/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com> * @date 2016 * Framework for executing contracts and testing them using RPC. */ #include <test/ExecutionFramework.h> #include <test/EVMHost.h> #include <test/evmc/evmc.hpp> #include <test/libsolidity/util/SoltestTypes.h> #include <libsolutil/CommonIO.h> #include <libsolutil/FunctionSelector.h> #include <liblangutil/Exceptions.h> #include <boost/test/framework.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp> #include <range/v3/range.hpp> #include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp> #include <cstdlib> #include <limits> using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::test; using namespace solidity::frontend::test; ExecutionFramework::ExecutionFramework(): ExecutionFramework(solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().evmVersion(), solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().vmPaths) { } ExecutionFramework::ExecutionFramework(langutil::EVMVersion _evmVersion, vector<boost::filesystem::path> const& _vmPaths): m_evmVersion(_evmVersion), m_optimiserSettings(solidity::frontend::OptimiserSettings::minimal()), m_showMessages(solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().showMessages), m_vmPaths(_vmPaths) { if (solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().optimize) m_optimiserSettings = solidity::frontend::OptimiserSettings::standard(); for (auto const& path: m_vmPaths) if (EVMHost::getVM(path.string()).has_capability(EVMC_CAPABILITY_EWASM)) m_supportsEwasm = true; selectVM(evmc_capabilities::EVMC_CAPABILITY_EVM1); } void ExecutionFramework::selectVM(evmc_capabilities _cap) { m_evmcHost.reset(); for (auto const& path: m_vmPaths) { evmc::VM& vm = EVMHost::getVM(path.string()); if (vm.has_capability(_cap)) { m_evmcHost = make_unique<EVMHost>(m_evmVersion, vm); break; } } solAssert(m_evmcHost != nullptr, ""); reset(); } void ExecutionFramework::reset() { m_evmcHost->reset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) m_evmcHost->accounts[EVMHost::convertToEVMC(account(i))].balance = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(u256(1) << 100); } std::pair<bool, string> ExecutionFramework::compareAndCreateMessage( bytes const& _result, bytes const& _expectation ) { if (_result == _expectation) return std::make_pair(true, std::string{}); std::string message = "Invalid encoded data\n" " Result Expectation\n"; auto resultHex = boost::replace_all_copy(util::toHex(_result), "0", "."); auto expectedHex = boost::replace_all_copy(util::toHex(_expectation), "0", "."); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::max(resultHex.size(), expectedHex.size()); i += 0x40) { std::string result{i >= resultHex.size() ? string{} : resultHex.substr(i, 0x40)}; std::string expected{i > expectedHex.size() ? string{} : expectedHex.substr(i, 0x40)}; message += (result == expected ? " " : " X ") + result + std::string(0x41 - result.size(), ' ') + expected + "\n"; } return make_pair(false, message); } bytes ExecutionFramework::panicData(util::PanicCode _code) { return m_evmVersion.supportsReturndata() ? toCompactBigEndian(selectorFromSignature32("Panic(uint256)"), 4) + encode(u256(static_cast<unsigned>(_code))) : bytes(); } u256 ExecutionFramework::gasLimit() const { return {m_evmcHost->tx_context.block_gas_limit}; } u256 ExecutionFramework::gasPrice() const { // here and below we use "return u256{....}" instead of just "return {....}" // to please MSVC and avoid unexpected // warning C4927 : illegal conversion; more than one user - defined conversion has been implicitly applied return u256{EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(m_evmcHost->tx_context.tx_gas_price)}; } u256 ExecutionFramework::blockHash(u256 const& _number) const { return u256{EVMHost::convertFromEVMC( m_evmcHost->get_block_hash(static_cast<int64_t>(_number & numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())) )}; } u256 ExecutionFramework::blockNumber() const { return m_evmcHost->tx_context.block_number; } void ExecutionFramework::sendMessage(bytes const& _data, bool _isCreation, u256 const& _value) { m_evmcHost->newBlock(); if (m_showMessages) { if (_isCreation) cout << "CREATE " << m_sender.hex() << ":" << endl; else cout << "CALL " << m_sender.hex() << " -> " << m_contractAddress.hex() << ":" << endl; if (_value > 0) cout << " value: " << _value << endl; cout << " in: " << util::toHex(_data) << endl; } evmc_message message = {}; message.input_data = _data.data(); message.input_size = _data.size(); message.sender = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(m_sender); message.value = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(_value); if (_isCreation) { message.kind = EVMC_CREATE; message.destination = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(h160{}); } else { message.kind = EVMC_CALL; message.destination = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(m_contractAddress); } message.gas = InitialGas.convert_to<int64_t>(); evmc::result result = m_evmcHost->call(message); m_output = bytes(result.output_data, result.output_data + result.output_size); if (_isCreation) m_contractAddress = EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(result.create_address); m_gasUsed = InitialGas - result.gas_left; m_transactionSuccessful = (result.status_code == EVMC_SUCCESS); if (m_showMessages) { cout << " out: " << util::toHex(m_output) << endl; cout << " result: " << static_cast<size_t>(result.status_code) << endl; cout << " gas used: " << m_gasUsed.str() << endl; } } void ExecutionFramework::sendEther(h160 const& _addr, u256 const& _amount) { m_evmcHost->newBlock(); if (m_showMessages) { cout << "SEND_ETHER " << m_sender.hex() << " -> " << _addr.hex() << ":" << endl; if (_amount > 0) cout << " value: " << _amount << endl; } evmc_message message = {}; message.sender = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(m_sender); message.value = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(_amount); message.kind = EVMC_CALL; message.destination = EVMHost::convertToEVMC(_addr); message.gas = InitialGas.convert_to<int64_t>(); m_evmcHost->call(message); } size_t ExecutionFramework::currentTimestamp() { return static_cast<size_t>(m_evmcHost->tx_context.block_timestamp); } size_t ExecutionFramework::blockTimestamp(u256 _block) { if (_block > blockNumber()) return 0; else return static_cast<size_t>((currentTimestamp() / blockNumber()) * _block); } h160 ExecutionFramework::account(size_t _idx) { return h160(h256(u256{"0x1212121212121212121212121212120000000012"} + _idx * 0x1000), h160::AlignRight); } bool ExecutionFramework::addressHasCode(h160 const& _addr) const { return m_evmcHost->get_code_size(EVMHost::convertToEVMC(_addr)) != 0; } size_t ExecutionFramework::numLogs() const { return m_evmcHost->recorded_logs.size(); } size_t ExecutionFramework::numLogTopics(size_t _logIdx) const { return m_evmcHost->recorded_logs.at(_logIdx).topics.size(); } h256 ExecutionFramework::logTopic(size_t _logIdx, size_t _topicIdx) const { return EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(m_evmcHost->recorded_logs.at(_logIdx).topics.at(_topicIdx)); } h160 ExecutionFramework::logAddress(size_t _logIdx) const { return EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(m_evmcHost->recorded_logs.at(_logIdx).creator); } bytes ExecutionFramework::logData(size_t _logIdx) const { const auto& data = m_evmcHost->recorded_logs.at(_logIdx).data; // TODO: Return a copy of log data, because this is expected from REQUIRE_LOG_DATA(), // but reference type like string_view would be preferable. return {data.begin(), data.end()}; } u256 ExecutionFramework::balanceAt(h160 const& _addr) const { return u256(EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(m_evmcHost->get_balance(EVMHost::convertToEVMC(_addr)))); } bool ExecutionFramework::storageEmpty(h160 const& _addr) const { const auto it = m_evmcHost->accounts.find(EVMHost::convertToEVMC(_addr)); if (it != m_evmcHost->accounts.end()) { for (auto const& entry: it->second.storage) if (!(entry.second.value == evmc::bytes32{})) return false; } return true; } vector<solidity::frontend::test::LogRecord> ExecutionFramework::recordedLogs() const { vector<LogRecord> logs; for (evmc::MockedHost::log_record const& logRecord: m_evmcHost->recorded_logs) logs.emplace_back( EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(logRecord.creator), bytes{logRecord.data.begin(), logRecord.data.end()}, logRecord.topics | ranges::views::transform([](evmc::bytes32 _bytes) { return EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(_bytes); }) | ranges::to<vector> ); return logs; }