This file is part of solidity.
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* Component that can generate various useful Yul functions.
#pragma once
namespace dev
namespace solidity
class Type;
class ArrayType;
* Component that can generate various useful Yul functions.
class YulUtilFunctions
explicit YulUtilFunctions(
langutil::EVMVersion _evmVersion,
std::shared_ptr _functionCollector
/// @returns a function that combines the address and selector to a single value
/// for use in the ABI.
std::string combineExternalFunctionIdFunction();
/// @returns a function that splits the address and selector from a single value
/// for use in the ABI.
std::string splitExternalFunctionIdFunction();
/// @returns a function that copies raw bytes of dynamic length from calldata
/// or memory to memory.
/// Pads with zeros and might write more than exactly length.
std::string copyToMemoryFunction(bool _fromCalldata);
/// @returns the name of a function that takes a (cleaned) value of the given value type and
/// left-aligns it, usually for use in non-padded encoding.
std::string leftAlignFunction(Type const& _type);
std::string shiftLeftFunction(size_t _numBits);
std::string shiftRightFunction(size_t _numBits);
/// @returns the name of a function that rounds its input to the next multiple
/// of 32 or the input if it is a multiple of 32.
std::string roundUpFunction();
std::string arrayLengthFunction(ArrayType const& _type);
/// @returns the name of a function that computes the number of bytes required
/// to store an array in memory given its length (internally encoded, not ABI encoded).
/// The function reverts for too large lengths.
std::string arrayAllocationSizeFunction(ArrayType const& _type);
/// @returns the name of a function that converts a storage slot number
/// or a memory pointer to the slot number / memory pointer for the data position of an array
/// which is stored in that slot / memory area.
std::string arrayDataAreaFunction(ArrayType const& _type);
/// @returns the name of a function that advances an array data pointer to the next element.
/// Only works for memory arrays and storage arrays that store one item per slot.
std::string nextArrayElementFunction(ArrayType const& _type);
/// @returns the name of a function that allocates memory.
/// Modifies the "free memory pointer"
/// Arguments: size
/// Return value: pointer
std::string allocationFunction();
/// @returns a string containing a comma-separated list of variable names consisting of @a _baseName suffixed
/// with increasing integers in the range [@a _startSuffix, @a _endSuffix), if @a _startSuffix < @a _endSuffix,
/// and with decreasing integers in the range [@a _endSuffix, @a _startSuffix), if @a _endSuffix < @a _startSuffix.
/// If @a _startSuffix == @a _endSuffix, the empty string is returned.
static std::string suffixedVariableNameList(std::string const& _baseName, size_t _startSuffix, size_t _endSuffix);
langutil::EVMVersion m_evmVersion;
std::shared_ptr m_functionCollector;