pragma experimental SMTChecker; contract C { struct S { uint x; } function f(bool b) public { S memory s; s.x = 2; if (b) delete s; else delete s.x; assert(s.x == 0); } } // ---- // Warning: (73-192): Function state mutability can be restricted to pure // Warning: (103-113): Assertion checker does not yet support the type of this variable. // Warning: (117-120): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression. // Warning: (117-124): Assertion checker does not yet implement such assignments. // Warning: (165-168): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression. // Warning: (158-168): Assertion checker does not yet implement "delete" for this expression. // Warning: (179-182): Assertion checker does not yet support this expression. // Warning: (172-188): Assertion violation happens here