/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com> * @date 2015 * Versioning. */ #include <libsolidity/interface/Version.h> #include <string> #include <libdevcore/CommonData.h> #include <libdevcore/Common.h> #include <libsolidity/interface/Exceptions.h> #include <solidity/BuildInfo.h> using namespace dev; using namespace dev::solidity; using namespace std; char const* dev::solidity::VersionNumber = ETH_PROJECT_VERSION; string const dev::solidity::VersionString = string(dev::solidity::VersionNumber) + (string(SOL_VERSION_PRERELEASE).empty() ? "" : "-" + string(SOL_VERSION_PRERELEASE)) + (string(SOL_VERSION_BUILDINFO).empty() ? "" : "+" + string(SOL_VERSION_BUILDINFO)); string const dev::solidity::VersionStringStrict = string(dev::solidity::VersionNumber) + (string(SOL_VERSION_PRERELEASE).empty() ? "" : "-" + string(SOL_VERSION_PRERELEASE)) + (string(SOL_VERSION_COMMIT).empty() ? "" : "+" + string(SOL_VERSION_COMMIT)); bytes dev::solidity::binaryVersion() { bytes ret{0}; size_t i = 0; auto parseDecimal = [&]() { size_t ret = 0; solAssert('0' <= VersionString[i] && VersionString[i] <= '9', ""); for (; i < VersionString.size() && '0' <= VersionString[i] && VersionString[i] <= '9'; ++i) ret = ret * 10 + (VersionString[i] - '0'); return ret; }; ret.push_back(uint8_t(parseDecimal())); solAssert(i < VersionString.size() && VersionString[i] == '.', ""); ++i; ret.push_back(uint8_t(parseDecimal())); solAssert(i < VersionString.size() && VersionString[i] == '.', ""); ++i; ret.push_back(uint8_t(parseDecimal())); solAssert(i < VersionString.size() && (VersionString[i] == '-' || VersionString[i] == '+'), ""); ++i; size_t commitpos = VersionString.find("commit."); solAssert(commitpos != string::npos, ""); i = commitpos + 7; solAssert(i + 7 < VersionString.size(), ""); bytes commitHash = fromHex(VersionString.substr(i, 8)); solAssert(!commitHash.empty(), ""); ret += commitHash; solAssert(ret.size() == 1 + 3 + 4, ""); return ret; }