/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * Encodes Solidity into SMT expressions without creating * any verification targets. * Also implements the SSA scheme for branches. */ #pragma once #include <libsolidity/formal/EncodingContext.h> #include <libsolidity/formal/ModelCheckerSettings.h> #include <libsolidity/formal/SymbolicVariables.h> #include <libsolidity/formal/VariableUsage.h> #include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h> #include <libsolidity/ast/ASTVisitor.h> #include <libsolidity/interface/ReadFile.h> #include <liblangutil/UniqueErrorReporter.h> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> #include <utility> namespace solidity::langutil { class ErrorReporter; struct SourceLocation; class CharStreamProvider; } namespace solidity::frontend { class SMTEncoder: public ASTConstVisitor { public: SMTEncoder( smt::EncodingContext& _context, ModelCheckerSettings const& _settings, langutil::UniqueErrorReporter& _errorReporter, langutil::CharStreamProvider const& _charStreamProvider ); /// @returns the leftmost identifier in a multi-d IndexAccess. static Expression const* leftmostBase(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess); /// @returns the key type in _type. /// _type must allow IndexAccess, that is, /// it must be either ArrayType or MappingType static Type const* keyType(Type const* _type); /// @returns the innermost element in a chain of 1-tuples if applicable, /// otherwise _expr. static Expression const* innermostTuple(Expression const& _expr); /// @returns the underlying type if _type is UserDefinedValueType, /// and _type otherwise. static Type const* underlyingType(Type const* _type); static TypePointers replaceUserTypes(TypePointers const& _types); /// @returns {_funCall.expression(), nullptr} if function call option values are not given, and /// {_funCall.expression().expression(), _funCall.expression()} if they are. static std::pair<Expression const*, FunctionCallOptions const*> functionCallExpression(FunctionCall const& _funCall); /// @returns the expression after stripping redundant syntactic sugar. /// Currently supports stripping: /// 1. 1-tuple; i.e. ((x)) -> x /// 2. Explicit cast from string to bytes; i.e. bytes(s) -> s; for s of type string static Expression const* cleanExpression(Expression const& _expr); /// @returns the FunctionDefinition of a FunctionCall /// if possible or nullptr. /// @param _scopeContract is the contract that contains the function currently being /// analyzed, if applicable. /// @param _contextContract is the most derived contract currently being analyzed. /// The difference between the two parameters appears in the case of inheritance. /// Let A and B be two contracts so that B derives from A, and A defines a function `f` /// that `B` does not override. Function `f` is visited twice: /// - Once when A is the most derived contract, where both _scopeContract and _contextContract are A. /// - Once when B is the most derived contract, where _scopeContract is A and _contextContract is B. static FunctionDefinition const* functionCallToDefinition( FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _scopeContract, ContractDefinition const* _contextContract ); static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> stateVariablesIncludingInheritedAndPrivate(ContractDefinition const& _contract); static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> stateVariablesIncludingInheritedAndPrivate(FunctionDefinition const& _function); static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> localVariablesIncludingModifiers(FunctionDefinition const& _function, ContractDefinition const* _contract); static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> modifiersVariables(FunctionDefinition const& _function, ContractDefinition const* _contract); static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> tryCatchVariables(FunctionDefinition const& _function); /// @returns the ModifierDefinition of a ModifierInvocation if possible, or nullptr. static ModifierDefinition const* resolveModifierInvocation(ModifierInvocation const& _invocation, ContractDefinition const* _contract); /// @returns the SourceUnit that contains _scopable. static SourceUnit const* sourceUnitContaining(Scopable const& _scopable); /// @returns the arguments for each base constructor call in the hierarchy of @a _contract. std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::vector<ASTPointer<frontend::Expression>>> baseArguments(ContractDefinition const& _contract); /// @returns a valid RationalNumberType pointer if _expr has type /// RationalNumberType or can be const evaluated, and nullptr otherwise. static RationalNumberType const* isConstant(Expression const& _expr); static std::set<FunctionCall const*> collectABICalls(ASTNode const* _node); /// @returns all the sources that @param _source depends on, /// including itself. static std::set<SourceUnit const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> sourceDependencies(SourceUnit const& _source); protected: void resetSourceAnalysis(); // TODO: Check that we do not have concurrent reads and writes to a variable, // because the order of expression evaluation is undefined // TODO: or just force a certain order, but people might have a different idea about that. bool visit(ImportDirective const& _node) override; bool visit(ContractDefinition const& _node) override; void endVisit(ContractDefinition const& _node) override; void endVisit(VariableDeclaration const& _node) override; bool visit(ModifierDefinition const& _node) override; bool visit(FunctionDefinition const& _node) override; void endVisit(FunctionDefinition const& _node) override; bool visit(Block const& _node) override; void endVisit(Block const& _node) override; bool visit(PlaceholderStatement const& _node) override; bool visit(IfStatement const&) override { return false; } bool visit(WhileStatement const&) override { return false; } bool visit(ForStatement const&) override { return false; } void endVisit(ForStatement const&) override {} void endVisit(VariableDeclarationStatement const& _node) override; bool visit(Assignment const& _node) override; void endVisit(Assignment const& _node) override; void endVisit(TupleExpression const& _node) override; bool visit(UnaryOperation const& _node) override; void endVisit(UnaryOperation const& _node) override; bool visit(BinaryOperation const& _node) override; void endVisit(BinaryOperation const& _node) override; bool visit(Conditional const& _node) override; bool visit(FunctionCall const& _node) override; void endVisit(FunctionCall const& _node) override; bool visit(ModifierInvocation const& _node) override; void endVisit(Identifier const& _node) override; void endVisit(ElementaryTypeNameExpression const& _node) override; void endVisit(Literal const& _node) override; void endVisit(Return const& _node) override; bool visit(MemberAccess const& _node) override; void endVisit(IndexAccess const& _node) override; void endVisit(IndexRangeAccess const& _node) override; bool visit(InlineAssembly const& _node) override; void endVisit(Break const&) override {} void endVisit(Continue const&) override {} bool visit(TryCatchClause const&) override { return true; } void endVisit(TryCatchClause const&) override {} bool visit(TryStatement const&) override { return false; } virtual void pushInlineFrame(CallableDeclaration const&); virtual void popInlineFrame(CallableDeclaration const&); /// Do not visit subtree if node is a RationalNumber. /// Symbolic _expr is the rational literal. bool shortcutRationalNumber(Expression const& _expr); void arithmeticOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op); /// @returns _op(_left, _right) with and without modular arithmetic. /// Used by the function above, compound assignments and /// unary increment/decrement. virtual std::pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> arithmeticOperation( Token _op, smtutil::Expression const& _left, smtutil::Expression const& _right, Type const* _commonType, Expression const& _expression ); smtutil::Expression bitwiseOperation( Token _op, smtutil::Expression const& _left, smtutil::Expression const& _right, Type const* _commonType ); void compareOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op); void booleanOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op); void bitwiseOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op); void bitwiseNotOperation(UnaryOperation const& _op); void initContract(ContractDefinition const& _contract); void initFunction(FunctionDefinition const& _function); void visitAssert(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitRequire(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitABIFunction(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitCryptoFunction(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitGasLeft(FunctionCall const& _funCall); virtual void visitAddMulMod(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitWrapUnwrap(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitObjectCreation(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitTypeConversion(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitStructConstructorCall(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void visitFunctionIdentifier(Identifier const& _identifier); void visitPublicGetter(FunctionCall const& _funCall); /// @returns true if @param _contract is set for analysis in the settings /// and it is not abstract. bool shouldAnalyze(ContractDefinition const& _contract) const; /// @returns true if @param _source is set for analysis in the settings. bool shouldAnalyze(SourceUnit const& _source) const; bool isPublicGetter(Expression const& _expr); /// Encodes a modifier or function body according to the modifier /// visit depth. void visitFunctionOrModifier(); /// Inlines a modifier or base constructor call. void inlineModifierInvocation(ModifierInvocation const* _invocation, CallableDeclaration const* _definition); /// Inlines the constructor hierarchy into a single constructor. void inlineConstructorHierarchy(ContractDefinition const& _contract); /// Defines a new global variable or function. void defineGlobalVariable(std::string const& _name, Expression const& _expr, bool _increaseIndex = false); /// Handles the side effects of assignment /// to variable of some SMT array type /// while aliasing is not supported. void arrayAssignment(); /// Handles assignments to index or member access. void indexOrMemberAssignment(Expression const& _expr, smtutil::Expression const& _rightHandSide); void arrayPush(FunctionCall const& _funCall); void arrayPop(FunctionCall const& _funCall); /// Allows BMC and CHC to create verification targets for popping /// an empty array. virtual void makeArrayPopVerificationTarget(FunctionCall const&) {} /// Allows BMC and CHC to create verification targets for out of bounds access. virtual void makeOutOfBoundsVerificationTarget(IndexAccess const&) {} void addArrayLiteralAssertions( smt::SymbolicArrayVariable& _symArray, std::vector<smtutil::Expression> const& _elementValues ); void bytesToFixedBytesAssertions( smt::SymbolicArrayVariable& _symArray, Expression const& _fixedBytes ); /// @returns a pair of expressions representing _left / _right and _left mod _right, respectively. /// Uses slack variables and additional constraints to express the results using only operations /// more friendly to the SMT solver (multiplication, addition, subtraction and comparison). std::pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> divModWithSlacks( smtutil::Expression _left, smtutil::Expression _right, IntegerType const& _type ); /// Handles the actual assertion of the new value to the encoding context. /// Other assignment methods should use this one in the end. virtual void assignment(smt::SymbolicVariable& _symVar, smtutil::Expression const& _value); void assignment(VariableDeclaration const& _variable, Expression const& _value); /// Handles assignments to variables of different types. void assignment(VariableDeclaration const& _variable, smtutil::Expression const& _value); /// Handles assignments between generic expressions. /// Will also be used for assignments of tuple components. void assignment(Expression const& _left, smtutil::Expression const& _right); void assignment( Expression const& _left, smtutil::Expression const& _right, Type const* _type ); /// Handle assignments between tuples. void tupleAssignment(Expression const& _left, Expression const& _right); /// Computes the right hand side of a compound assignment. smtutil::Expression compoundAssignment(Assignment const& _assignment); /// Handles assignment of an expression to a tuple of variables. void expressionToTupleAssignment(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VariableDeclaration>> const& _variables, Expression const& _rhs); /// Maps a variable to an SSA index. using VariableIndices = std::unordered_map<VariableDeclaration const*, unsigned>; /// Visits the branch given by the statement, pushes and pops the current path conditions. /// @param _condition if present, asserts that this condition is true within the branch. /// @returns the variable indices after visiting the branch and the expression representing /// the path condition at the end of the branch. std::pair<VariableIndices, smtutil::Expression> visitBranch(ASTNode const* _statement, smtutil::Expression const* _condition = nullptr); std::pair<VariableIndices, smtutil::Expression> visitBranch(ASTNode const* _statement, smtutil::Expression _condition); using CallStackEntry = std::pair<CallableDeclaration const*, ASTNode const*>; void createStateVariables(ContractDefinition const& _contract); void initializeStateVariables(ContractDefinition const& _contract); void createLocalVariables(FunctionDefinition const& _function); void initializeLocalVariables(FunctionDefinition const& _function); void initializeFunctionCallParameters(CallableDeclaration const& _function, std::vector<smtutil::Expression> const& _callArgs); void resetStateVariables(); void resetStorageVariables(); void resetMemoryVariables(); void resetBalances(); /// Resets all references/pointers that have the same type or have /// a subexpression of the same type as _varDecl. void resetReferences(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl); /// Resets all references/pointers that have type _type. void resetReferences(Type const* _type); /// @returns the type without storage pointer information if it has it. Type const* typeWithoutPointer(Type const* _type); /// @returns whether _a or a subtype of _a is the same as _b. bool sameTypeOrSubtype(Type const* _a, Type const* _b); bool isSupportedType(Type const& _type) const; /// Given the state of the symbolic variables at the end of two different branches, /// create a merged state using the given branch condition. void mergeVariables(smtutil::Expression const& _condition, VariableIndices const& _indicesEndTrue, VariableIndices const& _indicesEndFalse); /// Tries to create an uninitialized variable and returns true on success. bool createVariable(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl); /// @returns an expression denoting the value of the variable declared in @a _decl /// at the current point. smtutil::Expression currentValue(VariableDeclaration const& _decl) const; /// @returns an expression denoting the value of the variable declared in @a _decl /// at the given index. Does not ensure that this index exists. smtutil::Expression valueAtIndex(VariableDeclaration const& _decl, unsigned _index) const; /// Returns the expression corresponding to the AST node. /// If _targetType is not null apply conversion. /// Throws if the expression does not exist. smtutil::Expression expr(Expression const& _e, Type const* _targetType = nullptr); /// Creates the expression (value can be arbitrary) void createExpr(Expression const& _e); /// Creates the expression and sets its value. void defineExpr(Expression const& _e, smtutil::Expression _value); /// Creates the tuple expression and sets its value. void defineExpr(Expression const& _e, std::vector<std::optional<smtutil::Expression>> const& _values); /// Overwrites the current path condition void setPathCondition(smtutil::Expression const& _e); /// Adds a new path condition void pushPathCondition(smtutil::Expression const& _e); /// Remove the last path condition void popPathCondition(); /// Returns the conjunction of all path conditions or True if empty smtutil::Expression currentPathConditions(); /// @returns a human-readable call stack. Used for models. langutil::SecondarySourceLocation callStackMessage(std::vector<CallStackEntry> const& _callStack); /// Copies and pops the last called node. CallStackEntry popCallStack(); /// Adds (_definition, _node) to the callstack. void pushCallStack(CallStackEntry _entry); /// Add to the solver: the given expression implied by the current path conditions void addPathImpliedExpression(smtutil::Expression const& _e); /// Copy the SSA indices of m_variables. VariableIndices copyVariableIndices(); /// Resets the variable indices. void resetVariableIndices(VariableIndices const& _indices); /// Used when starting a new block. virtual void clearIndices(ContractDefinition const* _contract, FunctionDefinition const* _function = nullptr); /// @returns variables that are touched in _node's subtree. std::set<VariableDeclaration const*> touchedVariables(ASTNode const& _node); /// @returns the declaration referenced by _expr, if any, /// and nullptr otherwise. Declaration const* expressionToDeclaration(Expression const& _expr) const; /// @returns the VariableDeclaration referenced by an Expression or nullptr. VariableDeclaration const* identifierToVariable(Expression const& _expr) const; /// @returns the MemberAccess <expression>.push if _expr is an empty array push call, /// otherwise nullptr. MemberAccess const* isEmptyPush(Expression const& _expr) const; /// @returns true if the given identifier is a contract which is known and trusted. /// This means we don't have to abstract away effects of external function calls to this contract. static bool isTrustedExternalCall(Expression const* _expr); /// Creates symbolic expressions for the returned values /// and set them as the components of the symbolic tuple. void createReturnedExpressions(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contextContract); /// @returns the symbolic arguments for a function call, /// taking into account bound functions and /// type conversion. std::vector<smtutil::Expression> symbolicArguments(FunctionCall const& _funCall, ContractDefinition const* _contextContract); smtutil::Expression constantExpr(Expression const& _expr, VariableDeclaration const& _var); /// Traverses all source units available collecting free functions /// and internal library functions in m_freeFunctions. void collectFreeFunctions(std::set<SourceUnit const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& _sources); std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& allFreeFunctions() const { return m_freeFunctions; } /// Create symbolic variables for the free constants in all @param _sources. void createFreeConstants(std::set<SourceUnit const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& _sources); /// @returns a note to be added to warnings. std::string extraComment(); struct VerificationTarget { VerificationTargetType type; smtutil::Expression value; smtutil::Expression constraints; }; smt::VariableUsage m_variableUsage; bool m_arrayAssignmentHappened = false; /// Stores the instances of an Uninterpreted Function applied to arguments. /// These may be direct application of UFs or Array index access. /// Used to retrieve models. std::set<Expression const*> m_uninterpretedTerms; std::vector<smtutil::Expression> m_pathConditions; /// Whether the currently visited block uses checked /// or unchecked arithmetic. bool m_checked = true; langutil::UniqueErrorReporter& m_errorReporter; /// Stores the current function/modifier call/invocation path. std::vector<CallStackEntry> m_callStack; /// Stack of scopes. std::vector<ScopeOpener const*> m_scopes; /// Returns true if the current function was not visited by /// a function call. bool isRootFunction(); /// Returns true if _funDef was already visited. bool visitedFunction(FunctionDefinition const* _funDef); /// @returns the contract that contains the current FunctionDefinition that is being visited, /// or nullptr if the analysis is not inside a FunctionDefinition. ContractDefinition const* currentScopeContract(); /// @returns FunctionDefinitions of the given contract (including its constructor and inherited methods), /// taking into account overriding of the virtual functions. std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& contractFunctions(ContractDefinition const& _contract); /// Cache for the method contractFunctions. std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID>> m_contractFunctions; /// @returns FunctionDefinitions of the given contract (including its constructor and methods of bases), /// without taking into account overriding of the virtual functions. std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> const& contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual(ContractDefinition const& _contract); /// Cache for the method contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual. std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID>> m_contractFunctionsWithoutVirtual; /// Depth of visit to modifiers. /// When m_modifierDepth == #modifiers the function can be visited /// when placeholder is visited. /// Needs to be a stack because of function calls. std::vector<int> m_modifierDepthStack; std::map<ContractDefinition const*, ModifierInvocation const*> m_baseConstructorCalls; ContractDefinition const* m_currentContract = nullptr; /// Stores the free functions and internal library functions. /// Those need to be encoded repeatedely for every analyzed contract. std::set<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode::CompareByID> m_freeFunctions; /// Stores the context of the encoding. smt::EncodingContext& m_context; ModelCheckerSettings const& m_settings; /// Character stream for each source, /// used for retrieving source text of expressions for e.g. counter-examples. langutil::CharStreamProvider const& m_charStreamProvider; smt::SymbolicState& state(); }; }