/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include namespace solidity::lsp { using namespace std; using namespace solidity::lsp; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::frontend; namespace { struct MarkdownBuilder { stringstream result; MarkdownBuilder& solidityCode(string const& _code) { auto constexpr SolidityLanguageId = "solidity"; result << "```" << SolidityLanguageId << '\n' << _code << "\n```\n\n"; return *this; } MarkdownBuilder& paragraph(string const& _text) { if (!_text.empty()) { result << _text << '\n'; if (_text.back() != '\n') // We want double-LF to ensure constructing a paragraph. result << '\n'; } return *this; } }; } void DocumentHoverHandler::operator()(MessageID _id, Json::Value const& _args) { auto const [sourceUnitName, lineColumn] = HandlerBase(*this).extractSourceUnitNameAndLineColumn(_args); auto const [sourceNode, sourceOffset] = m_server.astNodeAndOffsetAtSourceLocation(sourceUnitName, lineColumn); MarkdownBuilder markdown{}; auto rangeToHighlight = toRange(sourceNode->location()); // Try getting the type definition of the underlying AST node, if available. if (auto const* expression = dynamic_cast(sourceNode)) { if (auto const* declaration = ASTNode::referencedDeclaration(*expression)) if (declaration->type()) markdown.solidityCode(declaration->type()->toString(false)); } else if (auto const* declaration = dynamic_cast(sourceNode)) { if (declaration->type()) markdown.solidityCode(declaration->type()->toString(false)); } else if (auto const* identifierPath = dynamic_cast(sourceNode)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < identifierPath->path().size(); ++i) { if (identifierPath->pathLocations()[i].containsOffset(sourceOffset)) { rangeToHighlight = toRange(identifierPath->pathLocations()[i]); if (i < identifierPath->annotation().pathDeclarations.size()) { Declaration const* declaration = identifierPath->annotation().pathDeclarations[i]; if (declaration && declaration->type()) markdown.solidityCode(declaration->type()->toString(false)); if (auto const* structurallyDocumented = dynamic_cast(declaration)) if (structurallyDocumented->documentation()->text()) markdown.paragraph(*structurallyDocumented->documentation()->text()); } break; } } } // If this AST node contains documentation itself, append it. if (auto const* documented = dynamic_cast(sourceNode)) { if (documented->documentation()) markdown.paragraph(*documented->documentation()->text()); } auto tooltipText = markdown.result.str(); if (tooltipText.empty()) { client().reply(_id, Json::nullValue); return; } Json::Value reply = Json::objectValue; reply["range"] = rangeToHighlight; reply["contents"]["kind"] = "markdown"; reply["contents"]["value"] = std::move(tooltipText); client().reply(_id, reply); } }