# all dependencies that are not directly included in the cpp-ethereum distribution are defined here # for this to work, download the dependency via the cmake script in extdep or install them manually! function(eth_show_dependency DEP NAME) get_property(DISPLAYED GLOBAL PROPERTY ETH_${DEP}_DISPLAYED) if (NOT DISPLAYED) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ETH_${DEP}_DISPLAYED TRUE) if (NOT("${${DEP}_VERSION}" STREQUAL "")) message(STATUS "${NAME} version: ${${DEP}_VERSION}") endif() message(STATUS "${NAME} headers: ${${DEP}_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message(STATUS "${NAME} lib : ${${DEP}_LIBRARIES}") if (NOT("${${DEP}_DLLS}" STREQUAL "")) message(STATUS "${NAME} dll : ${${DEP}_DLLS}") endif() endif() endfunction() if (DEFINED MSVC) # by defining CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable, cmake will look for dependencies first in our own repository before looking in system paths like /usr/local/ ... # this must be set to point to the same directory as $ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR in /extdep directory if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 19.0.0) set (ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../extdep/install/windows/x64") else() get_filename_component(DEPS_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../deps/install" ABSOLUTE) set(ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR "${DEPS_DIR}/x64" # Old location for deps. "${DEPS_DIR}/win64" # New location for deps. "${DEPS_DIR}/win64/Release/share" # LLVM shared cmake files. ) endif() set (CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${ETH_DEPENDENCY_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}) endif() # custom cmake scripts set(ETH_CMAKE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) set(ETH_SCRIPTS_DIR ${ETH_CMAKE_DIR}/scripts) ## use multithreaded boost libraries, with -mt suffix set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON) option(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS "Link Boost statically" ON) find_package(Boost 1.65.0 QUIET REQUIRED COMPONENTS regex filesystem unit_test_framework program_options system) eth_show_dependency(Boost boost)