/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * Yul interpreter. */ #include <test/tools/yulInterpreter/Interpreter.h> #include <test/tools/yulInterpreter/EVMInstructionInterpreter.h> #include <test/tools/yulInterpreter/EwasmBuiltinInterpreter.h> #include <libyul/AST.h> #include <libyul/Dialect.h> #include <libyul/Utilities.h> #include <libyul/backends/evm/EVMDialect.h> #include <libyul/backends/wasm/WasmDialect.h> #include <liblangutil/Exceptions.h> #include <libsolutil/FixedHash.h> #include <range/v3/view/reverse.hpp> #include <ostream> #include <variant> using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::yul; using namespace solidity::yul::test; using solidity::util::h256; void InterpreterState::dumpStorage(ostream& _out) const { for (auto const& slot: storage) if (slot.second != h256{}) _out << " " << slot.first.hex() << ": " << slot.second.hex() << endl; } void InterpreterState::dumpTraceAndState(ostream& _out, bool _disableMemoryTrace) const { _out << "Trace:" << endl; for (auto const& line: trace) _out << " " << line << endl; if (!_disableMemoryTrace) { _out << "Memory dump:\n"; map<u256, u256> words; for (auto const& [offset, value]: memory) words[(offset / 0x20) * 0x20] |= u256(uint32_t(value)) << (256 - 8 - 8 * static_cast<size_t>(offset % 0x20)); for (auto const& [offset, value]: words) if (value != 0) _out << " " << std::uppercase << std::hex << std::setw(4) << offset << ": " << h256(value).hex() << endl; } _out << "Storage dump:" << endl; dumpStorage(_out); if (!calldata.empty()) { _out << "Calldata dump:"; for (size_t offset = 0; offset < calldata.size(); ++offset) if (calldata[offset] != 0) { if (offset % 32 == 0) _out << std::endl << " " << std::uppercase << std::hex << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(4) << offset << ": "; _out << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << static_cast<int>(calldata[offset]); } _out << endl; } } void Interpreter::run( InterpreterState& _state, Dialect const& _dialect, Block const& _ast, bool _disableExternalCalls, bool _disableMemoryTrace ) { Scope scope; Interpreter{_state, _dialect, scope, _disableExternalCalls, _disableMemoryTrace}(_ast); } void Interpreter::operator()(ExpressionStatement const& _expressionStatement) { evaluateMulti(_expressionStatement.expression); } void Interpreter::operator()(Assignment const& _assignment) { solAssert(_assignment.value, ""); vector<u256> values = evaluateMulti(*_assignment.value); solAssert(values.size() == _assignment.variableNames.size(), ""); for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { YulString varName = _assignment.variableNames.at(i).name; solAssert(m_variables.count(varName), ""); m_variables[varName] = values.at(i); } } void Interpreter::operator()(VariableDeclaration const& _declaration) { vector<u256> values(_declaration.variables.size(), 0); if (_declaration.value) values = evaluateMulti(*_declaration.value); solAssert(values.size() == _declaration.variables.size(), ""); for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { YulString varName = _declaration.variables.at(i).name; solAssert(!m_variables.count(varName), ""); m_variables[varName] = values.at(i); m_scope->names.emplace(varName, nullptr); } } void Interpreter::operator()(If const& _if) { solAssert(_if.condition, ""); if (evaluate(*_if.condition) != 0) (*this)(_if.body); } void Interpreter::operator()(Switch const& _switch) { solAssert(_switch.expression, ""); u256 val = evaluate(*_switch.expression); solAssert(!_switch.cases.empty(), ""); for (auto const& c: _switch.cases) // Default case has to be last. if (!c.value || evaluate(*c.value) == val) { (*this)(c.body); break; } } void Interpreter::operator()(FunctionDefinition const&) { } void Interpreter::operator()(ForLoop const& _forLoop) { solAssert(_forLoop.condition, ""); enterScope(_forLoop.pre); ScopeGuard g([this]{ leaveScope(); }); for (auto const& statement: _forLoop.pre.statements) { visit(statement); if (m_state.controlFlowState == ControlFlowState::Leave) return; } while (evaluate(*_forLoop.condition) != 0) { // Increment step for each loop iteration for loops with // an empty body and post blocks to prevent a deadlock. if (_forLoop.body.statements.size() == 0 && _forLoop.post.statements.size() == 0) incrementStep(); m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Default; (*this)(_forLoop.body); if (m_state.controlFlowState == ControlFlowState::Break || m_state.controlFlowState == ControlFlowState::Leave) break; m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Default; (*this)(_forLoop.post); if (m_state.controlFlowState == ControlFlowState::Leave) break; } if (m_state.controlFlowState != ControlFlowState::Leave) m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Default; } void Interpreter::operator()(Break const&) { m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Break; } void Interpreter::operator()(Continue const&) { m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Continue; } void Interpreter::operator()(Leave const&) { m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Leave; } void Interpreter::operator()(Block const& _block) { enterScope(_block); // Register functions. for (auto const& statement: _block.statements) if (holds_alternative<FunctionDefinition>(statement)) { FunctionDefinition const& funDef = std::get<FunctionDefinition>(statement); m_scope->names.emplace(funDef.name, &funDef); } for (auto const& statement: _block.statements) { incrementStep(); visit(statement); if (m_state.controlFlowState != ControlFlowState::Default) break; } leaveScope(); } u256 Interpreter::evaluate(Expression const& _expression) { ExpressionEvaluator ev(m_state, m_dialect, *m_scope, m_variables, m_disableExternalCalls, m_disableMemoryTrace); ev.visit(_expression); return ev.value(); } vector<u256> Interpreter::evaluateMulti(Expression const& _expression) { ExpressionEvaluator ev(m_state, m_dialect, *m_scope, m_variables, m_disableExternalCalls, m_disableMemoryTrace); ev.visit(_expression); return ev.values(); } void Interpreter::enterScope(Block const& _block) { if (!m_scope->subScopes.count(&_block)) m_scope->subScopes[&_block] = make_unique<Scope>(Scope{ {}, {}, m_scope }); m_scope = m_scope->subScopes[&_block].get(); } void Interpreter::leaveScope() { for (auto const& [var, funDeclaration]: m_scope->names) if (!funDeclaration) m_variables.erase(var); m_scope = m_scope->parent; yulAssert(m_scope, ""); } void Interpreter::incrementStep() { m_state.numSteps++; if (m_state.maxSteps > 0 && m_state.numSteps >= m_state.maxSteps) { m_state.trace.emplace_back("Interpreter execution step limit reached."); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(StepLimitReached()); } } void ExpressionEvaluator::operator()(Literal const& _literal) { incrementStep(); static YulString const trueString("true"); static YulString const falseString("false"); setValue(valueOfLiteral(_literal)); } void ExpressionEvaluator::operator()(Identifier const& _identifier) { solAssert(m_variables.count(_identifier.name), ""); incrementStep(); setValue(m_variables.at(_identifier.name)); } void ExpressionEvaluator::operator()(FunctionCall const& _funCall) { vector<optional<LiteralKind>> const* literalArguments = nullptr; if (BuiltinFunction const* builtin = m_dialect.builtin(_funCall.functionName.name)) if (!builtin->literalArguments.empty()) literalArguments = &builtin->literalArguments; evaluateArgs(_funCall.arguments, literalArguments); if (EVMDialect const* dialect = dynamic_cast<EVMDialect const*>(&m_dialect)) { if (BuiltinFunctionForEVM const* fun = dialect->builtin(_funCall.functionName.name)) { EVMInstructionInterpreter interpreter(dialect->evmVersion(), m_state, m_disableMemoryTrace); u256 const value = interpreter.evalBuiltin(*fun, _funCall.arguments, values()); if ( !m_disableExternalCalls && fun->instruction && evmasm::isCallInstruction(*fun->instruction) ) runExternalCall(*fun->instruction); setValue(value); return; } } else if (WasmDialect const* dialect = dynamic_cast<WasmDialect const*>(&m_dialect)) if (dialect->builtin(_funCall.functionName.name)) { EwasmBuiltinInterpreter interpreter(m_state); setValue(interpreter.evalBuiltin(_funCall.functionName.name, _funCall.arguments, values())); return; } Scope* scope = &m_scope; for (; scope; scope = scope->parent) if (scope->names.count(_funCall.functionName.name)) break; yulAssert(scope, ""); FunctionDefinition const* fun = scope->names.at(_funCall.functionName.name); yulAssert(fun, "Function not found."); yulAssert(m_values.size() == fun->parameters.size(), ""); map<YulString, u256> variables; for (size_t i = 0; i < fun->parameters.size(); ++i) variables[fun->parameters.at(i).name] = m_values.at(i); for (size_t i = 0; i < fun->returnVariables.size(); ++i) variables[fun->returnVariables.at(i).name] = 0; m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Default; unique_ptr<Interpreter> interpreter = makeInterpreterCopy(std::move(variables)); (*interpreter)(fun->body); m_state.controlFlowState = ControlFlowState::Default; m_values.clear(); for (auto const& retVar: fun->returnVariables) m_values.emplace_back(interpreter->valueOfVariable(retVar.name)); } u256 ExpressionEvaluator::value() const { solAssert(m_values.size() == 1, ""); return m_values.front(); } void ExpressionEvaluator::setValue(u256 _value) { m_values.clear(); m_values.emplace_back(std::move(_value)); } void ExpressionEvaluator::evaluateArgs( vector<Expression> const& _expr, vector<optional<LiteralKind>> const* _literalArguments ) { incrementStep(); vector<u256> values; size_t i = 0; /// Function arguments are evaluated in reverse. for (auto const& expr: _expr | ranges::views::reverse) { if (!_literalArguments || !_literalArguments->at(_expr.size() - i - 1)) visit(expr); else { string literal = std::get<Literal>(expr).value.str(); try { m_values = {u256(literal)}; } catch (exception&) { m_values = {u256(0)}; } } values.push_back(value()); ++i; } m_values = std::move(values); std::reverse(m_values.begin(), m_values.end()); } void ExpressionEvaluator::incrementStep() { m_nestingLevel++; if (m_state.maxExprNesting > 0 && m_nestingLevel > m_state.maxExprNesting) { m_state.trace.emplace_back("Maximum expression nesting level reached."); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExpressionNestingLimitReached()); } } void ExpressionEvaluator::runExternalCall(evmasm::Instruction _instruction) { u256 memOutOffset = 0; u256 memOutSize = 0; u256 callvalue = 0; u256 memInOffset = 0; u256 memInSize = 0; // Setup memOut* values if ( _instruction == evmasm::Instruction::CALL || _instruction == evmasm::Instruction::CALLCODE ) { memOutOffset = values()[5]; memOutSize = values()[6]; callvalue = values()[2]; memInOffset = values()[3]; memInSize = values()[4]; } else if ( _instruction == evmasm::Instruction::DELEGATECALL || _instruction == evmasm::Instruction::STATICCALL ) { memOutOffset = values()[4]; memOutSize = values()[5]; memInOffset = values()[2]; memInSize = values()[3]; } else yulAssert(false); // Don't execute external call if it isn't our own address if (values()[1] != util::h160::Arith(m_state.address)) return; Scope tmpScope; InterpreterState tmpState; tmpState.calldata = m_state.readMemory(memInOffset, memInSize); tmpState.callvalue = callvalue; tmpState.numInstance = m_state.numInstance + 1; yulAssert(tmpState.numInstance < 1024, "Detected more than 1024 recursive calls, aborting..."); // Create new interpreter for the called contract unique_ptr<Interpreter> newInterpreter = makeInterpreterNew(tmpState, tmpScope); Scope* abstractRootScope = &m_scope; Scope* fileScope = nullptr; Block const* ast = nullptr; // Find file scope while (abstractRootScope->parent) { fileScope = abstractRootScope; abstractRootScope = abstractRootScope->parent; } // Get AST for file scope for (auto&& [block, scope]: abstractRootScope->subScopes) if (scope.get() == fileScope) { ast = block; break; } yulAssert(ast); try { (*newInterpreter)(*ast); } catch (ExplicitlyTerminatedWithReturn const&) { // Copy return data to our memory copyZeroExtended( m_state.memory, newInterpreter->returnData(), memOutOffset.convert_to<size_t>(), 0, memOutSize.convert_to<size_t>() ); m_state.returndata = newInterpreter->returnData(); } }