/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * @author Christian * @date 2016 * Unit tests for inline assembly. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace langutil; using namespace yul; namespace dev { namespace solidity { namespace test { namespace { boost::optional parseAndReturnFirstError( string const& _source, bool _assemble = false, bool _allowWarnings = true, AssemblyStack::Language _language = AssemblyStack::Language::Assembly, AssemblyStack::Machine _machine = AssemblyStack::Machine::EVM ) { AssemblyStack stack(dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion(), _language, dev::solidity::OptimiserSettings::none()); bool success = false; try { success = stack.parseAndAnalyze("", _source); if (success && _assemble) stack.assemble(_machine); } catch (FatalError const&) { BOOST_FAIL("Fatal error leaked."); success = false; } shared_ptr error; for (auto const& e: stack.errors()) { if (_allowWarnings && e->type() == Error::Type::Warning) continue; if (error) { string errors; for (auto const& err: stack.errors()) errors += SourceReferenceFormatter::formatErrorInformation(*err); BOOST_FAIL("Found more than one error:\n" + errors); } error = e; } if (!success) BOOST_REQUIRE(error); if (error) return *error; return {}; } bool successParse( string const& _source, bool _assemble = false, bool _allowWarnings = true, AssemblyStack::Language _language = AssemblyStack::Language::Assembly, AssemblyStack::Machine _machine = AssemblyStack::Machine::EVM ) { return !parseAndReturnFirstError(_source, _assemble, _allowWarnings, _language, _machine); } bool successAssemble(string const& _source, bool _allowWarnings = true, AssemblyStack::Language _language = AssemblyStack::Language::Assembly) { return successParse(_source, true, _allowWarnings, _language, AssemblyStack::Machine::EVM) && successParse(_source, true, _allowWarnings, _language, AssemblyStack::Machine::EVM15); } Error expectError( std::string const& _source, bool _assemble, bool _allowWarnings = false, AssemblyStack::Language _language = AssemblyStack::Language::Assembly ) { auto error = parseAndReturnFirstError(_source, _assemble, _allowWarnings, _language); BOOST_REQUIRE(error); return *error; } void parsePrintCompare(string const& _source, bool _canWarn = false) { AssemblyStack stack(dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion(), AssemblyStack::Language::Assembly, OptimiserSettings::none()); BOOST_REQUIRE(stack.parseAndAnalyze("", _source)); if (_canWarn) BOOST_REQUIRE(Error::containsOnlyWarnings(stack.errors())); else BOOST_REQUIRE(stack.errors().empty()); string expectation = "object \"object\" {\n code " + boost::replace_all_copy(_source, "\n", "\n ") + "\n}\n"; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stack.print(), expectation); } } #define CHECK_ERROR_LANG(text, assemble, typ, substring, warnings, language) \ do \ { \ Error err = expectError((text), (assemble), warnings, (language)); \ BOOST_CHECK(err.type() == (Error::Type::typ)); \ BOOST_CHECK(searchErrorMessage(err, (substring))); \ } while(0) #define CHECK_ERROR(text, assemble, typ, substring, warnings) \ CHECK_ERROR_LANG(text, assemble, typ, substring, warnings, AssemblyStack::Language::Assembly) #define CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(text, type, substring) \ CHECK_ERROR(text, false, type, substring, false) #define CHECK_PARSE_WARNING(text, type, substring) \ CHECK_ERROR(text, false, type, substring, false) #define CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR(text, type, substring) \ CHECK_ERROR(text, true, type, substring, false) #define CHECK_STRICT_ERROR(text, type, substring) \ CHECK_ERROR_LANG(text, false, type, substring, false, AssemblyStack::Language::StrictAssembly) #define CHECK_STRICT_WARNING(text, type, substring) \ CHECK_ERROR(text, false, type, substring, false, AssemblyStack::Language::StrictAssembly) #define SUCCESS_STRICT(text) \ do { successParse((text), false, false, AssemblyStack::Language::StrictAssembly); } while (false) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(SolidityInlineAssembly) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Parsing) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(smoke_test) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(surplus_input) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ } { }", ParserError, "Expected end of source but got '{'"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(simple_instructions) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ dup1 dup1 mul dup1 sub pop }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(selfdestruct) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ 0x02 selfdestruct }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(keywords) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ 1 2 byte 2 return address pop }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constants) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ 7 8 mul pop }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vardecl) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 7 }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vardecl_name_clashes) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := 1 let x := 2 }", DeclarationError, "Variable name x already taken in this scope."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vardecl_multi) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ function f() -> x, y {} let x, y := f() }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vardecl_multi_conflict) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ function f() -> x, y {} let x, x := f() }", DeclarationError, "Variable name x already taken in this scope."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vardecl_bool) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := true }", ParserError, "True and false are not valid literals."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := false }", ParserError, "True and false are not valid literals."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vardecl_empty) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 2 7 8 add =: x }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(label) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ 7 abc: 8 eq abc jump pop }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(label_complex) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ 7 abc: 8 eq jump(abc) jumpi(eq(7, 8), abc) pop }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(functional) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 2 add(7, mul(6, x)) mul(7, 8) add =: x }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(functional_partial) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := byte }", ParserError, "Expected '(' (instruction \"byte\" expects 2 arguments)"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(functional_partial_success) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := byte(1, 2) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(functional_assignment) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 2 x := 7 }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(functional_assignment_complex) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 2 x := add(7, mul(6, x)) mul(7, 8) add }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(vardecl_complex) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let y := 2 let x := add(7, mul(6, y)) add mul(7, 8) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(variable_use_before_decl) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ x := 2 let x := 3 }", DeclarationError, "Variable x used before it was declared."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := mul(2, x) }", DeclarationError, "Variable x used before it was declared."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(if_statement) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ if 42 {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ if 42 { let x := 3 } }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ function f() -> x {} if f() { pop(f()) } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(if_statement_scope) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 2 if 42 { x := 3 } }")); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ if 32 { let x := 3 } x := 2 }", DeclarationError, "Variable not found or variable not lvalue."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(if_statement_invalid) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ if mload {} }", ParserError, "Expected '(' (instruction \"mload\" expects 1 arguments)"); BOOST_CHECK("{ if calldatasize() {}"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ if mstore(1, 1) {} }", TypeError, "Expected expression to return one item to the stack, but did return 0 items"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ if 32 let x := 3 }", ParserError, "Expected '{' but got reserved keyword 'let'"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_statement) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ switch 42 default {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ switch 42 case 1 {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ switch 42 case 1 {} case 2 {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ switch 42 case 1 {} default {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ switch 42 case 1 {} case 2 {} default {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ switch mul(1, 2) case 1 {} case 2 {} default {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ function f() -> x {} switch f() case 1 {} case 2 {} default {} }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_no_cases) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch 42 }", ParserError, "Switch statement without any cases."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_duplicate_case) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch 42 case 1 {} case 1 {} default {} }", DeclarationError, "Duplicate case defined."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_invalid_expression) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch {} default {} }", ParserError, "Literal, identifier or instruction expected."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch mload default {} }", ParserError, "Expected '(' (instruction \"mload\" expects 1 arguments)"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch mstore(1, 1) default {} }", TypeError, "Expected expression to return one item to the stack, but did return 0 items"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_default_before_case) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch 42 default {} case 1 {} }", ParserError, "Case not allowed after default case."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_duplicate_default_case) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch 42 default {} default {} }", ParserError, "Only one default case allowed."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_invalid_case) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch 42 case mul(1, 2) {} case 2 {} default {} }", ParserError, "Literal expected."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_invalid_body) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch 42 case 1 mul case 2 {} default {} }", ParserError, "Expected '{' but got identifier"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(for_statement) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ for {} 1 {} {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ for { let i := 1 } lt(i, 5) { i := add(i, 1) } {} }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(for_invalid_expression) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} {} {} {} }", ParserError, "Literal, identifier or instruction expected."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for 1 1 {} {} }", ParserError, "Expected '{' but got 'Number'"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} 1 1 {} }", ParserError, "Expected '{' but got 'Number'"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} 1 {} 1 }", ParserError, "Expected '{' but got 'Number'"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} mload {} {} }", ParserError, "Expected '(' (instruction \"mload\" expects 1 arguments)"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} mstore(1, 1) {} {} }", TypeError, "Expected expression to return one item to the stack, but did return 0 items"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(for_visibility) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ for { let i := 1 } i { pop(i) } { pop(i) } }")); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} i { let i := 1 } {} }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} 1 { let i := 1 } { pop(i) } }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} 1 { pop(i) } { let i := 1 } }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for { pop(i) } 1 { let i := 1 } {} }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for { pop(i) } 1 { } { let i := 1 } }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} i {} { let i := 1 } }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for {} 1 { pop(i) } { let i := 1 } }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for { let x := 1 } 1 { let x := 1 } {} }", DeclarationError, "Variable name x already taken in this scope"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ for { let x := 1 } 1 {} { let x := 1 } }", DeclarationError, "Variable name x already taken in this scope"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := 1 for { let x := 1 } 1 {} {} }", DeclarationError, "Variable name x already taken in this scope"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := 1 for {} 1 { let x := 1 } {} }", DeclarationError, "Variable name x already taken in this scope"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := 1 for {} 1 {} { let x := 1 } }", DeclarationError, "Variable name x already taken in this scope"); // Check that body and post are not sub-scopes of each other. BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ for {} 1 { let x := 1 } { let x := 1 } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(blocks) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 7 { let y := 3 } { let z := 2 } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(number_literals) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 1 }")); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := .1 }", ParserError, "Invalid number literal."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := 1e5 }", ParserError, "Invalid number literal."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := 67.235 }", ParserError, "Invalid number literal."); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ let x := 0x1ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff }", TypeError, "Number literal too large (> 256 bits)"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_definitions) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ function f() { } function g(a) -> x { } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_definitions_multiple_args) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ function f(a, d) { } function g(a, d) -> x, y { } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_calls) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ function f(a) -> b {} function g(a, b, c) {} function x() { g(1, 2, f(mul(2, 3))) x() } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(opcode_for_functions) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ function gas() { } }", ParserError, "Cannot use builtin"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(opcode_for_function_args) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ function f(gas) { } }", ParserError, "Cannot use builtin"); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ function f() -> gas { } }", ParserError, "Cannot use builtin"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(name_clashes) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let g := 2 function g() { } }", DeclarationError, "Variable name g already taken in this scope"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(name_clashes_function_subscope) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ function g() { function g() {} } }", DeclarationError, "Function name g already taken in this scope"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(name_clashes_function_subscope_reverse) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ { function g() {} } function g() { } }", DeclarationError, "Function name g already taken in this scope"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(name_clashes_function_variable_subscope) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ function g() { let g := 0 } }", DeclarationError, "Variable name g already taken in this scope"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(name_clashes_function_variable_subscope_reverse) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ { let g := 0 } function g() { } }", DeclarationError, "Variable name g already taken in this scope"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(functions_in_parallel_scopes) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ { function g() {} } { function g() {} } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(variable_access_cross_functions) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x := 2 function g() { x pop } }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_tuple_assignment) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x, y := 1 }", DeclarationError, "Variable count mismatch: 2 variables and 1 values"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(instruction_too_few_arguments) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ pop(mul()) }", TypeError, "Function expects 2 arguments but got 0."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ pop(mul(1)) }", TypeError, "Function expects 2 arguments but got 1."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(instruction_too_many_arguments) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ pop(mul(1, 2, 3)) }", TypeError, "Function expects 2 arguments but got 3"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(recursion_depth) { string input; for (size_t i = 0; i < 20000; i++) input += "{"; input += "let x := 0"; for (size_t i = 0; i < 20000; i++) input += "}"; CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(input, ParserError, "recursion"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_assignment) { CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x function f() -> a, b {} 123, x := f() }", ParserError, "Variable name must precede \",\" in multiple assignment."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ let x function f() -> a, b {} x, 123 := f() }", ParserError, "Variable name must precede \":=\" in assignment."); /// NOTE: Travis hiccups if not having a variable char const* text = R"( { function f(a) -> r1, r2 { r1 := a r2 := 7 } let x := 9 let y := 2 x, y := f(x) } )"; BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(LooseStrictMode) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(no_opcodes_in_strict) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ pop(callvalue) }")); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ callvalue pop }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ pop(callvalue) }", ParserError, "Expected '(' but got ')'"); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ callvalue pop }", ParserError, "Call or assignment expected"); SUCCESS_STRICT("{ pop(callvalue()) }"); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ switch callvalue case 0 {} }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ switch callvalue case 0 {} }", ParserError, "Expected '(' but got reserved keyword 'case'"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(no_labels_in_strict) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ a: }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ a: }", ParserError, "Labels are not supported"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(no_stack_assign_in_strict) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x 4 =: x }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ let x 4 =: x }", ParserError, "Call or assignment expected."); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(no_dup_swap_in_strict) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ swap1 }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ swap1 }", ParserError, "Call or assignment expected."); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ dup1 pop }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ dup1 pop }", ParserError, "Call or assignment expected."); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ swap2 }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ swap2 }", ParserError, "Call or assignment expected."); BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ dup2 pop }")); CHECK_STRICT_ERROR("{ dup2 pop }", ParserError, "Call or assignment expected."); CHECK_PARSE_ERROR("{ switch dup1 case 0 {} }", ParserError, "Instruction \"dup1\" not allowed in this context"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Printing) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_smoke) { parsePrintCompare("{ }"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_instructions) { parsePrintCompare("{\n 7\n 8\n mul\n dup10\n add\n pop\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_subblock) { parsePrintCompare("{\n {\n dup4\n add\n }\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_functional) { parsePrintCompare("{ let x := mul(sload(0x12), 7) }"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_label) { parsePrintCompare("{\n loop:\n jump(loop)\n}", true); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_assignments) { parsePrintCompare("{\n let x := mul(2, 3)\n 7\n =: x\n x := add(1, 2)\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_multi_assignments) { parsePrintCompare("{\n function f() -> x, y\n { }\n let x, y := f()\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_string_literals) { parsePrintCompare("{\n \"\\n'\\xab\\x95\\\"\"\n pop\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_string_literal_unicode) { string source = "{ let x := \"\\u1bac\" }"; string parsed = "object \"object\" {\n code { let x := \"\\xe1\\xae\\xac\" }\n}\n"; AssemblyStack stack(dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion(), AssemblyStack::Language::Assembly, OptimiserSettings::none()); BOOST_REQUIRE(stack.parseAndAnalyze("", source)); BOOST_REQUIRE(stack.errors().empty()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stack.print(), parsed); string parsedInner = "{ let x := \"\\xe1\\xae\\xac\" }"; parsePrintCompare(parsedInner); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_if) { parsePrintCompare("{ if 2 { pop(mload(0)) } }"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_switch) { parsePrintCompare("{\n switch 42\n case 1 { }\n case 2 { }\n default { }\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(print_for) { parsePrintCompare("{\n let ret := 5\n for { let i := 1 } lt(i, 15) { i := add(i, 1) }\n { ret := mul(ret, i) }\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_definitions_multiple_args) { parsePrintCompare("{\n function f(a, d)\n { mstore(a, d) }\n function g(a, d) -> x, y\n { }\n}"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_calls) { string source = R"({ function y() { } function f(a) -> b { } function g(a, b, c) { } g(1, mul(2, address()), f(mul(2, caller()))) y() })"; boost::replace_all(source, "\t", " "); parsePrintCompare(source); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Analysis) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(string_literals) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let x := \"12345678901234567890123456789012\" }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(oversize_string_literals) { CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ let x := \"123456789012345678901234567890123\" }", TypeError, "String literal too long"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment_after_tag) { BOOST_CHECK(successParse("{ let x := 1 { 7 tag: =: x } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(magic_variables) { CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ this pop }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ ecrecover pop }", DeclarationError, "Identifier not found"); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let ecrecover := 1 ecrecover pop }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(stack_variables) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let y := 3 { 2 { let x := y } pop} }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(imbalanced_stack) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ 1 2 mul pop }", false)); CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ 1 }", DeclarationError, "Unbalanced stack at the end of a block: 1 surplus item(s)."); CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ pop }", DeclarationError, "Unbalanced stack at the end of a block: 1 missing item(s)."); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let x := 4 7 add }", false)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(error_tag) { CHECK_ERROR("{ jump(invalidJumpLabel) }", true, DeclarationError, "Identifier not found", true); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(designated_invalid_instruction) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ invalid }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_assembly_shadowed_instruction_declaration) { CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ let gas := 1 }", ParserError, "Cannot use builtin"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_assembly_shadowed_instruction_assignment) { CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ 2 =: gas }", ParserError, "Identifier expected, got builtin symbol"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_assembly_shadowed_instruction_functional_assignment) { CHECK_ASSEMBLE_ERROR("{ gas := 2 }", ParserError, "Variable name must precede \":=\""); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(revert) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ revert(0, 0) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_calls) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f() {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f() { let y := 2 } }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f() -> z { let y := 2 } }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f(a) { let y := 2 } }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f(a) { let y := a } }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f() -> x, y, z {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f(x, y, z) {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f(a, b) -> x, y, z { y := a } }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f() {} f() }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f() -> x, y { x := 1 y := 2} let a, b := f() }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f(a, b) -> x, y { x := b y := a } let a, b := f(2, 3) }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function rec(a) { rec(sub(a, 1)) } rec(2) }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let r := 2 function f() -> x, y { x := 1 y := 2} let a, b := f() b := r }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f() { g() } function g() { f() } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(embedded_functions) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ function f(r, s) -> x { function g(a) -> b { } x := g(2) } let x := f(2, 3) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(switch_statement) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ switch 1 default {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ switch 1 case 1 {} default {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ switch 1 case 1 {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let a := 3 switch a case 1 { a := 1 } case 2 { a := 5 } a := 9}")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let a := 2 switch calldataload(0) case 1 { a := 1 } case 2 { a := 5 } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(for_statement) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ for {} 1 {} {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let x := calldatasize() for { let i := 0} lt(i, x) { i := add(i, 1) } { mstore(i, 2) } }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(if_statement) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ if 1 {} }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let x := 0 if eq(calldatasize(), 0) { x := 1 } mstore(0, x) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(large_constant) { auto source = R"({ switch mul(1, 2) case 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000026121ff0 { } })"; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble(source)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(keccak256) { BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ 0 0 keccak256 pop }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ pop(keccak256(0, 0)) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(returndatasize) { if (!dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().supportsReturndata()) return; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let r := returndatasize }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(returndatasize_functional) { if (!dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().supportsReturndata()) return; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ let r := returndatasize() }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(returndatacopy) { if (!dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().supportsReturndata()) return; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ 64 32 0 returndatacopy }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(returndatacopy_functional) { if (!dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().supportsReturndata()) return; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ returndatacopy(0, 32, 64) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(staticcall) { if (!dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().hasStaticCall()) return; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ pop(staticcall(10000, 0x123, 64, 0x10, 128, 0x10)) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(create2) { if (!dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().hasCreate2()) return; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ pop(create2(10, 0x123, 32, 64)) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(shift) { if (!dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().hasBitwiseShifting()) return; BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ pop(shl(10, 32)) }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ pop(shr(10, 32)) }")); BOOST_CHECK(successAssemble("{ pop(sar(10, 32)) }")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(shift_constantinople_warning) { if (dev::test::Options::get().evmVersion().hasBitwiseShifting()) return; CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ pop(shl(10, 32)) }", TypeError, "The \"shl\" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs"); CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ pop(shr(10, 32)) }", TypeError, "The \"shr\" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs"); CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ pop(sar(10, 32)) }", TypeError, "The \"sar\" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(jump_warning) { CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ 1 jump }", Warning, "Jump instructions"); CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ 1 2 jumpi }", Warning, "Jump instructions"); CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ jump(44) }", Warning, "Jump instructions"); CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ jumpi(44, 2) }", Warning, "Jump instructions"); CHECK_PARSE_WARNING("{ a: }", Warning, "Jump instructions"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() } } } // end namespaces