/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** * @author Christian * @date 2014 * Pretty-printer for the abstract syntax tree (the "pretty" is arguable), used for debugging. */ #include #include using namespace std; namespace dev { namespace solidity { ASTPrinter::ASTPrinter(ASTNode const& _ast, string const& _source): m_indentation(0), m_source(_source), m_ast(&_ast) { } void ASTPrinter::print(ostream& _stream) { m_ostream = &_stream; m_ast->accept(*this); m_ostream = nullptr; } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ImportDirective const& _node) { writeLine("ImportDirective \"" + _node.getIdentifier() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ContractDefinition const& _node) { writeLine("ContractDefinition \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(InheritanceSpecifier const& _node) { writeLine("InheritanceSpecifier \"" + _node.getName()->getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(StructDefinition const& _node) { writeLine("StructDefinition \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(EnumDefinition const& _node) { writeLine("EnumDefinition \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(EnumDeclaration const& _node) { writeLine("EnumValue \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ParameterList const& _node) { writeLine("ParameterList"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _node) { writeLine("FunctionDefinition \"" + _node.getName() + "\"" + (_node.isPublic() ? " - public" : "") + (_node.isDeclaredConst() ? " - const" : "")); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(VariableDeclaration const& _node) { writeLine("VariableDeclaration \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ModifierDefinition const& _node) { writeLine("ModifierDefinition \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ModifierInvocation const& _node) { writeLine("ModifierInvocation \"" + _node.getName()->getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(EventDefinition const& _node) { writeLine("EventDefinition \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(TypeName const& _node) { writeLine("TypeName"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ElementaryTypeName const& _node) { writeLine(string("ElementaryTypeName ") + Token::toString(_node.getTypeName())); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(UserDefinedTypeName const& _node) { writeLine("UserDefinedTypeName \"" + _node.getName() + "\""); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Mapping const& _node) { writeLine("Mapping"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Statement const& _node) { writeLine("Statement"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Block const& _node) { writeLine("Block"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(PlaceholderStatement const& _node) { writeLine("PlaceholderStatement"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(IfStatement const& _node) { writeLine("IfStatement"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(BreakableStatement const& _node) { writeLine("BreakableStatement"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(WhileStatement const& _node) { writeLine("WhileStatement"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ForStatement const& _node) { writeLine("ForStatement"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Continue const& _node) { writeLine("Continue"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Break const& _node) { writeLine("Break"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Return const& _node) { writeLine("Return"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(VariableDefinition const& _node) { writeLine("VariableDefinition"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ExpressionStatement const& _node) { writeLine("ExpressionStatement"); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Expression const& _node) { writeLine("Expression"); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Assignment const& _node) { writeLine(string("Assignment using operator ") + Token::toString(_node.getAssignmentOperator())); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(UnaryOperation const& _node) { writeLine(string("UnaryOperation (") + (_node.isPrefixOperation() ? "prefix" : "postfix") + ") " + Token::toString(_node.getOperator())); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(BinaryOperation const& _node) { writeLine(string("BinaryOperation using operator ") + Token::toString(_node.getOperator())); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(FunctionCall const& _node) { writeLine("FunctionCall"); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(NewExpression const& _node) { writeLine("NewExpression"); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(MemberAccess const& _node) { writeLine("MemberAccess to member " + _node.getMemberName()); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(IndexAccess const& _node) { writeLine("IndexAccess"); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(PrimaryExpression const& _node) { writeLine("PrimaryExpression"); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Identifier const& _node) { writeLine(string("Identifier ") + _node.getName()); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(ElementaryTypeNameExpression const& _node) { writeLine(string("ElementaryTypeNameExpression ") + Token::toString(_node.getTypeToken())); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } bool ASTPrinter::visit(Literal const& _node) { char const* tokenString = Token::toString(_node.getToken()); if (!tokenString) tokenString = "[no token]"; writeLine(string("Literal, token: ") + tokenString + " value: " + _node.getValue()); printType(_node); printSourcePart(_node); return goDeeper(); } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ImportDirective const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ContractDefinition const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(InheritanceSpecifier const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(StructDefinition const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(EnumDefinition const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(EnumDeclaration const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ParameterList const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(FunctionDefinition const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(VariableDeclaration const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ModifierDefinition const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ModifierInvocation const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(EventDefinition const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(TypeName const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ElementaryTypeName const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(UserDefinedTypeName const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Mapping const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Statement const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Block const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(PlaceholderStatement const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(IfStatement const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(BreakableStatement const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(WhileStatement const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ForStatement const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Continue const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Break const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Return const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(VariableDefinition const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ExpressionStatement const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Expression const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Assignment const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(UnaryOperation const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(BinaryOperation const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(FunctionCall const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(NewExpression const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(MemberAccess const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(IndexAccess const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(PrimaryExpression const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Identifier const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(ElementaryTypeNameExpression const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::endVisit(Literal const&) { m_indentation--; } void ASTPrinter::printSourcePart(ASTNode const& _node) { if (!m_source.empty()) { Location const& location(_node.getLocation()); *m_ostream << getIndentation() << " Source: " << escaped(m_source.substr(location.start, location.end - location.start), false) << endl; } } void ASTPrinter::printType(Expression const& _expression) { if (_expression.getType()) *m_ostream << getIndentation() << " Type: " << _expression.getType()->toString() << "\n"; else *m_ostream << getIndentation() << " Type unknown.\n"; } string ASTPrinter::getIndentation() const { return string(m_indentation * 2, ' '); } void ASTPrinter::writeLine(string const& _line) { *m_ostream << getIndentation() << _line << endl; } } }