#!/usr/bin/env bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Script used for cross-platform comparison as part of the travis automation. # Splits all test source code into multiple files, generates bytecode and # uploads the bytecode into github.com/ethereum/solidity-test-bytecode where # another travis job is triggered to do the actual comparison. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This file is part of solidity. # # solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> # # (c) 2017 solidity contributors. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -e if [[ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH}" != "" ]]; then # Variable is set to the branch's name iff current job is a pull request, # or is set to empty string if it is a push build. echo "Skipping bytecode comparison." exit 0 fi REPO_ROOT="$(dirname "$0")"/../.. if test -z "$1"; then BUILD_DIR="build" else BUILD_DIR="$1" fi echo "Compiling all test contracts into bytecode..." TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) ( cd "$REPO_ROOT" REPO_ROOT=$(pwd) # make it absolute cd "$TMPDIR" "$REPO_ROOT"/scripts/isolate_tests.py "$REPO_ROOT"/test/ if [[ "$SOLC_EMSCRIPTEN" = "On" ]] then # npm install solc git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ethereum/solc-js.git solc-js ( cd solc-js; npm install ) cp "$REPO_ROOT/emscripten_build/libsolc/soljson.js" solc-js/ cat > solc <<EOF #!/usr/bin/env node var process = require('process') var fs = require('fs') var compiler = require('./solc-js/wrapper.js')(require('./solc-js/soljson.js')) for (var optimize of [false, true]) { for (var filename of process.argv.slice(2)) { if (filename !== undefined) { var inputs = {} inputs[filename] = { content: fs.readFileSync(filename).toString() } var input = { language: 'Solidity', sources: inputs, settings: { optimizer: { enabled: optimize }, outputSelection: { '*': { '*': ['evm.bytecode.object', 'metadata'] } } } } var result = JSON.parse(compiler.compile(JSON.stringify(input))) if ( !('contracts' in result) || Object.keys(result['contracts']).length === 0 || !result['contracts'][filename] || Object.keys(result['contracts'][filename]).length === 0 ) { // NOTE: do not exit here because this may be run on source which cannot be compiled console.log(filename + ': ERROR') } else { for (var contractName in result['contracts'][filename]) { var contractData = result['contracts'][filename][contractName]; if (contractData.evm !== undefined && contractData.evm.bytecode !== undefined) console.log(filename + ':' + contractName + ' ' + contractData.evm.bytecode.object) else console.log(filename + ':' + contractName + ' NO BYTECODE') console.log(filename + ':' + contractName + ' ' + contractData.metadata) } } } } } EOF chmod +x solc ./solc *.sol > report.txt else $REPO_ROOT/scripts/bytecodecompare/prepare_report.py $REPO_ROOT/$BUILD_DIR/solc/solc fi if [ "$TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS" = "true" ] then openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_60701c962b9c_key -iv $encrypted_60701c962b9c_iv -in "$REPO_ROOT"/scripts/bytecodecompare/deploy_key.enc -out deploy_key -d chmod 600 deploy_key eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add deploy_key git clone --depth 2 git@github.com:ethereum/solidity-test-bytecode.git cd solidity-test-bytecode git config user.name "travis" git config user.email "chris@ethereum.org" git clean -f -d -x DIRNAME=$(cd "$REPO_ROOT" && git show -s --format="%cd-%H" --date="format:%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") mkdir -p "$DIRNAME" REPORT="$DIRNAME/$ZIP_SUFFIX.txt" cp ../report.txt "$REPORT" # Only push if adding actually worked, i.e. there were changes. if git add "$REPORT" && git commit -a -m "Added report $REPORT" then git pull --rebase git push origin else echo "Adding report failed, it might already exist in the repository." fi fi ) rm -rf "$TMPDIR"