/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::frontend; using namespace solidity::util; bool SyntaxChecker::checkSyntax(ASTNode const& _astRoot) { _astRoot.accept(*this); return Error::containsOnlyWarnings(m_errorReporter.errors()); } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(SourceUnit const& _sourceUnit) { m_versionPragmaFound = false; m_sourceUnit = &_sourceUnit; return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(SourceUnit const& _sourceUnit) { if (!m_versionPragmaFound) { string errorString("Source file does not specify required compiler version!"); SemVerVersion recommendedVersion{string(VersionString)}; if (!recommendedVersion.isPrerelease()) errorString += " Consider adding \"pragma solidity ^" + to_string(recommendedVersion.major()) + string(".") + to_string(recommendedVersion.minor()) + string(".") + to_string(recommendedVersion.patch()) + string(";\""); // when reporting the warning, print the source name only m_errorReporter.warning(3420_error, {-1, -1, _sourceUnit.location().source}, errorString); } m_sourceUnit = nullptr; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(PragmaDirective const& _pragma) { solAssert(!_pragma.tokens().empty(), ""); solAssert(_pragma.tokens().size() == _pragma.literals().size(), ""); if (_pragma.tokens()[0] != Token::Identifier) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(5226_error, _pragma.location(), "Invalid pragma \"" + _pragma.literals()[0] + "\""); else if (_pragma.literals()[0] == "experimental") { solAssert(m_sourceUnit, ""); vector literals(_pragma.literals().begin() + 1, _pragma.literals().end()); if (literals.empty()) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 9679_error, _pragma.location(), "Experimental feature name is missing." ); else if (literals.size() > 1) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 6022_error, _pragma.location(), "Stray arguments." ); else { string const literal = literals[0]; if (literal.empty()) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(3250_error, _pragma.location(), "Empty experimental feature name is invalid."); else if (!ExperimentalFeatureNames.count(literal)) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(8491_error, _pragma.location(), "Unsupported experimental feature name."); else if (m_sourceUnit->annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeatureNames.at(literal))) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(1231_error, _pragma.location(), "Duplicate experimental feature name."); else { auto feature = ExperimentalFeatureNames.at(literal); m_sourceUnit->annotation().experimentalFeatures.insert(feature); if (!ExperimentalFeatureWithoutWarning.count(feature)) m_errorReporter.warning(2264_error, _pragma.location(), "Experimental features are turned on. Do not use experimental features on live deployments."); } } } else if (_pragma.literals()[0] == "solidity") { vector tokens(_pragma.tokens().begin() + 1, _pragma.tokens().end()); vector literals(_pragma.literals().begin() + 1, _pragma.literals().end()); SemVerMatchExpressionParser parser(tokens, literals); auto matchExpression = parser.parse(); static SemVerVersion const currentVersion{string(VersionString)}; if (!matchExpression.matches(currentVersion)) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 3997_error, _pragma.location(), "Source file requires different compiler version (current compiler is " + string(VersionString) + ") - note that nightly builds are considered to be " "strictly less than the released version" ); m_versionPragmaFound = true; } else m_errorReporter.syntaxError(4936_error, _pragma.location(), "Unknown pragma \"" + _pragma.literals()[0] + "\""); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(ModifierDefinition const&) { m_placeholderFound = false; return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(ModifierDefinition const& _modifier) { if (_modifier.isImplemented() && !m_placeholderFound) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(2883_error, _modifier.body().location(), "Modifier body does not contain '_'."); m_placeholderFound = false; } void SyntaxChecker::checkSingleStatementVariableDeclaration(ASTNode const& _statement) { auto varDecl = dynamic_cast(&_statement); if (varDecl) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(9079_error, _statement.location(), "Variable declarations can only be used inside blocks."); } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(IfStatement const& _ifStatement) { checkSingleStatementVariableDeclaration(_ifStatement.trueStatement()); if (Statement const* _statement = _ifStatement.falseStatement()) checkSingleStatementVariableDeclaration(*_statement); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(WhileStatement const& _whileStatement) { m_inLoopDepth++; checkSingleStatementVariableDeclaration(_whileStatement.body()); return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(WhileStatement const&) { m_inLoopDepth--; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(ForStatement const& _forStatement) { m_inLoopDepth++; checkSingleStatementVariableDeclaration(_forStatement.body()); return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(ForStatement const&) { m_inLoopDepth--; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(Continue const& _continueStatement) { if (m_inLoopDepth <= 0) // we're not in a for/while loop, report syntax error m_errorReporter.syntaxError(4123_error, _continueStatement.location(), "\"continue\" has to be in a \"for\" or \"while\" loop."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(Break const& _breakStatement) { if (m_inLoopDepth <= 0) // we're not in a for/while loop, report syntax error m_errorReporter.syntaxError(6102_error, _breakStatement.location(), "\"break\" has to be in a \"for\" or \"while\" loop."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(Throw const& _throwStatement) { m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 4538_error, _throwStatement.location(), "\"throw\" is deprecated in favour of \"revert()\", \"require()\" and \"assert()\"." ); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(Literal const& _literal) { if ((_literal.token() == Token::UnicodeStringLiteral) && !validateUTF8(_literal.value())) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 8452_error, _literal.location(), "Invalid UTF-8 sequence found" ); if (_literal.token() != Token::Number) return true; ASTString const& value = _literal.value(); solAssert(!value.empty(), ""); // Generic checks no matter what base this number literal is of: if (value.back() == '_') { m_errorReporter.syntaxError(2090_error, _literal.location(), "Invalid use of underscores in number literal. No trailing underscores allowed."); return true; } if (value.find("__") != ASTString::npos) { m_errorReporter.syntaxError(2990_error, _literal.location(), "Invalid use of underscores in number literal. Only one consecutive underscores between digits allowed."); return true; } if (!_literal.isHexNumber()) // decimal literal { if (value.find("._") != ASTString::npos) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(3891_error, _literal.location(), "Invalid use of underscores in number literal. No underscores in front of the fraction part allowed."); if (value.find("_.") != ASTString::npos) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(1023_error, _literal.location(), "Invalid use of underscores in number literal. No underscores in front of the fraction part allowed."); if (value.find("_e") != ASTString::npos) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(6415_error, _literal.location(), "Invalid use of underscores in number literal. No underscore at the end of the mantissa allowed."); if (value.find("e_") != ASTString::npos) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(6165_error, _literal.location(), "Invalid use of underscores in number literal. No underscore in front of exponent allowed."); } return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(UnaryOperation const& _operation) { if (_operation.getOperator() == Token::Add) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(9636_error, _operation.location(), "Use of unary + is disallowed."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(InlineAssembly const& _inlineAssembly) { if (!m_useYulOptimizer) return false; if (yul::MSizeFinder::containsMSize(_inlineAssembly.dialect(), _inlineAssembly.operations())) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 6553_error, _inlineAssembly.location(), "The msize instruction cannot be used when the Yul optimizer is activated because " "it can change its semantics. Either disable the Yul optimizer or do not use the instruction." ); return false; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(PlaceholderStatement const&) { m_placeholderFound = true; return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { m_currentContractKind = _contract.contractKind(); ASTString const& contractName = _contract.name(); for (FunctionDefinition const* function: _contract.definedFunctions()) if (function->name() == contractName) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 5796_error, function->location(), "Functions are not allowed to have the same name as the contract. " "If you intend this to be a constructor, use \"constructor(...) { ... }\" to define it." ); return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(ContractDefinition const&) { m_currentContractKind = std::nullopt; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _function) { solAssert(_function.isFree() == (m_currentContractKind == std::nullopt), ""); if (!_function.isFree() && !_function.isConstructor() && _function.noVisibilitySpecified()) { string suggestedVisibility = _function.isFallback() || _function.isReceive() || m_currentContractKind == ContractKind::Interface ? "external" : "public"; m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 4937_error, _function.location(), "No visibility specified. Did you intend to add \"" + suggestedVisibility + "\"?" ); } else if (_function.isFree()) { if (!_function.noVisibilitySpecified()) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 4126_error, _function.location(), "Free functions cannot have visibility." ); if (!_function.isImplemented()) m_errorReporter.typeError(4668_error, _function.location(), "Free functions must be implemented."); } if (m_currentContractKind == ContractKind::Interface && !_function.modifiers().empty()) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(5842_error, _function.location(), "Functions in interfaces cannot have modifiers."); else if (!_function.isImplemented() && !_function.modifiers().empty()) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(2668_error, _function.location(), "Functions without implementation cannot have modifiers."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(FunctionTypeName const& _node) { for (auto const& decl: _node.parameterTypeList()->parameters()) if (!decl->name().empty()) m_errorReporter.warning(6162_error, decl->location(), "Naming function type parameters is deprecated."); for (auto const& decl: _node.returnParameterTypeList()->parameters()) if (!decl->name().empty()) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(7304_error, decl->location(), "Return parameters in function types may not be named."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(VariableDeclarationStatement const& _statement) { // Report if none of the variable components in the tuple have a name (only possible via deprecated "var") if (std::all_of( _statement.declarations().begin(), _statement.declarations().end(), [](ASTPointer const& declaration) { return declaration == nullptr; } )) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( 3299_error, _statement.location(), "The use of the \"var\" keyword is disallowed. The declaration part of the statement can be removed, since it is empty." ); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(StructDefinition const& _struct) { if (_struct.members().empty()) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(5306_error, _struct.location(), "Defining empty structs is disallowed."); return true; }