/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ISOLTEST #include #endif using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::yul; using namespace solidity::yul::test; using namespace solidity::frontend; using namespace solidity::frontend::test; using namespace std; ControlFlowGraphTest::ControlFlowGraphTest(string const& _filename): TestCase(_filename) { m_source = m_reader.source(); auto dialectName = m_reader.stringSetting("dialect", "evm"); m_dialect = &dialect(dialectName, solidity::test::CommonOptions::get().evmVersion()); m_expectation = m_reader.simpleExpectations(); } namespace { static std::string stackSlotToString(StackSlot const& _slot) { return std::visit(util::GenericVisitor{ [](FunctionCallReturnLabelSlot const& _ret) -> std::string { return "RET[" + _ret.call.get().functionName.name.str() + "]"; }, [](FunctionReturnLabelSlot const&) -> std::string { return "RET"; }, [](VariableSlot const& _var) { return _var.variable.get().name.str(); }, [](LiteralSlot const& _lit) { return util::toCompactHexWithPrefix(_lit.value); }, [](TemporarySlot const& _tmp) -> std::string { return "TMP[" + _tmp.call.get().functionName.name.str() + ", " + std::to_string(_tmp.index) + "]"; }, [](JunkSlot const&) -> std::string { return "JUNK"; } }, _slot); } static std::string stackToString(Stack const& _stack) { std::string result("[ "); for (auto const& slot: _stack) result += stackSlotToString(slot) + ' '; result += ']'; return result; } static std::string variableSlotToString(VariableSlot const& _slot) { return _slot.variable.get().name.str(); } } class ControlFlowGraphPrinter { public: ControlFlowGraphPrinter(std::ostream& _stream): m_stream(_stream) { } void operator()(CFG::BasicBlock const& _block, bool _isMainEntry = true) { if (_isMainEntry) { m_stream << "Entry [label=\"Entry\"];\n"; m_stream << "Entry -> Block" << getBlockId(_block) << ";\n"; } while (!m_blocksToPrint.empty()) { CFG::BasicBlock const* block = *m_blocksToPrint.begin(); m_blocksToPrint.erase(m_blocksToPrint.begin()); printBlock(*block); } } void operator()( CFG::FunctionInfo const& _info ) { m_stream << "FunctionEntry_" << _info.function.name.str() << "_" << getBlockId(*_info.entry) << " [label=\""; m_stream << "function " << _info.function.name.str() << "("; m_stream << joinHumanReadable(_info.parameters | ranges::views::transform(variableSlotToString)); m_stream << ")"; if (!_info.returnVariables.empty()) { m_stream << " -> "; m_stream << joinHumanReadable(_info.returnVariables | ranges::views::transform(variableSlotToString)); } m_stream << "\"];\n"; m_stream << "FunctionEntry_" << _info.function.name.str() << "_" << getBlockId(*_info.entry) << " -> Block" << getBlockId(*_info.entry) << ";\n"; (*this)(*_info.entry, false); } private: void printBlock(CFG::BasicBlock const& _block) { m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << " [label=\"\\\n"; // Verify that the entries of this block exit into this block. for (auto const& entry: _block.entries) std::visit(util::GenericVisitor{ [&](CFG::BasicBlock::Jump const& _jump) { soltestAssert(_jump.target == &_block, "Invalid control flow graph."); }, [&](CFG::BasicBlock::ConditionalJump const& _conditionalJump) { soltestAssert( _conditionalJump.zero == &_block || _conditionalJump.nonZero == &_block, "Invalid control flow graph." ); }, [&](auto const&) { soltestAssert(false, "Invalid control flow graph."); } }, entry->exit); for (auto const& operation: _block.operations) { std::visit(util::GenericVisitor{ [&](CFG::FunctionCall const& _call) { m_stream << _call.function.get().name.str() << ": "; }, [&](CFG::BuiltinCall const& _call) { m_stream << _call.functionCall.get().functionName.name.str() << ": "; }, [&](CFG::Assignment const& _assignment) { m_stream << "Assignment("; m_stream << joinHumanReadable(_assignment.variables | ranges::views::transform(variableSlotToString)); m_stream << "): "; } }, operation.operation); m_stream << stackToString(operation.input) << " => " << stackToString(operation.output) << "\\l\\\n"; } m_stream << "\"];\n"; std::visit(util::GenericVisitor{ [&](CFG::BasicBlock::MainExit const&) { m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit [label=\"MainExit\"];\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << " -> Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit;\n"; }, [&](CFG::BasicBlock::Jump const& _jump) { m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << " -> Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit [arrowhead=none];\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit [label=\""; if (_jump.backwards) m_stream << "Backwards"; m_stream << "Jump\" shape=oval];\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit -> Block" << getBlockId(*_jump.target) << ";\n"; }, [&](CFG::BasicBlock::ConditionalJump const& _conditionalJump) { m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << " -> Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit;\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit [label=\"{ "; m_stream << stackSlotToString(_conditionalJump.condition); m_stream << "| { <0> Zero | <1> NonZero }}\" shape=Mrecord];\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block); m_stream << "Exit:0 -> Block" << getBlockId(*_conditionalJump.zero) << ";\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block); m_stream << "Exit:1 -> Block" << getBlockId(*_conditionalJump.nonZero) << ";\n"; }, [&](CFG::BasicBlock::FunctionReturn const& _return) { m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit [label=\"FunctionReturn[" << _return.info->function.name.str() << "]\"];\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << " -> Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit;\n"; }, [&](CFG::BasicBlock::Terminated const&) { m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit [label=\"Terminated\"];\n"; m_stream << "Block" << getBlockId(_block) << " -> Block" << getBlockId(_block) << "Exit;\n"; } }, _block.exit); m_stream << "\n"; } size_t getBlockId(CFG::BasicBlock const& _block) { if (size_t* id = util::valueOrNullptr(m_blockIds, &_block)) return *id; size_t id = m_blockIds[&_block] = m_blockCount++; m_blocksToPrint.emplace_back(&_block); return id; } std::ostream& m_stream; std::map m_blockIds; size_t m_blockCount = 0; std::list m_blocksToPrint; }; TestCase::TestResult ControlFlowGraphTest::run(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool const _formatted) { ErrorList errors; auto [object, analysisInfo] = parse(m_source, *m_dialect, errors); if (!object || !analysisInfo || !Error::containsOnlyWarnings(errors)) { AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {formatting::BOLD, formatting::RED}) << _linePrefix << "Error parsing source." << endl; return TestResult::FatalError; } std::ostringstream output; std::unique_ptr cfg = ControlFlowGraphBuilder::build(*analysisInfo, *m_dialect, *object->code); output << "digraph CFG {\nnodesep=0.7;\nnode[shape=box];\n\n"; ControlFlowGraphPrinter printer{output}; printer(*cfg->entry); for (auto function: cfg->functions) printer(cfg->functionInfo.at(function)); output << "}\n"; m_obtainedResult = output.str(); auto result = checkResult(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted); #ifdef ISOLTEST char* graphDisplayer = nullptr; // The environment variables specify an optional command that will receive the graph encoded in DOT through stdin. // Examples for suitable commands are ``dot -Tx11:cairo`` or ``xdot -``. if (result == TestResult::Failure) // ISOLTEST_DISPLAY_GRAPHS_ON_FAILURE_COMMAND will run on all failing tests (intended for use during modifications). graphDisplayer = getenv("ISOLTEST_DISPLAY_GRAPHS_ON_FAILURE_COMMAND"); else if (result == TestResult::Success) // ISOLTEST_DISPLAY_GRAPHS_ON_FAILURE_COMMAND will run on all succeeding tests (intended for use during reviews). graphDisplayer = getenv("ISOLTEST_DISPLAY_GRAPHS_ON_SUCCESS_COMMAND"); if (graphDisplayer) { if (result == TestResult::Success) std::cout << std::endl << m_source << std::endl; boost::process::opstream pipe; boost::process::child child(graphDisplayer, boost::process::std_in < pipe); pipe << output.str(); pipe.flush(); pipe.pipe().close(); if (result == TestResult::Success) child.wait(); else child.detach(); } #endif return result; }