/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * Optimisation stage that replaces constants by expressions that compute them. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::yul; using namespace solidity::util; using Representation = ConstantOptimiser::Representation; namespace { struct MiniEVMInterpreter { explicit MiniEVMInterpreter(EVMDialect const& _dialect): m_dialect(_dialect) {} u256 eval(Expression const& _expr) { return std::visit(*this, _expr); } u256 eval(evmasm::Instruction _instr, vector const& _arguments) { vector args; for (auto const& arg: _arguments) args.emplace_back(eval(arg)); switch (_instr) { case evmasm::Instruction::ADD: return args.at(0) + args.at(1); case evmasm::Instruction::SUB: return args.at(0) - args.at(1); case evmasm::Instruction::MUL: return args.at(0) * args.at(1); case evmasm::Instruction::EXP: return exp256(args.at(0), args.at(1)); case evmasm::Instruction::SHL: return args.at(0) > 255 ? 0 : (args.at(1) << unsigned(args.at(0))); case evmasm::Instruction::NOT: return ~args.at(0); default: yulAssert(false, "Invalid operation generated in constant optimizer."); } return 0; } u256 operator()(FunctionCall const& _funCall) { BuiltinFunctionForEVM const* fun = m_dialect.builtin(_funCall.functionName.name); yulAssert(fun, "Expected builtin function."); yulAssert(fun->instruction, "Expected EVM instruction."); return eval(*fun->instruction, _funCall.arguments); } u256 operator()(Literal const& _literal) { return valueOfLiteral(_literal); } u256 operator()(Identifier const&) { yulAssert(false, ""); } EVMDialect const& m_dialect; }; } void ConstantOptimiser::visit(Expression& _e) { if (holds_alternative(_e)) { Literal const& literal = std::get(_e); if (literal.kind != LiteralKind::Number) return; if ( Expression const* repr = RepresentationFinder(m_dialect, m_meter, locationOf(_e), m_cache) .tryFindRepresentation(valueOfLiteral(literal)) ) _e = ASTCopier{}.translate(*repr); } else ASTModifier::visit(_e); } Expression const* RepresentationFinder::tryFindRepresentation(u256 const& _value) { if (_value < 0x10000) return nullptr; Representation const& repr = findRepresentation(_value); if (holds_alternative(*repr.expression)) return nullptr; else return repr.expression.get(); } Representation const& RepresentationFinder::findRepresentation(u256 const& _value) { if (m_cache.count(_value)) return m_cache.at(_value); Representation routine = represent(_value); if (bytesRequired(~_value) < bytesRequired(_value)) // Negated is shorter to represent routine = min(move(routine), represent("not"_yulstring, findRepresentation(~_value))); // Decompose value into a * 2**k + b where abs(b) << 2**k for (unsigned bits = 255; bits > 8 && m_maxSteps > 0; --bits) { unsigned gapDetector = unsigned((_value >> (bits - 8)) & 0x1ff); if (gapDetector != 0xff && gapDetector != 0x100) continue; u256 powerOfTwo = u256(1) << bits; u256 upperPart = _value >> bits; bigint lowerPart = _value & (powerOfTwo - 1); if ((powerOfTwo - lowerPart) < lowerPart) { lowerPart = lowerPart - powerOfTwo; // make it negative upperPart++; } if (upperPart == 0) continue; if (abs(lowerPart) >= (powerOfTwo >> 8)) continue; Representation newRoutine; if (m_dialect.evmVersion().hasBitwiseShifting()) newRoutine = represent("shl"_yulstring, represent(bits), findRepresentation(upperPart)); else { newRoutine = represent("exp"_yulstring, represent(2), represent(bits)); if (upperPart != 1) newRoutine = represent("mul"_yulstring, findRepresentation(upperPart), newRoutine); } if (newRoutine.cost >= routine.cost) continue; if (lowerPart > 0) newRoutine = represent("add"_yulstring, newRoutine, findRepresentation(u256(abs(lowerPart)))); else if (lowerPart < 0) newRoutine = represent("sub"_yulstring, newRoutine, findRepresentation(u256(abs(lowerPart)))); if (m_maxSteps > 0) m_maxSteps--; routine = min(move(routine), move(newRoutine)); } yulAssert(MiniEVMInterpreter{m_dialect}.eval(*routine.expression) == _value, "Invalid expression generated."); return m_cache[_value] = move(routine); } Representation RepresentationFinder::represent(u256 const& _value) const { Representation repr; repr.expression = make_unique(Literal{m_location, LiteralKind::Number, YulString{formatNumber(_value)}, {}}); repr.cost = m_meter.costs(*repr.expression); return repr; } Representation RepresentationFinder::represent( YulString _instruction, Representation const& _argument ) const { Representation repr; repr.expression = make_unique(FunctionCall{ m_location, Identifier{m_location, _instruction}, {ASTCopier{}.translate(*_argument.expression)} }); repr.cost = _argument.cost + m_meter.instructionCosts(*m_dialect.builtin(_instruction)->instruction); return repr; } Representation RepresentationFinder::represent( YulString _instruction, Representation const& _arg1, Representation const& _arg2 ) const { Representation repr; repr.expression = make_unique(FunctionCall{ m_location, Identifier{m_location, _instruction}, {ASTCopier{}.translate(*_arg1.expression), ASTCopier{}.translate(*_arg2.expression)} }); repr.cost = m_meter.instructionCosts(*m_dialect.builtin(_instruction)->instruction) + _arg1.cost + _arg2.cost; return repr; } Representation RepresentationFinder::min(Representation _a, Representation _b) { if (_a.cost <= _b.cost) return _a; else return _b; }