/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** * @author Lefteris * @author Gav Wood * @date 2014 * Solidity command line interface. */ #include "CommandLineInterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include "BuildInfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace dev { namespace solidity { // LTODO: Maybe some argument class pairing names with // extensions and other attributes would be a better choice here? static string const g_argAbiStr = "json-abi"; static string const g_argSolAbiStr = "sol-abi"; static string const g_argAsmStr = "asm"; static string const g_argAsmJsonStr = "asm-json"; static string const g_argAstStr = "ast"; static string const g_argAstJson = "ast-json"; static string const g_argBinaryStr = "binary"; static string const g_argOpcodesStr = "opcodes"; static string const g_argNatspecDevStr = "natspec-dev"; static string const g_argNatspecUserStr = "natspec-user"; static string const g_argAddStandard = "add-std"; static void version() { cout << "solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface " << dev::Version << endl << " by Christian and Lefteris , (c) 2014." << endl << "Build: " << DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_PLATFORM) << "/" << DEV_QUOTED(ETH_BUILD_TYPE) << endl; exit(0); } static inline bool argToStdout(po::variables_map const& _args, string const& _name) { return _args.count(_name) && _args[_name].as() != OutputType::FILE; } static bool needStdout(po::variables_map const& _args) { return argToStdout(_args, g_argAbiStr) || argToStdout(_args, g_argSolAbiStr) || argToStdout(_args, g_argNatspecUserStr) || argToStdout(_args, g_argAstJson) || argToStdout(_args, g_argNatspecDevStr) || argToStdout(_args, g_argAsmStr) || argToStdout(_args, g_argAsmJsonStr) || argToStdout(_args, g_argOpcodesStr) || argToStdout(_args, g_argBinaryStr); } static inline bool outputToFile(OutputType type) { return type == OutputType::FILE || type == OutputType::BOTH; } static inline bool outputToStdout(OutputType type) { return type == OutputType::STDOUT || type == OutputType::BOTH; } static std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& _in, OutputType& io_output) { std::string token; _in >> token; if (token == "stdout") io_output = OutputType::STDOUT; else if (token == "file") io_output = OutputType::FILE; else if (token == "both") io_output = OutputType::BOTH; else throw boost::program_options::invalid_option_value(token); return _in; } void CommandLineInterface::handleBinary(string const& _contract) { auto choice = m_args[g_argBinaryStr].as(); if (outputToStdout(choice)) { cout << "Binary: " << endl; cout << toHex(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)) << endl; } if (outputToFile(choice)) { ofstream outFile(_contract + ".binary"); outFile << toHex(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)); outFile.close(); } } void CommandLineInterface::handleOpcode(string const& _contract) { auto choice = m_args[g_argOpcodesStr].as(); if (outputToStdout(choice)) { cout << "Opcodes: " << endl; cout << eth::disassemble(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)); cout << endl; } if (outputToFile(choice)) { ofstream outFile(_contract + ".opcode"); outFile << eth::disassemble(m_compiler->getBytecode(_contract)); outFile.close(); } } void CommandLineInterface::handleBytecode(string const& _contract) { if (m_args.count(g_argOpcodesStr)) handleOpcode(_contract); if (m_args.count(g_argBinaryStr)) handleBinary(_contract); } void CommandLineInterface::handleMeta(DocumentationType _type, string const& _contract) { std::string argName; std::string suffix; std::string title; switch(_type) { case DocumentationType::ABIInterface: argName = g_argAbiStr; suffix = ".abi"; title = "Contract JSON ABI"; break; case DocumentationType::ABISolidityInterface: argName = g_argSolAbiStr; suffix = ".sol"; title = "Contract Solidity ABI"; break; case DocumentationType::NatspecUser: argName = g_argNatspecUserStr; suffix = ".docuser"; title = "User Documentation"; break; case DocumentationType::NatspecDev: argName = g_argNatspecDevStr; suffix = ".docdev"; title = "Developer Documentation"; break; default: // should never happen BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Unknown documentation _type")); } if (m_args.count(argName)) { auto choice = m_args[argName].as(); if (outputToStdout(choice)) { cout << title << endl; cout << m_compiler->getMetadata(_contract, _type) << endl; } if (outputToFile(choice)) { ofstream outFile(_contract + suffix); outFile << m_compiler->getMetadata(_contract, _type); outFile.close(); } } } bool CommandLineInterface::parseArguments(int argc, char** argv) { // Declare the supported options. po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "Show help message and exit") ("version", "Show version and exit") ("optimize", po::value()->default_value(false), "Optimize bytecode for size") ("add-std", po::value()->default_value(false), "Add standard contracts") ("input-file", po::value>(), "input file") (g_argAstStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the AST of the contract.") (g_argAstJson.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the AST of the contract in JSON format.") (g_argAsmStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the EVM assembly of the contract.") (g_argAsmJsonStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the EVM assembly of the contract in JSON format.") (g_argOpcodesStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the Opcodes of the contract.") (g_argBinaryStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the contract in binary (hexadecimal).") (g_argAbiStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the contract's JSON ABI interface.") (g_argSolAbiStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the contract's Solidity ABI interface.") (g_argNatspecUserStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the contract's Natspec user documentation.") (g_argNatspecDevStr.c_str(), po::value()->value_name("stdout|file|both"), "Request to output the contract's Natspec developer documentation."); // All positional options should be interpreted as input files po::positional_options_description p; p.add("input-file", -1); // parse the compiler arguments try { po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(p).allow_unregistered().run(), m_args); } catch (po::error const& _exception) { cout << _exception.what() << endl; return false; } po::notify(m_args); if (m_args.count("help")) { cout << desc; return false; } if (m_args.count("version")) { version(); return false; } return true; } bool CommandLineInterface::processInput() { if (!m_args.count("input-file")) { string s; while (!cin.eof()) { getline(cin, s); m_sourceCodes[""].append(s + '\n'); } } else for (string const& infile: m_args["input-file"].as>()) { auto path = boost::filesystem::path(infile); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(path)) { cout << "Skipping non existant input file \"" << infile << "\"" << endl; continue; } if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(path)) { cout << "\"" << infile << "\" is not a valid file. Skipping" << endl; continue; } m_sourceCodes[infile] = asString(dev::contents(infile)); } m_compiler.reset(new CompilerStack(m_args["add-std"].as())); try { for (auto const& sourceCode: m_sourceCodes) m_compiler->addSource(sourceCode.first, sourceCode.second); // TODO: Perhaps we should not compile unless requested m_compiler->compile(m_args["optimize"].as()); } catch (ParserError const& _exception) { SourceReferenceFormatter::printExceptionInformation(cerr, _exception, "Parser error", *m_compiler); return false; } catch (DeclarationError const& _exception) { SourceReferenceFormatter::printExceptionInformation(cerr, _exception, "Declaration error", *m_compiler); return false; } catch (TypeError const& _exception) { SourceReferenceFormatter::printExceptionInformation(cerr, _exception, "Type error", *m_compiler); return false; } catch (CompilerError const& _exception) { SourceReferenceFormatter::printExceptionInformation(cerr, _exception, "Compiler error", *m_compiler); return false; } catch (InternalCompilerError const& _exception) { cerr << "Internal compiler error during compilation:" << endl << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception); return false; } catch (Exception const& _exception) { cerr << "Exception during compilation: " << boost::diagnostic_information(_exception) << endl; return false; } catch (...) { cerr << "Unknown exception during compilation." << endl; return false; } return true; } void CommandLineInterface::handleAst(string const& _argStr) { string title; if (_argStr == g_argAstStr) title = "Syntax trees:"; else if (_argStr == g_argAstJson) title = "JSON AST:"; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Illegal argStr for AST")); // do we need AST output? if (m_args.count(_argStr)) { auto choice = m_args[_argStr].as(); if (outputToStdout(choice)) { cout << title << endl << endl; for (auto const& sourceCode: m_sourceCodes) { cout << endl << "======= " << sourceCode.first << " =======" << endl; if (_argStr == g_argAstStr) { ASTPrinter printer(m_compiler->getAST(sourceCode.first), sourceCode.second); printer.print(cout); } else { ASTJsonConverter converter(m_compiler->getAST(sourceCode.first)); converter.print(cout); } } } if (outputToFile(choice)) { for (auto const& sourceCode: m_sourceCodes) { boost::filesystem::path p(sourceCode.first); ofstream outFile(p.stem().string() + ".ast"); if (_argStr == g_argAstStr) { ASTPrinter printer(m_compiler->getAST(sourceCode.first), sourceCode.second); printer.print(outFile); } else { ASTJsonConverter converter(m_compiler->getAST(sourceCode.first)); converter.print(outFile); } outFile.close(); } } } } void CommandLineInterface::actOnInput() { // do we need AST output? handleAst(g_argAstStr); handleAst(g_argAstJson); vector contracts = m_compiler->getContractNames(); for (string const& contract: contracts) { if (needStdout(m_args)) cout << endl << "======= " << contract << " =======" << endl; // do we need EVM assembly? if (m_args.count(g_argAsmStr) || m_args.count(g_argAsmJsonStr)) { auto choice = m_args.count(g_argAsmStr) ? m_args[g_argAsmStr].as() : m_args[g_argAsmJsonStr].as(); if (outputToStdout(choice)) { cout << "EVM assembly:" << endl; m_compiler->streamAssembly(cout, contract, m_sourceCodes, m_args.count(g_argAsmJsonStr)); } if (outputToFile(choice)) { ofstream outFile(contract + (m_args.count(g_argAsmJsonStr) ? "_evm.json" : ".evm")); m_compiler->streamAssembly(outFile, contract, m_sourceCodes, m_args.count(g_argAsmJsonStr)); outFile.close(); } } handleBytecode(contract); handleMeta(DocumentationType::ABIInterface, contract); handleMeta(DocumentationType::ABISolidityInterface, contract); handleMeta(DocumentationType::NatspecDev, contract); handleMeta(DocumentationType::NatspecUser, contract); } // end of contracts iteration } } }