/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * Some useful snippets for the optimiser. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::yul; using namespace solidity::util; string solidity::yul::reindent(string const& _code) { int constexpr indentationWidth = 4; auto const static countBraces = [](string const& _s) noexcept -> int { auto const i = _s.find("//"); auto const e = i == _s.npos ? end(_s) : next(begin(_s), static_cast(i)); auto const opening = count_if(begin(_s), e, [](auto ch) { return ch == '{' || ch == '('; }); auto const closing = count_if(begin(_s), e, [](auto ch) { return ch == '}' || ch == ')'; }); return opening - closing; }; vector lines; boost::split(lines, _code, boost::is_any_of("\n")); for (string& line: lines) boost::trim(line); // Reduce multiple consecutive empty lines. lines = fold(lines, vector{}, [](auto&& _lines, auto&& _line) { if (!(_line.empty() && !_lines.empty() && _lines.back().empty())) _lines.emplace_back(std::move(_line)); return std::move(_lines); }); stringstream out; int depth = 0; for (string const& line: lines) { int const diff = countBraces(line); if (diff < 0) depth += diff; if (!line.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < depth * indentationWidth; ++i) out << ' '; out << line; } out << '\n'; if (diff > 0) depth += diff; } return out.str(); } u256 solidity::yul::valueOfNumberLiteral(Literal const& _literal) { yulAssert(_literal.kind == LiteralKind::Number, "Expected number literal!"); std::string const& literalString = _literal.value.str(); yulAssert(isValidDecimal(literalString) || isValidHex(literalString), "Invalid number literal!"); return u256(literalString); } u256 solidity::yul::valueOfStringLiteral(Literal const& _literal) { yulAssert(_literal.kind == LiteralKind::String, "Expected string literal!"); yulAssert(_literal.value.str().size() <= 32, "Literal string too long!"); return u256(h256(_literal.value.str(), h256::FromBinary, h256::AlignLeft)); } u256 yul::valueOfBoolLiteral(Literal const& _literal) { yulAssert(_literal.kind == LiteralKind::Boolean, "Expected bool literal!"); if (_literal.value == "true"_yulstring) return u256(1); else if (_literal.value == "false"_yulstring) return u256(0); yulAssert(false, "Unexpected bool literal value!"); } u256 solidity::yul::valueOfLiteral(Literal const& _literal) { switch (_literal.kind) { case LiteralKind::Number: return valueOfNumberLiteral(_literal); case LiteralKind::Boolean: return valueOfBoolLiteral(_literal); case LiteralKind::String: return valueOfStringLiteral(_literal); default: yulAssert(false, "Unexpected literal kind!"); } } template<> bool Less::operator()(Literal const& _lhs, Literal const& _rhs) const { if (std::make_tuple(_lhs.kind, _lhs.type) != std::make_tuple(_rhs.kind, _rhs.type)) return std::make_tuple(_lhs.kind, _lhs.type) < std::make_tuple(_rhs.kind, _rhs.type); if (_lhs.kind == LiteralKind::Number) return valueOfNumberLiteral(_lhs) < valueOfNumberLiteral(_rhs); else return _lhs.value < _rhs.value; } bool SwitchCaseCompareByLiteralValue::operator()(Case const* _lhs, Case const* _rhs) const { yulAssert(_lhs && _rhs, ""); return Less{}(_lhs->value.get(), _rhs->value.get()); }