#! /usr/bin/env python3 import random import re import os import getopt import sys from os import path ENCODING = "utf-8" SOURCE_FILE_PATTERN = r"\b\d+_error\b" def read_file(file_name): content = None try: with open(file_name, "r", encoding=ENCODING) as f: content = f.read() finally: if content == None: print(f"Error reading: {file_name}") return content def write_file(file_name, content): with open(file_name, "w", encoding=ENCODING) as f: f.write(content) def in_comment(source, pos): slash_slash_pos = source.rfind("//", 0, pos) lf_pos = source.rfind("\n", 0, pos) if slash_slash_pos > lf_pos: return True slash_star_pos = source.rfind("/*", 0, pos) star_slash_pos = source.rfind("*/", 0, pos) return slash_star_pos > star_slash_pos def find_ids_in_source_file(file_name, ids): source = read_file(file_name) for m in re.finditer(SOURCE_FILE_PATTERN, source): if in_comment(source, m.start()): continue underscore_pos = m.group(0).index("_") id = m.group(0)[0:underscore_pos] if id in ids: ids[id] += 1 else: ids[id] = 1 def get_used_ids(file_names): used_ids = {} for file_name in file_names: find_ids_in_source_file(file_name, used_ids) return used_ids def get_next_id(available_ids): assert len(available_ids) > 0, "Out of IDs" next_id = random.choice(list(available_ids)) available_ids.remove(next_id) return next_id def fix_ids_in_file(file_name, available_ids, used_ids): source = read_file(file_name) k = 0 destination = [] for m in re.finditer(SOURCE_FILE_PATTERN, source): destination.extend(source[k:m.start()]) underscore_pos = m.group(0).index("_") id = m.group(0)[0:underscore_pos] # incorrect id or id has a duplicate somewhere if not in_comment(source, m.start()) and (len(id) != 4 or id[0] == "0" or used_ids[id] > 1): assert id in used_ids new_id = get_next_id(available_ids) assert new_id not in used_ids used_ids[id] -= 1 else: new_id = id destination.extend(new_id + "_error") k = m.end() destination.extend(source[k:]) destination = ''.join(destination) if source != destination: write_file(file_name, destination) print(f"Fixed file: {file_name}") def fix_ids(used_ids, file_names): available_ids = {str(id) for id in range(1000, 10000)} - used_ids.keys() for file_name in file_names: fix_ids_in_file(file_name, available_ids, used_ids) def find_files(top_dir, sub_dirs, extensions): """Builds a list of files with given extensions in specified subdirectories""" source_file_names = [] for dir in sub_dirs: for root, _, file_names in os.walk(os.path.join(top_dir, dir), onerror=lambda e: exit(f"Walk error: {e}")): for file_name in file_names: _, ext = path.splitext(file_name) if ext in extensions: source_file_names.append(path.join(root, file_name)) return source_file_names def find_ids_in_test_file(file_name): source = read_file(file_name) pattern = r"^// (.*Error|Warning) \d\d\d\d:" return {m.group(0)[-5:-1] for m in re.finditer(pattern, source, flags=re.MULTILINE)} def find_ids_in_test_files(file_names): used_ids = set() for file_name in file_names: used_ids |= find_ids_in_test_file(file_name) return used_ids def find_ids_in_cmdline_test_err(file_name): source = read_file(file_name) pattern = r' \(\d\d\d\d\):' return {m.group(0)[-6:-2] for m in re.finditer(pattern, source, flags=re.MULTILINE)} def print_ids(ids): for k, id in enumerate(sorted(ids)): if k % 10 > 0: print(" ", end="") elif k > 0: print() print(id, end="") def examine_id_coverage(top_dir, used_ids): test_sub_dirs = [ path.join("test", "libsolidity", "errorRecoveryTests"), path.join("test", "libsolidity", "smtCheckerTests"), path.join("test", "libsolidity", "syntaxTests") ] test_file_names = find_files( top_dir, test_sub_dirs, [".sol"] ) covered_ids = find_ids_in_test_files(test_file_names) # special case, we are interested in warnings which are ignored by regular tests: # Warning (1878): SPDX license identifier not provided in source file. .... # Warning (3420): Source file does not specify required compiler version! covered_ids |= find_ids_in_cmdline_test_err(path.join(top_dir, "test", "cmdlineTests", "error_codes", "err")) print(f"IDs in source files: {len(used_ids)}") print(f"IDs in test files : {len(covered_ids)} ({len(covered_ids) - len(used_ids)})") print() unused_covered_ids = covered_ids - used_ids if len(unused_covered_ids) != 0: print("Error. The following error codes found in tests, but not in sources:") print_ids(unused_covered_ids) return 1 used_uncovered_ids = used_ids - covered_ids if len(used_uncovered_ids) != 0: print("The following error codes found in sources, but not in tests:") print_ids(used_uncovered_ids) print("\n\nPlease make sure to add appropriate tests.") return 1 return 0 def main(argv): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-locals, too-many-statements check = False fix = False no_confirm = False examine_coverage = False next = False opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "", ["check", "fix", "no-confirm", "examine-coverage", "next"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '--check': check = True elif opt == "--fix": fix = True elif opt == '--no-confirm': no_confirm = True elif opt == '--examine-coverage': examine_coverage = True elif opt == '--next': next = True if [check, fix, examine_coverage, next].count(True) != 1: print("usage: python error_codes.py --check | --fix [--no-confirm] | --examine-coverage | --next") exit(1) cwd = os.getcwd() source_file_names = find_files( cwd, ["libevmasm", "liblangutil", "libsolc", "libsolidity", "libsolutil", "libyul", "solc"], [".h", ".cpp"] ) used_ids = get_used_ids(source_file_names) ok = True for id in sorted(used_ids): if len(id) != 4: print(f"ID {id} length != 4") ok = False if id[0] == "0": print(f"ID {id} starts with zero") ok = False if used_ids[id] > 1: print(f"ID {id} appears {used_ids[id]} times") ok = False if examine_coverage: if not ok: print("Incorrect IDs have to be fixed before applying --examine-coverage") res = examine_id_coverage(cwd, used_ids.keys()) exit(res) random.seed() if next: if not ok: print("Incorrect IDs have to be fixed before applying --next") available_ids = {str(id) for id in range(1000, 10000)} - used_ids.keys() next_id = get_next_id(available_ids) print(f"Next ID: {next_id}") exit(0) if ok: print("No incorrect IDs found") exit(0) if check: exit(1) assert fix, "Unexpected state, should not come here without --fix" if not no_confirm: answer = input( "\nDo you want to fix incorrect IDs?\n" "Please commit current changes first, and review the results when the script finishes.\n" "[Y/N]? " ) while len(answer) == 0 or answer not in "YNyn": answer = input("[Y/N]? ") if answer not in "yY": exit(1) fix_ids(used_ids, source_file_names) print("Fixing completed") exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])