contract C { function f() view external returns (uint ret) { assembly { ret := shl(gas(), 5) ret := shr(ret, 2) ret := sar(ret, 2) } } function g() external returns (address ret) { assembly { ret := create2(0, 0, 0, 0) } } } // ==== // EVMVersion: =byzantium // ---- // TypeError 6612: (103-106): The "shl" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs (you are currently compiling for "byzantium"). // DeclarationError 8678: (96-116): Variable count does not match number of values (1 vs. 0) // TypeError 6612: (136-139): The "shr" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs (you are currently compiling for "byzantium"). // DeclarationError 8678: (129-147): Variable count does not match number of values (1 vs. 0) // TypeError 6612: (167-170): The "sar" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs (you are currently compiling for "byzantium"). // DeclarationError 8678: (160-178): Variable count does not match number of values (1 vs. 0) // TypeError 6166: (283-290): The "create2" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs (you are currently compiling for "byzantium"). // DeclarationError 8678: (276-302): Variable count does not match number of values (1 vs. 0)