed to import AST: ") << _exc.what() << endl; return false; } } else { m_compiler->setSources(m_fileReader.sourceCodes()); m_compiler->setParserErrorRecovery(m_options.input.errorRecovery); } bool successful = m_compiler->compile(m_options.output.stopAfter); for (auto const& error: m_compiler->errors()) { m_hasOutput = true; formatter.printErrorInformation(*error); } if (!successful) return m_options.input.errorRecovery; } catch (CompilerError const& _exception) { m_hasOutput = true; formatter.printExceptionInformation(_exception, "Compiler error"); return false; } catch (InternalCompilerError const& _exception) { serr() << "Internal compiler error during compilation:" << endl << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception); return false; } catch (UnimplementedFeatureError const& _exception) { serr() << "Unimplemented feature:" << endl << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception); return false; } catch (smtutil::SMTLogicError const& _exception) { serr() << "SMT logic error during analysis:" << endl << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception); return false; } catch (Error const& _error) { if (_error.type() == Error::Type::DocstringParsingError) serr() << "Documentation parsing error: " << *boost::get_error_info(_error) << endl; else { m_hasOutput = true; formatter.printExceptionInformation(_error, _error.typeName()); } return false; } catch (Exception const& _exception) { serr() << "Exception during compilation: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl; return false; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { serr() << "Unknown exception during compilation" << ( _e.what() ? ": " + string(_e.what()) : "." ) << endl; return false; } catch (...) { serr() << "Unknown exception during compilation." << endl; return false; } return true; } void CommandLineInterface::handleCombinedJSON() { if (!m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests.has_value()) return; Json::Value output(Json::objectValue); output[g_strVersion] = frontend::VersionString; vector contracts = m_compiler->contractNames(); if (!contracts.empty()) output[g_strContracts] = Json::Value(Json::objectValue); for (string const& contractName: contracts) { Json::Value& contractData = output[g_strContracts][contractName] = Json::objectValue; if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->abi) contractData[g_strAbi] = m_compiler->contractABI(contractName); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->metadata) contractData["metadata"] = m_compiler->metadata(contractName); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->binary && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strBinary] = m_compiler->object(contractName).toHex(); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->binaryRuntime && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strBinaryRuntime] = m_compiler->runtimeObject(contractName).toHex(); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->opcodes && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strOpcodes] = evmasm::disassemble(m_compiler->object(contractName).bytecode); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->asm_ && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strAsm] = m_compiler->assemblyJSON(contractName); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->storageLayout && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strStorageLayout] = m_compiler->storageLayout(contractName); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->generatedSources && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strGeneratedSources] = m_compiler->generatedSources(contractName, false); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->generatedSourcesRuntime && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strGeneratedSourcesRuntime] = m_compiler->generatedSources(contractName, true); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->srcMap && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) { auto map = m_compiler->sourceMapping(contractName); contractData[g_strSrcMap] = map ? *map : ""; } if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->srcMapRuntime && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) { auto map = m_compiler->runtimeSourceMapping(contractName); contractData[g_strSrcMapRuntime] = map ? *map : ""; } if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->funDebug && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strFunDebug] = StandardCompiler::formatFunctionDebugData( m_compiler->object(contractName).functionDebugData ); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->funDebugRuntime && m_compiler->compilationSuccessful()) contractData[g_strFunDebugRuntime] = StandardCompiler::formatFunctionDebugData( m_compiler->runtimeObject(contractName).functionDebugData ); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->signatureHashes) contractData[g_strSignatureHashes] = m_compiler->methodIdentifiers(contractName); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->natspecDev) contractData[g_strNatspecDev] = m_compiler->natspecDev(contractName); if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->natspecUser) contractData[g_strNatspecUser] = m_compiler->natspecUser(contractName); } bool needsSourceList = m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->ast || m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->srcMap || m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->srcMapRuntime; if (needsSourceList) { // Indices into this array are used to abbreviate source names in source locations. output[g_strSourceList] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); for (auto const& source: m_compiler->sourceNames()) output[g_strSourceList].append(source); } if (m_options.compiler.combinedJsonRequests->ast) { output[g_strSources] = Json::Value(Json::objectValue); for (auto const& sourceCode: m_fileReader.sourceCodes()) { ASTJsonConverter converter(m_compiler->state(), m_compiler->sourceIndices()); output[g_strSources][sourceCode.first] = Json::Value(Json::objectValue); output[g_strSources][sourceCode.first]["AST"] = converter.toJson(m_compiler->ast(sourceCode.first)); } } string json = jsonPrint(removeNullMembers(std::move(output)), m_options.formatting.json); if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) createJson("combined", json); else sout() << json << endl; } void CommandLineInterface::handleAst() { if (!m_options.compiler.outputs.astCompactJson) return; vector asts; for (auto const& sourceCode: m_fileReader.sourceCodes()) asts.push_back(&m_compiler->ast(sourceCode.first)); if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) { for (auto const& sourceCode: m_fileReader.sourceCodes()) { stringstream data; string postfix = ""; ASTJsonConverter(m_compiler->state(), m_compiler->sourceIndices()).print(data, m_compiler->ast(sourceCode.first)); postfix += "_json"; boost::filesystem::path path(sourceCode.first); createFile(path.filename().string() + postfix + ".ast", data.str()); } } else { sout() << "JSON AST (compact format):" << endl << endl; for (auto const& sourceCode: m_fileReader.sourceCodes()) { sout() << endl << "======= " << sourceCode.first << " =======" << endl; ASTJsonConverter(m_compiler->state(), m_compiler->sourceIndices()).print(sout(), m_compiler->ast(sourceCode.first)); } } } bool CommandLineInterface::actOnInput() { if (m_options.input.mode == InputMode::StandardJson || m_options.input.mode == InputMode::Assembler) // Already done in "processInput" phase. return true; else if (m_options.input.mode == InputMode::Linker) writeLinkedFiles(); else { solAssert(m_options.input.mode == InputMode::Compiler || m_options.input.mode == InputMode::CompilerWithASTImport, ""); outputCompilationResults(); } return !m_error; } bool CommandLineInterface::link() { // Map from how the libraries will be named inside the bytecode to their addresses. map librariesReplacements; int const placeholderSize = 40; // 20 bytes or 40 hex characters for (auto const& library: m_options.linker.libraries) { string const& name = library.first; // Library placeholders are 40 hex digits (20 bytes) that start and end with '__'. // This leaves 36 characters for the library identifier. The identifier used to // be just the cropped or '_'-padded library name, but this changed to // the cropped hex representation of the hash of the library name. // We support both ways of linking here. librariesReplacements["__" + evmasm::LinkerObject::libraryPlaceholder(name) + "__"] = library.second; string replacement = "__"; for (size_t i = 0; i < placeholderSize - 4; ++i) replacement.push_back(i < name.size() ? name[i] : '_'); replacement += "__"; librariesReplacements[replacement] = library.second; } FileReader::StringMap sourceCodes = m_fileReader.sourceCodes(); for (auto& src: sourceCodes) { auto end = src.second.end(); for (auto it = src.second.begin(); it != end;) { while (it != end && *it != '_') ++it; if (it == end) break; if ( end - it < placeholderSize || *(it + 1) != '_' || *(it + placeholderSize - 2) != '_' || *(it + placeholderSize - 1) != '_' ) { serr() << "Error in binary object file " << src.first << " at position " << (it - src.second.begin()) << endl; serr() << '"' << string(it, it + min(placeholderSize, static_cast(end - it))) << "\" is not a valid link reference." << endl; return false; } string foundPlaceholder(it, it + placeholderSize); if (librariesReplacements.count(foundPlaceholder)) { string hexStr(toHex(librariesReplacements.at(foundPlaceholder).asBytes())); copy(hexStr.begin(), hexStr.end(), it); } else serr() << "Reference \"" << foundPlaceholder << "\" in file \"" << src.first << "\" still unresolved." << endl; it += placeholderSize; } // Remove hints for resolved libraries. for (auto const& library: m_options.linker.libraries) boost::algorithm::erase_all(src.second, "\n" + libraryPlaceholderHint(library.first)); while (!src.second.empty() && *prev(src.second.end()) == '\n') src.second.resize(src.second.size() - 1); } m_fileReader.setSources(move(sourceCodes)); return true; } void CommandLineInterface::writeLinkedFiles() { for (auto const& src: m_fileReader.sourceCodes()) if (src.first == g_stdinFileName) sout() << src.second << endl; else { ofstream outFile(src.first); outFile << src.second; if (!outFile) { serr() << "Could not write to file " << src.first << ". Aborting." << endl; return; } } sout() << "Linking completed." << endl; } string CommandLineInterface::libraryPlaceholderHint(string const& _libraryName) { return "// " + evmasm::LinkerObject::libraryPlaceholder(_libraryName) + " -> " + _libraryName; } string CommandLineInterface::objectWithLinkRefsHex(evmasm::LinkerObject const& _obj) { string out = _obj.toHex(); if (!_obj.linkReferences.empty()) { out += "\n"; for (auto const& linkRef: _obj.linkReferences) out += "\n" + libraryPlaceholderHint(linkRef.second); } return out; } bool CommandLineInterface::assemble( yul::AssemblyStack::Language _language, yul::AssemblyStack::Machine _targetMachine, bool _optimize, optional _yulOptimiserSteps ) { solAssert(_optimize || !_yulOptimiserSteps.has_value(), ""); bool successful = true; map assemblyStacks; for (auto const& src: m_fileReader.sourceCodes()) { OptimiserSettings settings = _optimize ? OptimiserSettings::full() : OptimiserSettings::minimal(); if (_yulOptimiserSteps.has_value()) settings.yulOptimiserSteps = _yulOptimiserSteps.value(); auto& stack = assemblyStacks[src.first] = yul::AssemblyStack(m_options.output.evmVersion, _language, settings); try { if (!stack.parseAndAnalyze(src.first, src.second)) successful = false; else stack.optimize(); } catch (Exception const& _exception) { serr() << "Exception in assembler: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl; return false; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { serr() << "Unknown exception during compilation" << (_e.what() ? ": " + string(_e.what()) : ".") << endl; return false; } catch (...) { serr() << "Unknown exception in assembler." << endl; return false; } } for (auto const& sourceAndStack: assemblyStacks) { auto const& stack = sourceAndStack.second; SourceReferenceFormatter formatter(serr(false), stack, coloredOutput(m_options), m_options.formatting.withErrorIds); for (auto const& error: stack.errors()) { m_hasOutput = true; formatter.printErrorInformation(*error); } if (!Error::containsOnlyWarnings(stack.errors())) successful = false; } if (!successful) return false; for (auto const& src: m_fileReader.sourceCodes()) { string machine = _targetMachine == yul::AssemblyStack::Machine::EVM ? "EVM" : "Ewasm"; sout() << endl << "======= " << src.first << " (" << machine << ") =======" << endl; yul::AssemblyStack& stack = assemblyStacks[src.first]; sout() << endl << "Pretty printed source:" << endl; sout() << stack.print() << endl; if (_language != yul::AssemblyStack::Language::Ewasm && _targetMachine == yul::AssemblyStack::Machine::Ewasm) { try { stack.translate(yul::AssemblyStack::Language::Ewasm); stack.optimize(); } catch (Exception const& _exception) { serr() << "Exception in assembler: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl; return false; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { serr() << "Unknown exception during compilation" << (_e.what() ? ": " + string(_e.what()) : ".") << endl; return false; } catch (...) { serr() << "Unknown exception in assembler." << endl; return false; } sout() << endl << "==========================" << endl; sout() << endl << "Translated source:" << endl; sout() << stack.print() << endl; } yul::MachineAssemblyObject object; try { object = stack.assemble(_targetMachine); object.bytecode->link(m_options.linker.libraries); } catch (Exception const& _exception) { serr() << "Exception while assembling: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl; return false; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { serr() << "Unknown exception during compilation" << ( _e.what() ? ": " + string(_e.what()) : "." ) << endl; return false; } catch (...) { serr() << "Unknown exception while assembling." << endl; return false; } sout() << endl << "Binary representation:" << endl; if (object.bytecode) sout() << object.bytecode->toHex() << endl; else serr() << "No binary representation found." << endl; sout() << endl << "Text representation:" << endl; if (!object.assembly.empty()) sout() << object.assembly << endl; else serr() << "No text representation found." << endl; } return true; } void CommandLineInterface::outputCompilationResults() { handleCombinedJSON(); // do we need AST output? handleAst(); if ( !m_compiler->compilationSuccessful() && m_options.output.stopAfter == CompilerStack::State::CompilationSuccessful ) { serr() << endl << "Compilation halted after AST generation due to errors." << endl; return; } vector contracts = m_compiler->contractNames(); for (string const& contract: contracts) { if (needsHumanTargetedStdout(m_options)) sout() << endl << "======= " << contract << " =======" << endl; // do we need EVM assembly? if (m_options.compiler.outputs.asm_ || m_options.compiler.outputs.asmJson) { string ret; if (m_options.compiler.outputs.asmJson) ret = jsonPrettyPrint(removeNullMembers(m_compiler->assemblyJSON(contract))); else ret = m_compiler->assemblyString(contract, m_fileReader.sourceCodes()); if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) { createFile(m_compiler->filesystemFriendlyName(contract) + (m_options.compiler.outputs.asmJson ? "_evm.json" : ".evm"), ret); } else { sout() << "EVM assembly:" << endl << ret << endl; } } if (m_options.compiler.estimateGas) handleGasEstimation(contract); handleBytecode(contract); handleIR(contract); handleIROptimized(contract); handleEwasm(contract); handleSignatureHashes(contract); handleMetadata(contract); handleABI(contract); handleStorageLayout(contract); handleNatspec(true, contract); handleNatspec(false, contract); } // end of contracts iteration if (!m_hasOutput) { if (!m_options.output.dir.empty()) sout() << "Compiler run successful. Artifact(s) can be found in directory " << m_options.output.dir << "." << endl; else serr() << "Compiler run successful, no output requested." << endl; } } }