contract C { function f() public { assembly { datasize(0) dataoffset(0) datacopy(0, 1, 2) setimmutable(0, "x", 1) loadimmutable("x") linkersymbol("x") memoryguard(0) verbatim_1i_1o(hex"600202", 0) pop(msize()) pop(pc()) } } } // ---- // SyntaxError 6553: (47-362): The msize instruction cannot be used when the Yul optimizer is activated because it can change its semantics. Either disable the Yul optimizer or do not use the instruction. // DeclarationError 4619: (70-78): Function "datasize" not found. // DeclarationError 4619: (94-104): Function "dataoffset" not found. // DeclarationError 4619: (120-128): Function "datacopy" not found. // DeclarationError 4619: (150-162): Function "setimmutable" not found. // DeclarationError 4619: (186-199): Function "loadimmutable" not found. // DeclarationError 4619: (217-229): Function "linkersymbol" not found. // DeclarationError 4619: (247-258): Function "memoryguard" not found. // DeclarationError 4619: (274-288): Function "verbatim_1i_1o" not found. // SyntaxError 2450: (347-349): PC instruction is a low-level EVM feature. Because of that PC is disallowed in strict assembly.