/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity::yul; ControlFlowBuilder::ControlFlowBuilder(Block const& _ast) { for (auto const& statement: _ast.statements) if (auto const* function = get_if(&statement)) (*this)(*function); } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(FunctionCall const& _functionCall) { walkVector(_functionCall.arguments | ranges::views::reverse); newConnectedNode(); m_currentNode->functionCall = _functionCall.functionName.name; } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(If const& _if) { visit(*_if.condition); ControlFlowNode* node = m_currentNode; (*this)(_if.body); newConnectedNode(); node->successors.emplace_back(m_currentNode); } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(Switch const& _switch) { visit(*_switch.expression); ControlFlowNode* initialNode = m_currentNode; ControlFlowNode* finalNode = newNode(); if (_switch.cases.back().value) initialNode->successors.emplace_back(finalNode); for (Case const& case_: _switch.cases) { m_currentNode = initialNode; (*this)(case_.body); newConnectedNode(); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(finalNode); } m_currentNode = finalNode; } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(FunctionDefinition const& _function) { ScopedSaveAndRestore currentNode(m_currentNode, nullptr); yulAssert(!m_leave && !m_break && !m_continue, "Function hoister has not been used."); FunctionFlow flow; flow.exit = newNode(); m_currentNode = newNode(); flow.entry = m_currentNode; m_leave = flow.exit; (*this)(_function.body); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(flow.exit); m_functionFlows[_function.name] = move(flow); m_leave = nullptr; } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(ForLoop const& _for) { ScopedSaveAndRestore scopedBreakNode(m_break, nullptr); ScopedSaveAndRestore scopedContinueNode(m_continue, nullptr); (*this)(_for.pre); ControlFlowNode* breakNode = newNode(); m_break = breakNode; ControlFlowNode* continueNode = newNode(); m_continue = continueNode; newConnectedNode(); ControlFlowNode* loopNode = m_currentNode; visit(*_for.condition); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(m_break); newConnectedNode(); (*this)(_for.body); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(m_continue); m_currentNode = continueNode; (*this)(_for.post); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(loopNode); m_currentNode = breakNode; } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(Break const&) { yulAssert(m_break); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(m_break); m_currentNode = newNode(); } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(Continue const&) { yulAssert(m_continue); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(m_continue); m_currentNode = newNode(); } void ControlFlowBuilder::operator()(Leave const&) { yulAssert(m_leave); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(m_leave); m_currentNode = newNode(); } void ControlFlowBuilder::newConnectedNode() { ControlFlowNode* node = newNode(); m_currentNode->successors.emplace_back(node); m_currentNode = node; } ControlFlowNode* ControlFlowBuilder::newNode() { m_nodes.emplace_back(make_shared()); return m_nodes.back().get(); } ControlFlowSideEffectsCollector::ControlFlowSideEffectsCollector( Dialect const& _dialect, Block const& _ast ): m_dialect(_dialect), m_cfgBuilder(_ast) { for (auto&& [name, flow]: m_cfgBuilder.functionFlows()) { yulAssert(!flow.entry->functionCall); m_processedNodes[name] = {}; m_pendingNodes[name].push_front(flow.entry); m_functionSideEffects[name] = {false, false, false}; } // Process functions while we have progress. For now, we are only interested // in `canContinue`. bool progress = true; while (progress) { progress = false; for (auto const& functionName: m_pendingNodes | ranges::views::keys) if (processFunction(functionName)) progress = true; } // No progress anymore: All remaining nodes are calls // to functions that always recurse. // If we have not set `canContinue` by now, the function's exit // is not reachable. for (auto&& [functionName, calls]: m_functionCalls) { ControlFlowSideEffects& sideEffects = m_functionSideEffects[functionName]; auto _visit = [&, visited = std::set{}](YulString _function, auto&& _recurse) mutable { if (sideEffects.canTerminate && sideEffects.canRevert) return; if (!visited.insert(_function).second) return; ControlFlowSideEffects const* calledSideEffects = nullptr; if (BuiltinFunction const* f = _dialect.builtin(_function)) calledSideEffects = &f->controlFlowSideEffects; else calledSideEffects = &m_functionSideEffects.at(_function); if (calledSideEffects->canTerminate) sideEffects.canTerminate = true; if (calledSideEffects->canRevert) sideEffects.canRevert = true; set emptySet; for (YulString callee: util::valueOrDefault(m_functionCalls, _function, emptySet)) _recurse(callee, _recurse); }; for (auto const& call: calls) _visit(call, _visit); } } bool ControlFlowSideEffectsCollector::processFunction(YulString _name) { bool progress = false; while (ControlFlowNode const* node = nextProcessableNode(_name)) { if (node == m_cfgBuilder.functionFlows().at(_name).exit) { m_functionSideEffects[_name].canContinue = true; return true; } for (ControlFlowNode const* s: node->successors) recordReachabilityAndQueue(_name, s); progress = true; } return progress; } ControlFlowNode const* ControlFlowSideEffectsCollector::nextProcessableNode(YulString _functionName) { std::list& nodes = m_pendingNodes[_functionName]; auto it = ranges::find_if(nodes, [this](ControlFlowNode const* _node) { return !_node->functionCall || sideEffects(*_node->functionCall).canContinue; }); if (it == nodes.end()) return nullptr; ControlFlowNode const* node = *it; nodes.erase(it); return node; } ControlFlowSideEffects const& ControlFlowSideEffectsCollector::sideEffects(YulString _functionName) const { if (auto const* builtin = m_dialect.builtin(_functionName)) return builtin->controlFlowSideEffects; else return m_functionSideEffects.at(_functionName); } void ControlFlowSideEffectsCollector::recordReachabilityAndQueue( YulString _functionName, ControlFlowNode const* _node ) { if (_node->functionCall) m_functionCalls[_functionName].insert(*_node->functionCall); if (m_processedNodes[_functionName].insert(_node).second) m_pendingNodes.at(_functionName).push_front(_node); }