/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * Optimiser component that removes stores to memory and storage slots that are not used * or overwritten later on. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::yul; /// Variable names for special constants that can never appear in actual Yul code. static string const zero{"@ 0"}; static string const one{"@ 1"}; static string const thirtyTwo{"@ 32"}; void UnusedStoreEliminator::run(OptimiserStepContext& _context, Block& _ast) { map functionSideEffects = SideEffectsPropagator::sideEffects( _context.dialect, CallGraphGenerator::callGraph(_ast) ); SSAValueTracker ssaValues; ssaValues(_ast); map values; for (auto const& [name, expression]: ssaValues.values()) values[name] = AssignedValue{expression, {}}; Expression const zeroLiteral{Literal{{}, LiteralKind::Number, YulString{"0"}, {}}}; Expression const oneLiteral{Literal{{}, LiteralKind::Number, YulString{"1"}, {}}}; Expression const thirtyTwoLiteral{Literal{{}, LiteralKind::Number, YulString{"32"}, {}}}; values[YulString{zero}] = AssignedValue{&zeroLiteral, {}}; values[YulString{one}] = AssignedValue{&oneLiteral, {}}; values[YulString{thirtyTwo}] = AssignedValue{&thirtyTwoLiteral, {}}; bool const ignoreMemory = MSizeFinder::containsMSize(_context.dialect, _ast); UnusedStoreEliminator rse{ _context.dialect, functionSideEffects, ControlFlowSideEffectsCollector{_context.dialect, _ast}.functionSideEffectsNamed(), values, ignoreMemory }; rse(_ast); rse.changeUndecidedTo(State::Unused, Location::Memory); rse.changeUndecidedTo(State::Used, Location::Storage); rse.scheduleUnusedForDeletion(); StatementRemover remover(rse.m_pendingRemovals); remover(_ast); } void UnusedStoreEliminator::operator()(FunctionCall const& _functionCall) { UnusedStoreBase::operator()(_functionCall); for (Operation const& op: operationsFromFunctionCall(_functionCall)) applyOperation(op); ControlFlowSideEffects sideEffects; if (auto builtin = m_dialect.builtin(_functionCall.functionName.name)) sideEffects = builtin->controlFlowSideEffects; else sideEffects = m_controlFlowSideEffects.at(_functionCall.functionName.name); if (!sideEffects.canContinue) { changeUndecidedTo(State::Unused, Location::Memory); changeUndecidedTo(sideEffects.canTerminate ? State::Used : State::Unused, Location::Storage); } } void UnusedStoreEliminator::operator()(FunctionDefinition const& _functionDefinition) { ScopedSaveAndRestore storeOperations(m_storeOperations, {}); UnusedStoreBase::operator()(_functionDefinition); } void UnusedStoreEliminator::operator()(Leave const&) { changeUndecidedTo(State::Used); } void UnusedStoreEliminator::visit(Statement const& _statement) { using evmasm::Instruction; UnusedStoreBase::visit(_statement); auto const* exprStatement = get_if(&_statement); if (!exprStatement) return; FunctionCall const* funCall = get_if(&exprStatement->expression); yulAssert(funCall); optional instruction = toEVMInstruction(m_dialect, funCall->functionName.name); if (!instruction) return; if (!ranges::all_of(funCall->arguments, [](Expression const& _expr) -> bool { return get_if(&_expr) || get_if(&_expr); })) return; // We determine if this is a store instruction without additional side-effects // both by querying a combination of semantic information and by listing the instructions. // This way the assert below should be triggered on any change. using evmasm::SemanticInformation; bool isStorageWrite = (*instruction == Instruction::SSTORE); bool isMemoryWrite = *instruction == Instruction::EXTCODECOPY || *instruction == Instruction::CODECOPY || *instruction == Instruction::CALLDATACOPY || *instruction == Instruction::RETURNDATACOPY || *instruction == Instruction::MSTORE || *instruction == Instruction::MSTORE8; bool isCandidateForRemoval = SemanticInformation::otherState(*instruction) != SemanticInformation::Write && ( SemanticInformation::storage(*instruction) == SemanticInformation::Write || (!m_ignoreMemory && SemanticInformation::memory(*instruction) == SemanticInformation::Write) ); yulAssert(isCandidateForRemoval == (isStorageWrite || (!m_ignoreMemory && isMemoryWrite))); if (isCandidateForRemoval) { State initialState = State::Undecided; if (*instruction == Instruction::RETURNDATACOPY) { initialState = State::Used; auto startOffset = identifierNameIfSSA(funCall->arguments.at(1)); auto length = identifierNameIfSSA(funCall->arguments.at(2)); KnowledgeBase knowledge(m_dialect, [this](YulString _var) { return util::valueOrNullptr(m_ssaValues, _var); }); if (length && startOffset) { FunctionCall const* lengthCall = get_if(m_ssaValues.at(*length).value); if ( knowledge.knownToBeZero(*startOffset) && lengthCall && toEVMInstruction(m_dialect, lengthCall->functionName.name) == Instruction::RETURNDATASIZE ) initialState = State::Undecided; } } m_stores[YulString{}].insert({&_statement, initialState}); vector operations = operationsFromFunctionCall(*funCall); yulAssert(operations.size() == 1, ""); m_storeOperations[&_statement] = move(operations.front()); } } void UnusedStoreEliminator::finalizeFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition const&) { changeUndecidedTo(State::Used); scheduleUnusedForDeletion(); } vector UnusedStoreEliminator::operationsFromFunctionCall( FunctionCall const& _functionCall ) const { using evmasm::Instruction; YulString functionName = _functionCall.functionName.name; SideEffects sideEffects; if (BuiltinFunction const* f = m_dialect.builtin(functionName)) sideEffects = f->sideEffects; else sideEffects = m_functionSideEffects.at(functionName); optional instruction = toEVMInstruction(m_dialect, functionName); if (!instruction) { vector result; // Unknown read is worse than unknown write. if (sideEffects.memory != SideEffects::Effect::None) result.emplace_back(Operation{Location::Memory, Effect::Read, {}, {}}); if (sideEffects.storage != SideEffects::Effect::None) result.emplace_back(Operation{Location::Storage, Effect::Read, {}, {}}); return result; } using evmasm::SemanticInformation; return util::applyMap( SemanticInformation::readWriteOperations(*instruction), [&](SemanticInformation::Operation const& _op) -> Operation { yulAssert(!(_op.lengthParameter && _op.lengthConstant)); yulAssert(_op.effect != Effect::None); Operation ourOp{_op.location, _op.effect, {}, {}}; if (_op.startParameter) ourOp.start = identifierNameIfSSA(_functionCall.arguments.at(*_op.startParameter)); if (_op.lengthParameter) ourOp.length = identifierNameIfSSA(_functionCall.arguments.at(*_op.lengthParameter)); if (_op.lengthConstant) switch (*_op.lengthConstant) { case 1: ourOp.length = YulString(one); break; case 32: ourOp.length = YulString(thirtyTwo); break; default: yulAssert(false); } return ourOp; } ); } void UnusedStoreEliminator::applyOperation(UnusedStoreEliminator::Operation const& _operation) { for (auto& [statement, state]: m_stores[YulString{}]) if (state == State::Undecided) { Operation const& storeOperation = m_storeOperations.at(statement); if (_operation.effect == Effect::Read && !knownUnrelated(storeOperation, _operation)) state = State::Used; else if (_operation.effect == Effect::Write && knownCovered(storeOperation, _operation)) state = State::Unused; } } bool UnusedStoreEliminator::knownUnrelated( UnusedStoreEliminator::Operation const& _op1, UnusedStoreEliminator::Operation const& _op2 ) const { KnowledgeBase knowledge(m_dialect, [this](YulString _var) { return util::valueOrNullptr(m_ssaValues, _var); }); if (_op1.location != _op2.location) return true; if (_op1.location == Location::Storage) { if (_op1.start && _op2.start) { yulAssert( _op1.length && _op2.length && knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op1.length) == 1 && knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op2.length) == 1 ); return knowledge.knownToBeDifferent(*_op1.start, *_op2.start); } } else { yulAssert(_op1.location == Location::Memory, ""); if ( (_op1.length && knowledge.knownToBeZero(*_op1.length)) || (_op2.length && knowledge.knownToBeZero(*_op2.length)) ) return true; if (_op1.start && _op1.length && _op2.start) { optional length1 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op1.length); optional start1 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op1.start); optional start2 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op2.start); if ( (length1 && start1 && start2) && *start1 + *length1 >= *start1 && // no overflow *start1 + *length1 <= *start2 ) return true; } if (_op2.start && _op2.length && _op1.start) { optional length2 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op2.length); optional start2 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op2.start); optional start1 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op1.start); if ( (length2 && start2 && start1) && *start2 + *length2 >= *start2 && // no overflow *start2 + *length2 <= *start1 ) return true; } if (_op1.start && _op1.length && _op2.start && _op2.length) { optional length1 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op1.length); optional length2 = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_op2.length); if ( (length1 && *length1 <= 32) && (length2 && *length2 <= 32) && knowledge.knownToBeDifferentByAtLeast32(*_op1.start, *_op2.start) ) return true; } } return false; } bool UnusedStoreEliminator::knownCovered( UnusedStoreEliminator::Operation const& _covered, UnusedStoreEliminator::Operation const& _covering ) const { if (_covered.location != _covering.location) return false; if ( (_covered.start && _covered.start == _covering.start) && (_covered.length && _covered.length == _covering.length) ) return true; if (_covered.location == Location::Memory) { KnowledgeBase knowledge(m_dialect, [this](YulString _var) { return util::valueOrNullptr(m_ssaValues, _var); }); if (_covered.length && knowledge.knownToBeZero(*_covered.length)) return true; // Condition (i = cover_i_ng, e = cover_e_d): // i.start <= e.start && e.start + e.length <= i.start + i.length if (!_covered.start || !_covering.start || !_covered.length || !_covering.length) return false; optional coveredLength = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_covered.length); optional coveringLength = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_covering.length); if (knowledge.knownToBeEqual(*_covered.start, *_covering.start)) if (coveredLength && coveringLength && *coveredLength <= *coveringLength) return true; optional coveredStart = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_covered.start); optional coveringStart = knowledge.valueIfKnownConstant(*_covering.start); if (coveredStart && coveringStart && coveredLength && coveringLength) if ( *coveringStart <= *coveredStart && *coveringStart + *coveringLength >= *coveringStart && // no overflow *coveredStart + *coveredLength >= *coveredStart && // no overflow *coveredStart + *coveredLength <= *coveringStart + *coveringLength ) return true; // TODO for this we probably need a non-overflow assumption as above. // Condition (i = cover_i_ng, e = cover_e_d): // i.start <= e.start && e.start + e.length <= i.start + i.length } return false; } void UnusedStoreEliminator::changeUndecidedTo( State _newState, optional _onlyLocation) { for (auto& [statement, state]: m_stores[YulString{}]) if ( state == State::Undecided && (_onlyLocation == nullopt || *_onlyLocation == m_storeOperations.at(statement).location) ) state = _newState; } optional UnusedStoreEliminator::identifierNameIfSSA(Expression const& _expression) const { if (Identifier const* identifier = get_if(&_expression)) if (m_ssaValues.count(identifier->name)) return {identifier->name}; return nullopt; } void UnusedStoreEliminator::scheduleUnusedForDeletion() { for (auto const& [statement, state]: m_stores[YulString{}]) if (state == State::Unused) m_pendingRemovals.insert(statement); }