/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * @author Christian * @date 2014 * Unit tests for the solidity parser. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity::langutil; namespace solidity::frontend::test { namespace { ASTPointer parseText(std::string const& _source, ErrorList& _errors, bool errorRecovery = false) { ErrorReporter errorReporter(_errors); auto charStream = CharStream(_source, ""); ASTPointer sourceUnit = Parser( errorReporter, solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().evmVersion(), errorRecovery ).parse(charStream); if (!sourceUnit) return ASTPointer(); for (ASTPointer const& node: sourceUnit->nodes()) if (ASTPointer contract = dynamic_pointer_cast(node)) return contract; BOOST_FAIL("No contract found in source."); return ASTPointer(); } bool successParse(std::string const& _source) { ErrorList errors; try { auto sourceUnit = parseText(_source, errors); if (!sourceUnit) return false; } catch (FatalError const& /*_exception*/) { if (Error::containsErrorOfType(errors, Error::Type::ParserError)) return false; } if (Error::containsErrorOfType(errors, Error::Type::ParserError)) return false; BOOST_CHECK(Error::containsOnlyWarnings(errors)); return true; } Error getError(std::string const& _source, bool errorRecovery = false) { ErrorList errors; try { parseText(_source, errors, errorRecovery); } catch (FatalError const& /*_exception*/) { // no-op } Error const* error = Error::containsErrorOfType(errors, Error::Type::ParserError); BOOST_REQUIRE(error); return *error; } void checkFunctionNatspec( FunctionDefinition const* _function, std::string const& _expectedDoc ) { auto doc = _function->documentation()->text(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(doc != nullptr, "Function does not have Natspec Doc as expected"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*doc, _expectedDoc); } } #define CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(source, substring) \ do \ {\ Error err = getError((source)); \ BOOST_CHECK(searchErrorMessage(err, (substring))); \ }\ while(0) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(SolidityParser) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(reserved_keywords) { BOOST_CHECK(!TokenTraits::isReservedKeyword(Token::Identifier)); BOOST_CHECK(TokenTraits::isReservedKeyword(Token::After)); BOOST_CHECK(!TokenTraits::isReservedKeyword(Token::Unchecked)); BOOST_CHECK(TokenTraits::isReservedKeyword(Token::Var)); BOOST_CHECK(TokenTraits::isReservedKeyword(Token::Reference)); BOOST_CHECK(!TokenTraits::isReservedKeyword(Token::Illegal)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_natspec_documentation) { char const* text = R"( contract test { uint256 stateVar; /// This is a test function function functionName(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); ErrorList errors; ASTPointer contract = parseText(text, errors); FunctionDefinition const* function = nullptr; auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(0), "Failed to retrieve function"); checkFunctionNatspec(function, "This is a test function"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_normal_comments) { FunctionDefinition const* function = nullptr; char const* text = R"( contract test { uint256 stateVar; // We won't see this comment function functionName(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); ErrorList errors; ASTPointer contract = parseText(text, errors); auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(0), "Failed to retrieve function"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(function->documentation() == nullptr, "Should not have gotten a Natspecc comment for this function"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_functions_natspec_documentation) { FunctionDefinition const* function = nullptr; char const* text = R"( contract test { uint256 stateVar; /// This is test function 1 function functionName1(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} /// This is test function 2 function functionName2(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} // nothing to see here function functionName3(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} /// This is test function 4 function functionName4(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); ErrorList errors; ASTPointer contract = parseText(text, errors); auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(0), "Failed to retrieve function"); checkFunctionNatspec(function, "This is test function 1"); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(1), "Failed to retrieve function"); checkFunctionNatspec(function, "This is test function 2"); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(2), "Failed to retrieve function"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(function->documentation() == nullptr, "Should not have gotten natspec comment for functionName3()"); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(3), "Failed to retrieve function"); checkFunctionNatspec(function, "This is test function 4"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiline_function_documentation) { FunctionDefinition const* function = nullptr; char const* text = R"( contract test { uint256 stateVar; /// This is a test function /// and it has 2 lines function functionName1(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); ErrorList errors; ASTPointer contract = parseText(text, errors); auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(0), "Failed to retrieve function"); checkFunctionNatspec(function, "This is a test function\n" " and it has 2 lines"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(natspec_comment_in_function_body) { FunctionDefinition const* function = nullptr; char const* text = R"( contract test { /// fun1 description function fun1(uint256 a) { uint b; // I should not interfere with actual natspec comments (natspec comments on local variables not allowed anymore) uint256 c; mapping(address=>bytes32) d; bytes7 name = "Solidity"; } /// This is a test function /// and it has 2 lines function fun(bytes32 input) public returns (bytes32 out) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); ErrorList errors; ASTPointer contract = parseText(text, errors); auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(0), "Failed to retrieve function"); checkFunctionNatspec(function, "fun1 description"); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(1), "Failed to retrieve function"); checkFunctionNatspec(function, "This is a test function\n" " and it has 2 lines"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(natspec_docstring_between_keyword_and_signature) { FunctionDefinition const* function = nullptr; char const* text = R"( contract test { uint256 stateVar; function ///I am in the wrong place fun1(uint256 a) { uint b; // I should not interfere with actual natspec comments (natspec comments on local variables not allowed anymore) uint256 c; mapping(address=>bytes32) d; bytes7 name = "Solidity"; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); ErrorList errors; ASTPointer contract = parseText(text, errors); auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(0), "Failed to retrieve function"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(!function->documentation(), "Shouldn't get natspec docstring for this function"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(natspec_docstring_after_signature) { FunctionDefinition const* function = nullptr; char const* text = R"( contract test { uint256 stateVar; function fun1(uint256 a) { // I should have been above the function signature (natspec comments on local variables not allowed anymore) uint b; // I should not interfere with actual natspec comments (natspec comments on local variables not allowed anymore) uint256 c; mapping(address=>bytes32) d; bytes7 name = "Solidity"; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); ErrorList errors; ASTPointer contract = parseText(text, errors); auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(function = functions.at(0), "Failed to retrieve function"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(!function->documentation(), "Shouldn't get natspec docstring for this function"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(variable_definition) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint b; uint256 c; mapping(address=>bytes32) d; customtype varname; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(variable_definition_with_initialization) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint b = 2; uint256 c = 0x87; mapping(address=>bytes32) d; bytes7 name = "Solidity"; customtype varname; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(operator_expression) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint256 x = (1 + 4) || false && (1 - 12) + -9; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(complex_expression) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint256 x = (1 + 4).member(++67)[a/=9] || true; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(statement_starting_with_type_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function fun() { uint64(2); uint64[7](3); uint64[](3); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_conversion_to_dynamic_array) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function fun() { uint x = uint64[](3); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(import_directive) { char const* text = R"( import "abc"; contract test { function fun() { uint64(2); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_contracts) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract test2 { function fun() { uint64(2); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_contracts_and_imports) { char const* text = R"( import "abc"; contract test { function fun() { uint64(2); } } import "def"; contract test2 { function fun() { uint64(2); } } import "ghi"; )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(contract_inheritance) { char const* text = R"( contract base { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract derived is base { function fun() { uint64(2); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(contract_multiple_inheritance) { char const* text = R"( contract base { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract derived is base, nonExisting { function fun() { uint64(2); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(contract_multiple_inheritance_with_arguments) { char const* text = R"( contract base { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract derived is base(2), nonExisting("abc", "def", base.fun()) { function fun() { uint64(2); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(keyword_is_reserved) { auto keywords = { "after", "alias", "apply", "auto", "byte", "case", "copyof", "default", "define", "final", "implements", "in", "inline", "let", "macro", "match", "mutable", "null", "of", "partial", "promise", "reference", "relocatable", "sealed", "sizeof", "static", "supports", "switch", "typedef", "typeof", "var" }; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(std::size(keywords), static_cast(Token::Var) - static_cast(Token::After) + 1); for (auto const& keyword: keywords) { auto text = std::string("contract ") + keyword + " {}"; CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(text.c_str(), string("Expected identifier but got reserved keyword '") + keyword + "'"); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(member_access_parser_ambiguity) { char const* text = R"( contract C { struct S { uint a; uint b; uint[][][] c; } function f() { C.S x; C.S memory y; C.S[10] memory z; C.S[10](x); x.a = 2; x.c[1][2][3] = 9; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for) { char const* text = R"( contract C { struct s { uint a; } using LibraryName for uint; using Library2 for *; using Lib for s; function f() { } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(complex_import) { char const* text = R"( import "abc" as x; import * as x from "abc"; import {a as b, c as d, f} from "def"; contract x {} )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_asm_end_location) { auto sourceCode = std::string(R"( contract C { function f() public pure returns (uint y) { uint a; assembly { a := 0x12345678 } uint z = a; y = z; } } )"); ErrorList errors; auto contract = parseText(sourceCode, errors); class CheckInlineAsmLocation: public ASTConstVisitor { public: explicit CheckInlineAsmLocation(string _sourceCode): m_sourceCode(_sourceCode) {} bool visited = false; bool visit(InlineAssembly const& _inlineAsm) override { auto loc = _inlineAsm.location(); auto asmStr = m_sourceCode.substr(static_cast(loc.start), static_cast(loc.end - loc.start)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(asmStr, "assembly { a := 0x12345678 }"); visited = true; return false; } string m_sourceCode; }; CheckInlineAsmLocation visitor{sourceCode}; contract->accept(visitor); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(visitor.visited, "No inline asm block found?!"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() } // end namespaces