contract A { int public testvar; function foo() internal returns (uint256); function test(uint8 _a) internal returns (uint256); } contract B { function foo() internal returns (uint256); function test() internal returns (uint256); } contract C { function foo() internal returns (uint256); } contract D { function foo() internal returns (uint256); function test() internal returns (uint256); } contract X is A, B, C, D { int public override testvar; function test() internal override(B, D, D) returns (uint256); function foo() internal override(A, C, B, B, B, D ,D) returns (uint256); } // ---- // TypeError: (0-132): Contract "A" should be marked as abstract. // TypeError: (133-236): Contract "B" should be marked as abstract. // TypeError: (237-295): Contract "C" should be marked as abstract. // TypeError: (296-399): Contract "D" should be marked as abstract. // TypeError: (498-499): Duplicate contract "D" found in override list of "test". // TypeError: (563-564): Duplicate contract "B" found in override list of "foo". // TypeError: (566-567): Duplicate contract "B" found in override list of "foo". // TypeError: (572-573): Duplicate contract "D" found in override list of "foo". // TypeError: (400-595): Contract "X" should be marked as abstract.