#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex ROOTDIR="$(dirname "$0")/../.." cd "${ROOTDIR}" # shellcheck disable=SC2166 if [ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" = release -o -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" -o -n "$FORCE_RELEASE" ] then echo -n "" >prerelease.txt else # Use last commit date rather than build date to avoid ending up with builds for # different platforms having different version strings (and therefore producing different bytecode) # if the CI is triggered just before midnight. TZ=UTC git show --quiet --date="format-local:%Y.%-m.%-d" --format="ci.%cd" >prerelease.txt fi if [ -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" ] then echo -n "$CIRCLE_SHA1" >commit_hash.txt fi mkdir -p build cd build # shellcheck disable=SC2166 [ -n "$COVERAGE" -a "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" != release -a -z "$CIRCLE_TAG" ] && CMAKE_OPTIONS="$CMAKE_OPTIONS -DCOVERAGE=ON" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:-Release}" $CMAKE_OPTIONS -G "Unix Makefiles" make