#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This script reads C++ or RST source files and writes all # multi-line strings into individual files. # This can be used to extract the Solidity test cases # into files for e.g. fuzz testing as # scripts/isolate_tests.py test/libsolidity/* import sys import re import os import hashlib from os.path import join, isfile def extract_test_cases(path): lines = open(path, 'r').read().splitlines() inside = False delimiter = '' tests = [] for l in lines: if inside: if l.strip().endswith(')' + delimiter + '";'): inside = False else: tests[-1] += l + '\n' else: m = re.search(r'R"([^(]*)\($', l.strip()) if m: inside = True delimiter = m.group(1) tests += [''] return tests # Contract sources are indented by 4 spaces. # Look for `pragma solidity`, `contract`, `library` or `interface` # and abort a line not indented properly. def extract_docs_cases(path): inside = False extractedLines = [] tests = [] # Collect all snippets of indented blocks for l in open(path, 'r').read().splitlines(): if l != '': if not inside and l.startswith(' '): # start new test extractedLines += [''] inside = l.startswith(' ') if inside: extractedLines[-1] += l + '\n' codeStart = "(pragma solidity|contract.*{|library.*{|interface.*{)" # Filter all tests that do not contain Solidity or are intended incorrectly. for lines in extractedLines: if re.search(r'^\s{0,3}' + codeStart, lines, re.MULTILINE): print("Intendation error in " + path + ":") print(lines) exit(1) if re.search(r'^\s{4}' + codeStart, lines, re.MULTILINE): tests.append(lines) return tests def write_cases(f, tests): cleaned_filename = f.replace(".","_").replace("-","_").replace(" ","_").lower() for test in tests: # When code examples are extracted they indented by 8 spaces, which violates the style guide, # so before checking remove 4 spaces from each line. remainder = re.sub(r'^ {4}', '', test, 0, re.MULTILINE) sol_filename = 'test_%s_%s.sol' % (hashlib.sha256(test.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), cleaned_filename) open(sol_filename, 'w').write(remainder) def extract_and_write(f, path): if docs: cases = extract_docs_cases(path) else: if f.endswith('.sol'): cases = [open(path, 'r').read()] else: cases = extract_test_cases(path) write_cases(f, cases) if __name__ == '__main__': path = sys.argv[1] docs = False if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == 'docs': docs = True if isfile(path): extract_and_write(path, path) else: for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(path): if '_build' in subdirs: subdirs.remove('_build') if 'compilationTests' in subdirs: subdirs.remove('compilationTests') for f in files: path = join(root, f) extract_and_write(f, path)