#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate, import-error import re import os import sys import getopt import tempfile from getkey import getkey def parse_call(call): function = '' arguments = "" results = "" search = re.search(r'// (.*):(.*)\s->\s(.*)', call, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if search: function = search.group(1) arguments = search.group(2) results = search.group(3) if results.find("#") != -1: results = results[:results.find("#")] else: search = re.search(r'// (.*)(.*)\s->\s(.*)', call, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if search: function = search.group(1) arguments = search.group(2) results = search.group(3) if results.find("#") != -1: results = results[:results.find("#")] if function.find("wei") >= 0: function = function[:function.find(",")] return function.strip(), arguments.strip(), results.strip() def colorize(left, right, id): red = "\x1b[31m" yellow = "\x1b[33m" reset = "\x1b[0m" colors = [red, yellow] color = colors[id % len(colors)] function, arguments, results = parse_call(right) left = left.replace("compileAndRun", color + "compileAndRun" + reset) right = right.replace("constructor", color + "constructor" + reset) if function: left = left.replace(function, color + function + reset) right = right.replace(function, color + function + reset) if left.find(function): bottom = " " * (left.find(function) - 4) + right else: bottom = " " + right return " " + left + "\n" + bottom # " {:<90} {:<90}\n{}".format(left, right, bottom) def get_checks(content, sol_file_path): constructors = [] checks = [] for line in content.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("compileAndRun"): constructors.append(line) if line.startswith("ABI_CHECK") or line.startswith("BOOST_REQUIRE"): checks.append(line) sol_file = open(sol_file_path, "r") sol_constructors = [] sol_checks = [] inside_expectations = False for line in sol_file.readlines(): if line.startswith("// constructor()"): sol_constructors.append(line) elif inside_expectations and line.startswith("// "): sol_checks.append(line) if line.startswith("// ----"): inside_expectations = True sol_file.close() if len(constructors) == len(sol_constructors) == 1: checks.insert(0, constructors[0]) sol_checks.insert(0, sol_constructors[0]) return checks, sol_checks def show_test(name, content, sol_file_path, current_test, test_count): cpp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) cpp_file.write(content.encode()) cpp_file.close() os.system("clear") print(str(current_test) + " / " + str(test_count) + " - " + name + "\n") diff_env = os.getenv('DIFF', "/usr/local/bin/colordiff -a -d -w -y -W 200 ") os.system(diff_env + " " + cpp_file.name + " " + sol_file_path) os.unlink(cpp_file.name) print("\n") checks, sol_checks = get_checks(content, sol_file_path) if len(checks) == len(sol_checks): for i in range(0, len(checks)): print(colorize(checks[i].strip(), sol_checks[i].strip(), i)) else: print("warning: check count not matching. this should not happen!") what = "" print("\nContinue? (ENTER) Abort? (ANY OTHER KEY)") while what != '\n': what = getkey() if what != '\n': sys.exit(0) print() def get_tests(e2e_path): tests = [] for f in os.listdir(e2e_path): if f.endswith(".sol"): tests.append(f.replace(".sol", "")) return tests def process_input_file(e2e_path, input_file, interactive): tests = get_tests(e2e_path) cpp_file = open(input_file, "r") inside_test = False test_name = "" inside_extracted_test = False new_lines = 0 count = 0 test_content = "" for line in cpp_file.readlines(): test = re.search(r'BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE\((.*)\)', line, re.M | re.I) if test: test_name = test.group(1) inside_test = True inside_extracted_test = inside_test & (test_name in tests) if inside_extracted_test: count = count + 1 if interactive and inside_extracted_test: test_content = test_content + line if not inside_extracted_test: if line == "\n": new_lines = new_lines + 1 else: new_lines = 0 if not interactive and new_lines <= 1: sys.stdout.write(line) if line == "}\n": if interactive and inside_extracted_test: show_test(test_name, test_content.strip(), e2e_path + "/" + test_name + ".sol", count, len(tests)) test_content = "" inside_test = False cpp_file.close() sys.stdout.flush() def main(argv): interactive = False input_file = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "if:") except getopt.GetoptError: print("./remove-testcases.py [-i] [-f ]") sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-i': interactive = True elif opt in '-f': input_file = arg base_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) if not input_file: input_file = base_path + "/../../test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp" e2e_path = base_path + "/../../test/libsolidity/semanticTests/extracted" process_input_file(e2e_path, input_file, interactive) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])