/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::util; using namespace solidity::util::formatting; using namespace solidity::langutil; using namespace solidity::frontend; using namespace solidity::frontend::test; using namespace solidity::test; using namespace boost::unit_test; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace { int parseUnsignedInteger(string::iterator& _it, string::iterator _end) { if (_it == _end || !util::isDigit(*_it)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid test expectation. Source location expected.")); int result = 0; while (_it != _end && util::isDigit(*_it)) { result *= 10; result += *_it - '0'; ++_it; } return result; } } CommonSyntaxTest::CommonSyntaxTest(string const& _filename, langutil::EVMVersion _evmVersion): EVMVersionRestrictedTestCase(_filename), m_sources(m_reader.sources()), m_expectations(parseExpectations(m_reader.stream())), m_evmVersion(_evmVersion) { } TestCase::TestResult CommonSyntaxTest::run(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) { parseCustomExpectations(m_reader.stream()); parseAndAnalyze(); return conclude(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted); } TestCase::TestResult CommonSyntaxTest::conclude(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) { if (expectationsMatch()) return TestResult::Success; printExpectationAndError(_stream, _linePrefix, _formatted); return TestResult::Failure; } void CommonSyntaxTest::printExpectationAndError(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) { string nextIndentLevel = _linePrefix + " "; util::AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, CYAN}) << _linePrefix << "Expected result:" << endl; printExpectedResult(_stream, nextIndentLevel, _formatted); util::AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, CYAN}) << _linePrefix << "Obtained result:" << endl; printObtainedResult(_stream, nextIndentLevel, _formatted); } void CommonSyntaxTest::printSource(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) const { if (m_sources.sources.empty()) return; assert(m_sources.externalSources.empty()); bool outputSourceNames = (m_sources.sources.size() != 1 || !m_sources.sources.begin()->first.empty()); for (auto const& [name, source]: m_sources.sources) if (_formatted) { if (source.empty()) continue; if (outputSourceNames) _stream << _linePrefix << util::formatting::CYAN << "==== Source: " << name << " ====" << util::formatting::RESET << endl; vector sourceFormatting(source.length(), util::formatting::RESET); for (auto const& error: m_errorList) if (error.sourceName == name && error.locationStart >= 0 && error.locationEnd >= 0) { assert(static_cast(error.locationStart) <= source.length()); assert(static_cast(error.locationEnd) <= source.length()); for (int i = error.locationStart; i < error.locationEnd; i++) { char const*& cellFormat = sourceFormatting[static_cast(i)]; char const* infoBgColor = SourceReferenceFormatter::errorHighlightColor(Error::Severity::Info); if ( (error.type != Error::Type::Warning && error.type != Error::Type::Info) || (error.type == Error::Type::Warning && (cellFormat == RESET || cellFormat == infoBgColor)) || (error.type == Error::Type::Info && cellFormat == RESET) ) cellFormat = SourceReferenceFormatter::errorHighlightColor(Error::errorSeverity(error.type)); } } _stream << _linePrefix << sourceFormatting.front() << source.front(); for (size_t i = 1; i < source.length(); i++) { if (sourceFormatting[i] != sourceFormatting[i - 1]) _stream << sourceFormatting[i]; if (source[i] != '\n') _stream << source[i]; else { _stream << util::formatting::RESET << endl; if (i + 1 < source.length()) _stream << _linePrefix << sourceFormatting[i]; } } _stream << util::formatting::RESET; } else { if (outputSourceNames) _stream << _linePrefix << "==== Source: " + name << " ====" << endl; stringstream stream(source); string line; while (getline(stream, line)) _stream << _linePrefix << line << endl; } } void CommonSyntaxTest::parseCustomExpectations(istream& _stream) { string remainingExpectations = boost::trim_copy(readUntilEnd(_stream)); soltestAssert( remainingExpectations.empty(), "Found custom expectations not supported by the test case:\n" + remainingExpectations ); } bool CommonSyntaxTest::expectationsMatch() { return m_expectations == m_errorList; } void CommonSyntaxTest::printExpectedResult(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) const { printErrorList(_stream, m_expectations, _linePrefix, _formatted); } void CommonSyntaxTest::printObtainedResult(ostream& _stream, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted) const { printErrorList(_stream, m_errorList, _linePrefix, _formatted); } void CommonSyntaxTest::printErrorList( ostream& _stream, vector const& _errorList, string const& _linePrefix, bool _formatted ) { if (_errorList.empty()) { if (_formatted) util::AnsiColorized(_stream, _formatted, {BOLD, GREEN}) << _linePrefix << "Success" << endl; } else for (auto const& error: _errorList) { { util::AnsiColorized scope( _stream, _formatted, {BOLD, SourceReferenceFormatter::errorTextColor(Error::errorSeverity(error.type))} ); _stream << _linePrefix << Error::formatErrorType(error.type); if (error.errorId.has_value()) _stream << ' ' << error.errorId->error; _stream << ": "; } if (!error.sourceName.empty() || error.locationStart >= 0 || error.locationEnd >= 0) { _stream << "("; if (!error.sourceName.empty()) _stream << error.sourceName << ":"; if (error.locationStart >= 0) _stream << error.locationStart; _stream << "-"; if (error.locationEnd >= 0) _stream << error.locationEnd; _stream << "): "; } _stream << error.message << endl; } } string CommonSyntaxTest::errorMessage(util::Exception const& _e) { if (_e.comment() && !_e.comment()->empty()) return boost::replace_all_copy(*_e.comment(), "\n", "\\n"); else return "NONE"; } vector CommonSyntaxTest::parseExpectations(istream& _stream) { static string const customExpectationsDelimiter("// ----"); vector expectations; string line; while (getline(_stream, line)) { auto it = line.begin(); // Anything below the delimiter is left up to the derived class to process in a custom way. // The delimiter is optional and identical to the one that starts error expectations in // TestCaseReader::parseSourcesAndSettingsWithLineNumber(). if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(line, customExpectationsDelimiter)) break; skipSlashes(it, line.end()); skipWhitespace(it, line.end()); if (it == line.end()) continue; auto typeBegin = it; while (it != line.end() && isalpha(*it, locale::classic())) ++it; std::string errorTypeStr(typeBegin, it); optional errorType = Error::parseErrorType(errorTypeStr); if (!errorType.has_value()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error("Invalid error type: " + errorTypeStr)); skipWhitespace(it, line.end()); optional errorId; if (it != line.end() && util::isDigit(*it)) errorId = ErrorId{static_cast(parseUnsignedInteger(it, line.end()))}; expect(it, line.end(), ':'); skipWhitespace(it, line.end()); int locationStart = -1; int locationEnd = -1; std::string sourceName; if (it != line.end() && *it == '(') { ++it; if (it != line.end() && !util::isDigit(*it)) { auto sourceNameStart = it; while (it != line.end() && *it != ':') ++it; sourceName = std::string(sourceNameStart, it); expect(it, line.end(), ':'); } locationStart = parseUnsignedInteger(it, line.end()); expect(it, line.end(), '-'); locationEnd = parseUnsignedInteger(it, line.end()); expect(it, line.end(), ')'); expect(it, line.end(), ':'); } skipWhitespace(it, line.end()); string errorMessage(it, line.end()); expectations.emplace_back(SyntaxTestError{ errorType.value(), std::move(errorId), std::move(errorMessage), std::move(sourceName), locationStart, locationEnd }); } return expectations; }