This file is part of solidity.
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* @author Alex Beregszaszi
* @date 2016
* Standard JSON compiler interface.
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;
Json::Value StandardCompiler::compile(Json::Value const& _input)
Json::Value const& sources = _input["sources"];
if (!sources)
// @TODO report error
return Json::Value();
for (auto const& sourceName: sources.getMemberNames())
m_compilerStack.addSource(sourceName, sources[sourceName]["content"].asString());
// @TODO parse settings
bool optimize = false;
unsigned optimizeRuns = 200;
map libraries;
auto scannerFromSourceName = [&](string const& _sourceName) -> solidity::Scanner const& { return m_compilerStack.scanner(_sourceName); };
// @TODO check return value and parse errors
m_compilerStack.compile(optimize, optimizeRuns, libraries);
catch (Error const& _error)
if (_error.type() == Error::Type::DocstringParsingError)
cerr << "Documentation parsing error: " << *boost::get_error_info(_error) << endl;
SourceReferenceFormatter::printExceptionInformation(cerr, _error, _error.typeName(), scannerFromSourceName);
return Json::Value();
catch (CompilerError const& _exception)
SourceReferenceFormatter::printExceptionInformation(cerr, _exception, "Compiler error", scannerFromSourceName);
return Json::Value();
catch (InternalCompilerError const& _exception)
cerr << "Internal compiler error during compilation:" << endl
<< boost::diagnostic_information(_exception);
return Json::Value();
catch (UnimplementedFeatureError const& _exception)
cerr << "Unimplemented feature:" << endl
<< boost::diagnostic_information(_exception);
return Json::Value();
catch (Exception const& _exception)
cerr << "Exception during compilation: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl;
return Json::Value();
catch (...)
cerr << "Unknown exception during compilation." << endl;
return Json::Value();
Json::Value output = Json::objectValue;
Json::Value contractsOutput = Json::objectValue;
for (string const& contractName: m_compilerStack.contractNames())
// ABI, documentation and metadata
Json::Value contractData(Json::objectValue);
contractData["abi"] = dev::jsonCompactPrint(m_compilerStack.metadata(contractName, DocumentationType::ABIInterface));
contractData["metadata"] = m_compilerStack.onChainMetadata(contractName);
contractData["userdoc"] = dev::jsonCompactPrint(m_compilerStack.metadata(contractName, DocumentationType::NatspecUser));
contractData["devdoc"] = dev::jsonCompactPrint(m_compilerStack.metadata(contractName, DocumentationType::NatspecDev));
// EVM
Json::Value evmData(Json::objectValue);
// @TODO: add ir
// @TODO: add assembly
// @TODO: add legacyAssemblyJSON
evmData["opcodes"] = solidity::disassemble(m_compilerStack.object(contractName).bytecode);
// @TODO: add methodIdentifiers
// @TODO: add gasEstimates
// EVM bytecode
Json::Value bytecode(Json::objectValue);
bytecode["object"] = m_compilerStack.object(contractName).toHex();
auto sourceMap = m_compilerStack.sourceMapping(contractName);
bytecode["sourceMap"] = sourceMap ? *sourceMap : "";
// @TODO: add linkReferences
evmData["bytecode"] = bytecode;
// EVM deployed bytecode
Json::Value deployedBytecode(Json::objectValue);
deployedBytecode["object"] = m_compilerStack.runtimeObject(contractName).toHex();
auto runtimeSourceMap = m_compilerStack.runtimeSourceMapping(contractName);
deployedBytecode["sourceMap"] = runtimeSourceMap ? *runtimeSourceMap : "";
// @TODO: add linkReferences
evmData["deployedBytecode"] = deployedBytecode;
contractData["evm"] = evmData;
contractsOutput[contractName] = contractData;
output["contracts"] = Json::objectValue;
output["contracts"][""] = contractsOutput;
return output;
string StandardCompiler::compile(string const& _input)
Json::Value input;
if (!Json::Reader().parse(_input, input, false))
return "{\"errors\":\"[{\"type\":\"JSONError\",\"component\":\"general\",\"severity\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Error parsing input JSON.\"}]}";
// cout << "Input: " << input.toStyledString() << endl;
Json::Value output = compile(input);
// cout << "Output: " << output.toStyledString() << endl;
return jsonCompactPrint(output);
return "{\"errors\":\"[{\"type\":\"JSONError\",\"component\":\"general\",\"severity\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Error writing output JSON.\"}]}";