/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace dev; using namespace dev::solidity; using namespace dev::solidity::test; using namespace dev::solidity::test::formatting; using namespace std; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; struct SyntaxTestStats { int successCount; int runCount; operator bool() const { return successCount == runCount; } }; class SyntaxTestTool { public: SyntaxTestTool(string const& _name, fs::path const& _path, bool _formatted): m_formatted(_formatted), m_name(_name), m_path(_path) {} enum class Result { Success, Failure, Exception }; Result process(); static SyntaxTestStats processPath( fs::path const& _basepath, fs::path const& _path, bool const _formatted ); static string editor; private: enum class Request { Skip, Rerun, Quit }; Request handleResponse(bool const _exception); void printContract() const; bool const m_formatted; string const m_name; fs::path const m_path; unique_ptr m_test; }; string SyntaxTestTool::editor; void SyntaxTestTool::printContract() const { if (m_formatted) { string const& source = m_test->source(); if (source.empty()) return; std::vector sourceFormatting(source.length(), formatting::RESET); for (auto const& error: m_test->errorList()) if (error.locationStart >= 0 && error.locationEnd >= 0) { assert(static_cast(error.locationStart) < source.length()); assert(static_cast(error.locationEnd) < source.length()); bool isWarning = error.type == "Warning"; for (int i = error.locationStart; i < error.locationEnd; i++) if (isWarning) { if (sourceFormatting[i] == formatting::RESET) sourceFormatting[i] = formatting::ORANGE_BACKGROUND; } else sourceFormatting[i] = formatting::RED_BACKGROUND; } cout << " " << sourceFormatting.front() << source.front(); for (size_t i = 1; i < source.length(); i++) { if (sourceFormatting[i] != sourceFormatting[i - 1]) cout << sourceFormatting[i]; if (source[i] != '\n') cout << source[i]; else { cout << formatting::RESET << endl; if (i + 1 < source.length()) cout << " " << sourceFormatting[i]; } } cout << formatting::RESET << endl; } else { stringstream stream(m_test->source()); string line; while (getline(stream, line)) cout << " " << line << endl; cout << endl; } } SyntaxTestTool::Result SyntaxTestTool::process() { bool success; std::stringstream outputMessages; (FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD}) << m_name << ": ").flush(); try { m_test = unique_ptr(new SyntaxTest(m_path.string())); success = m_test->run(outputMessages, " ", m_formatted); } catch(CompilerError const& _e) { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "Exception: " << SyntaxTest::errorMessage(_e) << endl; return Result::Exception; } catch(InternalCompilerError const& _e) { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "InternalCompilerError: " << SyntaxTest::errorMessage(_e) << endl; return Result::Exception; } catch(FatalError const& _e) { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "FatalError: " << SyntaxTest::errorMessage(_e) << endl; return Result::Exception; } catch(UnimplementedFeatureError const& _e) { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "UnimplementedFeatureError: " << SyntaxTest::errorMessage(_e) << endl; return Result::Exception; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "Exception: " << _e.what() << endl; return Result::Exception; } catch(...) { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "Unknown Exception" << endl; return Result::Exception; } if (success) { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, GREEN}) << "OK" << endl; return Result::Success; } else { FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, RED}) << "FAIL" << endl; FormattedScope(cout, m_formatted, {BOLD, CYAN}) << " Contract:" << endl; printContract(); cout << outputMessages.str() << endl; return Result::Failure; } } SyntaxTestTool::Request SyntaxTestTool::handleResponse(bool const _exception) { if (_exception) cout << "(e)dit/(s)kip/(q)uit? "; else cout << "(e)dit/(u)pdate expectations/(s)kip/(q)uit? "; cout.flush(); while (true) { switch(readStandardInputChar()) { case 's': cout << endl; return Request::Skip; case 'u': if (_exception) break; else { cout << endl; ofstream file(m_path.string(), ios::trunc); file << m_test->source(); file << "// ----" << endl; if (!m_test->errorList().empty()) m_test->printErrorList(file, m_test->errorList(), "// ", false); return Request::Rerun; } case 'e': cout << endl << endl; if (system((editor + " \"" + m_path.string() + "\"").c_str())) cerr << "Error running editor command." << endl << endl; return Request::Rerun; case 'q': cout << endl; return Request::Quit; default: break; } } } SyntaxTestStats SyntaxTestTool::processPath( fs::path const& _basepath, fs::path const& _path, bool const _formatted ) { std::queue paths; paths.push(_path); int successCount = 0; int runCount = 0; while (!paths.empty()) { auto currentPath = paths.front(); fs::path fullpath = _basepath / currentPath; if (fs::is_directory(fullpath)) { paths.pop(); for (auto const& entry: boost::iterator_range( fs::directory_iterator(fullpath), fs::directory_iterator() )) if (fs::is_directory(entry.path()) || SyntaxTest::isTestFilename(entry.path().filename())) paths.push(currentPath / entry.path().filename()); } else { SyntaxTestTool testTool(currentPath.string(), fullpath, _formatted); ++runCount; auto result = testTool.process(); switch(result) { case Result::Failure: case Result::Exception: switch(testTool.handleResponse(result == Result::Exception)) { case Request::Quit: return { successCount, runCount }; case Request::Rerun: cout << "Re-running test case..." << endl; --runCount; break; case Request::Skip: paths.pop(); break; } break; case Result::Success: paths.pop(); ++successCount; break; } } } return { successCount, runCount }; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (getenv("EDITOR")) SyntaxTestTool::editor = getenv("EDITOR"); else if (fs::exists("/usr/bin/editor")) SyntaxTestTool::editor = "/usr/bin/editor"; fs::path testPath; bool formatted = true; po::options_description options( R"(isoltest, tool for interactively managing test contracts. Usage: isoltest [Options] --testpath path Interactively validates test contracts. Allowed options)", po::options_description::m_default_line_length, po::options_description::m_default_line_length - 23); options.add_options() ("help", "Show this help screen.") ("testpath", po::value(&testPath), "path to test files") ("no-color", "don't use colors") ("editor", po::value(&SyntaxTestTool::editor), "editor for opening contracts"); po::variables_map arguments; try { po::command_line_parser cmdLineParser(argc, argv); cmdLineParser.options(options); po::store(cmdLineParser.run(), arguments); if (arguments.count("help")) { cout << options << endl; return 0; } if (arguments.count("no-color")) formatted = false; po::notify(arguments); } catch (po::error const& _exception) { cerr << _exception.what() << endl; return 1; } if (testPath.empty()) { auto const searchPath = { fs::current_path() / ".." / ".." / ".." / "test", fs::current_path() / ".." / ".." / "test", fs::current_path() / ".." / "test", fs::current_path() / "test", fs::current_path() }; for (auto const& basePath : searchPath) { fs::path syntaxTestPath = basePath / "libsolidity" / "syntaxTests"; if (fs::exists(syntaxTestPath) && fs::is_directory(syntaxTestPath)) { testPath = basePath; break; } } } fs::path syntaxTestPath = testPath / "libsolidity" / "syntaxTests"; if (fs::exists(syntaxTestPath) && fs::is_directory(syntaxTestPath)) { auto stats = SyntaxTestTool::processPath(testPath / "libsolidity", "syntaxTests", formatted); cout << endl << "Summary: "; FormattedScope(cout, formatted, {BOLD, stats ? GREEN : RED}) << stats.successCount << "/" << stats.runCount; cout << " tests successful." << endl; return stats ? 0 : 1; } else { cerr << "Test path not found. Use the --testpath argument." << endl; return 1; } }