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* Component that can compare ASTs for equality on a syntactic basis.
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace yul;
bool SyntacticallyEqual::operator()(Expression const& _lhs, Expression const& _rhs)
return std::visit([this](auto&& _lhsExpr, auto&& _rhsExpr) -> bool {
// ``this->`` is redundant, but required to work around a bug present in gcc 6.x.
return this->expressionEqual(_lhsExpr, _rhsExpr);
}, _lhs, _rhs);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::operator()(Statement const& _lhs, Statement const& _rhs)
return std::visit([this](auto&& _lhsStmt, auto&& _rhsStmt) -> bool {
// ``this->`` is redundant, but required to work around a bug present in gcc 6.x.
return this->statementEqual(_lhsStmt, _rhsStmt);
}, _lhs, _rhs);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::expressionEqual(FunctionalInstruction const& _lhs, FunctionalInstruction const& _rhs)
_lhs.instruction == _rhs.instruction &&
containerEqual(_lhs.arguments, _rhs.arguments, [this](Expression const& _lhsExpr, Expression const& _rhsExpr) -> bool {
return (*this)(_lhsExpr, _rhsExpr);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::expressionEqual(FunctionCall const& _lhs, FunctionCall const& _rhs)
expressionEqual(_lhs.functionName, _rhs.functionName) &&
containerEqual(_lhs.arguments, _rhs.arguments, [this](Expression const& _lhsExpr, Expression const& _rhsExpr) -> bool {
return (*this)(_lhsExpr, _rhsExpr);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::expressionEqual(Identifier const& _lhs, Identifier const& _rhs)
auto lhsIt = m_identifiersLHS.find(_lhs.name);
auto rhsIt = m_identifiersRHS.find(_rhs.name);
(lhsIt == m_identifiersLHS.end() && rhsIt == m_identifiersRHS.end() && _lhs.name == _rhs.name) ||
(lhsIt != m_identifiersLHS.end() && rhsIt != m_identifiersRHS.end() && lhsIt->second == rhsIt->second);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::expressionEqual(Literal const& _lhs, Literal const& _rhs)
if (_lhs.kind != _rhs.kind || _lhs.type != _rhs.type)
return false;
if (_lhs.kind == LiteralKind::Number)
return valueOfNumberLiteral(_lhs) == valueOfNumberLiteral(_rhs);
return _lhs.value == _rhs.value;
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(ExpressionStatement const& _lhs, ExpressionStatement const& _rhs)
return (*this)(_lhs.expression, _rhs.expression);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(Assignment const& _lhs, Assignment const& _rhs)
return containerEqual(
[this](Identifier const& _lhsVarName, Identifier const& _rhsVarName) -> bool {
return this->expressionEqual(_lhsVarName, _rhsVarName);
) && (*this)(*_lhs.value, *_rhs.value);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(VariableDeclaration const& _lhs, VariableDeclaration const& _rhs)
// first visit expression, then variable declarations
if (!compareUniquePtr(_lhs.value, _rhs.value))
return false;
return containerEqual(_lhs.variables, _rhs.variables, [this](TypedName const& _lhsVarName, TypedName const& _rhsVarName) -> bool {
return this->visitDeclaration(_lhsVarName, _rhsVarName);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(FunctionDefinition const& _lhs, FunctionDefinition const& _rhs)
auto compare = [this](TypedName const& _lhsVarName, TypedName const& _rhsVarName) -> bool {
return this->visitDeclaration(_lhsVarName, _rhsVarName);
// first visit parameter declarations, then body
if (!containerEqual(_lhs.parameters, _rhs.parameters, compare))
return false;
if (!containerEqual(_lhs.returnVariables, _rhs.returnVariables, compare))
return false;
return statementEqual(_lhs.body, _rhs.body);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(If const& _lhs, If const& _rhs)
compareUniquePtr(_lhs.condition, _rhs.condition) &&
statementEqual(_lhs.body, _rhs.body);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(Switch const& _lhs, Switch const& _rhs)
std::set lhsCases;
std::set rhsCases;
for (auto const& lhsCase: _lhs.cases)
for (auto const& rhsCase: _rhs.cases)
compareUniquePtr(_lhs.expression, _rhs.expression) &&
containerEqual(lhsCases, rhsCases, [this](Case const* _lhsCase, Case const* _rhsCase) -> bool {
return this->switchCaseEqual(*_lhsCase, *_rhsCase);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::switchCaseEqual(Case const& _lhs, Case const& _rhs)
compareUniquePtr(_lhs.value, _rhs.value) &&
statementEqual(_lhs.body, _rhs.body);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(ForLoop const& _lhs, ForLoop const& _rhs)
statementEqual(_lhs.pre, _rhs.pre) &&
compareUniquePtr(_lhs.condition, _rhs.condition) &&
statementEqual(_lhs.body, _rhs.body) &&
statementEqual(_lhs.post, _rhs.post);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(Instruction const&, Instruction const&)
assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "");
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(Label const&, Label const&)
assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "");
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(StackAssignment const&, StackAssignment const&)
assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "");
bool SyntacticallyEqual::statementEqual(Block const& _lhs, Block const& _rhs)
return containerEqual(_lhs.statements, _rhs.statements, [this](Statement const& _lhsStmt, Statement const& _rhsStmt) -> bool {
return (*this)(_lhsStmt, _rhsStmt);
bool SyntacticallyEqual::visitDeclaration(TypedName const& _lhs, TypedName const& _rhs)
if (_lhs.type != _rhs.type)
return false;
std::size_t id = m_idsUsed++;
m_identifiersLHS[_lhs.name] = id;
m_identifiersRHS[_rhs.name] = id;
return true;