	This file is part of solidity.

	solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with solidity.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
#include <libsolidity/interface/FileReader.h>

#include <liblangutil/Exceptions.h>

#include <libsolutil/CommonIO.h>
#include <libsolutil/Exceptions.h>

#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>

using solidity::frontend::ReadCallback;
using solidity::langutil::InternalCompilerError;
using solidity::util::errinfo_comment;
using solidity::util::readFileAsString;
using std::string;

namespace solidity::frontend

void FileReader::setBasePath(boost::filesystem::path const& _path)
	m_basePath = (_path.empty() ? "" : normalizeCLIPathForVFS(_path));

void FileReader::setSource(boost::filesystem::path const& _path, SourceCode _source)
	boost::filesystem::path normalizedPath = normalizeCLIPathForVFS(_path);
	boost::filesystem::path prefix = (m_basePath.empty() ? normalizeCLIPathForVFS(".") : m_basePath);

	m_sourceCodes[stripPrefixIfPresent(prefix, normalizedPath).generic_string()] = std::move(_source);

void FileReader::setStdin(SourceCode _source)
	m_sourceCodes["<stdin>"] = std::move(_source);

void FileReader::setSources(StringMap _sources)
	m_sourceCodes = std::move(_sources);

ReadCallback::Result FileReader::readFile(string const& _kind, string const& _sourceUnitName)
		if (_kind != ReadCallback::kindString(ReadCallback::Kind::ReadFile))
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment(
				"ReadFile callback used as callback kind " +
		string strippedSourceUnitName = _sourceUnitName;
		if (strippedSourceUnitName.find("file://") == 0)
			strippedSourceUnitName.erase(0, 7);

		auto canonicalPath = boost::filesystem::weakly_canonical(m_basePath / strippedSourceUnitName);
		bool isAllowed = false;
		for (auto const& allowedDir: m_allowedDirectories)
			// If dir is a prefix of boostPath, we are fine.
			if (
				std::distance(allowedDir.begin(), allowedDir.end()) <= std::distance(canonicalPath.begin(), canonicalPath.end()) &&
				std::equal(allowedDir.begin(), allowedDir.end(), canonicalPath.begin())
				isAllowed = true;
		if (!isAllowed)
			return ReadCallback::Result{false, "File outside of allowed directories."};

		if (!boost::filesystem::exists(canonicalPath))
			return ReadCallback::Result{false, "File not found."};

		if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(canonicalPath))
			return ReadCallback::Result{false, "Not a valid file."};

		// NOTE: we ignore the FileNotFound exception as we manually check above
		auto contents = readFileAsString(canonicalPath);
		m_sourceCodes[_sourceUnitName] = contents;
		return ReadCallback::Result{true, contents};
	catch (util::Exception const& _exception)
		return ReadCallback::Result{false, "Exception in read callback: " + boost::diagnostic_information(_exception)};
	catch (...)
		return ReadCallback::Result{false, "Unknown exception in read callback."};

boost::filesystem::path FileReader::normalizeCLIPathForVFS(boost::filesystem::path const& _path)
	// Detailed normalization rules:
	// - Makes the path either be absolute or have slash as root (note that on Windows paths with
	//   slash as root are not considered absolute by Boost). If it is empty, it becomes
	//   the current working directory.
	// - Collapses redundant . and .. segments.
	// - Removes leading .. segments from an absolute path (i.e. /../../ becomes just /).
	// - Squashes sequences of multiple path separators into one.
	// - Ensures that forward slashes are used as path separators on all platforms.
	// - Removes the root name (e.g. drive letter on Windows) when it matches the root name in the
	//   path to the current working directory.
	// Also note that this function:
	// - Does NOT resolve symlinks (except for symlinks in the path to the current working directory).
	// - Does NOT check if the path refers to a file or a directory. If the path ends with a slash,
	//   the slash is preserved even if it's a file.
	//   - The only exception are paths where the file name is a dot (e.g. '.' or 'a/b/.'). These
	//     always have a trailing slash after normalization.
	// - Preserves case. Even if the filesystem is case-insensitive but case-preserving and the
	//   case differs, the actual case from disk is NOT detected.

	boost::filesystem::path canonicalWorkDir = boost::filesystem::weakly_canonical(boost::filesystem::current_path());

	// NOTE: On UNIX systems the path returned from current_path() has symlinks resolved while on
	// Windows it does not. To get consistent results we resolve them on all platforms.
	boost::filesystem::path absolutePath = boost::filesystem::absolute(_path, canonicalWorkDir);

	// NOTE: boost path preserves certain differences that are ignored by its operator ==.
	// E.g. "a//b" vs "a/b" or "a/b/" vs "a/b/.". lexically_normal() does remove these differences.
	boost::filesystem::path normalizedPath =  absolutePath.lexically_normal();
	solAssert(normalizedPath.is_absolute() || normalizedPath.root_path() == "/", "");

	// If the path is on the same drive as the working dir, for portability we prefer not to
	// include the root name. Do this only for non-UNC paths - my experiments show that on Windows
	// when the working dir is an UNC path, / does not not actually refer to the root of the UNC path.
	boost::filesystem::path normalizedRootPath = normalizedPath.root_path();
	if (!isUNCPath(normalizedPath))
		boost::filesystem::path workingDirRootPath = canonicalWorkDir.root_path();
		if (normalizedRootPath == workingDirRootPath)
			normalizedRootPath = "/";

	// lexically_normal() will not squash paths like "/../../" into "/". We have to do it manually.
	boost::filesystem::path dotDotPrefix = absoluteDotDotPrefix(normalizedPath);

	boost::filesystem::path normalizedPathNoDotDot = normalizedPath;
	if (dotDotPrefix.empty())
		normalizedPathNoDotDot = normalizedRootPath / normalizedPath.relative_path();
		normalizedPathNoDotDot = normalizedRootPath / normalizedPath.lexically_relative(normalizedPath.root_path() / dotDotPrefix);
	solAssert(!hasDotDotSegments(normalizedPathNoDotDot), "");

	// NOTE: On Windows lexically_normal() converts all separators to forward slashes. Convert them back.
	// Separators do not affect path comparison but remain in internal representation returned by native().
	// This will also normalize the root name to start with // in UNC paths.
	normalizedPathNoDotDot = normalizedPathNoDotDot.generic_string();

	// For some reason boost considers "/." different than "/" even though for other directories
	// the trailing dot is ignored.
	if (normalizedPathNoDotDot == "/.")
		return "/";

	return normalizedPathNoDotDot;

bool FileReader::isPathPrefix(boost::filesystem::path const& _prefix, boost::filesystem::path const& _path)
	solAssert(!_prefix.empty() && !_path.empty(), "");
	// NOTE: On Windows paths starting with a slash (rather than a drive letter) are considered relative by boost.
	solAssert(_prefix.is_absolute() || isUNCPath(_prefix) || _prefix.root_path() == "/", "");
	solAssert(_path.is_absolute() || isUNCPath(_path) || _path.root_path() == "/", "");
	solAssert(_prefix == _prefix.lexically_normal() && _path == _path.lexically_normal(), "");
	solAssert(!hasDotDotSegments(_prefix) && !hasDotDotSegments(_path), "");

	boost::filesystem::path strippedPath = _path.lexically_relative(
		// Before 1.72.0 lexically_relative() was not handling paths with empty, dot and dot dot segments
		// correctly (see https://github.com/boostorg/filesystem/issues/76). The only case where this
		// is possible after our normalization is a directory name ending in a slash (filename is a dot).
		_prefix.filename_is_dot() ? _prefix.parent_path() : _prefix
	return !strippedPath.empty() && *strippedPath.begin() != "..";

boost::filesystem::path FileReader::stripPrefixIfPresent(boost::filesystem::path const& _prefix, boost::filesystem::path const& _path)
	if (!isPathPrefix(_prefix, _path))
		return _path;

	boost::filesystem::path strippedPath = _path.lexically_relative(
		_prefix.filename_is_dot() ? _prefix.parent_path() : _prefix
	solAssert(strippedPath.empty() || *strippedPath.begin() != "..", "");
	return strippedPath;

boost::filesystem::path FileReader::absoluteDotDotPrefix(boost::filesystem::path const& _path)
	solAssert(_path.is_absolute() || _path.root_path() == "/", "");

	boost::filesystem::path _pathWithoutRoot = _path.relative_path();
	boost::filesystem::path prefix;
	for (boost::filesystem::path const& segment: _pathWithoutRoot)
		if (segment.filename_is_dot_dot())
			prefix /= segment;

	return prefix;

bool FileReader::hasDotDotSegments(boost::filesystem::path const& _path)
	for (boost::filesystem::path const& segment: _path)
		if (segment.filename_is_dot_dot())
			return true;

	return false;

bool FileReader::isUNCPath(boost::filesystem::path const& _path)
	string rootName = _path.root_name().string();

	return (
		rootName.size() == 2 ||
		(rootName.size() > 2 && rootName[2] != rootName[1])
	) && (
		(rootName[0] == '/' && rootName[1] == '/')
#if defined(_WIN32)
		|| (rootName[0] == '\\' && rootName[1] == '\\')
