/** * Solidity is a statically typed, contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. */ grammar Solidity; options { tokenVocab=SolidityLexer; } /** * On top level, Solidity allows pragmas, import directives, and * definitions of contracts, interfaces, libraries, structs, enums and constants. */ sourceUnit: ( pragmaDirective | importDirective | contractDefinition | interfaceDefinition | libraryDefinition | functionDefinition | constantVariableDeclaration | structDefinition | enumDefinition )* EOF; //@doc: inline pragmaDirective: Pragma PragmaToken+ PragmaSemicolon; /** * Import directives import identifiers from different files. */ importDirective: Import ( (path (As unitAlias=identifier)?) | (symbolAliases From path) | (Mul As unitAlias=identifier From path) ) Semicolon; //@doc: inline //@doc:name aliases importAliases: symbol=identifier (As alias=identifier)?; /** * Path of a file to be imported. */ path: NonEmptyStringLiteral; /** * List of aliases for symbols to be imported. */ symbolAliases: LBrace aliases+=importAliases (Comma aliases+=importAliases)* RBrace; /** * Top-level definition of a contract. */ contractDefinition: Abstract? Contract name=identifier inheritanceSpecifierList? LBrace contractBodyElement* RBrace; /** * Top-level definition of an interface. */ interfaceDefinition: Interface name=identifier inheritanceSpecifierList? LBrace contractBodyElement* RBrace; /** * Top-level definition of a library. */ libraryDefinition: Library name=identifier LBrace contractBodyElement* RBrace; //@doc:inline inheritanceSpecifierList: Is inheritanceSpecifiers+=inheritanceSpecifier (Comma inheritanceSpecifiers+=inheritanceSpecifier)*?; /** * Inheritance specifier for contracts and interfaces. * Can optionally supply base constructor arguments. */ inheritanceSpecifier: name=identifierPath arguments=callArgumentList?; /** * Declarations that can be used in contracts, interfaces and libraries. * * Note that interfaces and libraries may not contain constructors, interfaces may not contain state variables * and libraries may not contain fallback, receive functions nor non-constant state variables. */ contractBodyElement: constructorDefinition | functionDefinition | modifierDefinition | fallbackFunctionDefinition | receiveFunctionDefinition | structDefinition | enumDefinition | stateVariableDeclaration | eventDefinition | usingDirective; //@doc:inline namedArgument: name=identifier Colon value=expression; /** * Arguments when calling a function or a similar callable object. * The arguments are either given as comma separated list or as map of named arguments. */ callArgumentList: LParen ((expression (Comma expression)*)? | LBrace (namedArgument (Comma namedArgument)*)? RBrace) RParen; /** * Qualified name. */ identifierPath: identifier (Period identifier)*; /** * Call to a modifier. If the modifier takes no arguments, the argument list can be skipped entirely * (including opening and closing parentheses). */ modifierInvocation: identifierPath callArgumentList?; /** * Visibility for functions and function types. */ visibility: Internal | External | Private | Public; /** * A list of parameters, such as function arguments or return values. */ parameterList: parameters+=parameterDeclaration (Comma parameters+=parameterDeclaration)*; //@doc:inline parameterDeclaration: type=typeName location=dataLocation? name=identifier?; /** * Definition of a constructor. * Must always supply an implementation. * Note that specifying internal or public visibility is deprecated. */ constructorDefinition locals[boolean payableSet = false, boolean visibilitySet = false] : Constructor LParen (arguments=parameterList)? RParen ( modifierInvocation | {!$payableSet}? Payable {$payableSet = true;} | {!$visibilitySet}? Internal {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$visibilitySet}? Public {$visibilitySet = true;} )* body=block; /** * State mutability for function types. * The default mutability 'non-payable' is assumed if no mutability is specified. */ stateMutability: Pure | View | Payable; /** * An override specifier used for functions, modifiers or state variables. * In cases where there are ambiguous declarations in several base contracts being overridden, * a complete list of base contracts has to be given. */ overrideSpecifier: Override (LParen overrides+=identifierPath (Comma overrides+=identifierPath)* RParen)?; /** * The definition of contract, library and interface functions. * Depending on the context in which the function is defined, further restrictions may apply, * e.g. functions in interfaces have to be unimplemented, i.e. may not contain a body block. */ functionDefinition locals[ boolean visibilitySet = false, boolean mutabilitySet = false, boolean virtualSet = false, boolean overrideSpecifierSet = false ] : Function (identifier | Fallback | Receive) LParen (arguments=parameterList)? RParen ( {!$visibilitySet}? visibility {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$mutabilitySet}? stateMutability {$mutabilitySet = true;} | modifierInvocation | {!$virtualSet}? Virtual {$virtualSet = true;} | {!$overrideSpecifierSet}? overrideSpecifier {$overrideSpecifierSet = true;} )* (Returns LParen returnParameters=parameterList RParen)? (Semicolon | body=block); /** * The definition of a modifier. * Note that within the body block of a modifier, the underscore cannot be used as identifier, * but is used as placeholder statement for the body of a function to which the modifier is applied. */ modifierDefinition locals[ boolean virtualSet = false, boolean overrideSpecifierSet = false ] : Modifier name=identifier (LParen (arguments=parameterList)? RParen)? ( {!$virtualSet}? Virtual {$virtualSet = true;} | {!$overrideSpecifierSet}? overrideSpecifier {$overrideSpecifierSet = true;} )* (Semicolon | body=block); /** * Definition of the special fallback function. */ fallbackFunctionDefinition locals[ boolean visibilitySet = false, boolean mutabilitySet = false, boolean virtualSet = false, boolean overrideSpecifierSet = false, boolean hasParameters = false ] : kind=Fallback LParen (parameterList { $hasParameters = true; } )? RParen ( {!$visibilitySet}? External {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$mutabilitySet}? stateMutability {$mutabilitySet = true;} | modifierInvocation | {!$virtualSet}? Virtual {$virtualSet = true;} | {!$overrideSpecifierSet}? overrideSpecifier {$overrideSpecifierSet = true;} )* ( {$hasParameters}? Returns LParen returnParameters=parameterList RParen | {!$hasParameters}? ) (Semicolon | body=block); /** * Definition of the special receive function. */ receiveFunctionDefinition locals[ boolean visibilitySet = false, boolean mutabilitySet = false, boolean virtualSet = false, boolean overrideSpecifierSet = false ] : kind=Receive LParen RParen ( {!$visibilitySet}? External {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$mutabilitySet}? Payable {$mutabilitySet = true;} | modifierInvocation | {!$virtualSet}? Virtual {$virtualSet = true;} | {!$overrideSpecifierSet}? overrideSpecifier {$overrideSpecifierSet = true;} )* (Semicolon | body=block); /** * Definition of a struct. Can occur at top-level within a source unit or within a contract, library or interface. */ structDefinition: Struct name=identifier LBrace members=structMember+ RBrace; /** * The declaration of a named struct member. */ structMember: type=typeName name=identifier Semicolon; /** * Definition of an enum. Can occur at top-level within a source unit or within a contract, library or interface. */ enumDefinition: Enum name=identifier LBrace enumValues+=identifier (Comma enumValues+=identifier)* RBrace; /** * The declaration of a state variable. */ stateVariableDeclaration locals [boolean constantnessSet = false, boolean visibilitySet = false, boolean overrideSpecifierSet = false] : type=typeName ( {!$visibilitySet}? Public {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$visibilitySet}? Private {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$visibilitySet}? Internal {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$constantnessSet}? Constant {$constantnessSet = true;} | {!$overrideSpecifierSet}? overrideSpecifier {$overrideSpecifierSet = true;} | {!$constantnessSet}? Immutable {$constantnessSet = true;} )* name=identifier (Assign initialValue=expression)? Semicolon; /** * The declaration of a constant variable. */ constantVariableDeclaration : type=typeName Constant name=identifier Assign initialValue=expression Semicolon; /** * Parameter of an event. */ eventParameter: type=typeName Indexed? name=identifier?; /** * Definition of an event. Can occur in contracts, libraries or interfaces. */ eventDefinition: Event name=identifier LParen (parameters+=eventParameter (Comma parameters+=eventParameter)*)? RParen Anonymous? Semicolon; /** * Using directive to bind library functions to types. * Can occur within contracts and libraries. */ usingDirective: Using identifierPath For (Mul | typeName) Semicolon; /** * A type name can be an elementary type, a function type, a mapping type, a user-defined type * (e.g. a contract or struct) or an array type. */ typeName: elementaryTypeName[true] | functionTypeName | mappingType | identifierPath | typeName LBrack expression? RBrack; elementaryTypeName[boolean allowAddressPayable]: Address | {$allowAddressPayable}? Address Payable | Bool | String | Bytes | SignedIntegerType | UnsignedIntegerType | FixedBytes | Fixed | Ufixed; functionTypeName locals [boolean visibilitySet = false, boolean mutabilitySet = false] : Function LParen (arguments=parameterList)? RParen ( {!$visibilitySet}? visibility {$visibilitySet = true;} | {!$mutabilitySet}? stateMutability {$mutabilitySet = true;} )* (Returns LParen returnParameters=parameterList RParen)?; /** * The declaration of a single variable. */ variableDeclaration: type=typeName location=dataLocation? name=identifier; dataLocation: Memory | Storage | Calldata; /** * Complex expression. * Can be an index access, an index range access, a member access, a function call (with optional function call options), * a type conversion, an unary or binary expression, a comparison or assignment, a ternary expression, * a new-expression (i.e. a contract creation or the allocation of a dynamic memory array), * a tuple, an inline array or a primary expression (i.e. an identifier, literal or type name). */ expression: expression LBrack index=expression? RBrack # IndexAccess | expression LBrack start=expression? Colon end=expression? RBrack # IndexRangeAccess | expression Period (identifier | Address) # MemberAccess | expression LBrace (namedArgument (Comma namedArgument)*)? RBrace # FunctionCallOptions | expression callArgumentList # FunctionCall | Payable callArgumentList # PayableConversion | Type LParen typeName RParen # MetaType | (Inc | Dec | Not | BitNot | Delete | Sub) expression # UnaryPrefixOperation | expression (Inc | Dec) # UnarySuffixOperation | expression Exp expression # ExpOperation | expression (Mul | Div | Mod) expression # MulDivModOperation | expression (Add | Sub) expression # AddSubOperation | expression (Shl | Sar | Shr) expression # ShiftOperation | expression BitAnd expression # BitAndOperation | expression BitXor expression # BitXorOperation | expression BitOr expression # BitOrOperation | expression (LessThan | GreaterThan | LessThanOrEqual | GreaterThanOrEqual) expression # OrderComparison | expression (Equal | NotEqual) expression # EqualityComparison | expression And expression # AndOperation | expression Or expression # OrOperation | expression Conditional expression Colon expression # Conditional | expression assignOp expression # Assignment | New typeName # NewExpression | tupleExpression # Tuple | inlineArrayExpression # InlineArray | ( identifier | literal | elementaryTypeName[false] ) # PrimaryExpression ; //@doc:inline assignOp: Assign | AssignBitOr | AssignBitXor | AssignBitAnd | AssignShl | AssignSar | AssignShr | AssignAdd | AssignSub | AssignMul | AssignDiv | AssignMod; tupleExpression: LParen (expression? ( Comma expression?)* ) RParen; /** * An inline array expression denotes a statically sized array of the common type of the contained expressions. */ inlineArrayExpression: LBrack (expression ( Comma expression)* ) RBrack; /** * Besides regular non-keyword Identifiers, the 'from' keyword can also occur as identifier outside of import statements. */ identifier: Identifier | From; literal: stringLiteral | numberLiteral | booleanLiteral | hexStringLiteral | unicodeStringLiteral; booleanLiteral: True | False; /** * A full string literal consists of either one or several consecutive quoted strings. */ stringLiteral: StringLiteral+; /** * A full hex string literal that consists of either one or several consecutive hex strings. */ hexStringLiteral: HexString+; /** * A full unicode string literal that consists of either one or several consecutive unicode strings. */ unicodeStringLiteral: UnicodeStringLiteral+; /** * Number literals can be decimal or hexadecimal numbers with an optional unit. */ numberLiteral: (DecimalNumber | HexNumber) NumberUnit?; /** * A curly-braced block of statements. Opens its own scope. */ block: LBrace ( statement | uncheckedBlock )* RBrace; uncheckedBlock: Unchecked block; statement: block | simpleStatement | ifStatement | forStatement | whileStatement | doWhileStatement | continueStatement | breakStatement | tryStatement | returnStatement | emitStatement | assemblyStatement ; //@doc:inline simpleStatement: variableDeclarationStatement | expressionStatement; /** * If statement with optional else part. */ ifStatement: If LParen expression RParen statement (Else statement)?; /** * For statement with optional init, condition and post-loop part. */ forStatement: For LParen (simpleStatement | Semicolon) (expressionStatement | Semicolon) expression? RParen statement; whileStatement: While LParen expression RParen statement; doWhileStatement: Do statement While LParen expression RParen Semicolon; /** * A continue statement. Only allowed inside for, while or do-while loops. */ continueStatement: Continue Semicolon; /** * A break statement. Only allowed inside for, while or do-while loops. */ breakStatement: Break Semicolon; /** * A try statement. The contained expression needs to be an external function call or a contract creation. */ tryStatement: Try expression (Returns LParen returnParameters=parameterList RParen)? block catchClause+; /** * The catch clause of a try statement. */ catchClause: Catch (identifier? LParen (arguments=parameterList) RParen)? block; returnStatement: Return expression? Semicolon; /** * An emit statement. The contained expression needs to refer to an event. */ emitStatement: Emit expression callArgumentList Semicolon; /** * An inline assembly block. * The contents of an inline assembly block use a separate scanner/lexer, i.e. the set of keywords and * allowed identifiers is different inside an inline assembly block. */ assemblyStatement: Assembly AssemblyDialect? AssemblyLBrace yulStatement* YulRBrace; //@doc:inline variableDeclarationList: variableDeclarations+=variableDeclaration (Comma variableDeclarations+=variableDeclaration)*; /** * A tuple of variable names to be used in variable declarations. * May contain empty fields. */ variableDeclarationTuple: LParen (Comma* variableDeclarations+=variableDeclaration) (Comma (variableDeclarations+=variableDeclaration)?)* RParen; /** * A variable declaration statement. * A single variable may be declared without initial value, whereas a tuple of variables can only be * declared with initial value. */ variableDeclarationStatement: ((variableDeclaration (Assign expression)?) | (variableDeclarationTuple Assign expression)) Semicolon; expressionStatement: expression Semicolon; mappingType: Mapping LParen key=mappingKeyType DoubleArrow value=typeName RParen; /** * Only elementary types or user defined types are viable as mapping keys. */ mappingKeyType: elementaryTypeName[false] | identifierPath; /** * A Yul statement within an inline assembly block. * continue and break statements are only valid within for loops. * leave statements are only valid within function bodies. */ yulStatement: yulBlock | yulVariableDeclaration | yulAssignment | yulFunctionCall | yulIfStatement | yulForStatement | yulSwitchStatement | YulLeave | YulBreak | YulContinue | yulFunctionDefinition; yulBlock: YulLBrace yulStatement* YulRBrace; /** * The declaration of one or more Yul variables with optional initial value. * If multiple variables are declared, only a function call is a valid initial value. */ yulVariableDeclaration: (YulLet variables+=YulIdentifier (YulAssign yulExpression)?) | (YulLet variables+=YulIdentifier (YulComma variables+=YulIdentifier)* (YulAssign yulFunctionCall)?); /** * Any expression can be assigned to a single Yul variable, whereas * multi-assignments require a function call on the right-hand side. */ yulAssignment: yulPath YulAssign yulExpression | (yulPath (YulComma yulPath)+) YulAssign yulFunctionCall; yulIfStatement: YulIf cond=yulExpression body=yulBlock; yulForStatement: YulFor init=yulBlock cond=yulExpression post=yulBlock body=yulBlock; //@doc:inline yulSwitchCase: YulCase yulLiteral yulBlock; /** * A Yul switch statement can consist of only a default-case (deprecated) or * one or more non-default cases optionally followed by a default-case. */ yulSwitchStatement: YulSwitch yulExpression ( (yulSwitchCase+ (YulDefault yulBlock)?) | (YulDefault yulBlock) ); yulFunctionDefinition: YulFunction YulIdentifier YulLParen (arguments+=YulIdentifier (YulComma arguments+=YulIdentifier)*)? YulRParen (YulArrow returnParameters+=YulIdentifier (YulComma returnParameters+=YulIdentifier)*)? body=yulBlock; /** * While only identifiers without dots can be declared within inline assembly, * paths containing dots can refer to declarations outside the inline assembly block. */ yulPath: YulIdentifier (YulPeriod YulIdentifier)*; /** * A call to a function with return values can only occur as right-hand side of an assignment or * a variable declaration. */ yulFunctionCall: (YulIdentifier | YulEVMBuiltin) YulLParen (yulExpression (YulComma yulExpression)*)? YulRParen; yulBoolean: YulTrue | YulFalse; yulLiteral: YulDecimalNumber | YulStringLiteral | YulHexNumber | yulBoolean; yulExpression: yulPath | yulFunctionCall | yulLiteral;