/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace langutil; using namespace dev::solidity; using namespace dev::solidity::test; using namespace dev; using namespace std; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; using namespace boost::unit_test; GasTest::GasTest(string const& _filename) { ifstream file(_filename); if (!file) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Cannot open test contract: \"" + _filename + "\".")); file.exceptions(ios::badbit); m_source = parseSourceAndSettings(file); if (m_settings.count("optimize")) { m_optimise = true; m_validatedSettings["optimize"] = "true"; m_settings.erase("optimize"); } if (m_settings.count("optimize-yul")) { m_optimiseYul = true; m_validatedSettings["optimize-yul"] = "true"; m_settings.erase("optimize-yul"); } if (m_settings.count("optimize-runs")) { m_optimiseRuns = stoul(m_settings["optimize-runs"]); m_validatedSettings["optimize-runs"] = m_settings["optimize-runs"]; m_settings.erase("optimize-runs"); } parseExpectations(file); } void GasTest::parseExpectations(std::istream& _stream) { map* currentKind = nullptr; string line; while (getline(_stream, line)) if (!boost::starts_with(line, "// ")) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid expectation: expected \"// \".")); else if (boost::ends_with(line, ":")) { string kind = line.substr(3, line.length() - 4); boost::trim(kind); currentKind = &m_expectations[move(kind)]; } else if (!currentKind) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("No function kind specified. Expected \"creation:\", \"external:\" or \"internal:\".")); else { auto it = line.begin() + 3; skipWhitespace(it, line.end()); auto functionNameBegin = it; while (it != line.end() && *it != ':') ++it; string functionName(functionNameBegin, it); if (functionName == "fallback") functionName.clear(); expect(it, line.end(), ':'); skipWhitespace(it, line.end()); if (it == line.end()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid expectation: expected gas cost.")); (*currentKind)[functionName] = std::string(it, line.end()); } } void GasTest::printUpdatedExpectations(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix) const { Json::Value estimates = compiler().gasEstimates(compiler().lastContractName()); for (auto groupIt = estimates.begin(); groupIt != estimates.end(); ++groupIt) { _stream << _linePrefix << groupIt.key().asString() << ":" << std::endl; for (auto it = groupIt->begin(); it != groupIt->end(); ++it) { _stream << _linePrefix << " "; if (it.key().asString().empty()) _stream << "fallback"; else _stream << it.key().asString(); _stream << ": " << it->asString() << std::endl; } } } TestCase::TestResult GasTest::run(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) { string const versionPragma = "pragma solidity >=0.0;\n"; compiler().reset(); // Prerelease CBOR metadata varies in size due to changing version numbers and build dates. // This leads to volatile creation cost estimates. Therefore we force the compiler to // release mode for testing gas estimates. compiler().overwriteReleaseFlag(true); OptimiserSettings settings = m_optimise ? OptimiserSettings::standard() : OptimiserSettings::minimal(); if (m_optimiseYul) { settings.runYulOptimiser = m_optimise; settings.optimizeStackAllocation = m_optimise; } settings.expectedExecutionsPerDeployment = m_optimiseRuns; compiler().setOptimiserSettings(settings); compiler().setSources({{"", versionPragma + m_source}}); if (!compiler().parseAndAnalyze() || !compiler().compile()) { SourceReferenceFormatterHuman formatter(_stream, _formatted); for (auto const& error: compiler().errors()) formatter.printErrorInformation(*error); return TestResult::FatalError; } Json::Value estimateGroups = compiler().gasEstimates(compiler().lastContractName()); if ( m_expectations.size() == estimateGroups.size() && boost::all(m_expectations, [&](auto const& expectations) { auto const& estimates = estimateGroups[expectations.first]; return estimates.size() == expectations.second.size() && boost::all(expectations.second, [&](auto const& entry) { return entry.second == estimates[entry.first].asString(); }); }) ) return TestResult::Success; else { _stream << _linePrefix << "Expected:" << std::endl; for (auto const& expectations: m_expectations) { _stream << _linePrefix << " " << expectations.first << ":" << std::endl; for (auto const& entry: expectations.second) _stream << _linePrefix << " " << (entry.first.empty() ? "fallback" : entry.first) << ": " << entry.second << std::endl; } _stream << _linePrefix << "Obtained:" << std::endl; printUpdatedExpectations(_stream, _linePrefix + " "); return TestResult::Failure; } } void GasTest::printSource(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool) const { string line; istringstream input(m_source); while (getline(input, line)) _stream << _linePrefix << line << std::endl; }