/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** * @author Christian * @date 2014 * Unit tests for the name and type resolution of the solidity parser. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../TestHelper.h" using namespace std; namespace dev { namespace solidity { namespace test { namespace { pair, std::shared_ptr> parseAnalyseAndReturnError(string const& _source, bool _reportWarnings = false) { ErrorList errors; Parser parser(errors); ASTPointer sourceUnit; // catch exceptions for a transition period try { sourceUnit = parser.parse(std::make_shared(CharStream(_source))); if(!sourceUnit) return make_pair(sourceUnit, nullptr); SyntaxChecker syntaxChecker(errors); if (!syntaxChecker.checkSyntax(*sourceUnit)) return make_pair(sourceUnit, std::make_shared(errors[0]->type())); std::shared_ptr globalContext = make_shared(); NameAndTypeResolver resolver(globalContext->declarations(), errors); solAssert(Error::containsOnlyWarnings(errors), ""); resolver.registerDeclarations(*sourceUnit); bool success = true; for (ASTPointer const& node: sourceUnit->nodes()) if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast(node.get())) { globalContext->setCurrentContract(*contract); resolver.updateDeclaration(*globalContext->currentThis()); resolver.updateDeclaration(*globalContext->currentSuper()); if (!resolver.resolveNamesAndTypes(*contract)) success = false; } if (success) for (ASTPointer const& node: sourceUnit->nodes()) if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast(node.get())) { globalContext->setCurrentContract(*contract); resolver.updateDeclaration(*globalContext->currentThis()); TypeChecker typeChecker(errors); bool success = typeChecker.checkTypeRequirements(*contract); BOOST_CHECK(success || !errors.empty()); } for (auto const& currentError: errors) { if ( (_reportWarnings && currentError->type() == Error::Type::Warning) || (!_reportWarnings && currentError->type() != Error::Type::Warning) ) return make_pair(sourceUnit, std::make_shared(currentError->type())); } } catch (Error const& _e) { return make_pair(sourceUnit, std::make_shared(_e.type())); } catch (Exception const& /*_exception*/) { return make_pair(sourceUnit, nullptr); } return make_pair(sourceUnit, nullptr); } ASTPointer parseAndAnalyse(string const& _source) { auto sourceAndError = parseAnalyseAndReturnError(_source); BOOST_REQUIRE(!!sourceAndError.first); BOOST_REQUIRE(!sourceAndError.second); return sourceAndError.first; } bool success(string const& _source) { return !parseAnalyseAndReturnError(_source).second; } Error::Type expectError(std::string const& _source, bool _warning = false) { auto sourceAndError = parseAnalyseAndReturnError(_source, _warning); BOOST_REQUIRE(!!sourceAndError.second); BOOST_REQUIRE(!!sourceAndError.first); return *sourceAndError.second; } static ContractDefinition const* retrieveContract(ASTPointer _source, unsigned index) { ContractDefinition* contract; unsigned counter = 0; for (ASTPointer const& node: _source->nodes()) if ((contract = dynamic_cast(node.get())) && counter == index) return contract; return nullptr; } static FunctionTypePointer retrieveFunctionBySignature( ContractDefinition const* _contract, std::string const& _signature ) { FixedHash<4> hash(dev::sha3(_signature)); return _contract->interfaceFunctions()[hash]; } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(SolidityNameAndTypeResolution) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(smoke_test) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " uint256 stateVariable1;\n" " function fun(uint256 arg1) { uint256 y; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(double_stateVariable_declaration) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " uint256 variable;\n" " uint128 variable;\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(double_function_declaration) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function fun() { uint x; }\n" " function fun() { uint x; }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(double_variable_declaration) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() { uint256 x; if (true) { uint256 x; } }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(name_shadowing) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " uint256 variable;\n" " function f() { uint32 variable ; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(name_references) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " uint256 variable;\n" " function f(uint256 arg) returns (uint out) { f(variable); test; out; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(undeclared_name) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " uint256 variable;\n" " function f(uint256 arg) { f(notfound); }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(reference_to_later_declaration) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function g() { f(); }" " function f() { }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_definition_directly_recursive) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " struct MyStructName {\n" " address addr;\n" " MyStructName x;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_definition_indirectly_recursive) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " struct MyStructName1 {\n" " address addr;\n" " uint256 count;\n" " MyStructName2 x;\n" " }\n" " struct MyStructName2 {\n" " MyStructName1 x;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_definition_not_really_recursive) { char const* text = R"( contract test { struct s1 { uint a; } struct s2 { s1 x; s1 y; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_definition_recursion_via_mapping) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " struct MyStructName1 {\n" " address addr;\n" " uint256 count;\n" " mapping(uint => MyStructName1) x;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_inference_smoke_test) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f(uint256 arg1, uint32 arg2) returns (bool ret) { var x = arg1 + arg2 == 8; ret = x; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_checking_return) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() returns (bool r) { return 1 >= 2; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_checking_return_wrong_number) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() returns (bool r1, bool r2) { return 1 >= 2; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_checking_return_wrong_type) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() returns (uint256 r) { return 1 >= 2; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_checking_function_call) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() returns (bool r) { return g(12, true) == 3; }\n" " function g(uint256 a, bool b) returns (uint256 r) { }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_conversion_for_comparison) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() { uint32(2) == int64(2); }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_conversion_for_comparison_invalid) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() { int32(2) == uint64(2); }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(type_inference_explicit_conversion) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() returns (int256 r) { var x = int256(uint32(2)); return x; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(large_string_literal) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = \"123456789012345678901234567890123\"; }" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(balance) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function fun() {\n" " uint256 x = address(0).balance;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(balance_invalid) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function fun() {\n" " address(0).balance = 7;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment_to_mapping) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " struct str {\n" " mapping(uint=>uint) map;\n" " }\n" " str data;" " function fun() {\n" " var a = data.map;\n" " data.map = a;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment_to_struct) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " struct str {\n" " mapping(uint=>uint) map;\n" " }\n" " str data;" " function fun() {\n" " var a = data;\n" " data = a;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(returns_in_constructor) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function test() returns (uint a) {\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(forward_function_reference) { char const* text = "contract First {\n" " function fun() returns (bool ret) {\n" " return Second(1).fun(1, true, 3) > 0;\n" " }\n" "}\n" "contract Second {\n" " function fun(uint a, bool b, uint c) returns (uint ret) {\n" " if (First(2).fun() == true) return 1;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(comparison_bitop_precedence) { char const* text = "contract First {\n" " function fun() returns (bool ret) {\n" " return 1 & 2 == 8 & 9 && 1 ^ 2 < 4 | 6;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_no_implementation) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function functionName(bytes32 input) returns (bytes32 out);\n" "}\n"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name Resolving failed"); std::vector> nodes = sourceUnit->nodes(); ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast(nodes[0].get()); BOOST_CHECK(contract); BOOST_CHECK(!contract->annotation().isFullyImplemented); BOOST_CHECK(!contract->definedFunctions()[0]->isImplemented()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(abstract_contract) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract base { function foo(); } contract derived is base { function foo() {} } )"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name Resolving failed"); std::vector> nodes = sourceUnit->nodes(); ContractDefinition* base = dynamic_cast(nodes[0].get()); ContractDefinition* derived = dynamic_cast(nodes[1].get()); BOOST_CHECK(base); BOOST_CHECK(!base->annotation().isFullyImplemented); BOOST_CHECK(!base->definedFunctions()[0]->isImplemented()); BOOST_CHECK(derived); BOOST_CHECK(derived->annotation().isFullyImplemented); BOOST_CHECK(derived->definedFunctions()[0]->isImplemented()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(abstract_contract_with_overload) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract base { function foo(bool); } contract derived is base { function foo(uint) {} } )"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name Resolving failed"); std::vector> nodes = sourceUnit->nodes(); ContractDefinition* base = dynamic_cast(nodes[0].get()); ContractDefinition* derived = dynamic_cast(nodes[1].get()); BOOST_REQUIRE(base); BOOST_CHECK(!base->annotation().isFullyImplemented); BOOST_REQUIRE(derived); BOOST_CHECK(!derived->annotation().isFullyImplemented); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(create_abstract_contract) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract base { function foo(); } contract derived { base b; function foo() { b = new base();} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(abstract_contract_constructor_args_optional) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract BaseBase { function BaseBase(uint j); } contract base is BaseBase { function foo(); } contract derived is base { function derived(uint i) BaseBase(i){} function foo() {} } )"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name resolving failed"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(abstract_contract_constructor_args_not_provided) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract BaseBase { function BaseBase(uint j); } contract base is BaseBase { function foo(); } contract derived is base { function derived(uint i) {} function foo() {} } )"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name resolving failed"); std::vector> nodes = sourceUnit->nodes(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nodes.size(), 3); ContractDefinition* derived = dynamic_cast(nodes[2].get()); BOOST_CHECK(derived); BOOST_CHECK(!derived->annotation().isFullyImplemented); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(redeclare_implemented_abstract_function_as_abstract) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract base { function foo(); } contract derived is base { function foo() {} } contract wrong is derived { function foo(); } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_canonical_signature) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = "contract Test {\n" " function foo(uint256 arg1, uint64 arg2, bool arg3) returns (uint256 ret) {\n" " ret = arg1 + arg2;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name Resolving failed"); for (ASTPointer const& node: sourceUnit->nodes()) if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast(node.get())) { auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("foo(uint256,uint64,bool)", functions[0]->externalSignature()); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_canonical_signature_type_aliases) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = "contract Test {\n" " function boo(uint arg1, bytes32 arg2, address arg3) returns (uint ret) {\n" " ret = 5;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name Resolving failed"); for (ASTPointer const& node: sourceUnit->nodes()) if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast(node.get())) { auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); if (functions.empty()) continue; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("boo(uint256,bytes32,address)", functions[0]->externalSignature()); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_external_types) { ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract C { uint a; } contract Test { function boo(uint arg2, bool arg3, bytes8 arg4, bool[2] pairs, uint[] dynamic, C carg, address[] addresses) external returns (uint ret) { ret = 5; } })"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name Resolving failed"); for (ASTPointer const& node: sourceUnit->nodes()) if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast(node.get())) { auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); if (functions.empty()) continue; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("boo(uint256,bool,bytes8,bool[2],uint256[],address,address[])", functions[0]->externalSignature()); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_external_type) { // bug #1801 ASTPointer sourceUnit; char const* text = R"( contract Test { enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit } function boo(ActionChoices enumArg) external returns (uint ret) { ret = 5; } })"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(sourceUnit = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and name Resolving failed"); for (ASTPointer const& node: sourceUnit->nodes()) if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast(node.get())) { auto functions = contract->definedFunctions(); if (functions.empty()) continue; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("boo(uint8)", functions[0]->externalSignature()); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_external_call_allowed_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract C {} contract Test { function externalCall() { C arg; this.g(arg); } function g (C c) external {} })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_external_call_not_allowed_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract C {} contract Test { function externalCall() { address arg; this.g(arg); } function g (C c) external {} })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_internal_allowed_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract C { uint a; } contract Test { C a; function g (C c) {} function internalCall() { g(a); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_internal_not_allowed_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract C { uint a; } contract Test { address a; function g (C c) {} function internalCall() { g(a); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(hash_collision_in_interface) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function gsf() {\n" " }\n" " function tgeo() {\n" " }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inheritance_basic) { char const* text = R"( contract base { uint baseMember; struct BaseType { uint element; } } contract derived is base { BaseType data; function f() { baseMember = 7; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inheritance_diamond_basic) { char const* text = R"( contract root { function rootFunction() {} } contract inter1 is root { function f() {} } contract inter2 is root { function f() {} } contract derived is root, inter2, inter1 { function g() { f(); rootFunction(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cyclic_inheritance) { char const* text = R"( contract A is B { } contract B is A { } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(legal_override_direct) { char const* text = R"( contract B { function f() {} } contract C is B { function f(uint i) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(legal_override_indirect) { char const* text = R"( contract A { function f(uint a) {} } contract B { function f() {} } contract C is A, B { } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(illegal_override_visibility) { char const* text = R"( contract B { function f() internal {} } contract C is B { function f() public {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(illegal_override_constness) { char const* text = R"( contract B { function f() constant {} } contract C is B { function f() {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(complex_inheritance) { char const* text = R"( contract A { function f() { uint8 x = C(0).g(); } } contract B { function f() {} function g() returns (uint8 r) {} } contract C is A, B { } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_visibility) { // The constructor of a base class should not be visible in the derived class char const* text = R"( contract A { function A() { } } contract B is A { function f() { A x = A(0); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(overriding_constructor) { // It is fine to "override" constructor of a base class since it is invisible char const* text = R"( contract A { function A() { } } contract B is A { function A() returns (uint8 r) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(missing_base_constructor_arguments) { char const* text = R"( contract A { function A(uint a) { } } contract B is A { } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(base_constructor_arguments_override) { char const* text = R"( contract A { function A(uint a) { } } contract B is A { } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(implicit_derived_to_base_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract A { } contract B is A { function f() { A a = B(1); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(implicit_base_to_derived_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract A { } contract B is A { function f() { B b = A(1); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_modifier_invocation) { char const* text = R"( contract B { function f() mod1(2, true) mod2("0123456") { } modifier mod1(uint a, bool b) { if (b) _ } modifier mod2(bytes7 a) { while (a == "1234567") _ } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_function_modifier_type) { char const* text = R"( contract B { function f() mod1(true) { } modifier mod1(uint a) { if (a > 0) _ } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_modifier_invocation_parameters) { char const* text = R"( contract B { function f(uint8 a) mod1(a, true) mod2(r) returns (bytes7 r) { } modifier mod1(uint a, bool b) { if (b) _ } modifier mod2(bytes7 a) { while (a == "1234567") _ } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_modifier_invocation_local_variables) { char const* text = R"( contract B { function f() mod(x) { uint x = 7; } modifier mod(uint a) { if (a > 0) _ } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(legal_modifier_override) { char const* text = R"( contract A { modifier mod(uint a) {} } contract B is A { modifier mod(uint a) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(illegal_modifier_override) { char const* text = R"( contract A { modifier mod(uint a) {} } contract B is A { modifier mod(uint8 a) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(modifier_overrides_function) { char const* text = R"( contract A { modifier mod(uint a) {} } contract B is A { function mod(uint a) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_overrides_modifier) { char const* text = R"( contract A { function mod(uint a) {} } contract B is A { modifier mod(uint a) {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(modifier_returns_value) { char const* text = R"( contract A { function f(uint a) mod(2) returns (uint r) {} modifier mod(uint a) { return 7; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(state_variable_accessors) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function fun() {\n" " uint64(2);\n" " }\n" "uint256 public foo;\n" "mapping(uint=>bytes4) public map;\n" "mapping(uint=>mapping(uint=>bytes4)) public multiple_map;\n" "}\n"; ASTPointer source; ContractDefinition const* contract; ETH_TEST_CHECK_NO_THROW(source = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and Resolving names failed"); BOOST_REQUIRE((contract = retrieveContract(source, 0)) != nullptr); FunctionTypePointer function = retrieveFunctionBySignature(contract, "foo()"); BOOST_REQUIRE(function && function->hasDeclaration()); auto returnParams = function->returnParameterTypeNames(false); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(returnParams.at(0), "uint256"); BOOST_CHECK(function->isConstant()); function = retrieveFunctionBySignature(contract, "map(uint256)"); BOOST_REQUIRE(function && function->hasDeclaration()); auto params = function->parameterTypeNames(false); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.at(0), "uint256"); returnParams = function->returnParameterTypeNames(false); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(returnParams.at(0), "bytes4"); BOOST_CHECK(function->isConstant()); function = retrieveFunctionBySignature(contract, "multiple_map(uint256,uint256)"); BOOST_REQUIRE(function && function->hasDeclaration()); params = function->parameterTypeNames(false); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.at(0), "uint256"); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.at(1), "uint256"); returnParams = function->returnParameterTypeNames(false); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(returnParams.at(0), "bytes4"); BOOST_CHECK(function->isConstant()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_clash_with_state_variable_accessor) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function fun() {\n" " uint64(2);\n" " }\n" "uint256 foo;\n" " function foo() {}\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(private_state_variable) { char const* text = "contract test {\n" " function fun() {\n" " uint64(2);\n" " }\n" "uint256 private foo;\n" "uint256 internal bar;\n" "}\n"; ASTPointer source; ContractDefinition const* contract; ETH_TEST_CHECK_NO_THROW(source = parseAndAnalyse(text), "Parsing and Resolving names failed"); BOOST_CHECK((contract = retrieveContract(source, 0)) != nullptr); FunctionTypePointer function; function = retrieveFunctionBySignature(contract, "foo()"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(function == nullptr, "Accessor function of a private variable should not exist"); function = retrieveFunctionBySignature(contract, "bar()"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(function == nullptr, "Accessor function of an internal variable should not exist"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(base_class_state_variable_accessor) { // test for issue #1126 https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/issues/1126 char const* text = "contract Parent {\n" " uint256 public m_aMember;\n" "}\n" "contract Child is Parent{\n" " function foo() returns (uint256) { return Parent.m_aMember; }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_accessor_one_array_only) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { struct Data { uint[15] m_array; } Data public data; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(base_class_state_variable_internal_member) { char const* text = "contract Parent {\n" " uint256 internal m_aMember;\n" "}\n" "contract Child is Parent{\n" " function foo() returns (uint256) { return Parent.m_aMember; }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(state_variable_member_of_wrong_class1) { char const* text = "contract Parent1 {\n" " uint256 internal m_aMember1;\n" "}\n" "contract Parent2 is Parent1{\n" " uint256 internal m_aMember2;\n" "}\n" "contract Child is Parent2{\n" " function foo() returns (uint256) { return Parent2.m_aMember1; }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(state_variable_member_of_wrong_class2) { char const* text = "contract Parent1 {\n" " uint256 internal m_aMember1;\n" "}\n" "contract Parent2 is Parent1{\n" " uint256 internal m_aMember2;\n" "}\n" "contract Child is Parent2{\n" " function foo() returns (uint256) { return Child.m_aMember2; }\n" " uint256 public m_aMember3;\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fallback_function) { char const* text = R"( contract C { uint x; function() { x = 2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fallback_function_with_arguments) { char const* text = R"( contract C { uint x; function(uint a) { x = 2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fallback_function_twice) { char const* text = R"( contract C { uint x; function() { x = 2; } function() { x = 3; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fallback_function_inheritance) { char const* text = R"( contract A { uint x; function() { x = 1; } } contract C is A { function() { x = 2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(event) { char const* text = R"( contract c { event e(uint indexed a, bytes3 indexed s, bool indexed b); function f() { e(2, "abc", true); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(event_too_many_indexed) { char const* text = R"( contract c { event e(uint indexed a, bytes3 indexed b, bool indexed c, uint indexed d); })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(anonymous_event_four_indexed) { char const* text = R"( contract c { event e(uint indexed a, bytes3 indexed b, bool indexed c, uint indexed d) anonymous; })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(anonymous_event_too_many_indexed) { char const* text = R"( contract c { event e(uint indexed a, bytes3 indexed b, bool indexed c, uint indexed d, uint indexed e) anonymous; })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(event_call) { char const* text = R"( contract c { event e(uint a, bytes3 indexed s, bool indexed b); function f() { e(2, "abc", true); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(event_inheritance) { char const* text = R"( contract base { event e(uint a, bytes3 indexed s, bool indexed b); } contract c is base { function f() { e(2, "abc", true); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_events_argument_clash) { char const* text = R"( contract c { event e1(uint a, uint e1, uint e2); event e2(uint a, uint e1, uint e2); })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(access_to_default_function_visibility) { char const* text = R"( contract c { function f() {} } contract d { function g() { c(0).f(); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(access_to_internal_function) { char const* text = R"( contract c { function f() internal {} } contract d { function g() { c(0).f(); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(access_to_default_state_variable_visibility) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint a; } contract d { function g() { c(0).a(); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(access_to_internal_state_variable) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint public a; } contract d { function g() { c(0).a(); } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(error_count_in_named_args) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function a(uint a, uint b) returns (uint r) { r = a + b; }\n" " function b() returns (uint r) { r = a({a: 1}); }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(empty_in_named_args) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function a(uint a, uint b) returns (uint r) { r = a + b; }\n" " function b() returns (uint r) { r = a({}); }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(duplicate_parameter_names_in_named_args) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function a(uint a, uint b) returns (uint r) { r = a + b; }\n" " function b() returns (uint r) { r = a({a: 1, a: 2}); }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_parameter_names_in_named_args) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function a(uint a, uint b) returns (uint r) { r = a + b; }\n" " function b() returns (uint r) { r = a({a: 1, c: 2}); }\n" "}\n"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(empty_name_input_parameter) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f(uint){ } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(empty_name_return_parameter) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() returns(bool){ } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(empty_name_input_parameter_with_named_one) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f(uint, uint k) returns(uint ret_k){ return k; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(empty_name_return_parameter_with_named_one) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() returns(uint ret_k, uint){ return 5; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(disallow_declaration_of_void_type) { char const* sourceCode = "contract c { function f() { var (x) = f(); } }"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(overflow_caused_by_ether_units) { char const* sourceCodeFine = R"( contract c { function c () { a = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039458; } uint256 a; })"; ETH_TEST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCodeFine), "Parsing and Resolving names failed"); char const* sourceCode = R"( contract c { function c () { a = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039458 ether; } uint256 a; })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(exp_operator_exponent_too_big) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f() returns(uint d) { return 2 ** 10000000000; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_member_access) { char const* text = R"( contract test { enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit } function test() { choices = ActionChoices.GoStraight; } ActionChoices choices; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_member_access_accross_contracts) { char const* text = R"( contract Interface { enum MyEnum { One, Two } } contract Impl { function test() returns (Interface.MyEnum) { return Interface.MyEnum.One; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_invalid_member_access) { char const* text = R"( contract test { enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit } function test() { choices = ActionChoices.RunAroundWavingYourHands; } ActionChoices choices; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_explicit_conversion_is_okay) { char const* text = R"( contract test { enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit } function test() { a = uint256(ActionChoices.GoStraight); b = uint64(ActionChoices.Sit); } uint256 a; uint64 b; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(int_to_enum_explicit_conversion_is_okay) { char const* text = R"( contract test { enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit } function test() { a = 2; b = ActionChoices(a); } uint256 a; ActionChoices b; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_implicit_conversion_is_not_okay) { char const* text = R"( contract test { enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit } function test() { a = ActionChoices.GoStraight; b = ActionChoices.Sit; } uint256 a; uint64 b; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_duplicate_values) { char const* text = R"( contract test { enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoLeft, Sit } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(private_visibility) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract base { function f() private {} } contract derived is base { function g() { f(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(private_visibility_via_explicit_base_access) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract base { function f() private {} } contract derived is base { function g() { base.f(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(external_visibility) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract c { function f() external {} function g() { f(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(external_base_visibility) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract base { function f() external {} } contract derived is base { function g() { base.f(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(external_argument_assign) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract c { function f(uint a) external { a = 1; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(external_argument_increment) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract c { function f(uint a) external { a++; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(external_argument_delete) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract c { function f(uint a) external { delete a; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_for_bug_override_function_with_bytearray_type) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract Vehicle { function f(bytes _a) external returns (uint256 r) {r = 1;} } contract Bike is Vehicle { function f(bytes _a) external returns (uint256 r) {r = 42;} } )"; ETH_TEST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode), "Parsing and Name Resolving failed"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_with_nonconstant_length) { char const* text = R"( contract c { function f(uint a) { uint8[a] x; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_copy_with_different_types1) { char const* text = R"( contract c { bytes a; uint[] b; function f() { b = a; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_copy_with_different_types2) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint32[] a; uint8[] b; function f() { b = a; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_copy_with_different_types_conversion_possible) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint32[] a; uint8[] b; function f() { a = b; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_copy_with_different_types_static_dynamic) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint32[] a; uint8[80] b; function f() { a = b; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_copy_with_different_types_dynamic_static) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint[] a; uint[80] b; function f() { b = a; } })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(storage_variable_initialization_with_incorrect_type_int) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint8 a = 1000; })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(storage_variable_initialization_with_incorrect_type_string) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint a = "abc"; })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_fromElementaryTypeName) { BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::Int, 0, 0)) == *make_shared(256, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 8, 0)) == *make_shared(8, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 16, 0)) == *make_shared(16, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 24, 0)) == *make_shared(24, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 32, 0)) == *make_shared(32, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 40, 0)) == *make_shared(40, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 48, 0)) == *make_shared(48, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 56, 0)) == *make_shared(56, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 64, 0)) == *make_shared(64, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 72, 0)) == *make_shared(72, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 80, 0)) == *make_shared(80, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 88, 0)) == *make_shared(88, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 96, 0)) == *make_shared(96, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 104, 0)) == *make_shared(104, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 112, 0)) == *make_shared(112, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 120, 0)) == *make_shared(120, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 128, 0)) == *make_shared(128, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 136, 0)) == *make_shared(136, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 144, 0)) == *make_shared(144, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 152, 0)) == *make_shared(152, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 160, 0)) == *make_shared(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 168, 0)) == *make_shared(168, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 176, 0)) == *make_shared(176, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 184, 0)) == *make_shared(184, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 192, 0)) == *make_shared(192, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 200, 0)) == *make_shared(200, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 208, 0)) == *make_shared(208, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 216, 0)) == *make_shared(216, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 224, 0)) == *make_shared(224, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 232, 0)) == *make_shared(232, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 240, 0)) == *make_shared(240, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 248, 0)) == *make_shared(248, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::IntM, 256, 0)) == *make_shared(256, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UInt, 0, 0)) == *make_shared(256, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 8, 0)) == *make_shared(8, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 16, 0)) == *make_shared(16, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 24, 0)) == *make_shared(24, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 32, 0)) == *make_shared(32, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 40, 0)) == *make_shared(40, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 48, 0)) == *make_shared(48, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 56, 0)) == *make_shared(56, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 64, 0)) == *make_shared(64, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 72, 0)) == *make_shared(72, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 80, 0)) == *make_shared(80, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 88, 0)) == *make_shared(88, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 96, 0)) == *make_shared(96, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 104, 0)) == *make_shared(104, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 112, 0)) == *make_shared(112, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 120, 0)) == *make_shared(120, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 128, 0)) == *make_shared(128, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 136, 0)) == *make_shared(136, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 144, 0)) == *make_shared(144, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 152, 0)) == *make_shared(152, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 160, 0)) == *make_shared(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 168, 0)) == *make_shared(168, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 176, 0)) == *make_shared(176, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 184, 0)) == *make_shared(184, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 192, 0)) == *make_shared(192, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 200, 0)) == *make_shared(200, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 208, 0)) == *make_shared(208, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 216, 0)) == *make_shared(216, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 224, 0)) == *make_shared(224, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 232, 0)) == *make_shared(232, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 240, 0)) == *make_shared(240, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 248, 0)) == *make_shared(248, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::UIntM, 256, 0)) == *make_shared(256, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::Byte, 0, 0)) == *make_shared(1)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 1, 0)) == *make_shared(1)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 2, 0)) == *make_shared(2)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 3, 0)) == *make_shared(3)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 4, 0)) == *make_shared(4)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 5, 0)) == *make_shared(5)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 6, 0)) == *make_shared(6)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 7, 0)) == *make_shared(7)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 8, 0)) == *make_shared(8)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 9, 0)) == *make_shared(9)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 10, 0)) == *make_shared(10)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 11, 0)) == *make_shared(11)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 12, 0)) == *make_shared(12)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 13, 0)) == *make_shared(13)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 14, 0)) == *make_shared(14)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 15, 0)) == *make_shared(15)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 16, 0)) == *make_shared(16)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 17, 0)) == *make_shared(17)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 18, 0)) == *make_shared(18)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 19, 0)) == *make_shared(19)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 20, 0)) == *make_shared(20)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 21, 0)) == *make_shared(21)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 22, 0)) == *make_shared(22)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 23, 0)) == *make_shared(23)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 24, 0)) == *make_shared(24)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 25, 0)) == *make_shared(25)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 26, 0)) == *make_shared(26)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 27, 0)) == *make_shared(27)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 28, 0)) == *make_shared(28)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 29, 0)) == *make_shared(29)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 30, 0)) == *make_shared(30)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 31, 0)) == *make_shared(31)); BOOST_CHECK(*Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(Token::BytesM, 32, 0)) == *make_shared(32)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_byte_is_alias_of_byte1) { char const* text = R"( contract c { bytes arr; function f() { byte a = arr[0];} })"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(text), "Type resolving failed"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assigning_value_to_const_variable) { char const* text = R"( contract Foo { function changeIt() { x = 9; } uint constant x = 56; })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(complex_const_variable) { //for now constant specifier is valid only for uint bytesXX and enums char const* text = R"( contract Foo { mapping(uint => bool) constant mapVar; })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(uninitialized_const_variable) { char const* text = R"( contract Foo { uint constant y; })"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(overloaded_function_cannot_resolve) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f() returns(uint) { return 1; } function f(uint a) returns(uint) { return a; } function g() returns(uint) { return f(3, 5); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ambiguous_overloaded_function) { // literal 1 can be both converted to uint and uint8, so the call is ambiguous. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f(uint8 a) returns(uint) { return a; } function f(uint a) returns(uint) { return 2*a; } function g() returns(uint) { return f(1); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment_of_nonoverloaded_function) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f(uint a) returns(uint) { return 2 * a; } function g() returns(uint) { var x = f; return x(7); } } )"; ETH_TEST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode), "Type resolving failed"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment_of_overloaded_function) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f() returns(uint) { return 1; } function f(uint a) returns(uint) { return 2 * a; } function g() returns(uint) { var x = f; return x(7); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(external_types_clash) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract base { enum a { X } function f(a) { } } contract test is base { function f(uint8 a) { } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(override_changes_return_types) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract base { function f(uint a) returns (uint) { } } contract test is base { function f(uint a) returns (uint8) { } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_constructors) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function test(uint a) { } function test() {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(equal_overload) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function test(uint a) returns (uint b) { } function test(uint a) external {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::DeclarationError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(uninitialized_var) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f() returns (uint) { var x; return 2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(string) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { string s; function f(string x) external { s = x; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(string_index) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { string s; function f() { var a = s[2]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(string_length) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { string s; function f() { var a = s.length; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(negative_integers_to_signed_out_of_bound) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { int8 public i = -129; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(negative_integers_to_signed_min) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { int8 public i = -128; } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(positive_integers_to_signed_out_of_bound) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { int8 public j = 128; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(positive_integers_to_signed_out_of_bound_max) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { int8 public j = 127; } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(negative_integers_to_unsigned) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { uint8 public x = -1; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(positive_integers_to_unsigned_out_of_bound) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { uint8 public x = 700; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(integer_boolean_operators) { char const* sourceCode1 = R"( contract test { function() { uint x = 1; uint y = 2; x || y; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode1) == Error::Type::TypeError); char const* sourceCode2 = R"( contract test { function() { uint x = 1; uint y = 2; x && y; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode2) == Error::Type::TypeError); char const* sourceCode3 = R"( contract test { function() { uint x = 1; !x; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode3) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(reference_compare_operators) { char const* sourceCode1 = R"( contract test { bytes a; bytes b; function() { a == b; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode1) == Error::Type::TypeError); char const* sourceCode2 = R"( contract test { struct s {uint a;} s x; s y; function() { x == y; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode2) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(overwrite_memory_location_external) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint[] memory a) external {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(overwrite_storage_location_external) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint[] storage a) external {} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(storage_location_local_variables) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f() { uint[] storage x; uint[] memory y; uint[] memory z; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(no_mappings_in_memory_array) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f() { mapping(uint=>uint)[] memory x; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment_mem_to_local_storage_variable) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { uint[] data; function f(uint[] x) { var dataRef = data; dataRef = x; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(storage_assign_to_different_local_variable) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { uint[] data; uint8[] otherData; function f() { uint8[] storage x = otherData; uint[] storage y = data; y = x; // note that data = otherData works } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(no_delete_on_storage_pointers) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { uint[] data; function f() { var x = data; delete x; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment_mem_storage_variable_directly) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { uint[] data; function f(uint[] x) { data = x; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_argument_mem_to_storage) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint[] storage x) private { } function g(uint[] x) { f(x); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_argument_storage_to_mem) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint[] storage x) private { g(x); } function g(uint[] x) { } } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(mem_array_assignment_changes_base_type) { // Such an assignment is possible in storage, but not in memory // (because it would incur an otherwise unnecessary copy). // This requirement might be lifted, though. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint8[] memory x) private { uint[] memory y = x; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(dynamic_return_types_not_possible) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f(uint) returns (string); function g() { var (x,) = this.f(2); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(memory_arrays_not_resizeable) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { function f() { uint[] memory x; x.length = 2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_constructor) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { struct S { uint a; bool x; } function f() { S memory s = S(1, true); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_constructor_nested) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { struct X { uint x1; uint x2; } struct S { uint s1; uint[3] s2; X s3; } function f() { uint[3] memory s2; S memory s = S(1, s2, X(4, 5)); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(struct_named_constructor) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { struct S { uint a; bool x; } function f() { S memory s = S({a: 1, x: true}); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(parseAndAnalyse(sourceCode)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(literal_strings) { char const* text = R"( contract Foo { function f() { string memory long = "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; string memory short = "123"; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_integer_literal_exp) { char const* text = R"( contract Foo { function f() { var x = 1e2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(memory_structs_with_mappings) { char const* text = R"( contract Test { struct S { uint8 a; mapping(uint => uint) b; uint8 c; } S s; function f() { S memory x; x.b[1]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(string_bytes_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract Test { string s; bytes b; function h(string _s) external { bytes(_s).length; } function i(string _s) internal { bytes(_s).length; } function j() internal { bytes(s).length; } function k(bytes _b) external { string(_b); } function l(bytes _b) internal { string(_b); } function m() internal { string(b); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inheriting_from_library) { char const* text = R"( library Lib {} contract Test is Lib {} )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inheriting_library) { char const* text = R"( contract Test {} library Lib is Test {} )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(library_having_variables) { char const* text = R"( library Lib { uint x; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(valid_library) { char const* text = R"( library Lib { uint constant x = 9; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_to_library_function) { char const* text = R"( library Lib { function min(uint x, uint y) returns (uint); } contract Test { function f() { uint t = Lib.min(12, 7); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(creating_contract_within_the_contract) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract Test { function f() { var x = new Test(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_out_of_bound_access) { char const* text = R"( contract c { uint[2] dataArray; function set5th() returns (bool) { dataArray[5] = 2; return true; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(literal_string_to_storage_pointer) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { string x = "abc"; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(non_initialized_references) { char const* text = R"( contract c { struct s{ uint a; } function f() { s x; x.a = 2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text, true) == Error::Type::Warning); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(sha3_with_large_integer_constant) { char const* text = R"( contract c { function f() { sha3(2**500); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cyclic_binary_dependency) { char const* text = R"( contract A { function f() { new B(); } } contract B { function f() { new C(); } } contract C { function f() { new A(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cyclic_binary_dependency_via_inheritance) { char const* text = R"( contract A is B { } contract B { function f() { new C(); } } contract C { function f() { new A(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_fail) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { var (x,y); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_wildcards_fine) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function three() returns (uint, uint, uint); function two() returns (uint, uint); function none(); function f() { var (a,) = three(); var (b,c,) = two(); var (,d) = three(); var (,e,g) = two(); var (,,) = three(); var () = none(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_wildcards_fail_1) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function one() returns (uint); function f() { var (a, b, ) = one(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_wildcards_fail_2) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function one() returns (uint); function f() { var (a, , ) = one(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_wildcards_fail_3) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function one() returns (uint); function f() { var (, , a) = one(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_wildcards_fail_4) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function one() returns (uint); function f() { var (, a, b) = one(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(tuples) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { uint a = (1); var (b,) = (1,); var (c,d) = (1, 2 + a); var (e,) = (1, 2, b); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(tuples_empty_components) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { (1,,2); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_wildcards_fail_5) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function one() returns (uint); function f() { var (,) = one(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multi_variable_declaration_wildcards_fail_6) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function two() returns (uint, uint); function f() { var (a, b, c) = two(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(member_access_parser_ambiguity) { char const* text = R"( contract C { struct R { uint[10][10] y; } struct S { uint a; uint b; uint[20][20][20] c; R d; } S data; function f() { C.S x = data; C.S memory y; C.S[10] memory z; C.S[10]; y.a = 2; x.c[1][2][3] = 9; x.d.y[2][2] = 3; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_library) { char const* text = R"( library D { } contract C { using D for uint; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_not_library) { char const* text = R"( contract D { } contract C { using D for uint; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_function_exists) { char const* text = R"( library D { function double(uint self) returns (uint) { return 2*self; } } contract C { using D for uint; function f(uint a) { a.double; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_function_on_int) { char const* text = R"( library D { function double(uint self) returns (uint) { return 2*self; } } contract C { using D for uint; function f(uint a) returns (uint) { return a.double(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_function_on_struct) { char const* text = R"( library D { struct s { uint a; } function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; } } contract C { using D for D.s; D.s x; function f(uint a) returns (uint) { return x.mul(a); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_overload) { char const* text = R"( library D { struct s { uint a; } function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; } function mul(s storage self, bytes32 x) returns (bytes32) { } } contract C { using D for D.s; D.s x; function f(uint a) returns (uint) { return x.mul(a); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_by_name) { char const* text = R"( library D { struct s { uint a; } function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; } } contract C { using D for D.s; D.s x; function f(uint a) returns (uint) { return x.mul({x: a}); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_mismatch) { char const* text = R"( library D { function double(bytes32 self) returns (uint) { return 2; } } contract C { using D for uint; function f(uint a) returns (uint) { return a.double(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_not_used) { // This is an error because the function is only bound to uint. // Had it been bound to *, it would have worked. char const* text = R"( library D { function double(uint self) returns (uint) { return 2; } } contract C { using D for uint; function f(uint16 a) returns (uint) { return a.double(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_for_arbitrary_mismatch) { // Bound to a, but self type does not match. char const* text = R"( library D { function double(bytes32 self) returns (uint) { return 2; } } contract C { using D for *; function f(uint a) returns (uint) { return a.double(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bound_function_in_var) { char const* text = R"( library D { struct s { uint a; } function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; } } contract C { using D for D.s; D.s x; function f(uint a) returns (uint) { var g = x.mul; return g({x: a}); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(create_memory_arrays) { char const* text = R"( library L { struct R { uint[10][10] y; } struct S { uint a; uint b; uint[20][20][20] c; R d; } } contract C { function f(uint size) { L.S[][] memory x = new L.S[][](10); var y = new uint[](20); var z = new bytes(size); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(mapping_in_memory_array) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f(uint size) { var x = new mapping(uint => uint)[](4); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(new_for_non_array) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f(uint size) { var x = new uint(7); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_args_creating_memory_array) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f(uint size) { var x = new uint[](); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_overload_array_type) { char const* text = R"( contract M { function f(uint[] values); function f(int[] values); } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_declaration_and_passing_implicit_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() returns (uint) { uint8 x = 7; uint16 y = 8; uint32 z = 9; uint32[3] memory ending = [x, y, z]; return (ending[1]); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_declaration_and_passing_implicit_conversion_strings) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() returns (string) { string memory x = "Hello"; string memory y = "World"; string[2] memory z = [x, y]; return (z[0]); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_declaration_const_int_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() returns (uint) { uint8[4] memory z = [1,2,3,5]; return (z[0]); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_declaration_const_string_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() returns (string) { string[2] memory z = ["Hello", "World"]; return (z[0]); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_declaration_no_type) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() returns (uint) { return ([4,5,6][1]); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_declaration_no_type_strings) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() returns (string) { return (["foo", "man", "choo"][1]); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_struct_declaration_arrays) { char const* text = R"( contract C { struct S { uint a; string b; } function f() { S[2] memory x = [S({a: 1, b: "fish"}), S({a: 2, b: "fish"})]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_types_in_inline_array) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { uint[3] x = [45, 'foo', true]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(dynamic_inline_array) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { uint8[4][4] memory dyn = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6, 7]]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(lvalues_as_inline_array) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { [1, 2, 3]++; [1, 2, 3] = [4, 5, 6]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(break_not_in_loop) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { if (true) break; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::SyntaxError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(continue_not_in_loop) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { if (true) continue; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::SyntaxError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(continue_not_in_loop_2) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { while (true) { } continue; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::SyntaxError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_different_types_for_conditional_expression) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { true ? true : 2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(left_value_in_conditional_expression_not_supported_yet) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function f() { uint x; uint y; (true ? x : y) = 1; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(conditional_expression_with_different_struct) { char const* text = R"( contract C { struct s1 { uint x; } struct s2 { uint x; } function f() { s1 x; s2 y; true ? x : y; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(conditional_expression_with_different_function_type) { char const* text = R"( contract C { function x(bool) {} function y() {} function f() { true ? x : y; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(conditional_expression_with_different_enum) { char const* text = R"( contract C { enum small { A, B, C, D } enum big { A, B, C, D } function f() { small x; big y; true ? x : y; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(conditional_expression_with_different_mapping) { char const* text = R"( contract C { mapping(uint8 => uint8) table1; mapping(uint32 => uint8) table2; function f() { true ? table1 : table2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(conditional_with_all_types) { char const* text = R"( contract C { struct s1 { uint x; } s1 struct_x; s1 struct_y; function fun_x() {} function fun_y() {} enum small { A, B, C, D } mapping(uint8 => uint8) table1; mapping(uint8 => uint8) table2; function f() { // integers uint x; uint y; true ? x : y; // integer constants true ? 1 : 3; // string literal true ? "hello" : "world"; // bool true ? true : false; // real is not there yet. // array byte[2] memory a; byte[2] memory b; true ? a : b; bytes memory e; bytes memory f; true ? e : f; // fixed bytes bytes2 c; bytes2 d; true ? c : d; // contract doesn't fit in here // struct true ? struct_x : struct_y; // function true ? fun_x : fun_y; // enum small enum_x; small enum_y; true ? enum_x : enum_y; // tuple true ? (1, 2) : (3, 4); // mapping true ? table1 : table2; // typetype true ? uint32(1) : uint32(2); // modifier doesn't fit in here // magic doesn't fit in here // module doesn't fit in here } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_call_invalid_arg_count) { // This caused a segfault in an earlier version char const* text = R"( contract C { function C(){} } contract D is C { function D() C(5){} } )"; BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(index_access_for_bytes) { char const* text = R"( contract C { bytes20 x; function f(bytes16 b) { b[uint(x[2])]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(uint7_and_uintM_as_identifier) { char const* text = R"( contract test { string uintM = "Hello 4 you"; function f() { uint8 uint7 = 3; uint7 = 5; string memory intM; uint bytesM = 21; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(varM_disqualified_as_keyword) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uintM something = 3; intM should = 4; bytesM fail = "now"; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(long_uint_variable_fails) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uint99999999999999999999999999 something = 3; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bytes10abc_is_identifier) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { bytes32 bytes10abc = "abc"; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(int10abc_is_identifier) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uint uint10abc = 3; int int10abc = 4; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(library_functions_do_not_have_value) { char const* text = R"( library L { function l() {} } contract test { function f() { L.l.value; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_fixed_types_0x7_mxn) { char const* text = R"( contract test { fixed0x7 a = .3; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_fixed_types_long_invalid_identifier) { char const* text = R"( contract test { fixed99999999999999999999999999999999999999x7 b = 9.5; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_fixed_types_7x8_mxn) { char const* text = R"( contract test { fixed7x8 c = 3.12345678; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(library_instances_cannot_be_used) { char const* text = R"( library L { function l() {} } contract test { function f() { L x; x.l(); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_fixed_type_long) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed8x888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 b; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(valid_fixed_types) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f(){ fixed8x8 a = 87654321.12345678; fixed16x16 b = a**2; fixed24x24 c = b**3; fixed32x32 d = b**2; fixed40x40 e = a**5; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_int_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uint128 a = 3; int128 b = 4; fixed c = b; ufixed d = a; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_const_int_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed c = 3; ufixed d = 4; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_literal) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 3.14; ufixed d = 2.555555; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_literal_expression) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 3.14 * 3; ufixed b = 4 - 2.555555; fixed c = 1.0 / 3.0; ufixed d = 599 + .5367; ufixed e = 35.245 % 12.9; ufixed f = 1.2 % 2.00000; fixed g = 2 ** -2; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(uint_array_declaration_with_fixed_type) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uint[fixed(3.56)] a; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_declaration_with_fixed_literal) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uint[3.56] a; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(mapping_with_fixed_literal) { char const* text = R"( contract test { mapping(fixed => string) fixedString; function f() { fixedString[3.14] = "Pi"; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_fixed_type) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed[3] memory a = [fixed(3.5), fixed(4.1234), fixed(967.32)]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_fixed_literals) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { ufixed8x16[3] memory a = [3.5, 4.1234, 2.5]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(zero_and_eight_variants_fixed) { char const* text = R"( contract A { fixed8x0 someInt = 4; fixed0x8 half = 0.5; } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(size_capabilities_of_fixed_point_types) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { ufixed0x8 a = 0.12345678; ufixed8x0 b = 12345678.0; ufixed0x8 c = 0.00000009; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(var_capable_of_holding_constant_rationals) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { var a = 0.12345678; var b = 12345678.0; var c = 0.00000009; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_rational_exponent_usage) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed8x8 a = 3 ** 1.5; fixed24x24 b = 2 ** (1/2); fixed40x40 c = 42 ** (-1/4); fixed48x48 d = 16 ** -0.33; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_point_casting_exponents) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 3 ** fixed(1.5); fixed b = 2 ** fixed(1/2); fixed c = 42 ** fixed(-1/4); fixed d = 16 ** fixed(-0.33); } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rational_unary_operation) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = +3.5134; fixed b = -2.5145; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rational_bitnot_unary_operation) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = ~3.56; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rational_bitor_binary_operation) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 1.56 | 3; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rational_bitxor_binary_operation) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 1.56 ^ 3; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rational_bitand_binary_operation) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 1.56 & 3; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_int_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uint128 a = 3; int128 b = 4; fixed c = b; ufixed d = a; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_const_int_conversion) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed c = 3; ufixed d = 4; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_literal) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 3.14; ufixed d = 2.555555; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_literal_expression) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 3.14 * 3; ufixed b = 4 - 2.555555; fixed c = 1.0 / 3.0; ufixed d = 599 + .5367; ufixed e = 35.245 % 12.9; ufixed g = 1.2 % 2.00000; //ufixed f = 2.222 ** 3.333; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fixed_type_literal_seconds_and_wei) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed a = 3.14 wei; ufixed b = 4.5 seconds; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_declaration_with_fixed_literal) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { uint[3.56] a; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(!success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_array_fixed_literals) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed[3] memory a = [3.5, 4.1234, 967.32]; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(size_capabilities_of_fixed_point_types) { char const* text = R"( contract test { function f() { fixed0x8 a = 0.12345678; fixed8x0 b = 12345678.0; fixed0x8 c = 0.00000009; } } )"; BOOST_CHECK(success(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() } } } // end namespaces