/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include <tools/yulPhaser/Mutations.h> #include <tools/yulPhaser/SimulationRNG.h> #include <libsolutil/CommonData.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::phaser; function<Mutation> phaser::geneRandomisation(double _chance) { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome) { string genes; for (char gene: _chromosome.genes()) genes.push_back( SimulationRNG::bernoulliTrial(_chance) ? Chromosome::randomGene() : gene ); return Chromosome(std::move(genes)); }; } function<Mutation> phaser::geneDeletion(double _chance) { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome) { string genes; for (char gene: _chromosome.genes()) if (!SimulationRNG::bernoulliTrial(_chance)) genes.push_back(gene); return Chromosome(std::move(genes)); }; } function<Mutation> phaser::geneAddition(double _chance) { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome) { string genes; if (SimulationRNG::bernoulliTrial(_chance)) genes.push_back(Chromosome::randomGene()); for (char gene: _chromosome.genes()) { genes.push_back(gene); if (SimulationRNG::bernoulliTrial(_chance)) genes.push_back(Chromosome::randomGene()); } return Chromosome(std::move(genes)); }; } function<Mutation> phaser::alternativeMutations( double _firstMutationChance, function<Mutation> _mutation1, function<Mutation> _mutation2 ) { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome) { if (SimulationRNG::bernoulliTrial(_firstMutationChance)) return _mutation1(_chromosome); else return _mutation2(_chromosome); }; } function<Mutation> phaser::mutationSequence(vector<function<Mutation>> _mutations) { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome) { Chromosome mutatedChromosome = _chromosome; for (size_t i = 0; i < _mutations.size(); ++i) mutatedChromosome = _mutations[i](std::move(mutatedChromosome)); return mutatedChromosome; }; } namespace { ChromosomePair fixedPointSwap( Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2, size_t _crossoverPoint ) { assert(_crossoverPoint <= _chromosome1.length()); assert(_crossoverPoint <= _chromosome2.length()); return { Chromosome( _chromosome1.genes().substr(0, _crossoverPoint) + _chromosome2.genes().substr(_crossoverPoint, _chromosome2.length() - _crossoverPoint) ), Chromosome( _chromosome2.genes().substr(0, _crossoverPoint) + _chromosome1.genes().substr(_crossoverPoint, _chromosome1.length() - _crossoverPoint) ), }; } } function<Crossover> phaser::randomPointCrossover() { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2) { size_t minLength = min(_chromosome1.length(), _chromosome2.length()); // Don't use position 0 (because this just swaps the values) unless it's the only choice. size_t minPoint = (minLength > 0 ? 1 : 0); assert(minPoint <= minLength); size_t randomPoint = SimulationRNG::uniformInt(minPoint, minLength); return get<0>(fixedPointSwap(_chromosome1, _chromosome2, randomPoint)); }; } function<SymmetricCrossover> phaser::symmetricRandomPointCrossover() { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2) { size_t minLength = min(_chromosome1.length(), _chromosome2.length()); // Don't use position 0 (because this just swaps the values) unless it's the only choice. size_t minPoint = (minLength > 0 ? 1 : 0); assert(minPoint <= minLength); size_t randomPoint = SimulationRNG::uniformInt(minPoint, minLength); return fixedPointSwap(_chromosome1, _chromosome2, randomPoint); }; } function<Crossover> phaser::fixedPointCrossover(double _crossoverPoint) { assert(0.0 <= _crossoverPoint && _crossoverPoint <= 1.0); return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2) { size_t minLength = min(_chromosome1.length(), _chromosome2.length()); size_t concretePoint = static_cast<size_t>(round(double(minLength) * _crossoverPoint)); return get<0>(fixedPointSwap(_chromosome1, _chromosome2, concretePoint)); }; } namespace { ChromosomePair fixedTwoPointSwap( Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2, size_t _crossoverPoint1, size_t _crossoverPoint2 ) { assert(_crossoverPoint1 <= _chromosome1.length()); assert(_crossoverPoint1 <= _chromosome2.length()); assert(_crossoverPoint2 <= _chromosome1.length()); assert(_crossoverPoint2 <= _chromosome2.length()); size_t lowPoint = min(_crossoverPoint1, _crossoverPoint2); size_t highPoint = max(_crossoverPoint1, _crossoverPoint2); return { Chromosome( _chromosome1.genes().substr(0, lowPoint) + _chromosome2.genes().substr(lowPoint, highPoint - lowPoint) + _chromosome1.genes().substr(highPoint, _chromosome1.length() - highPoint) ), Chromosome( _chromosome2.genes().substr(0, lowPoint) + _chromosome1.genes().substr(lowPoint, highPoint - lowPoint) + _chromosome2.genes().substr(highPoint, _chromosome2.length() - highPoint) ), }; } } function<Crossover> phaser::randomTwoPointCrossover() { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2) { size_t minLength = min(_chromosome1.length(), _chromosome2.length()); // Don't use position 0 (because this just swaps the values) unless it's the only choice. size_t minPoint = (minLength > 0 ? 1 : 0); assert(minPoint <= minLength); size_t randomPoint1 = SimulationRNG::uniformInt(minPoint, minLength); size_t randomPoint2 = SimulationRNG::uniformInt(randomPoint1, minLength); return get<0>(fixedTwoPointSwap(_chromosome1, _chromosome2, randomPoint1, randomPoint2)); }; } function<SymmetricCrossover> phaser::symmetricRandomTwoPointCrossover() { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2) { size_t minLength = min(_chromosome1.length(), _chromosome2.length()); // Don't use position 0 (because this just swaps the values) unless it's the only choice. size_t minPoint = (minLength > 0 ? 1 : 0); assert(minPoint <= minLength); size_t randomPoint1 = SimulationRNG::uniformInt(minPoint, minLength); size_t randomPoint2 = SimulationRNG::uniformInt(randomPoint1, minLength); return fixedTwoPointSwap(_chromosome1, _chromosome2, randomPoint1, randomPoint2); }; } namespace { ChromosomePair uniformSwap(Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2, double _swapChance) { string steps1; string steps2; size_t minLength = min(_chromosome1.length(), _chromosome2.length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < minLength; ++i) if (SimulationRNG::bernoulliTrial(_swapChance)) { steps1.push_back(_chromosome2.genes()[i]); steps2.push_back(_chromosome1.genes()[i]); } else { steps1.push_back(_chromosome1.genes()[i]); steps2.push_back(_chromosome2.genes()[i]); } bool swapTail = SimulationRNG::bernoulliTrial(_swapChance); if (_chromosome1.length() > minLength) { if (swapTail) steps2 += _chromosome1.genes().substr(minLength, _chromosome1.length() - minLength); else steps1 += _chromosome1.genes().substr(minLength, _chromosome1.length() - minLength); } if (_chromosome2.length() > minLength) { if (swapTail) steps1 += _chromosome2.genes().substr(minLength, _chromosome2.length() - minLength); else steps2 += _chromosome2.genes().substr(minLength, _chromosome2.length() - minLength); } return {Chromosome(steps1), Chromosome(steps2)}; } } function<Crossover> phaser::uniformCrossover(double _swapChance) { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2) { return get<0>(uniformSwap(_chromosome1, _chromosome2, _swapChance)); }; } function<SymmetricCrossover> phaser::symmetricUniformCrossover(double _swapChance) { return [=](Chromosome const& _chromosome1, Chromosome const& _chromosome2) { return uniformSwap(_chromosome1, _chromosome2, _swapChance); }; }