pragma experimental SMTChecker; contract C { function () external returns (uint) public g; function f() public { g = this.X; function () external returns (uint) e = this.g(); assert(e() == g()); // should hold, but fails because of the lack of support for tracking function pointers assert(e() == 1); // should fail } function X() public pure returns (uint) { return 42; } } // ---- // Warning 6328: (185-203): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ng = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nconstructor()\nState: g = 0\nf() // Warning 6328: (295-311): CHC: Assertion violation happens here.\nCounterexample:\ng = 0\n\n\n\nTransaction trace:\nconstructor()\nState: g = 0\nf()