contract test { function f() pure public returns (uint) { uint x = 7; { x = 3; // This should still assign to the outer variable uint x; x = 4; // This should assign to the new one } return x; } function g() pure public returns (uint x) { x = 7; { x = 3; uint x; return x; // This returns the new variable, i.e. 0 } } function h() pure public returns (uint x, uint a, uint b) { x = 7; { x = 3; a = x; // This should read from the outer uint x = 4; b = x; } } function i() pure public returns (uint x, uint a) { x = 7; { x = 3; uint x = x; // This should read from the outer and assign to the inner a = x; } } } // ==== // compileToEwasm: also // ---- // f() -> 3 // g() -> 0 // h() -> 3, 3, 4 // i() -> 3, 3