/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * Component that verifies overloads, abstract contracts, function clashes and others * checks at contract or function level. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace langutil; using namespace dev::solidity; namespace { template bool hasEqualNameAndParameters(T const& _a, B const& _b) { return _a.name() == _b.name() && FunctionType(_a).asCallableFunction(false)->hasEqualParameterTypes( *FunctionType(_b).asCallableFunction(false) ); } } bool ContractLevelChecker::check(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { checkDuplicateFunctions(_contract); checkDuplicateEvents(_contract); m_overrideChecker.check(_contract); checkBaseConstructorArguments(_contract); checkAbstractFunctions(_contract); checkExternalTypeClashes(_contract); checkHashCollisions(_contract); checkLibraryRequirements(_contract); checkBaseABICompatibility(_contract); checkPayableFallbackWithoutReceive(_contract); return Error::containsOnlyWarnings(m_errorReporter.errors()); } void ContractLevelChecker::checkDuplicateFunctions(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { /// Checks that two functions with the same name defined in this contract have different /// argument types and that there is at most one constructor. map> functions; FunctionDefinition const* constructor = nullptr; FunctionDefinition const* fallback = nullptr; FunctionDefinition const* receive = nullptr; for (FunctionDefinition const* function: _contract.definedFunctions()) if (function->isConstructor()) { if (constructor) m_errorReporter.declarationError( function->location(), SecondarySourceLocation().append("Another declaration is here:", constructor->location()), "More than one constructor defined." ); constructor = function; } else if (function->isFallback()) { if (fallback) m_errorReporter.declarationError( function->location(), SecondarySourceLocation().append("Another declaration is here:", fallback->location()), "Only one fallback function is allowed." ); fallback = function; } else if (function->isReceive()) { if (receive) m_errorReporter.declarationError( function->location(), SecondarySourceLocation().append("Another declaration is here:", receive->location()), "Only one receive function is allowed." ); receive = function; } else { solAssert(!function->name().empty(), ""); functions[function->name()].push_back(function); } findDuplicateDefinitions(functions, "Function with same name and arguments defined twice."); } void ContractLevelChecker::checkDuplicateEvents(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { /// Checks that two events with the same name defined in this contract have different /// argument types map> events; for (EventDefinition const* event: _contract.events()) events[event->name()].push_back(event); findDuplicateDefinitions(events, "Event with same name and arguments defined twice."); } template void ContractLevelChecker::findDuplicateDefinitions(map> const& _definitions, string _message) { for (auto const& it: _definitions) { vector const& overloads = it.second; set reported; for (size_t i = 0; i < overloads.size() && !reported.count(i); ++i) { SecondarySourceLocation ssl; for (size_t j = i + 1; j < overloads.size(); ++j) if (hasEqualNameAndParameters(*overloads[i], *overloads[j])) { ssl.append("Other declaration is here:", overloads[j]->location()); reported.insert(j); } if (ssl.infos.size() > 0) { ssl.limitSize(_message); m_errorReporter.declarationError( overloads[i]->location(), ssl, _message ); } } } } void ContractLevelChecker::checkAbstractFunctions(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { // Mapping from name to function definition (exactly one per argument type equality class) and // flag to indicate whether it is fully implemented. using FunTypeAndFlag = std::pair; map> functions; auto registerFunction = [&](Declaration const& _declaration, FunctionTypePointer const& _type, bool _implemented) { auto& overloads = functions[_declaration.name()]; auto it = find_if(overloads.begin(), overloads.end(), [&](FunTypeAndFlag const& _funAndFlag) { return _type->hasEqualParameterTypes(*_funAndFlag.first); }); if (it == overloads.end()) overloads.emplace_back(_type, _implemented); else if (_implemented) it->second = true; }; // Search from base to derived, collect all functions and update // the 'implemented' flag. for (ContractDefinition const* contract: boost::adaptors::reverse(_contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts)) { for (VariableDeclaration const* v: contract->stateVariables()) if (v->isPartOfExternalInterface()) registerFunction(*v, TypeProvider::function(*v), true); for (FunctionDefinition const* function: contract->definedFunctions()) if (!function->isConstructor()) registerFunction( *function, TypeProvider::function(*function)->asCallableFunction(false), function->isImplemented() ); } // Set to not fully implemented if at least one flag is false. // Note that `_contract.annotation().unimplementedFunctions` has already been // pre-filled by `checkBaseConstructorArguments`. for (auto const& it: functions) for (auto const& funAndFlag: it.second) if (!funAndFlag.second) { FunctionDefinition const* function = dynamic_cast(&funAndFlag.first->declaration()); solAssert(function, ""); _contract.annotation().unimplementedFunctions.push_back(function); break; } if (_contract.abstract()) { if (_contract.contractKind() == ContractDefinition::ContractKind::Interface) m_errorReporter.typeError(_contract.location(), "Interfaces do not need the \"abstract\" keyword, they are abstract implicitly."); else if (_contract.contractKind() == ContractDefinition::ContractKind::Library) m_errorReporter.typeError(_contract.location(), "Libraries cannot be abstract."); else solAssert(_contract.contractKind() == ContractDefinition::ContractKind::Contract, ""); } // For libraries, we emit errors on function-level, so this is fine as long as we do // not have inheritance for libraries. if ( _contract.contractKind() == ContractDefinition::ContractKind::Contract && !_contract.abstract() && !_contract.annotation().unimplementedFunctions.empty() ) { SecondarySourceLocation ssl; for (auto function: _contract.annotation().unimplementedFunctions) ssl.append("Missing implementation:", function->location()); m_errorReporter.typeError(_contract.location(), ssl, "Contract \"" + _contract.annotation().canonicalName + "\" should be marked as abstract."); } } void ContractLevelChecker::checkBaseConstructorArguments(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { vector const& bases = _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts; // Determine the arguments that are used for the base constructors. for (ContractDefinition const* contract: bases) { if (FunctionDefinition const* constructor = contract->constructor()) for (auto const& modifier: constructor->modifiers()) if (auto baseContract = dynamic_cast( modifier->name()->annotation().referencedDeclaration )) { if (modifier->arguments()) { if (baseContract->constructor()) annotateBaseConstructorArguments(_contract, baseContract->constructor(), modifier.get()); } else m_errorReporter.declarationError( modifier->location(), "Modifier-style base constructor call without arguments." ); } for (ASTPointer const& base: contract->baseContracts()) { ContractDefinition const* baseContract = dynamic_cast( base->name().annotation().referencedDeclaration ); solAssert(baseContract, ""); if (baseContract->constructor() && base->arguments() && !base->arguments()->empty()) annotateBaseConstructorArguments(_contract, baseContract->constructor(), base.get()); } } // check that we get arguments for all base constructors that need it. // If not mark the contract as abstract (not fully implemented) for (ContractDefinition const* contract: bases) if (FunctionDefinition const* constructor = contract->constructor()) if (contract != &_contract && !constructor->parameters().empty()) if (!_contract.annotation().baseConstructorArguments.count(constructor)) _contract.annotation().unimplementedFunctions.push_back(constructor); } void ContractLevelChecker::annotateBaseConstructorArguments( ContractDefinition const& _currentContract, FunctionDefinition const* _baseConstructor, ASTNode const* _argumentNode ) { solAssert(_baseConstructor, ""); solAssert(_argumentNode, ""); auto insertionResult = _currentContract.annotation().baseConstructorArguments.insert( std::make_pair(_baseConstructor, _argumentNode) ); if (!insertionResult.second) { ASTNode const* previousNode = insertionResult.first->second; SourceLocation const* mainLocation = nullptr; SecondarySourceLocation ssl; if ( _currentContract.location().contains(previousNode->location()) || _currentContract.location().contains(_argumentNode->location()) ) { mainLocation = &previousNode->location(); ssl.append("Second constructor call is here:", _argumentNode->location()); } else { mainLocation = &_currentContract.location(); ssl.append("First constructor call is here:", _argumentNode->location()); ssl.append("Second constructor call is here:", previousNode->location()); } m_errorReporter.declarationError( *mainLocation, ssl, "Base constructor arguments given twice." ); } } void ContractLevelChecker::checkExternalTypeClashes(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { map>> externalDeclarations; for (ContractDefinition const* contract: _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts) { for (FunctionDefinition const* f: contract->definedFunctions()) if (f->isPartOfExternalInterface()) { auto functionType = TypeProvider::function(*f); // under non error circumstances this should be true if (functionType->interfaceFunctionType()) externalDeclarations[functionType->externalSignature()].emplace_back( f, functionType->asCallableFunction(false) ); } for (VariableDeclaration const* v: contract->stateVariables()) if (v->isPartOfExternalInterface()) { auto functionType = TypeProvider::function(*v); // under non error circumstances this should be true if (functionType->interfaceFunctionType()) externalDeclarations[functionType->externalSignature()].emplace_back( v, functionType->asCallableFunction(false) ); } } for (auto const& it: externalDeclarations) for (size_t i = 0; i < it.second.size(); ++i) for (size_t j = i + 1; j < it.second.size(); ++j) if (!it.second[i].second->hasEqualParameterTypes(*it.second[j].second)) m_errorReporter.typeError( it.second[j].first->location(), "Function overload clash during conversion to external types for arguments." ); } void ContractLevelChecker::checkHashCollisions(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { set> hashes; for (auto const& it: _contract.interfaceFunctionList()) { FixedHash<4> const& hash = it.first; if (hashes.count(hash)) m_errorReporter.typeError( _contract.location(), string("Function signature hash collision for ") + it.second->externalSignature() ); hashes.insert(hash); } } void ContractLevelChecker::checkLibraryRequirements(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { if (!_contract.isLibrary()) return; if (!_contract.baseContracts().empty()) m_errorReporter.typeError(_contract.location(), "Library is not allowed to inherit."); for (auto const& var: _contract.stateVariables()) if (!var->isConstant()) m_errorReporter.typeError(var->location(), "Library cannot have non-constant state variables"); } void ContractLevelChecker::checkBaseABICompatibility(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { if (_contract.sourceUnit().annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::ABIEncoderV2)) return; if (_contract.isLibrary()) { solAssert( _contract.baseContracts().empty() || m_errorReporter.hasErrors(), "Library is not allowed to inherit" ); return; } SecondarySourceLocation errors; // interfaceFunctionList contains all inherited functions as well for (auto const& func: _contract.interfaceFunctionList()) { solAssert(func.second->hasDeclaration(), "Function has no declaration?!"); if (!func.second->declaration().sourceUnit().annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::ABIEncoderV2)) continue; auto const& currentLoc = func.second->declaration().location(); for (TypePointer const& paramType: func.second->parameterTypes() + func.second->parameterTypes()) if (!TypeChecker::typeSupportedByOldABIEncoder(*paramType, false)) { errors.append("Type only supported by ABIEncoderV2", currentLoc); break; } } if (!errors.infos.empty()) m_errorReporter.fatalTypeError( _contract.location(), errors, std::string("Contract \"") + _contract.name() + "\" does not use ABIEncoderV2 but wants to inherit from a contract " + "which uses types that require it. " + "Use \"pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;\" for the inheriting contract as well to enable the feature." ); } void ContractLevelChecker::checkPayableFallbackWithoutReceive(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { if (auto const* fallback = _contract.fallbackFunction()) if (fallback->isPayable() && !_contract.interfaceFunctionList().empty() && !_contract.receiveFunction()) m_errorReporter.warning( _contract.location(), "This contract has a payable fallback function, but no receive ether function. Consider adding a receive ether function.", SecondarySourceLocation{}.append("The payable fallback function is defined here.", fallback->location()) ); }