/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 /** * Optimiser component that performs function inlining for arbitrary functions. */ #include <libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/ASTCopier.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/ASTWalker.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/NameCollector.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/OptimizerUtilities.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/Metrics.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/SSAValueTracker.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/Semantics.h> #include <libyul/optimiser/CallGraphGenerator.h> #include <libyul/Exceptions.h> #include <libyul/AST.h> #include <libyul/Dialect.h> #include <libsolutil/CommonData.h> #include <libsolutil/Visitor.h> using namespace std; using namespace solidity; using namespace solidity::yul; void FullInliner::run(OptimiserStepContext& _context, Block& _ast) { FullInliner inliner{_ast, _context.dispenser, _context.dialect}; inliner.run(Pass::InlineTiny); inliner.run(Pass::InlineRest); } FullInliner::FullInliner(Block& _ast, NameDispenser& _dispenser, Dialect const& _dialect): m_ast(_ast), m_nameDispenser(_dispenser), m_dialect(_dialect) { // Determine constants SSAValueTracker tracker; tracker(m_ast); for (auto const& ssaValue: tracker.values()) if (ssaValue.second && holds_alternative<Literal>(*ssaValue.second)) m_constants.emplace(ssaValue.first); // Store size of global statements. m_functionSizes[YulString{}] = CodeSize::codeSize(_ast); map<YulString, size_t> references = ReferencesCounter::countReferences(m_ast); for (auto& statement: m_ast.statements) { if (!holds_alternative<FunctionDefinition>(statement)) continue; FunctionDefinition& fun = std::get<FunctionDefinition>(statement); m_functions[fun.name] = &fun; if (LeaveFinder::containsLeave(fun)) m_noInlineFunctions.insert(fun.name); // Always inline functions that are only called once. if (references[fun.name] == 1) m_singleUse.emplace(fun.name); updateCodeSize(fun); } } void FullInliner::run(Pass _pass) { m_pass = _pass; // Note that the order of inlining can result in very different code. // Since AST IDs and thus function names depend on whether or not a contract // is compiled together with other source files, a change in AST IDs // should have as little an impact as possible. This is the case // if we handle inlining in source (and thus, for the IR generator, // function name) order. // We use stable_sort below to keep the inlining order of two functions // with the same depth. map<YulString, size_t> depths = callDepths(); vector<FunctionDefinition*> functions; for (auto& statement: m_ast.statements) if (holds_alternative<FunctionDefinition>(statement)) functions.emplace_back(&std::get<FunctionDefinition>(statement)); std::stable_sort(functions.begin(), functions.end(), [depths]( FunctionDefinition const* _a, FunctionDefinition const* _b ) { return depths.at(_a->name) < depths.at(_b->name); }); for (FunctionDefinition* fun: functions) { handleBlock(fun->name, fun->body); updateCodeSize(*fun); } for (auto& statement: m_ast.statements) if (holds_alternative<Block>(statement)) handleBlock({}, std::get<Block>(statement)); } map<YulString, size_t> FullInliner::callDepths() const { CallGraph cg = CallGraphGenerator::callGraph(m_ast); cg.functionCalls.erase(""_yulstring); // Remove calls to builtin functions. for (auto& call: cg.functionCalls) for (auto it = call.second.begin(); it != call.second.end();) if (m_dialect.builtin(*it)) it = call.second.erase(it); else ++it; map<YulString, size_t> depths; size_t currentDepth = 0; while (true) { vector<YulString> removed; for (auto it = cg.functionCalls.begin(); it != cg.functionCalls.end();) { auto const& [fun, callees] = *it; if (callees.empty()) { removed.emplace_back(fun); depths[fun] = currentDepth; it = cg.functionCalls.erase(it); } else ++it; } for (auto& call: cg.functionCalls) call.second -= removed; currentDepth++; if (removed.empty()) break; } // Only recursive functions left here. for (auto const& fun: cg.functionCalls) depths[fun.first] = currentDepth; return depths; } bool FullInliner::shallInline(FunctionCall const& _funCall, YulString _callSite) { // No recursive inlining if (_funCall.functionName.name == _callSite) return false; FunctionDefinition* calledFunction = function(_funCall.functionName.name); if (!calledFunction) return false; if (m_noInlineFunctions.count(_funCall.functionName.name) || recursive(*calledFunction)) return false; // Inline really, really tiny functions size_t size = m_functionSizes.at(calledFunction->name); if (size <= 1) return true; // In the first pass, only inline tiny functions. if (m_pass == Pass::InlineTiny) return false; // Do not inline into already big functions. if (m_functionSizes.at(_callSite) > 45) return false; if (m_singleUse.count(calledFunction->name)) return true; // Constant arguments might provide a means for further optimization, so they cause a bonus. bool constantArg = false; for (auto const& argument: _funCall.arguments) if (holds_alternative<Literal>(argument) || ( holds_alternative<Identifier>(argument) && m_constants.count(std::get<Identifier>(argument).name) )) { constantArg = true; break; } return (size < 6 || (constantArg && size < 12)); } void FullInliner::tentativelyUpdateCodeSize(YulString _function, YulString _callSite) { m_functionSizes.at(_callSite) += m_functionSizes.at(_function); } void FullInliner::updateCodeSize(FunctionDefinition const& _fun) { m_functionSizes[_fun.name] = CodeSize::codeSize(_fun.body); } void FullInliner::handleBlock(YulString _currentFunctionName, Block& _block) { InlineModifier{*this, m_nameDispenser, _currentFunctionName, m_dialect}(_block); } bool FullInliner::recursive(FunctionDefinition const& _fun) const { map<YulString, size_t> references = ReferencesCounter::countReferences(_fun); return references[_fun.name] > 0; } void InlineModifier::operator()(Block& _block) { function<std::optional<vector<Statement>>(Statement&)> f = [&](Statement& _statement) -> std::optional<vector<Statement>> { visit(_statement); return tryInlineStatement(_statement); }; util::iterateReplacing(_block.statements, f); } std::optional<vector<Statement>> InlineModifier::tryInlineStatement(Statement& _statement) { // Only inline for expression statements, assignments and variable declarations. Expression* e = std::visit(util::GenericVisitor{ util::VisitorFallback<Expression*>{}, [](ExpressionStatement& _s) { return &_s.expression; }, [](Assignment& _s) { return _s.value.get(); }, [](VariableDeclaration& _s) { return _s.value.get(); } }, _statement); if (e) { // Only inline direct function calls. FunctionCall* funCall = std::visit(util::GenericVisitor{ util::VisitorFallback<FunctionCall*>{}, [](FunctionCall& _e) { return &_e; } }, *e); if (funCall && m_driver.shallInline(*funCall, m_currentFunction)) return performInline(_statement, *funCall); } return {}; } vector<Statement> InlineModifier::performInline(Statement& _statement, FunctionCall& _funCall) { vector<Statement> newStatements; map<YulString, YulString> variableReplacements; FunctionDefinition* function = m_driver.function(_funCall.functionName.name); assertThrow(!!function, OptimizerException, "Attempt to inline invalid function."); m_driver.tentativelyUpdateCodeSize(function->name, m_currentFunction); // helper function to create a new variable that is supposed to model // an existing variable. auto newVariable = [&](TypedName const& _existingVariable, Expression* _value) { YulString newName = m_nameDispenser.newName(_existingVariable.name); variableReplacements[_existingVariable.name] = newName; VariableDeclaration varDecl{_funCall.location, {{_funCall.location, newName, _existingVariable.type}}, {}}; if (_value) varDecl.value = make_unique<Expression>(std::move(*_value)); else varDecl.value = make_unique<Expression>(m_dialect.zeroLiteralForType(varDecl.variables.front().type)); newStatements.emplace_back(std::move(varDecl)); }; for (size_t i = 0; i < _funCall.arguments.size(); ++i) newVariable(function->parameters[i], &_funCall.arguments[i]); for (auto const& var: function->returnVariables) newVariable(var, nullptr); Statement newBody = BodyCopier(m_nameDispenser, variableReplacements)(function->body); newStatements += std::move(std::get<Block>(newBody).statements); std::visit(util::GenericVisitor{ util::VisitorFallback<>{}, [&](Assignment& _assignment) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _assignment.variableNames.size(); ++i) newStatements.emplace_back(Assignment{ _assignment.location, {_assignment.variableNames[i]}, make_unique<Expression>(Identifier{ _assignment.location, variableReplacements.at(function->returnVariables[i].name) }) }); }, [&](VariableDeclaration& _varDecl) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _varDecl.variables.size(); ++i) newStatements.emplace_back(VariableDeclaration{ _varDecl.location, {std::move(_varDecl.variables[i])}, make_unique<Expression>(Identifier{ _varDecl.location, variableReplacements.at(function->returnVariables[i].name) }) }); } // nothing to be done for expression statement }, _statement); return newStatements; } Statement BodyCopier::operator()(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl) { for (auto const& var: _varDecl.variables) m_variableReplacements[var.name] = m_nameDispenser.newName(var.name); return ASTCopier::operator()(_varDecl); } Statement BodyCopier::operator()(FunctionDefinition const&) { assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "Function hoisting has to be done before function inlining."); return {}; } YulString BodyCopier::translateIdentifier(YulString _name) { if (m_variableReplacements.count(_name)) return m_variableReplacements.at(_name); else return _name; }