/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * @author Christian * @date 2014 * Tests for the Solidity optimizer. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev::eth; using namespace dev::test; namespace dev { namespace solidity { namespace test { class OptimizerTestFramework: public SolidityExecutionFramework { public: OptimizerTestFramework() { } /// Compiles the source code with and without optimizing. void compileBothVersions( std::string const& _sourceCode, u256 const& _value = 0, std::string const& _contractName = "" ) { m_optimize = false; bytes nonOptimizedBytecode = compileAndRun(_sourceCode, _value, _contractName); m_nonOptimizedContract = m_contractAddress; m_optimize = true; bytes optimizedBytecode = compileAndRun(_sourceCode, _value, _contractName); size_t nonOptimizedSize = 0; solidity::eachInstruction(nonOptimizedBytecode, [&](Instruction, u256 const&) { nonOptimizedSize++; }); size_t optimizedSize = 0; solidity::eachInstruction(optimizedBytecode, [&](Instruction, u256 const&) { optimizedSize++; }); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( nonOptimizedSize > optimizedSize, "Optimizer did not reduce bytecode size." ); m_optimizedContract = m_contractAddress; } template void compareVersions(std::string _sig, Args const&... _arguments) { m_contractAddress = m_nonOptimizedContract; bytes nonOptimizedOutput = callContractFunction(_sig, _arguments...); m_contractAddress = m_optimizedContract; bytes optimizedOutput = callContractFunction(_sig, _arguments...); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(!optimizedOutput.empty(), "No optimized output for " + _sig); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(!nonOptimizedOutput.empty(), "No un-optimized output for " + _sig); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nonOptimizedOutput == optimizedOutput, "Computed values do not match." "\nNon-Optimized: " + toHex(nonOptimizedOutput) + "\nOptimized: " + toHex(optimizedOutput)); } AssemblyItems addDummyLocations(AssemblyItems const& _input) { // add dummy locations to each item so that we can check that they are not deleted AssemblyItems input = _input; for (AssemblyItem& item: input) item.setLocation(SourceLocation(1, 3, make_shared(""))); return input; } eth::KnownState createInitialState(AssemblyItems const& _input) { eth::KnownState state; for (auto const& item: addDummyLocations(_input)) state.feedItem(item, true); return state; } AssemblyItems CSE(AssemblyItems const& _input, eth::KnownState const& _state = eth::KnownState()) { AssemblyItems input = addDummyLocations(_input); eth::CommonSubexpressionEliminator cse(_state); BOOST_REQUIRE(cse.feedItems(input.begin(), input.end()) == input.end()); AssemblyItems output = cse.getOptimizedItems(); for (AssemblyItem const& item: output) { BOOST_CHECK(item == Instruction::POP || !item.location().isEmpty()); } return output; } void checkCSE( AssemblyItems const& _input, AssemblyItems const& _expectation, KnownState const& _state = eth::KnownState() ) { AssemblyItems output = CSE(_input, _state); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(_expectation.begin(), _expectation.end(), output.begin(), output.end()); } AssemblyItems CFG(AssemblyItems const& _input) { AssemblyItems output = _input; // Running it four times should be enough for these tests. for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { ControlFlowGraph cfg(output); AssemblyItems optItems; for (BasicBlock const& block: cfg.optimisedBlocks()) copy(output.begin() + block.begin, output.begin() + block.end, back_inserter(optItems)); output = move(optItems); } return output; } void checkCFG(AssemblyItems const& _input, AssemblyItems const& _expectation) { AssemblyItems output = CFG(_input); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(_expectation.begin(), _expectation.end(), output.begin(), output.end()); } protected: Address m_optimizedContract; Address m_nonOptimizedContract; }; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(SolidityOptimizer, OptimizerTestFramework) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(smoke_test) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f(uint a) returns (uint b) { return a; } })"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256)", u256(7)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(identities) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f(int a) returns (int b) { return int(0) | (int(1) * (int(0) ^ (0 + a))); } })"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(int256)", u256(0x12334664)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(unused_expressions) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { uint data; function f() returns (uint a, uint b) { 10 + 20; data; } })"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f()"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constant_folding_both_sides) { // if constants involving the same associative and commutative operator are applied from both // sides, the operator should be applied only once, because the expression compiler pushes // literals as late as possible char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f(uint x) returns (uint y) { return 98 ^ (7 * ((1 | (x | 1000)) * 40) ^ 102); } })"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256)"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(storage_access) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { uint8[40] data; function f(uint x) returns (uint y) { data[2] = data[7] = uint8(x); data[4] = data[2] * 10 + data[3]; } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256)"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(array_copy) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { bytes2[] data1; bytes5[] data2; function f(uint x) returns (uint l, uint y) { data1.length = msg.data.length; for (uint i = 0; i < msg.data.length; ++i) data1[i] = msg.data[i]; data2 = data1; l = data2.length; y = uint(data2[x]); } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 0); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 10); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 35); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_calls) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f1(uint x) returns (uint) { return x*x; } function f(uint x) returns (uint) { return f1(7+x) - this.f1(x**9); } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 0); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 10); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 36); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(storage_write_in_loops) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { uint d; function f(uint a) returns (uint r) { var x = d; for (uint i = 1; i < a * a; i++) { r = d; d = i; } } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 0); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 10); compareVersions("f(uint256)", 36); } // Test disabled with https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/pull/762 // Information in joining branches is not retained anymore. BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(retain_information_in_branches) { // This tests that the optimizer knows that we already have "z == sha3(y)" inside both branches. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract c { bytes32 d; uint a; function f(uint x, bytes32 y) returns (uint r_a, bytes32 r_d) { bytes32 z = sha3(y); if (x > 8) { z = sha3(y); a = x; } else { z = sha3(y); a = x; } r_a = a; r_d = d; } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256,bytes32)", 0, "abc"); compareVersions("f(uint256,bytes32)", 8, "def"); compareVersions("f(uint256,bytes32)", 10, "ghi"); m_optimize = true; bytes optimizedBytecode = compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "c"); size_t numSHA3s = 0; eachInstruction(optimizedBytecode, [&](Instruction _instr, u256 const&) { if (_instr == Instruction::SHA3) numSHA3s++; }); // TEST DISABLED - OPTIMIZER IS NOT EFFECTIVE ON THIS ONE ANYMORE // BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, numSHA3s); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(store_tags_as_unions) { // This calls the same function from two sources and both calls have a certain sha3 on // the stack at the same position. // Without storing tags as unions, the return from the shared function would not know where to // jump and thus all jumpdests are forced to clear their state and we do not know about the // sha3 anymore. // Note that, for now, this only works if the functions have the same number of return // parameters since otherwise, the return jump addresses are at different stack positions // which triggers the "unknown jump target" situation. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { bytes32 data; function f(uint x, bytes32 y) external returns (uint r_a, bytes32 r_d) { r_d = sha3(y); shared(y); r_d = sha3(y); r_a = 5; } function g(uint x, bytes32 y) external returns (uint r_a, bytes32 r_d) { r_d = sha3(y); shared(y); r_d = bytes32(uint(sha3(y)) + 2); r_a = 7; } function shared(bytes32 y) internal { data = sha3(y); } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(uint256,bytes32)", 7, "abc"); m_optimize = true; bytes optimizedBytecode = compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "test"); size_t numSHA3s = 0; eachInstruction(optimizedBytecode, [&](Instruction _instr, u256 const&) { if (_instr == Instruction::SHA3) numSHA3s++; }); // TEST DISABLED UNTIL 93693404 IS IMPLEMENTED // BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, numSHA3s); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(incorrect_storage_access_bug) { // This bug appeared because a sha3 operation with too low sequence number was used, // resulting in memory not being rewritten before the sha3. The fix was to // take the max of the min sequence numbers when merging the states. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract C { mapping(uint => uint) data; function f() returns (uint) { if(data[now] == 0) data[uint(-7)] = 5; return data[now]; } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f()"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(sequence_number_for_calls) { // This is a test for a bug that was present because we did not increment the sequence // number for CALLs - CALLs can read and write from memory (and DELEGATECALLs can do the same // to storage), so the sequence number should be incremented. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract test { function f(string a, string b) returns (bool) { return sha256(a) == sha256(b); } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("f(string,string)", 0x40, 0x80, 3, "abc", 3, "def"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_intermediate_swap) { eth::KnownState state; eth::CommonSubexpressionEliminator cse(state); AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::POP, Instruction::ADD, u256(0), Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::SLOAD, Instruction::SWAP1, u256(100), Instruction::EXP, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::DIV, u256(0xff), Instruction::AND }; BOOST_REQUIRE(cse.feedItems(input.begin(), input.end()) == input.end()); AssemblyItems output = cse.getOptimizedItems(); BOOST_CHECK(!output.empty()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_negative_stack_access) { AssemblyItems input{Instruction::DUP2, u256(0)}; checkCSE(input, input); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_negative_stack_end) { AssemblyItems input{Instruction::ADD}; checkCSE(input, input); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_intermediate_negative_stack) { AssemblyItems input{Instruction::ADD, u256(1), Instruction::DUP1}; checkCSE(input, input); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_pop) { checkCSE({Instruction::POP}, {Instruction::POP}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_unneeded_items) { AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::POP, u256(7), u256(8), }; checkCSE(input, input); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_constant_addition) { AssemblyItems input{u256(7), u256(8), Instruction::ADD}; checkCSE(input, {u256(7 + 8)}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_invariants) { AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::DUP1, u256(0), Instruction::OR, Instruction::OR }; checkCSE(input, {Instruction::DUP1}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_subself) { checkCSE({Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::SUB}, {Instruction::POP, u256(0)}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_subother) { checkCSE({Instruction::SUB}, {Instruction::SUB}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_double_negation) { checkCSE({Instruction::DUP5, Instruction::NOT, Instruction::NOT}, {Instruction::DUP5}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_double_iszero) { checkCSE({Instruction::GT, Instruction::ISZERO, Instruction::ISZERO}, {Instruction::GT}); checkCSE({Instruction::GT, Instruction::ISZERO}, {Instruction::GT, Instruction::ISZERO}); checkCSE( {Instruction::ISZERO, Instruction::ISZERO, Instruction::ISZERO}, {Instruction::ISZERO} ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_associativity) { AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::DUP1, u256(0), Instruction::OR, Instruction::OR }; checkCSE(input, {Instruction::DUP1}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_associativity2) { AssemblyItems input{ u256(0), Instruction::DUP2, u256(2), u256(1), Instruction::DUP6, Instruction::ADD, u256(2), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::ADD }; checkCSE(input, {Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::ADD, u256(5), Instruction::ADD}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_storage) { AssemblyItems input{ u256(0), Instruction::SLOAD, u256(0), Instruction::SLOAD, Instruction::ADD, u256(0), Instruction::SSTORE }; checkCSE(input, { u256(0), Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::SLOAD, Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::SSTORE }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_noninterleaved_storage) { // two stores to the same location should be replaced by only one store, even if we // read in the meantime AssemblyItems input{ u256(7), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SSTORE, Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::SLOAD, u256(8), Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::SSTORE }; checkCSE(input, { u256(8), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SSTORE, u256(7) }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_interleaved_storage) { // stores and reads to/from two unknown locations, should not optimize away the first store AssemblyItems input{ u256(7), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SSTORE, // store to "DUP1" Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SLOAD, // read from "DUP2", might be equal to "DUP1" u256(0), Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::SSTORE // store different value to "DUP1" }; checkCSE(input, input); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_interleaved_storage_same_value) { // stores and reads to/from two unknown locations, should not optimize away the first store // but it should optimize away the second, since we already know the value will be the same AssemblyItems input{ u256(7), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SSTORE, // store to "DUP1" Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SLOAD, // read from "DUP2", might be equal to "DUP1" u256(6), u256(1), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::SSTORE // store same value to "DUP1" }; checkCSE(input, { u256(7), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SSTORE, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SLOAD }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_interleaved_storage_at_known_location) { // stores and reads to/from two known locations, should optimize away the first store, // because we know that the location is different AssemblyItems input{ u256(0x70), u256(1), Instruction::SSTORE, // store to 1 u256(2), Instruction::SLOAD, // read from 2, is different from 1 u256(0x90), u256(1), Instruction::SSTORE // store different value at 1 }; checkCSE(input, { u256(2), Instruction::SLOAD, u256(0x90), u256(1), Instruction::SSTORE }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_interleaved_storage_at_known_location_offset) { // stores and reads to/from two locations which are known to be different, // should optimize away the first store, because we know that the location is different AssemblyItems input{ u256(0x70), Instruction::DUP2, u256(1), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SSTORE, // store to "DUP1"+1 Instruction::DUP1, u256(2), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SLOAD, // read from "DUP1"+2, is different from "DUP1"+1 u256(0x90), Instruction::DUP3, u256(1), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SSTORE // store different value at "DUP1"+1 }; checkCSE(input, { u256(2), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SLOAD, u256(0x90), u256(1), Instruction::DUP4, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SSTORE }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_interleaved_memory_at_known_location_offset) { // stores and reads to/from two locations which are known to be different, // should not optimize away the first store, because the location overlaps with the load, // but it should optimize away the second, because we know that the location is different by 32 AssemblyItems input{ u256(0x50), Instruction::DUP2, u256(2), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::MSTORE, // ["DUP1"+2] = 0x50 u256(0x60), Instruction::DUP2, u256(32), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::MSTORE, // ["DUP1"+32] = 0x60 Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::MLOAD, // read from "DUP1" u256(0x70), Instruction::DUP3, u256(32), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::MSTORE, // ["DUP1"+32] = 0x70 u256(0x80), Instruction::DUP3, u256(2), Instruction::ADD, Instruction::MSTORE, // ["DUP1"+2] = 0x80 }; // If the actual code changes too much, we could also simply check that the output contains // exactly 3 MSTORE and exactly 1 MLOAD instruction. checkCSE(input, { u256(0x50), u256(2), Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::MSTORE, // ["DUP1"+2] = 0x50 Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::MLOAD, // read from "DUP1" u256(0x70), u256(32), Instruction::DUP5, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::MSTORE, // ["DUP1"+32] = 0x70 u256(0x80), Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::SWAP2, Instruction::MSTORE // ["DUP1"+2] = 0x80 }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_deep_stack) { AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::POP, Instruction::SWAP8, Instruction::POP, Instruction::SWAP8, Instruction::POP, Instruction::SWAP8, Instruction::SWAP5, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, }; checkCSE(input, { Instruction::SWAP4, Instruction::SWAP12, Instruction::SWAP3, Instruction::SWAP11, Instruction::POP, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::SWAP3, Instruction::ADD, Instruction::SWAP8, Instruction::POP, Instruction::SWAP6, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, Instruction::POP, }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_jumpi_no_jump) { AssemblyItems input{ u256(0), u256(1), Instruction::DUP2, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMPI }; checkCSE(input, { u256(0), u256(1) }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_jumpi_jump) { AssemblyItems input{ u256(1), u256(1), Instruction::DUP2, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMPI }; checkCSE(input, { u256(1), Instruction::DUP1, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_empty_sha3) { AssemblyItems input{ u256(0), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SHA3 }; checkCSE(input, { u256(dev::keccak256(bytesConstRef())) }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_partial_sha3) { AssemblyItems input{ u256(0xabcd) << (256 - 16), u256(0), Instruction::MSTORE, u256(2), u256(0), Instruction::SHA3 }; checkCSE(input, { u256(0xabcd) << (256 - 16), u256(0), Instruction::MSTORE, u256(dev::keccak256(bytes{0xab, 0xcd})) }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_sha3_twice_same_location) { // sha3 twice from same dynamic location AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::MSTORE, u256(64), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SHA3, u256(64), Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::SHA3 }; checkCSE(input, { Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::MSTORE, u256(64), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SHA3, Instruction::DUP1 }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_sha3_twice_same_content) { // sha3 twice from different dynamic location but with same content AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::DUP1, u256(0x80), Instruction::MSTORE, // m[128] = DUP1 u256(0x20), u256(0x80), Instruction::SHA3, // sha3(m[128..(128+32)]) Instruction::DUP2, u256(12), Instruction::MSTORE, // m[12] = DUP1 u256(0x20), u256(12), Instruction::SHA3 // sha3(m[12..(12+32)]) }; checkCSE(input, { u256(0x80), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::MSTORE, u256(0x20), Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::SHA3, u256(12), Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::MSTORE, Instruction::DUP1 }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_sha3_twice_same_content_dynamic_store_in_between) { // sha3 twice from different dynamic location but with same content, // dynamic mstore in between, which forces us to re-calculate the sha3 AssemblyItems input{ u256(0x80), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::MSTORE, // m[128] = DUP1 u256(0x20), Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::SHA3, // sha3(m[128..(128+32)]) u256(12), Instruction::DUP5, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::MSTORE, // m[12] = DUP1 Instruction::DUP12, Instruction::DUP14, Instruction::MSTORE, // destroys memory knowledge Instruction::SWAP2, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::SWAP2, Instruction::SHA3 // sha3(m[12..(12+32)]) }; checkCSE(input, input); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_sha3_twice_same_content_noninterfering_store_in_between) { // sha3 twice from different dynamic location but with same content, // dynamic mstore in between, but does not force us to re-calculate the sha3 AssemblyItems input{ u256(0x80), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::MSTORE, // m[128] = DUP1 u256(0x20), Instruction::DUP1, Instruction::DUP3, Instruction::SHA3, // sha3(m[128..(128+32)]) u256(12), Instruction::DUP5, Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::MSTORE, // m[12] = DUP1 Instruction::DUP12, u256(12 + 32), Instruction::MSTORE, // does not destoy memory knowledge Instruction::DUP13, u256(128 - 32), Instruction::MSTORE, // does not destoy memory knowledge u256(0x20), u256(12), Instruction::SHA3 // sha3(m[12..(12+32)]) }; // if this changes too often, only count the number of SHA3 and MSTORE instructions AssemblyItems output = CSE(input); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(4, count(output.begin(), output.end(), AssemblyItem(Instruction::MSTORE))); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, count(output.begin(), output.end(), AssemblyItem(Instruction::SHA3))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_with_initially_known_stack) { eth::KnownState state = createInitialState(AssemblyItems{ u256(0x12), u256(0x20), Instruction::ADD }); AssemblyItems input{ u256(0x12 + 0x20) }; checkCSE(input, AssemblyItems{Instruction::DUP1}, state); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_equality_on_initially_known_stack) { eth::KnownState state = createInitialState(AssemblyItems{Instruction::DUP1}); AssemblyItems input{ Instruction::EQ }; AssemblyItems output = CSE(input, state); // check that it directly pushes 1 (true) BOOST_CHECK(find(output.begin(), output.end(), AssemblyItem(u256(1))) != output.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_access_previous_sequence) { // Tests that the code generator detects whether it tries to access SLOAD instructions // from a sequenced expression which is not in its scope. eth::KnownState state = createInitialState(AssemblyItems{ u256(0), Instruction::SLOAD, u256(1), Instruction::ADD, u256(0), Instruction::SSTORE }); // now stored: val_1 + 1 (value at sequence 1) // if in the following instructions, the SLOAD cresolves to "val_1 + 1", // this cannot be generated because we cannot load from sequence 1 anymore. AssemblyItems input{ u256(0), Instruction::SLOAD, }; BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CSE(input, state), StackTooDeepException); // @todo for now, this throws an exception, but it should recover to the following // (or an even better version) at some point: // 0, SLOAD, 1, ADD, SSTORE, 0 SLOAD } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_optimise_return) { checkCSE( AssemblyItems{u256(0), u256(7), Instruction::RETURN}, AssemblyItems{Instruction::STOP} ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_flow_graph_remove_unused) { // remove parts of the code that are unused AssemblyItems input{ AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP, u256(7), AssemblyItem(Tag, 1), }; checkCFG(input, {}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_flow_graph_remove_unused_loop) { AssemblyItems input{ AssemblyItem(PushTag, 3), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 1), u256(7), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 2), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 2), u256(8), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 3), u256(11) }; checkCFG(input, {u256(11)}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_flow_graph_reconnect_single_jump_source) { // move code that has only one unconditional jump source AssemblyItems input{ u256(1), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 2), u256(2), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 3), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 1), u256(3), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 2), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 3), u256(4), }; checkCFG(input, {u256(1), u256(3), u256(2), u256(4)}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_flow_graph_do_not_remove_returned_to) { // do not remove parts that are "returned to" AssemblyItems input{ AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 2), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 2), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 1), u256(2) }; checkCFG(input, {u256(2)}); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(block_deduplicator) { AssemblyItems input{ AssemblyItem(PushTag, 2), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 3), u256(6), Instruction::SWAP3, Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 1), u256(6), Instruction::SWAP3, Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 2), u256(6), Instruction::SWAP3, Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 3) }; BlockDeduplicator dedup(input); dedup.deduplicate(); set pushTags; for (AssemblyItem const& item: input) if (item.type() == PushTag) pushTags.insert(item.data()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushTags.size(), 2); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(block_deduplicator_loops) { AssemblyItems input{ u256(0), Instruction::SLOAD, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), AssemblyItem(PushTag, 2), Instruction::JUMPI, Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 1), u256(5), u256(6), Instruction::SSTORE, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 2), u256(5), u256(6), Instruction::SSTORE, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 2), Instruction::JUMP, }; BlockDeduplicator dedup(input); dedup.deduplicate(); set pushTags; for (AssemblyItem const& item: input) if (item.type() == PushTag) pushTags.insert(item.data()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pushTags.size(), 1); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(clear_unreachable_code) { AssemblyItems items{ AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP, u256(0), Instruction::SLOAD, AssemblyItem(Tag, 2), u256(5), u256(6), Instruction::SSTORE, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP, u256(5), u256(6) }; AssemblyItems expectation{ AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP, AssemblyItem(Tag, 2), u256(5), u256(6), Instruction::SSTORE, AssemblyItem(PushTag, 1), Instruction::JUMP }; PeepholeOptimiser peepOpt(items); BOOST_REQUIRE(peepOpt.optimise()); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( items.begin(), items.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end() ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(computing_constants) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract c { uint a; uint b; uint c; function set() returns (uint a, uint b, uint c) { a = 0x77abc0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001; b = 0x817416927846239487123469187231298734162934871263941234127518276; g(); } function g() { b = 0x817416927846239487123469187231298734162934871263941234127518276; c = 0x817416927846239487123469187231298734162934871263941234127518276; } function get() returns (uint ra, uint rb, uint rc) { ra = a; rb = b; rc = c ; } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("set()"); compareVersions("get()"); m_optimize = true; m_optimizeRuns = 1; bytes optimizedBytecode = compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "c"); bytes complicatedConstant = toBigEndian(u256("0x817416927846239487123469187231298734162934871263941234127518276")); unsigned occurrences = 0; for (auto iter = optimizedBytecode.cbegin(); iter < optimizedBytecode.cend(); ++occurrences) { iter = search(iter, optimizedBytecode.cend(), complicatedConstant.cbegin(), complicatedConstant.cend()); if (iter < optimizedBytecode.cend()) ++iter; } BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, occurrences); bytes constantWithZeros = toBigEndian(u256("0x77abc0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")); BOOST_CHECK(search( optimizedBytecode.cbegin(), optimizedBytecode.cend(), constantWithZeros.cbegin(), constantWithZeros.cend() ) == optimizedBytecode.cend()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inconsistency) { // This is a test of a bug in the optimizer. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract Inconsistency { struct Value { uint badnum; uint number; } struct Container { uint[] valueIndices; Value[] values; } Container[] containers; uint[] valueIndices; uint INDEX_ZERO = 0; uint debug; // Called with params: containerIndex=0, valueIndex=0 function levelIII(uint containerIndex, uint valueIndex) private { Container container = containers[containerIndex]; Value value = container.values[valueIndex]; debug = container.valueIndices[value.number]; } function levelII() private { for (uint i = 0; i < valueIndices.length; i++) { levelIII(INDEX_ZERO, valueIndices[i]); } } function trigger() public returns (uint) { containers.length++; Container container = containers[0]; container.values.push(Value({ badnum: 9000, number: 0 })); container.valueIndices.length++; valueIndices.length++; levelII(); return debug; } function DoNotCallButDoNotDelete() public { levelII(); levelIII(1, 2); } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("trigger()"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(dead_code_elimination_across_assemblies) { // This tests that a runtime-function that is stored in storage in the constructor // is not removed as part of dead code elimination. char const* sourceCode = R"( contract DCE { function () internal returns (uint) stored; function DCE() { stored = f; } function f() internal returns (uint) { return 7; } function test() returns (uint) { return stored(); } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("test()"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid_state_at_control_flow_join) { char const* sourceCode = R"( contract Test { uint256 public totalSupply = 100; function f() returns (uint r) { if (false) r = totalSupply; totalSupply -= 10; } function test() returns (uint) { f(); return this.totalSupply(); } } )"; compileBothVersions(sourceCode); compareVersions("test()"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(cse_sub_zero) { checkCSE({ u256(0), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SUB }, { Instruction::DUP1 }); checkCSE({ Instruction::DUP1, u256(0), Instruction::SUB }, { u256(0), Instruction::DUP2, Instruction::SWAP1, Instruction::SUB }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() } } } // end namespaces