/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::yul; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::util::formatting; using namespace solidity::frontend::test; using namespace boost::algorithm; using namespace boost::unit_test; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; ostream& solidity::frontend::test::operator<<(ostream& _output, RequiresYulOptimizer _requiresYulOptimizer) { switch (_requiresYulOptimizer) { case RequiresYulOptimizer::False: _output << "false"; break; case RequiresYulOptimizer::MinimalStack: _output << "minimalStack"; break; case RequiresYulOptimizer::Full: _output << "full"; break; } return _output; } SemanticTest::SemanticTest( string const& _filename, langutil::EVMVersion _evmVersion, optional _eofVersion, vector const& _vmPaths, bool _enforceGasCost, u256 _enforceGasCostMinValue ): SolidityExecutionFramework(_evmVersion, _eofVersion, _vmPaths, false), EVMVersionRestrictedTestCase(_filename), m_sources(m_reader.sources()), m_lineOffset(m_reader.lineNumber()), m_builtins(makeBuiltins()), m_sideEffectHooks(makeSideEffectHooks()), m_enforceGasCost(_enforceGasCost), m_enforceGasCostMinValue(std::move(_enforceGasCostMinValue)) { static set const compileViaYulAllowedValues{"also", "true", "false"}; static set const yulRunTriggers{"also", "true"}; static set const legacyRunTriggers{"also", "false", "default"}; m_requiresYulOptimizer = m_reader.enumSetting( "requiresYulOptimizer", { {toString(RequiresYulOptimizer::False), RequiresYulOptimizer::False}, {toString(RequiresYulOptimizer::MinimalStack), RequiresYulOptimizer::MinimalStack}, {toString(RequiresYulOptimizer::Full), RequiresYulOptimizer::Full}, }, toString(RequiresYulOptimizer::False) ); m_runWithABIEncoderV1Only = m_reader.boolSetting("ABIEncoderV1Only", false); if (m_runWithABIEncoderV1Only && !solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().useABIEncoderV1) m_shouldRun = false; string compileViaYul = m_reader.stringSetting("compileViaYul", "also"); if (m_runWithABIEncoderV1Only && compileViaYul != "false") BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error( "ABIEncoderV1Only tests cannot be run via yul, " "so they need to also specify ``compileViaYul: false``" )); if (!util::contains(compileViaYulAllowedValues, compileViaYul)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid compileViaYul value: " + compileViaYul + ".")); m_testCaseWantsYulRun = util::contains(yulRunTriggers, compileViaYul); m_testCaseWantsLegacyRun = util::contains(legacyRunTriggers, compileViaYul); auto revertStrings = revertStringsFromString(m_reader.stringSetting("revertStrings", "default")); soltestAssert(revertStrings, "Invalid revertStrings setting."); m_revertStrings = revertStrings.value(); m_allowNonExistingFunctions = m_reader.boolSetting("allowNonExistingFunctions", false); parseExpectations(m_reader.stream()); soltestAssert(!m_tests.empty(), "No tests specified in " + _filename); if (m_enforceGasCost) { m_compiler.setMetadataFormat(CompilerStack::MetadataFormat::NoMetadata); m_compiler.setMetadataHash(CompilerStack::MetadataHash::None); } } map SemanticTest::makeBuiltins() { return { { "isoltest_builtin_test", [](FunctionCall const&) -> optional { return toBigEndian(u256(0x1234)); } }, { "isoltest_side_effects_test", [](FunctionCall const& _call) -> optional { if (_call.arguments.parameters.empty()) return toBigEndian(0); else return _call.arguments.rawBytes(); } }, { "balance", [this](FunctionCall const& _call) -> optional { soltestAssert(_call.arguments.parameters.size() <= 1, "Account address expected."); h160 address; if (_call.arguments.parameters.size() == 1) address = h160(_call.arguments.parameters.at(0).rawString); else address = m_contractAddress; return toBigEndian(balanceAt(address)); } }, { "storageEmpty", [this](FunctionCall const& _call) -> optional { soltestAssert(_call.arguments.parameters.empty(), "No arguments expected."); return toBigEndian(u256(storageEmpty(m_contractAddress) ? 1 : 0)); } }, { "account", [this](FunctionCall const& _call) -> optional { soltestAssert(_call.arguments.parameters.size() == 1, "Account number expected."); size_t accountNumber = static_cast(stoi(_call.arguments.parameters.at(0).rawString)); // Need to pad it to 32-bytes to workaround limitations in BytesUtils::formatHex. return toBigEndian(h256(ExecutionFramework::setAccount(accountNumber).asBytes(), h256::AlignRight)); } }, }; } vector SemanticTest::makeSideEffectHooks() const { using namespace std::placeholders; return { [](FunctionCall const& _call) -> vector { if (_call.signature == "isoltest_side_effects_test") { vector result; for (auto const& argument: _call.arguments.parameters) result.emplace_back(util::toHex(argument.rawBytes)); return result; } return {}; }, bind(&SemanticTest::eventSideEffectHook, this, _1) }; } string SemanticTest::formatEventParameter(optional _signature, bool _indexed, size_t _index, bytes const& _data) { auto isPrintableASCII = [](bytes const& s) { bool zeroes = true; for (auto c: s) { if (static_cast(c) != 0x00) { zeroes = false; if (static_cast(c) <= 0x1f || static_cast(c) >= 0x7f) return false; } else break; } return !zeroes; }; ABIType abiType(ABIType::Type::Hex); if (isPrintableASCII(_data)) abiType = ABIType(ABIType::Type::String); if (_signature.has_value()) { vector const& types = _indexed ? _signature->indexedTypes : _signature->nonIndexedTypes; if (_index < types.size()) { if (types.at(_index) == "bool") abiType = ABIType(ABIType::Type::Boolean); } } return BytesUtils::formatBytes(_data, abiType); } vector SemanticTest::eventSideEffectHook(FunctionCall const&) const { vector sideEffects; vector recordedLogs = ExecutionFramework::recordedLogs(); for (LogRecord const& log: recordedLogs) { optional eventSignature; if (!log.topics.empty()) eventSignature = matchEvent(log.topics[0]); stringstream sideEffect; sideEffect << "emit "; if (eventSignature.has_value()) sideEffect << eventSignature.value().signature; else sideEffect << ""; if (m_contractAddress != log.creator) sideEffect << " from 0x" << log.creator; vector eventStrings; size_t index{0}; for (h256 const& topic: log.topics) { if (!eventSignature.has_value() || index != 0) eventStrings.push_back("#" + formatEventParameter(eventSignature, true, index, topic.asBytes())); ++index; } soltestAssert(log.data.size() % 32 == 0, ""); for (size_t index = 0; index < log.data.size() / 32; ++index) { auto begin = log.data.begin() + static_cast(index * 32); bytes const& data = bytes{begin, begin + 32}; eventStrings.emplace_back(formatEventParameter(eventSignature, false, index, data)); } if (!eventStrings.empty()) sideEffect << ": "; sideEffect << joinHumanReadable(eventStrings); sideEffects.emplace_back(sideEffect.str()); } return sideEffects; } optional SemanticTest::matchEvent(util::h256 const& hash) const { optional result; for (string& contractName: m_compiler.contractNames()) { ContractDefinition const& contract = m_compiler.contractDefinition(contractName); for (EventDefinition const* event: contract.events()) { FunctionTypePointer eventFunctionType = event->functionType(true); if (!event->isAnonymous() && keccak256(eventFunctionType->externalSignature()) == hash) { AnnotatedEventSignature eventInfo; eventInfo.signature = eventFunctionType->externalSignature(); for (auto const& param: event->parameters()) if (param->isIndexed()) eventInfo.indexedTypes.emplace_back(param->type()->toString(true)); else eventInfo.nonIndexedTypes.emplace_back(param->type()->toString(true)); result = eventInfo; } } } return result; } frontend::OptimiserSettings SemanticTest::optimizerSettingsFor(RequiresYulOptimizer _requiresYulOptimizer) { switch (_requiresYulOptimizer) { case RequiresYulOptimizer::False: return OptimiserSettings::minimal(); case RequiresYulOptimizer::MinimalStack: { OptimiserSettings settings = OptimiserSettings::minimal(); settings.runYulOptimiser = true; settings.yulOptimiserSteps = "uljmul jmul"; return settings; } case RequiresYulOptimizer::Full: return OptimiserSettings::full(); } unreachable(); } TestCase::TestResult SemanticTest::run(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) { TestResult result = TestResult::Success; if (m_testCaseWantsLegacyRun && !m_eofVersion.has_value()) result = runTest(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted, false /* _isYulRun */); if (m_testCaseWantsYulRun && result == TestResult::Success) { if (solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().optimize) result = runTest(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted, true /* _isYulRun */); else result = tryRunTestWithYulOptimizer(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted); } if (result != TestResult::Success) solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().printSelectedOptions( _stream, _linePrefix, {"evmVersion", "optimize", "useABIEncoderV1", "batch"} ); return result; } TestCase::TestResult SemanticTest::runTest( ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted, bool _isYulRun ) { bool success = true; m_gasCostFailure = false; selectVM(evmc_capabilities::EVMC_CAPABILITY_EVM1); reset(); m_compileViaYul = _isYulRun; if (_isYulRun) AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, CYAN}) << _linePrefix << "Running via Yul: " << endl; for (TestFunctionCall& test: m_tests) test.reset(); map libraries; bool constructed = false; for (TestFunctionCall& test: m_tests) { if (constructed) { soltestAssert( test.call().kind != FunctionCall::Kind::Library, "Libraries have to be deployed before any other call." ); soltestAssert( test.call().kind != FunctionCall::Kind::Constructor, "Constructor has to be the first function call expect for library deployments." ); } else if (test.call().kind == FunctionCall::Kind::Library) { soltestAssert( deploy(test.call().signature, 0, {}, libraries) && m_transactionSuccessful, "Failed to deploy library " + test.call().signature); // For convenience, in semantic tests we assume that an unqualified name like `L` is equivalent to one // with an empty source unit name (`:L`). This is fine because the compiler never uses unqualified // names in the Yul code it produces and does not allow `linkersymbol()` at all in inline assembly. libraries[test.call().libraryFile + ":" + test.call().signature] = m_contractAddress; continue; } else { if (test.call().kind == FunctionCall::Kind::Constructor) deploy("", test.call().value.value, test.call().arguments.rawBytes(), libraries); else soltestAssert(deploy("", 0, bytes(), libraries), "Failed to deploy contract."); constructed = true; } if (test.call().kind == FunctionCall::Kind::Constructor) { if (m_transactionSuccessful == test.call().expectations.failure) success = false; if (success && !checkGasCostExpectation(test, _isYulRun)) { success = false; m_gasCostFailure = true; } test.setFailure(!m_transactionSuccessful); test.setRawBytes(bytes()); } else { bytes output; if (test.call().kind == FunctionCall::Kind::LowLevel) output = callLowLevel(test.call().arguments.rawBytes(), test.call().value.value); else if (test.call().kind == FunctionCall::Kind::Builtin) { optional builtinOutput = m_builtins.at(test.call().signature)(test.call()); if (builtinOutput.has_value()) { m_transactionSuccessful = true; output = builtinOutput.value(); } else m_transactionSuccessful = false; } else { soltestAssert( m_allowNonExistingFunctions || m_compiler.interfaceSymbols(m_compiler.lastContractName(m_sources.mainSourceFile))["methods"].isMember(test.call().signature), "The function " + test.call().signature + " is not known to the compiler" ); output = callContractFunctionWithValueNoEncoding( test.call().signature, test.call().value.value, test.call().arguments.rawBytes() ); } bool outputMismatch = (output != test.call().expectations.rawBytes()); if (!outputMismatch && !checkGasCostExpectation(test, _isYulRun)) { success = false; m_gasCostFailure = true; } // Pre byzantium, it was not possible to return failure data, so we disregard // output mismatch for those EVM versions. if (test.call().expectations.failure && !m_transactionSuccessful && !m_evmVersion.supportsReturndata()) outputMismatch = false; if (m_transactionSuccessful != !test.call().expectations.failure || outputMismatch) success = false; test.setFailure(!m_transactionSuccessful); test.setRawBytes(std::move(output)); if (test.call().kind != FunctionCall::Kind::LowLevel) test.setContractABI(m_compiler.contractABI(m_compiler.lastContractName(m_sources.mainSourceFile))); } vector effects; for (SideEffectHook const& hook: m_sideEffectHooks) effects += hook(test.call()); test.setSideEffects(std::move(effects)); success &= test.call().expectedSideEffects == test.call().actualSideEffects; } if (!success) { AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, CYAN}) << _linePrefix << "Expected result:" << endl; for (TestFunctionCall const& test: m_tests) { ErrorReporter errorReporter; _stream << test.format( errorReporter, _linePrefix, TestFunctionCall::RenderMode::ExpectedValuesExpectedGas, _formatted, /* _interactivePrint */ true ) << endl; _stream << errorReporter.format(_linePrefix, _formatted); } _stream << endl; AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, CYAN}) << _linePrefix << "Obtained result:" << endl; for (TestFunctionCall const& test: m_tests) { ErrorReporter errorReporter; _stream << test.format( errorReporter, _linePrefix, m_gasCostFailure ? TestFunctionCall::RenderMode::ExpectedValuesActualGas : TestFunctionCall::RenderMode::ActualValuesExpectedGas, _formatted, /* _interactivePrint */ true ) << endl; _stream << errorReporter.format(_linePrefix, _formatted); } AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << _linePrefix << endl << _linePrefix << "Attention: Updates on the test will apply the detected format displayed." << endl; if (_isYulRun && m_testCaseWantsLegacyRun) { _stream << _linePrefix << endl << _linePrefix; AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {RED_BACKGROUND}) << "Note that the test passed without Yul."; _stream << endl; } else if (!_isYulRun && m_testCaseWantsYulRun) AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, YELLOW}) << _linePrefix << endl << _linePrefix << "Note that the test also has to pass via Yul." << endl; return TestResult::Failure; } return TestResult::Success; } TestCase::TestResult SemanticTest::tryRunTestWithYulOptimizer( std::ostream& _stream, std::string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted ) { TestResult result{}; for (auto requiresYulOptimizer: { RequiresYulOptimizer::False, RequiresYulOptimizer::MinimalStack, RequiresYulOptimizer::Full, }) { ScopedSaveAndRestore optimizerSettings( m_optimiserSettings, optimizerSettingsFor(requiresYulOptimizer) ); try { result = runTest(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted, true /* _isYulRun */); } catch (yul::StackTooDeepError const&) { if (requiresYulOptimizer == RequiresYulOptimizer::Full) throw; else continue; } if (m_requiresYulOptimizer != requiresYulOptimizer && result != TestResult::FatalError) { soltestAssert(result == TestResult::Success || result == TestResult::Failure); AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, YELLOW}) << _linePrefix << endl << _linePrefix << "requiresYulOptimizer is set to " << m_requiresYulOptimizer << " but should be " << requiresYulOptimizer << endl; m_requiresYulOptimizer = requiresYulOptimizer; return TestResult::Failure; } return result; } unreachable(); } bool SemanticTest::checkGasCostExpectation(TestFunctionCall& io_test, bool _compileViaYul) const { string setting = (_compileViaYul ? "ir"s : "legacy"s) + (m_optimiserSettings == OptimiserSettings::full() ? "Optimized" : ""); // We don't check gas if enforce gas cost is not active // or test is run with abi encoder v1 only // or gas used less than threshold for enforcing feature // or the test has used up all available gas (test will fail anyway) // or setting is "ir" and it's not included in expectations // or if the called function is an isoltest builtin e.g. `smokeTest` or `storageEmpty` if ( !m_enforceGasCost || m_gasUsed < m_enforceGasCostMinValue || m_gasUsed >= InitialGas || (setting == "ir" && io_test.call().expectations.gasUsed.count(setting) == 0) || io_test.call().kind == FunctionCall::Kind::Builtin ) return true; solAssert(!m_runWithABIEncoderV1Only, ""); io_test.setGasCost(setting, m_gasUsed); return io_test.call().expectations.gasUsed.count(setting) > 0 && m_gasUsed == io_test.call().expectations.gasUsed.at(setting); } void SemanticTest::printSource(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) const { if (m_sources.sources.empty()) return; bool outputNames = (m_sources.sources.size() - m_sources.externalSources.size() != 1 || !m_sources.sources.begin()->first.empty()); set externals; for (auto const& [name, path]: m_sources.externalSources) { externals.insert(name); string externalSource; if (name == path) externalSource = name; else externalSource = name + "=" + path.generic_string(); if (_formatted) _stream << _linePrefix << formatting::CYAN << "==== ExternalSource: " << externalSource << " ===="s << formatting::RESET << endl; else _stream << _linePrefix << "==== ExternalSource: " << externalSource << " ===="s << endl; } for (auto const& [name, source]: m_sources.sources) if (externals.find(name) == externals.end()) { if (_formatted) { if (source.empty()) continue; if (outputNames) _stream << _linePrefix << formatting::CYAN << "==== Source: " << name << " ====" << formatting::RESET << endl; vector sourceFormatting(source.length(), formatting::RESET); _stream << _linePrefix << sourceFormatting.front() << source.front(); for (size_t i = 1; i < source.length(); i++) { if (sourceFormatting[i] != sourceFormatting[i - 1]) _stream << sourceFormatting[i]; if (source[i] != '\n') _stream << source[i]; else { _stream << formatting::RESET << endl; if (i + 1 < source.length()) _stream << _linePrefix << sourceFormatting[i]; } } _stream << formatting::RESET; } else { if (outputNames) _stream << _linePrefix << "==== Source: " + name << " ====" << endl; stringstream stream(source); string line; while (getline(stream, line)) _stream << _linePrefix << line << endl; } } } void SemanticTest::printUpdatedExpectations(ostream& _stream, string const&) const { for (TestFunctionCall const& test: m_tests) _stream << test.format( "", m_gasCostFailure ? TestFunctionCall::RenderMode::ExpectedValuesActualGas : TestFunctionCall::RenderMode::ActualValuesExpectedGas, /* _highlight = */ false ) << endl; } void SemanticTest::printUpdatedSettings(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix) { auto& settings = m_reader.settings(); if (settings.empty()) return; _stream << _linePrefix << "// ====" << endl; for (auto const& [settingName, settingValue]: settings) if (settingName == "requiresYulOptimizer") _stream << _linePrefix << "// " << settingName << ": " << m_requiresYulOptimizer << endl; else _stream << _linePrefix << "// " << settingName << ": " << settingValue<< endl; } void SemanticTest::parseExpectations(istream& _stream) { m_tests += TestFileParser{_stream, m_builtins}.parseFunctionCalls(m_lineOffset); } bool SemanticTest::deploy( string const& _contractName, u256 const& _value, bytes const& _arguments, map const& _libraries ) { auto output = compileAndRunWithoutCheck(m_sources.sources, _value, _contractName, _arguments, _libraries, m_sources.mainSourceFile); return !output.empty() && m_transactionSuccessful; }